98 肱s珈β凹㎜OFCo㎜R盟吼盟阪)1。10 5.Criminal Law an“Proceαure 丁舵αi’ninα1LαwSociθ砂qブ」のαn heldits67th GeneralMeet− ing at Hokkaido University on June10and11,1989。The agenda of the meeting was as follows: 伽dか∫dπα1Rβρ0π5ノ (1) E皿or in the Normative Elements of Crime−with regard to Special Criminal Laws,by Choshin Nagai(Associate Professor, Toyama University). (2)The Maritime Traffic Accident and the Theory of Negli. genceCrime,byKatsunoriKai(AssociateProfessor,MaritimeSafety Academy). (3) The Protection ofPrivate Secrets by the Criminal Law,by Hisashi Sonoda(Associate Professor,Kansa,i University). (4) The Fundamental Concept of the Reform of the Criminal Code in France,by Osamu Niikura(Professor,Kokugakuin University). μ∼召ρo■∫50ゾJo∫n∫S伽磁8岬 On the Crimes of the Officials. (1) Fundamental Viewpoint,by Shozo Horiuchi(Professor, Hosei University). (2)OfficialMisconduct,byMasahideMaeda(Professor,Tokyo Metropolitan University). (3)Bribe−taking,by Takehiko Sone(Professor,Waseda University). (4) Fmm the Viewpoint of the Criminal Procedure Law,by Yasunari Hisaoka(Professor,Ritsumeikan Univrsity). 1Lεo伽■4 My Standpoint ofCriminal Law,byYasuharu Hiraba(Profes− sor Emeritus,Kyoto University). DEVELOPMENTS IN 1989 - A CADEMIC SOCIETIES 99 [ Worksh o p] The participants in the General Meeting were divided into nine groups based on the following themes. Lively discussions took place in each group. The themes of the discussions were as follows: (1) Causality . (2) Competence for Criminal Responsibility. (3) Terminal Care and Criminal Law. Consumer Protection and the Role of Criminal Law. The Right to Consult with Counsel. Criminal Procedure and the Victims. Several Issues on Contemporary Imprisonment in Japan. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) International Crime. Essence of Exemption from Penal Responsibility. Prof. MINORU NOMURA MASAAKI MUTO
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