i H I R DA N G L EP R O J E C T I O NI ALTERATION I SS U E ITEM CODE ECWF2W564JAC 1 1 2W684JAC 1 1 2W824JAC 1 1 2Wl05JAC 1 1 2W125JAC 1 1 2W155JAC 1 1 2W185JAC 1 1 2W225JAC 1 1 2W275JAC 2W335JAC 1 1 2W395JAC 1 1 2W475JAC CAP DIMENSIONS VOLUME MARKING Note μF T ( m m ' ) ST Y L E H F d (*) L 0.56 (564) 18 .1 7 . 0 11 . 5 15 .0 O . 8 1204 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 O . 68 (684) 7 . 5 12 1359 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.82 (824) .7 8 . 2 12 1536 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 ( 105) 9 . 3 12 .6 1696 1 .0 1 1 1 1 ( 125) 18 9 . 7 14 2 1 .2 .8 .7 2180 * 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 ( 155) 1 .5 1O . 7 15 .8 2566 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 185) 11 . 6 16 1 .8 2945 .7 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ド 調 (225) .9 2 .2 12 . 8 17 3444 1 1 1 1 (275) 26. 3 1O . 6 16 . 5 22. 5 3815 2 .7 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (335) 11 . 7 17 3 .3 4426 .5 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (395) 5027 3 .9 12 . 6 18. 4 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (475) 13 . 8 19 .6 5815 4 .7 ム ム DESCRIPTION Company name changed Company name changed DATE A pr . 1 2012 Apr . 1 2013 S P E C I F I C A T I O N SN o * N0te *The specimen ( the V 0Iume is m0re than 1750mm') shaII be sat isf ied wi th IEC60384-1 Inf lammabi Iity Category B based on IEC60065,1998~ Tmax Lmax / ' " " " " ¥ MARKING E 一 。 E 。 工 可 /CTfOPNゅ-PPdLAHT0ED5 ワ + 1 、 . . 0 ER-CLAD STEEL WIRE r て 'F:regulation of the root CONSTRUCTION The capacitor i s 0 1 non-inductive construction, wound with metallized polypropylene lilm dieIectric . The capacitor i s enclosed i n non-combustible epOxy resin and has two leads. DESI CHECKED MARKING EXAMPLE / l , 必 . 1 i f A . _ _ , & v JLMK 台K KFqLZ.泌 も ESTABLISHMENTI Sep. 16. 2010 TYPE NAME STYLE PROPERTIES at 1kHz, : See tabIe 士 : 5児 ( J ) at 1kHz, 本Capacitance t olerance :450VDC ヰRated voltage ( Derating 0 1 rated v0Itage by 1 .2 5見j ' C at m0re than 85' C ) 本Withstand v oltage (terminal-terminal) :450VDCX150児 1 0r 60s ミ : 10000MQ・ μF a t 100VDC, 2 0 ' C for 60s ヰI nsuIati0n resistance 話 :0,1% at 1kHz, 2 0 ' C ヰDissipation factor :From -40' C 10 t105' C 申C ategory temperalure range (including temperature rise o n unil surface) 1 STYLE 2 本Capacitance REVISIONS INDICATED BY 1 1 『 APPROVAL MARKING Marking comprises capacitance, capacitance tolerance, rated voltage, manulacturer' s trademark and date code. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Rp/fp/) r / pncド │ ECWF2Wキ串本 JAC NAMEMetallized Polypropylene WFA105J ⑮ 450V 中 WFA225J ⑮ 450V date code ALL DIMENSIONS ARE I N MILLIMETERS 早 Film Capacitor DRAWING NAME PRODUCT DRAWING DRAWING No. 0054J-J-E (1/1) Film Capacitor Division Capacitor Business Division Panasonic Corporation T H I R DA N G L EP R O J E C T I O NI ALTERATION I SS U E ITEM CODE ECWF2W564KAC H 2W684KAC 1 1 2W824KAC 1 1 2W105KAC 2W125KAC ( / 2W155KAC 1 1 2W185KAC 2W225KAC 1 1 2W275KAC 1 / 2W335KAC ( / 2W395KAC 2W4.75KAC ( / ( / ( / DIMENSIONS CAP VOLUME MARKING Note μF T H ( m m ' ) ST Y L E F d (*) L 0.56 (564) 18 .1 7 . 0 11 . 5 15 . 8 1204 .0 O 1 M 1 1 0.68 (684) .1 7 . 5 12 1359 ( / 1 1 1 1 1 0.82 (824) .7 8 . 2 12 1536 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 105) 1696 9 . 3 12 .6 1 .0 1 ( 125) 18 9 . 7 14 .7 2 1 .2 .8 2180 * ( / 1 / 1 1 1 / ( 155) 1O . 7 15 1 .5 2566 .8 * 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 ( 185) 11 . 6 16 .7 1 .8 2945 * ( / ( / 1 1 1 / (225) .9 2 .2 12 . 8 17 3444 * 1 1 u (275) 26. 3 1O . 6 16 . 5 22. 5 2 .7 3815 * ( / 1 1 (335) 11 . 7 17 .5 3 .3 4426 * 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 (395) 3 .9 12 . 6 18 .4 5027 * 1 1 1 / 1 1 (475) .6 4 .7 13 . 8 19 5815 * ム ム ( / DESCRIPTION Company name changed Company name changed DATE Apr . 1 2 0 12 Apr . 1 2013 ( / ( / ( / SPECIFICATIONS N o ( / N0t巴 *The specimen ( the v0Iume is m0re than 1750mm3) shaII be sat isf ied wi th IEC60384-1 Inf lammabi Iity Category B based on IEC60065, 1998~ Tmax Lmax x MARKING E 一 x “ E 工 r . 月 φd F土 1 0 ; i + 1 N-PLATED PPER-CLAD STEEL WIRE ば〉 ' < ; j " F:regulation of the root D日~易E製芽王t J CONSTRUCTION The capacitor i s o f non-inductive construction, wound with metallized polypropylene film dieIectric The capacitor i s enclosed i n non-combustible epoxy resin and has two leads. 叶h九シ.,~,ゆ ゐ ω刊L ~ CHECKED APPROVA MARKING Marking comprises capacitance, capacitance tolerance, rated voltage, manufacturer' s trademark and date code, MARKING EXAMPLE TYPE NAME STYLE PROPERTIES ヰCapacitance 本C apacitance 本R ated tolerance voltage at 1kHz, See tabIe 土1 0見( K ) at 1kHz, 5児 / ' Ga t more than 8 5 ' C ) ( Derating 0f rated V0Itage by 1,2 ヰWithstand V自 I tage(terminal-terminal) : 450VDcx150出 f0r 60s ミ :;10000MQ, μF a t 1 00VDC, 20' G for 60s 本I nsuIati0n resistance : 話 0,1 児 at 1kHz, 20' G 申Dissipation factor G to +105' G :From -40' ヰCategory temperature range (including temperature rise o n unit surface) REVISIONS INDICATED BY / : ; 1 STYLE 2 ECWF2W卒中申 KAC NAMEMetallized Polypropylene WFA105K WFA225K 450V 450V :450VDC DO NOT SCALE DRAWING ESTABLISHMENTI Sep. 16.2010 ⑮ 早 ⑮ date code ALL DIMENSIONS ARE I N MILLIMETERS 早 F i1m Capacitor DRAWING NAME PRODUCT DRAWING DRAWING No 0053J-J-E (1/1) Film Capacitor Division Capacitor Business Division Panasonic Corporation
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