Title Author(s) Synthesis of Polyesters Using an Organic Catalyst and Design of Polyester-based Double Network Gels 有機触媒を用いた ポリエステルの合成とポリエステルを基盤としたダブル ネットワークゲルの設計 Tang, Tang Citation Issue Date URL 2014-09-03 http://repo.lib.nitech.ac.jp/handle/123456789/22176 Rights Type Textversion Thesis or Dissertation none ・名古屋工業大学学術機関リポジトリは、名古屋工業大学内で生産された学術情報を 電子的に収集・保存・発信するシステムです。 ・論文の著作権は、著者または出版社が保持しています。著作権法で定める権利制限 規定を超える利用については、著作権者に許諾を得てください。 ・Textversion に「Author」と記載された論文は、著者原稿となります。 実際の出版社版とは、レイアウト、字句校正レベルの異同がある場合もあります。 ・Nagoya Institute of Technology Repository Sytem is built to collect, archive and offer electronically the academic information produced by Nagoya Institute of Technology. ・The copyright and related rights of the article are held by authors or publishers. The copyright owners' consents must be required to use it over the curtailment of copyrights. ・Textversion "Author " means the article is author's version. Author version may have some difference in layouts and wordings form publisher version. タン タン 氏 名 TANG TANG 学位の種類 博士(工学) 学位記番号 博第963号 学位授与の日付 平成26年9月3日 学位授与の条件 学位規則第4条第1項該当 課程博士 学位論文題冒 Syl]thesis of PolyeSters Using an Organic Catalyst and Design of Polyester−based Double Network Gels (有機触媒を用いたポリエステルの合成とポリエステルを基 盤としたダブルネットワークゲルの設計) 論文審査委員 山 主 査 准教授 局 須 昭 則 教 授 稲 井 嘉 人 教 授 鈴 木 将 人 准教授 高 木 幸 治 教 授 楊 小平(北京化工大学) 論文内容の要旨 Aliphatic polyesters, especially unsaturated polyesters, are now fascinating because of their biodegradability and biocompatibility To sy斑hesize a∬phatic polyesters via an environmen㌔f五endly method, meta1−f士ee catalyst is essentiaL Moreover, how to enhallce the mechanical s加ngth of the polyesters in order to suit fbr fUr血er apPlications is also still remained subj ect. In this decade, fbr the continuous development of interpenetτat輌ng polymer networks(IPNs), double network(DN) concept was observed in some works. Chapter 1:Tb synthesize polyesters and pehodic copolymers catalyzed by nona且uorobutanesulfbnimide(Nf>NH), we perfb㎜ed ring−opening copolymerizations of cyclic anhyd亘des with tetrahydrof泣an(THF). At h輌gh temperature(100420°C), the cyclic anhyd亘des copolymerized with THF via ri1〕g−op頭ing to produce polyesters. At low・temperatじre, ring−opening copolymerizations of the cyclic anhydrides wi也THF produced poly(ester−ether). When toluene(4 M)was used as a solvent, GAn reacted with THF(urLit ratio:1:2)to produce periodic copolymers. Chapteぞ2:We report herein the polycondensations‘of unsaturated cyclic anhydrides with diols at moderate tempera勧res using the sub五imating organ輌c catalyst, 随NH, to sWthesize polyesters containing caH)on−carbon double bonds. We lnitially synthesized isomerization−]&ee unsaturated polyesters containing alternat輌ng maleate or itaconate and 3−methy1−1,5−pe斑anediol units. Additionally, using copolyesters containing maleate and itaconate units, we could selectively photo−crosshrd(the exo−type double bonds of the itaconate units to a餓)rd unsaturated polyester gels・ Starting with these gels, we then isomerized the maleate un江c∫ぷdouble bonds to功η3 double bonds by a diethylamine−catalyzed oiぷイγαηぷisomerization. The swelhng properties ofthe gels were fbund to depend on the initial maleate to fUmarate unit ratios (degree ofisomerization)as well as the maleate to itaconate㎜it ratios. Chapter 3:The Michael addition and UV二initiated radical polymedzation were used to fabr輌cate a one−pot method fbr synthesis of polyester−based DN gels. The unsaturated copolyesters contairlillg itaconate and maleate units were prepared via polycolldensation under mild collditions. Then a double−network(DN)gel was sWthes輌zed by two−stepS. After dissolved polyester, methyl methacrylate(MMA)and UV二initiator in toluene, diamine was added into mixture. The first gel was prepaτed by the catalyst−f≧ee selective cross−1inking of maleate double bonds with diamine at room temperatuτe. Subsequ斑tbらthe first gel was irradiated㎜1der UV二1ight fbr 3 h. The obtained hydrophobic polyester/poly(MMA)DN gel containing amino group w輌th high mecha磁cal str斑gth showed shape recovery property. To expand the application of this method, a poly(ester−co−ether)/polyacrylamide DN hyd壬ogel was also synthesized. 論文審査結果の要旨 Aliphatic polyesters, especially unsa加rated polyester号, are now fascinating beca撃se of their biodegradability and biocompatibility」Tb synthesize aliphatic polyesters via an envirollment−f貢endly method, metal一丘ee catalyst is esse1ユtial. Moreover, how to enhance the mechanical strellgth of the po玉yesters in order to suit fbr fUrther apPlications is also stiU relTla祖ed su句ect・In this decade, fbr the colltinuous devebpment of interpelleぬtillg polymer networks(IPNs), double network(DN)concept was observed in some works. Chapter 1: Tb sylユthesize poiyesters and pe百odic copolymers catalyzed by nonafluorobutanesulfbllimide (Nf5NH), he perfbnlled τi119−opelling copolymerizations of、cyc▲ic anhydrides with tetrahydrofaran(THF). At high temperature(10◎−120°C)ジthe cyclic a品ydrides copolymel元zed with THF via rmg−opelling to produce polyesters. At low temperature, ring−openilユg copolymerizatiolls of the cyclic anhydrides with THF produced poly(ester−ether). When toluelle(4 M) was used as a solv斑t, GAn reacted with THF(ullit ratio:1:2)to produce periodic copoly1〕ユers. Ch叩ter 2:We report herein the polycondellsations ofullsaturated cyclic allhydrides with diols at moderate tempera白res ushlg the sublimatillg organic catalyst, NfぷH, to synthesize polyesters contaillhlg carbo1卜carbon double bonds. }le initiaUy syllthes{ze(l isomerization−{ヤee ullsaturated polyes缶rs contaillillg a▲temating maleate or itaconate alld 3−tγ}ethyl−1,5−pe就allediol ullits. Additl◎11ally, using copolyesters contai1加g maleate alld itaconate ullits, he could selectively photo−crossllnk the exo−type double bonds of the itacollate units to affbrd unsaturated polyester gels. Starthlg w輌th these gels, we th斑 isomerized the maleate u1〕it c∫3 double bollds to 〃・α12ぷ double bonds by a die也ylamme−catalyzed c匡3イ1・α123 isomerizatio11. The swellillg properties of the gels were fbwld to dep斑d oll the irlitial lnaleate to釦marate unit ratios(deg塾◆㈱of isomerizatiol1)as well as the maieate to itaCOIlate un輌t ratios. Chapter 3:The Michael addition alld UV・l illitiated radical polymerizatioll were used to{hbricate one−pot method fbr syr曲esis of polyester−based DN gels. The u三1saturated copolyesters co耐ainill itacollate alld maleate ullits were prepared via polyco1、dellsa鍼011 ullder mild collditiolls. The韮1 double−network(DN)gel was sy耐hes▲zed by two−steps. A負er dissolved polyester, methyl methacrylat (MMA)alld UV−in柱iator in toluene, diamille was added短to!nixture. The盲rst gel was prepared by th catalyst−fピee selective cross−1輌nkillg of maleate double bonds wlth diarnille at rooln temperature. Subsequentl鵠 the first gel was irradiated under U∼㌦Hght fbr 3 h. The obtained hydrophobi polyes撤/poly(MMA)DN gel containing alnino group witll high mechanical strength showed shap recOvery property.丑)expand the applicat輌on ofthis method, a poly(esteτ一co−e翫e1’)/polyacrylamide D hydrogel was also s》哩ユthesized・ ・ The results are summa亘zed in three papers with peer rev輌ew and are valuable fbr the Ph D. thesis.
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