艶. 〓 NORTH BIHAR POWER DISTRIBUT10N CO LTD,PATNA (Reg stered office′ V dYut Bhawan,Ba‖ ey Ro8d′ Patna) tetter No N X‖ 1/R[VA/VCe&c&R Pane/SW l174/2014 [email protected] D● te From. A.(. Choudhary Chief €nsine€r (Project.l) To, M/5 GIC Proiect Umlted, Sy. No.9(P), CllGreen Building Lane, ﹂ ・ b ● u 熊 S Hitech City, (ondapur, Hyderabad ' 500084, Regardlng GTP & Drawln8s of M/s Las€r Cables pvt. Ltd. Your letter no.-cKCPVsiwan/2014-15/NBpDCU027o dated 30.12.14 Sr, 匡︱ 卜 L With reference to above subject, this is to intimate that on your r€quest and document submitted by vou,fO‖ 。wing vendof are hereby approved for supply of following items for RE work under RGGVY under 11,h plan Phase l&12th Plannas as perterns and condit on Of NIT and R and vdlid type test re Name of Firm & Address SI No 1 M/t Name of Material/Equlpment Laser Cables Pvt. Ltd 3.5CX 120sqmm Alurninium unarmored Cabte This vender approvalis upto validity oftype test certificate. tn case any problem/issue with reSard to material/vendor arises at any stage, NgpOCL reserves the riSht ofwithdrawalof the approval ofthe vendor as wellas ask the turn,key contractor to reptace the materiats at their This however does not absotv€ you ofyour tiabitities l]nder spe€ific contract. Yours Faithfully Sd′ (B К Choudhary) Chief Fngineer(PrOlect l) Dated Copy fo「 warded to M′ s Techno Electric & Engg cO ttd, skipper cOrner 88′ Nehru Phase, New Delい 1/M/s EMC ttd.Dr u N eronaidrai Street.5th noo「 ′south noor К。lkata/M/s3alal Electricals ttd′ Bhanu Shank3子 yagnik Marg′ Munbai`Oo022/M/s Eastlndia udvOg ttd′ 145,G T Road′ Sahibabad,Ghaziabad/M/s Polycab wires Pvt ttu′ POlyCab House フ71,Pand t sa■ walekar Ma「 g,Mumbai/M/s EnergO Engineer n8 Projects ttd,Okhta,Phase ll,New Delhi′ M/s TechnOrab Engineer ng ttd, Neh「 u Place, New Oelhi/M′ s Techno POwer enterprises(P)Ltd, Nepal B3stt D,mapur, Naga13nd/M/s L&T ttd′ Post Box‐ 979, MountpOOmaamlee Road′ Manappakkam′ chenna1600089/M/s tumino lndustr es ttd 307.Swa ka center 4A,Po‖ 648/1&2′ ock street′ Ko!kata/M/sV"al Electricals umited,Reed omce 6-3 Ra, BhaWan Road′ SOmaliguda′ Hyderabad‐ 500082,Andhra P「 8desh, India,e mal_p「 o,ectS@V13i CO in phone No‐ 040‐ 30617,77/78,F8x No‐ 040‐ 30617891 forinformation and necessary act On o“ Sdた Memo¨ .師 Copy forwarded information on NBPDCL website. 蹄繊P臨よ 鼻 {B xecut ve呻 КChOudha:γ 〕 睫 W‖ [胤 「 躙 ● θ HEn」 neerけ ed→ t眺 ψ │に LOA ReF RGGVV tOA ReF ORGF GKCPROICISuMIEO F Oヽ VIlfR NORTH BIHAR PowER Drs rll!!.llg}:y suPPL[R tAS[R CABLES PRIVA:ttM‖ coNTRACTOR PROり ECT tヒ haramoured Cable r=― S12e:35ι ス■ιusqmm ,0′ △口lFヽ sl No N,mP of Manufactu.er ^く CaЫ eヽ 2e 'VT ITD ´ 3 5C X 120レ ´ AYγ 1 2 0`ntegOrv ヽ 4 thed,VStem 5 … Continuous current rat n3 Wllen ialo ln at: 6 『り Ⅷ出 隠К 畷買鷲 ,80 r ralnEs Rating factors applicable to currenl 7 ,l petlS:3967Plll61 // lo. various conditions of installailon 8 912 3) :onductortemp. allowed ror me sr b) 16ooc Conduct。「 9 MateⅢ a … 嚇 C) H./H,′Ъr唸 ,ヽ 120′ 8130/8● N70 Ph-19 N-19 .r-i drlh.ted rcctor sh.eDed Oirection of LaY ofstranded lavers 0 pe' tm conductor resistance (Dc)al20"C 10 maxi. り一 て) ¨ │ 」 型型 型雪 ‥ } Minimum thiclness of insulatrojl h_l R4 N l16 12 う 3480 も , () (mm) ftlcknets of sheath (minimum)m 050 ST‐ 1 at€rial (PvC tYPe) b) Calcu ated`ianete,underthe Sheeth(mm) 3530 24 0 橿Lヽヽ岬 L 11■ 7 Apじ晰pvq d 曙 CC (PrOjCCt-1) N8PDCL′ Potn´ ★ tOA Ref RGGVY Ref 3RCF R[/RGGVY77NIT/S WAN coN]RACTOR GKC PROjECTS LIMITED R[/RGGVV/NIT/Sヽ VAN PRO,〔 CT OWN[R suPPt〔 R lum unaramOured Cable Guaranteed Technical Partitulais'o『 'VClnsu13ted 3 S l100 COre VoLS X 120 Sq mm Aluml口 working upto Size:3 5C X 120sqmm Over;lldia of table (mm) rnt.ranc. ot overalt dia (.m) As per lS:10418&T,lhnl(al Spec iication per drum for each Jze ol cable (sln8le l€n8tl, wlth i ´ ン′ i-r1 ― tengttr eactr star Maximum Ooe (1) non sunaaro sire table Non standard drum lengtht iitt 1000/5∞ 5%tolerance e. proe,amt" seq,entlal markins on outer sh€ath Provlded ヽ Vhether cabに o(fered 8re lSl marke0 frf,"tfr!*ut.. as per 15:1255 otter"a ".e suitable lor laYins \ro[r"l lyP( LlA a,\ n?Ktゝ C‐IL λ PQr ',iill^ 1ム ?や ,い uッ ナ Ap磁 7` AEE`RE) CE(Pr ω BP[,cL′ Ve 袖 r ^ 2 山ェ 0ぃ ﹂0 “ ∞ ‘ ∽]¨ ョョ J口 に贈 題﹄ 肖 ´ ¨“ , ﹁さ 璽。0、ェ 8コOS b3“E8 も ′3 6 Ы到馴副割創副判司ョ副コ到冽判馴﹁d∃﹁副 ⊇o 0 彗0こ0コ ● ”0こ●メ” ^ Y 00い 0 ﹂´ 一 ゛0一く●Σ, 0一¨ ●0年●●OL 。 LCO>0﹂L ︵ 0 Od“ 0〇一“‘“めっ。こ●ヽ こ●ヽこ0 ら●OL一こ0 ﹂ ︼一Co O´0〇一 一 一 とヽこ0 ¨ , , , マ ゞ 0一ヽ+ V O● ︺0 一‘● 焦 当 一〓 ま に ■ ^ O o o ヽゝ , B o〓 B O 0 〓´0 の , Oo o >> 0● 0 , > 00 ∞O X 0〇 一 X Nめ 0*00 OX0〇一X0〇一 ^0〇 一 × ト ON ︶ くZ Nめ EE O S^ o0 ︱ C O 〓α てo ∽0 0 o 一C ” Nt O エ 〇 Oo一一 〓C ω一 o´ o^ >一 〇OCO︶00Ca〓 ^ ﹂﹂ い﹂0 ■ ∽ ω >> ト ● 0 ∽00 ビ ω一 ∽0■c emぅ0の 0こШ ”一 c ON〓。 ェ α E 。 だ。 こ 一 夕L“ 一 ω● 0 ON場 の0 ●0一 。ヒ “D φφO CXO一 ■一 て 。。 。 っの OCШ 一 ∽∽ Φ C イ ピ エ一 ω O C ” 一 L ﹂0 0 C 一 0 ヽ0︼ め の o0 0 ∝ 0Cに一 L ﹂0 一コ ハ ︶ ^N ¨ × 一 〇 一 ● ﹂” o 。 C ∞ 一 ﹂ ﹂o C C 一 0 こ “ 0 ● 〓 O L ︵3 ∞ t 。 9 0 0 ● ‘ ■ 夕 0 0 L O 家 沼 ギ Z 0 2 0ビ , 02 一 〇 ,, ● , o 〓 ¨魏て﹂ に一 =′ 0 0 ﹂O L 望 ピ トリ O Z く 2〓 ぃ Fく ﹀ ∝ ゝ・ り 0 ∝ ∝ ]0 2 つ ご く ェ 一 , 0 鷺0 一 , ︲ 一 ョ劇剖引劃﹁引副﹁﹁川コ﹁別﹁■□ば﹂﹄踵﹂向控ЮL”いに曖嬌M ︲ O Ш 卜 〓‘ コ O F O Ш ∽ ШN一 00 0s一xPo0 〇一 一 到口劉﹁剣﹁剌﹁ 之で3 一 “﹂にF 0一‘N¨ ヽ¨ , ωヒ “6 ︶ 0 0こ Ш 一 Ov ● ● コ﹂O LΦ 000 こ っ■O N∞一 0 一ヽ0こ のに OCt““一0 一 0● め ´ ∞ マ0 ﹂ ¨ 0 CN ¨ O x︵ X¨ X 06 ︲ ﹂ω 〓∽“3 X Oわ 一 * 0● 一 , │・ r`` 0 0 ヽ め B0 , E , く 0 ヾ ∽ わ 0 〈 0 Σ , ● ω ,こ (M a N8P躍 肌 4艦 ′ ,EE`RE) 'ム 日ヨ 員 ¨ 8 湘 劇 ヨ デ 〓 ” ,, o6 6 ●9 ビ 艤厘踵睡形距B障 8一 ○
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