1393 4 501 -510 (Betula pendula Roth) Genetic diversity in white birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands using microsatellite markers 1 1* 1 1 -1 Esmaeilpour M1, Taheri Abkenar K1, Aalami A*1, Eslam Bonyad A1 1. PhD Student, Assistant Professors, Associate Professor, University of Guilan [email protected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etula pendula Roth) ' )J < 68 ;&< F( i< qV (% D )) ((" .al. 2005) & H <`Le D f) i< M% `Le - "; < (Betula pendula Roth) 7 8 .(Freeland 2005) B CD $E F( (2n=2x=28) (=>? , aH K ! C(V g % < J8 K .(Atkinson 1992) (H% 400 Mb )H We ()L(N X mh% DX, (?< F( % M% N O (P) FL% K` M 8r ()E$O f) < >E% Q8 RST (% (Zyryanova 2010) - % F .(Omidi and Farzin 2012) ()H% WB E UO)% H >N (H S #VS KLW >B()] `$O g <<%X c>d% % < % < Y7>V . X se AFLP <YXBX $! F Y< ^ >H()] Z)[ B \] ^ 0F ((W _`% K F t K .(Zane et al. 2002) (H% ()LHF K a `$O L bST c>d% S `$O Z)% (>)e #EEh X )V e 8 K D 8 f) F VO >)e c>d% UO)% ! <u" m KL< .H% UO)% K 0! g KL% % K ( <%X < F S >)e 8 f) B (h% i)" (V!% < \B $``[ " `Le 12 D f) X% K` :( < UN gh% 8)H C(V >V O (H e >V Q (Fraxinus excelsior) 8 F B c>d% < BZLe e $ 7 F< (H(<% F< K )`% #S Z% W>)e %F )F j(< F .(H% H `Le 13 D 8 (Morand et al. 2002) l % #VS g)e ` 0 KW " XdB (% UO)% (Pinus sylvestris) >)ev 8 F )E "!< Z% gk% &LH <g)e ^ -g! K D XL (Robledo Arnuncio et al. 2005) F , 8)H CX>!% (% F <% K)] E,% (Salehi X8 <g)e 0 8 c>d% < l F > O . e% Y" CD D f) 8 K D f) Shanjani and Vendramin 2007) , ()%F (" #[ >)e < bST (% (Sorbus ; \L 8 F `Le iH `Le K D f) X% )%F L!% #VO (Rasmussen and Kollmann " <g)e torminalis) `Le K` .(Thormann et al. 1994) <`Le w> F `Le W] D f) 2008) F l)%) source-sink &E )V g)e ` (Zolfaghari et al. \7 <g)e (Quercus branti) ()) (< )V (H% <`Le source (Dalbergia YH m8 _`% 8 D f) 2009) RST <% sink m8 _`% <`Le % (H d <g)e monticola) F D J>8 i, F fO (H% S F `Le 16 D 8 (Andrianoelina et al. 2009) F FF nN ()% kkd < WB (` $] ] <g)e (Betula maximowicziana) 7 8 (% .(H% (>)e #EEh ((e #P .(Tsuda et al. 2010) K"D Jk8 Z%e #VO KH CX>!% D Z)% M% 7 ^ 0F L< e t K ah% ,oe i)" `Le 8 F( K K D f) F VO y< $ `Le K)pL< .(H% WB g8 K D f) < K D 8 l UEh D )) (%B e < (H (% ;] (e ( z t N !E% % F B YW% (Lowe et L< X=T WB )H % 1393 $% /4 # /!" / 502 ... (Betula pendula Roth) ' )J < 68 ;&< C,> TE (H f$H &), % 150 ~ < ()LHF K RST $W << (%B ^ ^ (H DS kd% F }" (H ,P .H = Y( # B YT Y< ; .H% gE)% ((e ~ -20 H ; d U>m% & B YT ^% (' % .H% DS }? H4 e 46 fL% 7 >[ z)" F W g d$ F }" !H ([ 70 & (H vd DNA (H C L <{ F \d ,k O 8 #(% <DS %L) .H% gT TE DNA & F ( %FB ( <{ .(1&(e) .(H% C EN 13000 V EN 15 .((H (W ;8 . PCR <i) DNA vd 0 F)W a (H ,`% <%X < F7B F UEh K % ([ 70 & (H BZLe <{ ( PCR i) .(2&(e) (H S Kulju et al. (2003) .((H 8 % Z% D }? , N !H 200 DNA C 100g%H % 25 W YT % 700 L< (H " { F C >% 100 (E% >% F7B < F ^%% 0/4 dNTPs ^%% 0/2 EDTA ^%>% 20 } ^%>% 100) vd , Taq YXB (T ; ( ;) PCR , YX)% (> ^% Y( (> ^% 1/4 &"% LT -LT ([ 25 mE \B F S W YT W d < g8 PVP - 40 C >% 10 (CTAB ([ Touchdown #[ T % .(H ( % gE)% >% 1/5 ~ }? .H% w>d% 8 95 % EN g%H & >T% O .(H TO N e 65 % EN 60 #(% (H >T% DNA (H H e ) &""X :C,> &>h% % 700 }? . % e 94 M 30g%H C( < 8] 10g%H C (H w>d% 8 ,P ~ < (1 : 24 $! < F7B &k e 65 M 30 ((e ~ (e &>h% .H% DS }? . < F7B a! e 72 EN ; ,P B ^% z)" NaCl &>h% YT ck .H% gE)% % M 30 g%H C( < 8] 26 g%H C >T% & ~ YT }? .H% w>d% 8 (2&(e) F7B < )% &k % M 30 94 %B g[T &>h% ,P ( e -20) U>m% X W a! 4 >T% . e 72 EN ; H4 20 S)% % EN 10 #(% H% CL F }" . e 72 % EN 5 g%H 8 B Z% (H DS <~ }? .H% &D F, F (H #`mN ;S We PCR i) % ^% Y( # ([ 70 & .H% ([ F B &D ( ([ < (%Bg>" e 37 % EN 30 #(% ,P Proteinase K .(H C (% C( F S FHB S &>h% (H DS <~ .H% H4 %B X !H ^% Y( # ([ 70 & (e (Peakall and Smouse GenAlEx 6.4 X,C L)< t &>h% j4T F }" DS <~ .(H% (... 3 2 1) (V #[ <( <L 2006) ,) TE % 100 .(H ;8 , N n % < K (=>? e e 4 % (H ,P (EDTA -} -8H F S D f) B .(H C <%X DNA F8 We .H% (W H ; #(% (` :, #[ GenAlEx 6.4 X,C ;L YW% < }? .H% ( % 300 TE &>h% YT 503 1393 $%/4 # /!" / ... (Betula pendula Roth) ' )J < 68 ;&< UEh K (H L <`Le #kd% C -1&(e ,oe _V ,oe &O (%) sm F fS (H L 8 (` `Le C 36ԝ°38 55ԝ°1 2344 10 !> F% 35ԝ°59 53ԝ°13 2579 16 (F% () 36ԝ°65 51ԝ°48 2 3 (F% WH 35ԝ°44 51ԝ°23 2404 12 F$ ;WH 37ԝ°34 44ԝ°35 1741 5 ( F% ) 7 rB %% UEh K (H S <%X < #kd% C -2 &(e ( e) &k % (GA)4AA(GA)10 (TC)8(TTTC)2 (TC)8(TA)8(TG)11TT(TG)3 (CT)3CC(CT)2CC(CT)13AT(CT)5 (GTAT)3(GT)5 (AG)17 (TC)26 C12CTCC(CT)7TT(CT)5 (CT)12CCTT(CT)4 (GT)18(GA)14 (GA)7 (CT)11GC(AATG)2 (CT)18 (5-3) F7B C ACGCTTTCTTGATGTCAGCC TCACCAAGTTCCTGGTGGAT AGACCATGCCTGGGCCTT CGCAACAAAACACGATGAGA CCGCCGGTAACACTAAACC GAGGGAAGAAAATTCAACGG CTCCTTAGCTGGCACGGAC CCCTTCTTCATAAAACCCTCAA AACCCTCGTTTGGCTACTGA GAACAGTTACTAGTCAAACTGAAAACC TTGAGATAGACGATAGAGGTAAAGCA AGGCATTTCTCCAATTTTCTT AAGGGCACCTGCAGATTAGA AAAATTGCAACAAAACGTGC GAGGAAGTCTCAGCTGACGTG TCCTTTTCAGTTTTCTGATTTCTG GTTTTGGGTTTCCACTTCCA ACTGGTAATACCTTTACCAAGCC GGGGATCCAGTAAGCGGTAT CACACGAGAGATAGAGTAACGGAA TGAAACGAACGGAAGAGTTG ATACGCCAGACTTTCATCCG GGCCAACAGATATAAAACGACG TTTTAAATGCCCACCTTCCC AACGGACAAATTCACGGGTA GGAGTTCATGGATTGGAGGA L1.10 L2.2 L2.7 L3.1 L3.4 L4.4 L5.4 L5.5 L7.1 L7.3 L7.4 L7.8 L022 &` F jh }? .(H $h% X H 8H M% I = - H 8H Ne = 1/(1- He) M% gB (` gB F ; < c>d% < {$)-< #F< (` / N) (H (<% F< pi ln pi X F .(Hartl and Clark 1997) (%B ( <`Le - l % F< HO = (`Le e% < -)`% D 8 K, (AMOVA) % } [(/ FST) -] / D e (Hartl and Clark 1997) He =1pi .(Peakall et al. 1995) (H S X <`Le K = (He- X%B 8H (Frankham et al. 2002) Nm = X FST Nei (1978) &%, t D >[, }% FST = VAP / (VAP+VWP) $ 8H FIS Ho) / He .(H $h% X,C KL< ;L c>d% <`Le K .(H S < F7B F ; < (Peakall et al. 1995) Nei (1972) >[, t <`Le K >[, C ( ()% <`Le F ; < D <%" K)pL< (Cornuet Bottleneck X,C ;L D )) .(H Y gB (` < gB (` gH()] <gB ([ 1393 $% /4 # /!" / 504 ... (Betula pendula Roth) ' )J < 68 ;&< 1/25 `m% K <%X <e H 8H >B &(% <%X iWe &(% and Luikart 1996) L2.7 1/64 L5.5 0/92 F (H $h% C C iWe &(% (Infinite Allele Model: IAM) (h% 7 8 (% l UEh K z t . o >T% &(% (Stepwise Mutation Model: SMM) `m% < $! ^ iWe L3.4 (Piry et al. 1999) (Two-phased model of mutation: TPM) <%X ; gB (` ] < F (H !> ( j8 %V %B <%FB (Bowcock (H% e B iWe ( iX, D i -iWe &` F jh X,C K .(H $h% 8 <`Le <%X < .et al. 1991) ] <`Le (Drift-mutation equilibrium) -% ^ l % F< gB (` ^L`% $L F t (,% nS (H D )) l % F< gB (` &% .()H PCR #%FB O KLP .(%FB% F< (Streiff et al. 1998) 0/84 17 $)" \] w> (<% C(V <D C(V g L3.1 .(Bruschi et al. 2003) (H $h% 0/73 8/2 g! w> .( S <XB ( 7 8 l % F< gB (` a% (Kulju (H $h% 0/603 6/4 (), <g)e )*+ , F (T PT z E% K et al. 2003) >[ Z% F 8 F ^ S DNA vd g$N F S>d% g%V r CF^ $ .( )<L< (Gupta et al. (H% < K % ;D #EEh - `Le F( (Hamrick et al. 1992) E Y! f 8) g 7 8 .2011) B F .()!< g8 D f) X% (Wright 1931) L< < K8 <{ ;D aH , -% l , E Y! 7 8 F F YT K V .(H% , (B UO)% ` $ .(H ^ K D f) DNA vd 4 . F(! g),>" >), #$ D i $ <g)e `Le ;] -8 (`% gT% ()%F H K ^ S (E% K D 8 . (H f) i< d < )V g KL< . F P .(H $h% L7.3 % (FIS) X%B P (Howland H% \!h% DNA vd (Recalcitrant) L022 L7.8 L7.4 L2.2 < S)% (FIS) X%B -)W (`% <gL` t K .et al. 1991) < <`Le <#FL< $L F % 0 W (H S DNA vd F K^ 7 L7.3 ) e . 4% Porebski et al. (1997) 0 gL F UEh K S bST e ( (FIS) X%B P DNA &kT gL` )V (%B ( B ` ` )` H K t f) . [ gN % < 7 8 S F< L7.3 <D F `m% % <`Le gB 54 g g[T z t K l F K F <`Le ^ e gB (` K% .(1gH 3 &(e) (H (<% B F .(H RST ()!< f) % K (H $h% 4/5 `m% K <%X < 4 < $! ^ FST X% L7.3 K L3.4 L2.7 L2.2 < KL L5.4 K)pL< (< <`Le K <#S (% W e M% gB (` a% .( gB (` X% #`m% id< B )V % B F % K (H $h% 3/16 `m% K <%X < . W)" K () )H K% .( M% gB (` X% K L3.4 505 1393 $%/4 # /!" / ... (Betula pendula Roth) ' )J < 68 ;&< (H `m% <D <%X < F S D f) YW% <%" $h% -3&(e F< F< (H (<% l % H (effective) 0/7 0/54 0/72 1/31 - 0/5 0/78 0/89 0/75 0/4 0/22 0/25 0/39 0/4 0/43 0/26 $ 8H X%B P FST FIS 0/25 0/08 0/2 D e 8H M% gB gB (` C 3/5 4 L1.10 1/58 4/01 6 L2.2 0/78 1/64 4/5 6 L2.7 0/28 0/8 1/68 4/9 6 L3.4 0/2 0/9 0/96 0/07 0/68 1/37 3/1 5 L4.4 0/19 0/18 1/06 0/37 0/57 0/96 2/53 3 L5.4 0/27 0/66 0/67 0/1 0/47 0/92 1/89 4 L5.5 0/19 0/6 1/05 0/24 0/65 1/19 2/86 4 L7.1 0/4 0/95 0/35 0/02 0/6 1/13 2/72 4 L7.3 0/27 - 0/2 0/6 0/52 0/66 1/2 2/91 4 L7.4 0/07 - 0/3 2/99 0/63 0/58 0/96 2/37 4 L7.8 0/34 - 0/2 0/48 0/54 0/62 1/09 2/61 4 L022 0/28 0/23 0/85 0/39 0/66 1/25 3/16 4/5 K% 300 bp 200 bp 100 bp -F% `Le (14 5 () `Le 4 1 F( (M .L5.4 <%X F7B Se F S 7 <D DNA -1gH .WH `Le 22 20 %% `Le (19 15 `Le l % F< [k8 <gB ^ FST (E% KH >V K (% l <gB ([ w% E% K .(H (<% WH >h% <0F `$O \d <, (% K% H 8H M% gB (` gB (` gH()] >h% 0F FST 8H K ) KLP (< l % F< [k8 <gB (` .(Merila and Crokrak `Le B F .(4&(e) (H (<% () `Le <`Le ;D <()B, KLW% F D e 2001) -% X 7 KZ KLP () UEh K D e K% . 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X% g ( <g)e (Martin et al. 2008) 0/6 ? <g)e .(Matus and Hayes 2002)(H (%B e <%X ( 0/28 UEh K (Tsuda et al. 2004) 0/16 K"D {$) - < &` F jh 9 UEh K Freeland ) F XL D #S ()< (%B &` K F jh ( L022 L2.7 L1.10 <`Le K 0/106 F (FST) $ 8H (E% .(2005 &` C(V < () `Le .( WH <`Le K 0/307 () F% -< &` C(V e ; W) WH `Le Em)% F ,oe >[, e . o% ;WH &` F jh X PT `m% .(5 &(e) {$) `Le K F D >[, < %% KL% (H (<% <%X < %% `Le H% W)" (2gH) <`Le D <CX% F H FL< iX, >V .(H , l (e RST (T )V L 8 (` (h% ^LT `$O \d M () F% `Le ) e gN K)pL< <%X f) e ] (H (H Xe ;WH %% &LH <g)e id WH .(Freeland 2005) () o L F( (% `m% % -% \!h% LH (h% F v8 < g)e id 8 F " `Le F `m% L ; iL #S K 8 (2gH) () z H <%X z)" F S (Fraxinus excelsior) . F F `Le {$) -< &` F jh 507 1393 $%/4 # /!" / ... 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