平成 27 年 2 月 27 日 講演会案内 石油技術協会 探鉱技術委員会 各位 この度、ペトロナス工科大学 Ghosh 教授(専門:地震探査技術)に来日予定があり、その 機会を利用して、下記の通り講演会を開催することとなりました。急な連絡で申し訳あり ませんが、協会員の皆様の多数のご参加をお待ちしております。 記 日時:3月9日(月)15時30分~17時00分 場所:国際石油開発帝石(株)本社 34階大会議室3 (港区赤坂 5-3-1 赤坂 Biz タワー) 講演者:Deva P Ghosh 教授 ペトロナス工科大学 CSI(Centre of Excellence in Subsurface Seismic Imaging & Hydrocarbon Prediction) 所長 講演タイトル: (1) Introduction to Oil and Gas with Emphasis in Malaysia (2) Hydrocarbon Prediction from Seismic (講演概要は別添資料参照) 参加希望の方は、ビル入館登録の必要がありますので、3月6日(金)まで刑部 <[email protected]>および CC:で関口<[email protected]>宛に e-mail にてご連絡ください。 以上 石油技術協会 探鉱技術委員会事務局 小松・関口 JAPAN VISIT IN MARCH 2015 Series of UTP– CSI Lecture Tour JAPT 9th March 2015 15:30-17:00 Part 1 : Introduction to Oil and Gas Part 2 : Hydrocarbon Prediction from Seismic Presenter By Dr Deva Ghosh Professor in Geophysics and Head of Center of Seismic Imaging & Hydrocarbon Prediction Professor Dr Deva Prasad Ghosh obtained BSc. In Geology and Physics, MSc. in Geophysics both from Banaras Hindu University India and Ph.D. (1970) from Delft University, the Netherlands. Prof Deva joined PETRONAS in 2000 and was responsible for research, development, and application of geophysical technology worldwide. In 2011, he joined the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) as a Professor in Geophysics and currently responsible as Head of Center of Excellence in Seismic Imaging & Hydrocarbon Prediction (CSI). He is passionate about geophysics, developing local staff, and transfer of technology. His field of interest is in Seismic Imaging, Seismic Attributes and Hydrocarbon prediction. He is a member of AAPG, SPE, EAGE and SEG He is also SEG and EAGE distinguished Lecturer. FIGU INTRODUCTION TO OIL AND GAS WITH EMPHASIS IN MALAYSIA OUTLINE Global oil & gas industry has a bright future, even in the backdrop of uncertainty and volatility in the market. There is an everlasting need of energy demand in the light of prosperity and industrialism. The current oil demand is around 74 mbbl/day and more exploration for new reserves increased production needed to sustain the growth. Currently the oil production can easily meet this demand and is somewhat controlled by the group of Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC). An overproduction caused mainly by non OPEC countries is good depending whether you are a producing country or not. This supply and demand controls the oil prices. The prices have dropped significantly from US$110/barrel to about US$50/barrel. This price drop will benefit nonproducing countries like Japan and India. During the last decade we have seen unprecedented growth of wellness, prosperity and industrial growth. The driver of this revolution in prosperity is ‘Energy’ that sustains our civilization. In spite of the global turmoil, the world energy demand still remains relatively stable. Fossil fuels continue to be the main driver for the energy, while other sources of energy, although promising, is still in the drawing board and is something not economically viable. The rapid pace of economic growth is predicted to require at least 50% more energy than we need today in a span of 25 years. CONTENTS Overview of world energy resources. - Looking into World and Malaysia oil and gas demand and supply. - Understanding the origin of petroleum and role of geoscience. - Role of geoscientist, reservoir engineers and technology advancement in petroleum exploration and production (E&P). - Case study in management style in oil and gas industry in OPEC / non-OPEC / IOC / NOC. Hydrocarbon Prediction from Seismic INTRODUCTION Since the advent of the bright spot DHI technology in the early 80’s, in the Gulf of Mexico prospect evalution and reservoir development using amplitudes, or some form this attribute, is a norm in the oil and gas industry and Petronas is no exception. Most of the experience and rules to circumvent pitfalls were practiced elsewhere and are not always applicable to our situation. In order to better understand these pitfalls, this work documents some of our successes and failures and analyse the pitfalls. This talk will deal with the interpretation of observed seismic reflections amplitudes in terms of : (a) Lithology (b) Porefill A whole review will follow on techniques such as AVO, Inversion and Rock and Fluid properties of Hydrocarbon bearing reservoir. We will learn the meaning and concept of the DHI. (Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators) CONTENTS (I) Factors affecting seismic amplitudes. (II) Understand the significance of the amplitudes vs. offsets. (III)To distinguish between: I. L i t h o l o g y and porefill II. Calibrate amplitudes in term of oil, gas and water III. Understand and identify pitfalls leading to false DHI. AMPLITUDE Sand quality NTG Porosity Fluid & Lithology PHASE Seismic well match FREQUENCY Discontinuity Resolution Thin beds/Tunning Channel detection Coal bed discrimination Unconformity faults THREE VARIABLES DEFINING SEISMIC RESPONSE
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