NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title Intrageneric fusions of isolated protoplasts from Ulva and Porphyra by electrofusion method Author(s) Reddy, C.R.K.; Saito, Munehisa; Migita, Seiji; Fujita, Yuji Citation 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.68, pp.21-27; 1990 Issue Date 1990-10 URL Right This document is downloaded at: 2015-02-01T01:37:41Z Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki 21 Univ. , No.68 (1990) Intrageneric fusions of isolated Ulva and Porphyra C. R. K. Reddy*, by electrofusion Munehisa Isolated algal protoplasts protoplasts from method SAITO*, Seiji MIGITA and Yuji FUJITA of 1. Ulva pertusa (sterile mutant) and U conglobata, 2. Porphyra yezoensis normal and P. yezoensis green type, were electrically fused. The protoplasts from each alga were mixed together with its algal partner in a 1 : 1 ratio in low conductivity electrofusion solution at a density of 1 × 105-6 cells/ml. Protoplasts were aligned into short chains in high frequency (1 MHz) alternate current (AC) field and sudsequently fused by the application of a single short duration direct current (DC) pulse. Protoplasts aligned at 200 V for 10 s and 40 V for 20 s yielded maximum pairs about 25 and 40% in Ulva and Porphyra respectively. pulse of 200 V resulted optimum The application of 20-25 it s duration DC binary fusion percentages about 12% in Ulva and whereas 250 V of 40 µ s duration yielded maximum fusions about 16% in Porphyra. application V of 40 µ s duration for Porphyra) to the aligned protoplasts Key words : electrofusion, protoplasts, Somatic hybridization develop new diversity¹). recently plants fusions in higher methods, plants²–4). fusion5) has been widely ing protoplast are several on protoplast. However fusion reports in higher effects Therefore an electrofusion been successfully higher * plants10-¹²) Graduate school to used the plants6). of U. pertusa (sterile mutant)¹³), There been published are non specific treated or caused which has protoplasts was employed of Marine and thalli : Young clean vegetative thalli U. conglobata, P. yezoensis normal and green type were used for the isolation of protoplasts. All the above mentioned plants are being cultures in our laboratory. Isolation of protoplasts grown as unialgal protoplasts. technique to fuse Meterials and Methods Vegetative fusion frequencies cytotoxic the mediated fusion of algae by PEG method7-9). have either variable between Ueda normal with P. yezoensis green type. for accomplish- have recently all fusion methods heterokaryons protoplasts of Ulva pertusa Kjellm. with U. conglobata Kjellm. and between Porphyra yezoensis all fusion (PEG) applied have ducing binucleate protoplast Among glycol to genetic methods for inducing polyethylene has fusion greater of fusion been described plants protoplast with A number lysis. protoplasts. This study essentially investigates the suitable electrical conditions required for in- in higher through induced protoplast Ulva, Porphyra Introduction been accomplished The of a high intensity DC pulse ( > 300 V of 30 µ s duration for Ulva and > 350 science of to fuse algal and Engineering. pertusa produced and : Protoplasts U. conglobata by incubating were the thallus from U. separately (about 25 mg 22 Reddy et al.: Electrofusion of algal protoplasts fresh wt.) in 50/o cellulase R−10 and 20/o abalone were counted for every fusion event to caliculate crude enzyme powderi‘). The isolated proto− the rate of protoplast alignment and fusions. plasts from both the species were further incubat− The rate of protoplast alignment and fusion ed in 10/o protease P6 (Amano pharmacy Co., were caliculated as follows and expressed as a Japan) enzyme prepared after Fujita and Saitoi5) percentage. Total alignment rate = (total num− for about 30 min in dark prior to start of the ber of protoplasts involved in alignment into electrofusion. Similarly protoplasts from P. chains)/(total number of protoplasts)× 100. ye20ensis normal and green type were prepared Total fusion frequency == (total number of proto− following the methods of Fujita and Saito’5). plasts involved in binary and multi (>3 cells) fusion products)/(total number of protoplasts Electrofusion: Protoplasts of U. Perlblsa with U. involved in fusion event十number of unfused conglobata and P. yezoensis normal with green cells)×100. Binary fusion products= (total type were subjected to electrofusion at 200C using number of protoplasts involved in binary a Shimadzu somatic hybridizer SSH−2 (Shimadzu fusions) / (total number of protoplasts involved in Co.,Japan). Protoplasts from each fusion part− binary fusions十number of unfused cells) × 100. ner were mixed together with its algal partner in Results 1 : 1 ratio in the electrofusion solution (O.2 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, 1.0 mM CaC12 . 2H20 and 1.0 mM MgC12 ・ 6H20 and O.9 Electrofusion of Ulva and Po?Phyra proto− Mmannitol(0.7 M for Po rp宮町in distilled water, plasts was performed in two steps. ln the first adjusted to pH:7.5)at a density of 1.0×10ト6 cells/ step protoplast adhesion with adjacent protoplast ml. Aliquots of 200 ptl protoplast suspension of (Figs. IA, C) was generated by dielectrophoresis in the two fusion partners were placed between the an AC field at 1 MHz. The results of alignment two electrodes (1 mm spacing) in a fusion chamber rate of protoplasts as a function of the interaction (FTC−02 of Shimadzu Co.) and allowed to settle of alignment voltage and time are shown in Table for few minutes prior to the start of the 1 for Ulva and Poz?bhyra respectively. The num− electrofusion. Protoplasts were initially aligned ber of protoplasts in chain increased with align− into short chains preferably Pairs in alternate ment voltage and time. The application of low current (AC) field and subs equently fused by the AC fields (20V) for shorter duration (10s) yielded application of a single short duration direct cur− high percentage of (about 25%) of paired proto− rent (DC) pulse. To investigate the necessary AC plasts (Fig. I B) in Ulva. Maximum percentage and DC fields required for induction of protoplast (about 400/o) of paired protoplasts (Fig. ID) in alignment and fusions, protoplast suspension of Porphyra were obtained at higher AC field (40V) each combination were initially aligned in an AC and longer duration (20s). The prolonged expo− field (1 MHz) at different voltages ranging from sure (>25s) to above mentioned respective AC 10 to 40 V for different durations ranging from 10 fields induced long protoplast chains (Figs. IA, C) to 25 s to find out the appropriate voltage and in both Ulva and Po7Phyra . Though the percent− length of electric fields necessary for establishing age of total aligned protoplasts and multi− protoplast pairs. Similarly pulse voltage (100 protoplast chains increased with AC field strength −350V) and pulse width (10−60pt s) have also been and time, but the latter one however reduced the calibrated to obtain optimum fusion frequencies pairing protoplasts number (Table l) than the of binucleate fusion products, in order to facilitate former one. easy regeneration and subsequent genetic analysis The second step was induction of protoplast of regenerated plants. Generally, five random fusion by the application of a single high intensity microscopic fields (each with about 100−150 cells) DC rectangular pulse of microsecond duration. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. , No.68 (1990) 蘇 斌 撰嚢.、,璽鳶綴温石癬一 難毅瓢箪隔垣戸 欝轡 購 〆醐・ 難 、触 も 蔓 売タ ﹃ ‘ 夷執瞬 5 ㌧郵轄 縛1 羅特 Fig. 1. Intrageneric electrofusion of Ulva and Po2Phyra protoplasts. A: Protoplast alignment into long chains of U. Pertusa (stained with neutral red) and U. conglobata, exposed to long durations to high frequency AC fields at 1 MHz, 20 V for 25 s. B : lnduction of protoplast pairs of U. pertusa (stained with neutral red) and U. conglobata, exposed to short durations to AC field at 1 MHz, 20 V for 10 s. C : Protoplast alignment into long chains of P. yezoensis normal and green (with arrows) type, exposed to long durations to high frequency AC fields at 1 MHz, 40 V for 25 s. D: lnduction of protoplasts pairs of P. ye20ensis normal and green (with arrows) type, exposed to short durations to AC fields at 1 MHz, 40 V for 20 s. E: Protoplast fusion of U. Pertusa with U. conglobata soon after application of a single DC pulse of 200 V for 20 ” s duration. F:Round heterokaryons of Ulva, 3 minutes after application of DC pulse. G: Protoplast fusion of P. ye20ensis normal with green soon after application of a single DC pulse of 250 V for 40 # s duration. H : Round heterokaryons of PoiPhyra , 5 minutes after applica− tion of DC pulse. Bar in all figures is 20 #m. 23 24 Reddy et al.: Electrofusion of algal protoplasts The yield of fusion products as a result of the plasts has been rep’ortedi8), however there are no interaction of pulse voltage and pulse width are detailed studies on optimizing the electrical condi− shown in Fig.2 A&B for Ulva and Porphyra tions for obtaining high fusion frequencies of respectively. The fusion process in Ulva proto− viable fusion products in algal protoplasts. Pro− plasts was initiated by the application of a DC toplasts from normal P. ye20丁目sis were previously pulse of >150 V of 15 pt s duration (Fig. IE). The fused with green type following the PEG delivery of a short duration (20−25pt s) DC pulse of 200 V to aligned protoplasts in Ulva resulted Table 1. Effect of AC voltage and AC voltage optimum binary fusions about 120/o (Fig. IF), and applied time on protoplast induction into pairs in Ulva and Po7Phyra whereas 250 V of 40 pt s duration yielded optimum binary fusions about 160/o in Po7Phyra (Figs. IG, Parameters O/o protoplasts involved in pairs Protoplast suspension of H). Although percentage of heterokaryons were Ulva PorPhyra not determined, but 40−500/o of total fusion prod− Voltage (V)i) ucts were found to be heterokaryons. However the application of a high intensity DC pulse (> 300V of 30pt s duration for Ulva >350 V of 40pt s 10 19 (33)* 20 25 (44) 32 (68) o (o)* 30 15 (50) 36 (80) and duration for Porphyra) to aligned protoplasts 40 10 (47) 40 (98) induced protoplast lysis. Time (s)2) Discussion Electrofusiop has, been developed to an effi− cient and routine technique to ・fuse both animal cells and plant protoplastsi6・i7). Though in one instance electrofusion of Enteromorpha proto一 10 25 (44) 18 (44) 15 16 (48) 35 (90) 20 10 (52) 40 (95) 25 9 (60) 28 (97) Protplqsts of Ulva and PoiP)hyra were constantly ekposed 1)to AC fields for 10 and 20s and 2)to AC voltages 20 and 40 V respectively. *:O/o total protoplasts involed in long and short (pairs) chains. [コ Total fusion products Eli8 Binary fusion products of Ul va rw Binary Eusion products of Porρ妙ra 20 30 A , , ■ ● o・●● ● 怐怐怐C●・ ●oo﹁■9●o・ oo●●■.o●9 150 .・.●● ・・.・9 ● o ■ 9 ・ 200 250 300 Pulse voltage (V) Fig. 2. 350 o 。㌦ 。 .・.。. ■ ● o 10 o , o o ㌧ ・ ㌧ ㌦ ㌔ ● ㌔ ・ ● . ・ . %.● ・. ●● 。. % o B 9 ㌦ ・ 。 ・ 。 。 ・ .● ●・ ㍉θ 10 20 . ︵巴。αぢう層。臼ΩgO葛づh 30 ●。 j 15 20 25 3035 40 50 60 Pulse widt二h (ps) Effect of pulse voltage (A) and pulse width (B) on fusion frequencies of prealigned protoplasts of Ulva and Po7pdyra. Prior to fusion pulse, protoplasts of both Ulva and Po7PhNra were aligned to pairs by applying 20 and 40 V AC fields for 10 and 20 s respectively. Pulse width in (A) for Ulva is 20 pt s and for Pomphyra is 40pt s, similarly pulse votage in (B) is 200 V for Ulva and 250 VforPoゆ勿η. 25 Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. , No.68 (1990) method8), Later protoplasts from several species with CaC12 and MgC12 concentration in the fusion of Porp勿ra were electrically fused and high solution23). Electrofusion in Ulva was complete− fusion frequencies were reported. The regenera− ly blocked by increasing the CaC12 and MgC12 tion rate of post fusion products was also higher concentration to 3 mM in the fusion medium. than with the PEG methodi5). Although PEG Similarly fusion medium without CaC12 also lim− induced fusions to occur in,U. Pertusa with U. ited the electrofusion (〈1%) in Ulva. Therefore conglobata, it did not yield satisfactory fusion it is essential to investigate the right concentra− frequencies and viable fusion products’9>. Conse− tions of CaC12 needed for inducing high fusion quently electrofusion has been performed as an rates. The frequency of protoplast fusion by alternative to the PEG method. Protoplasts of PEG method in higher plants has been reported to U.Pertzasa with U. conglo bata and P. ye20ensis vary with the nature (i. e. ultra structure) of the normal with green type were electrically fused by protoplastS2‘)’and fusion conditions. Unlike the a combined approach of 1. cell adhesion by AC Po77)hyra protoplasts Ulva protoplasts with their fields and 2. subsequent cell fusion by DC pulses. big vacuoles might have less tendency to involve The fusion medium prepared in seawater with in fusion events. Thus the fusion petcentage of mannitol did not induce protoplast fusion due to Ulva protoplasts is’ comparatively less than the high conductivity. The subsequent preparation Po7Phyra. The regeneration and development of of protoplast suspension in low conductivity heterokaryons, following the electrofusion medium prepared in distilled water however in− method were earlier reported for Po7Phyra i5) and duced electrofusions in both cases. The proto− Ulva’9). Thus this study demonstrates the suit− plast alignment and fusions occurred at lower ability of electrofusion methods for fusing algal field strength in Ulva than in P()ゆ勿ra. How− protoplasts as in higher plants. ever the alignment rate and fusion percentages in Acknowledgements Porphyra were greater than Ulva. The rate of cell alignment is usually attributed to both the magnitude of the electric field and ionic strength This work was partially supported by a grant of the fusion medium. The former is however in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry dependent on the radius of the cell (the smaller the of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. We cell, the larger the electric field that must be are indebted to Prof A. Gibor, University of applied to achieve alignment). The induction of California for critically reading and revising the protoplast alignment and fusion at lower voltages manuscript. We are also thankful to Mrs. in Ulva despite the same cell size and fusion Jhansi Lakshmi for skilfully typing this manu− medium (except mannitol concentration) might be script on word processor. due to the differences between protoplast mem− References branes (composition and structure) of Ulva and P()ゆ勿ra. Secondly the protease treatment of Ulva protoplasts prior to the fusion might have 1) Gleba, Y. Y. and Sytnik, K. M. (1984): Proto− resulted in the induction of alignment and fusion plast fusion. 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Nagasaki Univ. , No.68 (1990) 27 電 気 刺 激 法 に よ る ア オ サ とア マ ノ リ の プ ロ トプ ラ ス トの 属 内 融 合 C.R.K.レ 1.ア デ ィ ー*,齋 ナ アオ サUlva pertusa(不 藤 宗 久*,右 稔 型)と 田 清 治,藤 田 雄二 ボタ ンアオ サU.conglobata,2.ス サビノ リ の野 生 型 と緑 色 変 異型 との間 で,葉 体 か ら単 離 した プ ロ トプ ラス トを電 気 Porphyra yezoensis 刺 激 法 に よっ て融 合 させ た。そ れ ぞれ の葉 体 か ら単離 した プ ロ トプ ラス トは、低 導 電性 の融 合 緩 衝 液 で洗 浄 後1×105-6ce11s/mlに 調 製 し,1:1の した プ ロ トプ ラ ス ト混合 懸 濁 液 に 高周 波 電圧(AC)を チ ェー ンが形 成 され,パ ルス 電圧(DC)の V,10sの 割 合 で 混 合 した。融 合 チ ャ ンバ ー に滴 下 印加 す る こ とに よっ て プ ロ トプ ラ ス ト 印 加 に よ り融 合 が 開始 され た。 アオ サ で はAC200 印 加,ス サ ビ ノ リで は40V,20sの 印加 に よ り,そ れ ぞれ 最大25%お ロ トプ ラス ト対 が 形 成 され た。そ して ア オサ で はDC200V,20∼25μsの サ ビノ リで は250V,40μsの 印 加 で約16%の μs,ス サ ビノ リで は350V,40μs以 よび40%の プ 印 加 で最 大 約12%,ス 融 合 率 が 示 さ れ た 。 また ア オ サ で は300V,30 上 の印加 に よ って細 胞 の破壊 が生 じた。 (*:長 崎 大学 海 洋 生 産 科学 研 究 科)
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