■訂正ならびに変更のお知らせ 第 73 回日本医学放射線学会総会抄録集の掲載記事に誤植がありました.お詫び申し上げますとともに 下記のように訂正いたします. また,記載事項の変更分につきましても収載いたしました.ご参照ください. 1.定価 誤 2,700 円(税込) 正 3,000 円(税込) 2.チーム医療・リスペクトコーナーのお知らせの日程 誤 4 月 12 日(土)9:30~15:00 正 4 月 13 日(日)9:30~15:00 3.日程表(日本語)4 月 11 日(金)の指導者講習会の司会,演者表記 誤 指導者講習会 演者:井上登美夫 司会:西山佳宏 正 指導者講習会 司会:井上登美夫 演者:西山佳宏 4.日程表(英語)4 月 12 日(土)CyPos17 の座長氏名 誤 Yuko Nakayama 正 Naoyuki Shigematsu 5.日程表、プログラム表記の Product Exhibition(実機展示)コアタイムの場所 誤 4 月 12 日(土)展示ホール 正 4 月 12 日(土)マリンロビー 11:00~11:45,14:00~15:00 6.日程表,全体プログラム,抄録記載の氏名及びご所属 (1)Honorary Member Awarding Ceremony 及び Overseas Lecture 19 における講演者氏名 誤 John A. Kaufman 正 John Andrew Kaufman (2)Honorary Member Awarding Ceremony 及び Overseas Lecture 24 における講演者所属 誤 Yi-Hong Chou(Taipei Veterans General Hospital) 正 Yi-Hong Chou(Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Yang Ming University) (3)Overseas Lecture 1 における講演者所属 誤 Xianshu Gao(Peking University First Hospital) 正 Xianshu Gao (Department of Radiation Oncology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,China) (4)Overseas Lecture 5 における講演者氏名 誤 Claude Sirlin 正 Claude B. Sirlin (5)Overseas Lecture 7 における講演者氏名及び所属 誤 Nevra Zehra Elmas(Ege University Medical Faculty, Turkey) 正 Nevra Elmas ( Chair and Professor of Ege University Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, İzmir/TR, Turkey) (6)Overseas Lecture 8 における講演者氏名 誤 Christopher Hess 正 Christopher P. Hess (7)Overseas Lecture 9 における講演者所属 誤 David J. Yang ( Department of Cancer Systems Imaging, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA) 正 David J. Yang ( Professor and Chief of Radiotheranostic, Department of Cancer Systems Imaging, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA) (8)Overseas Lecture 11 における講演者氏名及び所属 誤 Fiona Gilbert(University of Cambridge Radiology Department, UK) 正 Fiona J. Gilbert(University of Cambridge, UK) (9)Overseas Lecture 15 における講演者所属 誤 Eun-Young Kang (Korea University Guro Hospital, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) 正 Eun-Young Kang ( P ro f e ss o r i n R a d i o l o g y , K o r e a U n i v e r si ty G u r o H o s p i t al , C o l l e g e o f M e di ci n e , K o r e a U n i v e r si ty , S e o u l , K o r e a) (10)Overseas Lecture 18 における講演者氏名及び所属 誤 K. Ty Bae 正 Kyongtae Ty Bae (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA) ( Professor and Chairman of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Professor of Bioengineering , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA) (11)Overseas Lecture 20 における共著者の追記 誤 Valerie P. Jackson 正 Valerie P. Jackson, Eugene C Klatte (12)Overseas Lecture 21 における講演者所属 誤 Byung Ihn Choi (Department of Radiology Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea) 正 Byung Ihn Choi ( Professor, Department of Radiology Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Korea) (13)Overseas Lecture 22 における講演者氏名及び所属 誤 Elmar Merkle(Department of Radiology University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) 正 Elmar M. Merkle ( Professor of Radiology Chairman, Department of Radiology University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) (14)Overseas Lecture 30 における講演者氏名及び所属 誤 Sonke Langner(Universitymedicine Greifswald) 正 Soenke Langner ( Professor of Radiology Chairman, Department of Radiology University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) 7.講演中止のお知らせ Overseas Lecture12 は講演中止になりました. 4月11日(金)10:10~10:40 (Annex Hall F205+206) 8.講演順変更のお知らせ Educational Lecture 36 : April 13 (Sun.) 9:10~10:10 (311+312) 「Interventional radiology 3: Vertebroplasty, hepatic arterial infusion」 1.Intra-arterial chemotherapy for malignant hepatic tumors Yoshitaka Inaba (Aichi Cancer Center Hosp.) 2.Percutaneous vertebroplasty Atsushi Komemushi (Kansai Medical Univ.) 9.演題取り下げ 演題番号 196 Katsumi Hirose (Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine) 「 Reoxygenation retardation after X-irradiation induces striking accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species in hypoxic cancer cells」 演題番号 C163 Kenichirou Okumura(Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital) 「Comparison of histopathological fi ndings and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images of metastatic liver tumors from colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy」 10.一般演題発表順変更 CyPos28. IR 4: Non-vascular : April 13 (Sun.) 9:10~9:34(Marine Lobby 2) Takuji Yamagami 発表順 1 C161 Evaluation of aspiration type semi-automatic biopsy needle Atsushi Komemushi(Kansai Medical University) 2 C158 Initial experience of preoperative transcatheter arterial lipiodol marking for CT-guided cryoablation forsmall renal tumors Shunsuke Asai(Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) 3 C159 Assessment of quality of life in patients with osteoid osteoma treated by radiofrequency ablation and cryoablation Masaya Miyazaki(Gunma University 4 C160 Hospital) Ethanol ablation of bile ducts to resolve symptomatic postsurgical bile leakage from isolated bile ducts Seishi Nakatsuka(Keio University School of Medicine) 15. Neuroradiology 1: Brain tumor 1 : April 11 (Fri.) 9:10~10:00(303) Osamu Abe 発表順 1 071 Usefulness of three-dimensional contrast enhanced multisection motion sensitized driven equilibrium for primary malignant brain tumors Masafumi Kanoto (Yamagata University) 2 073 Effect of kinetic models on DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic model analysis in the diagnosis of gliomas: The infl uence of the pseudo-hyperpermeability sign Takashi Abe (The University of Tokushima) 3 072 Diagnosis of brain tumors by DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic model analysis using commercially available software: Preliminary fi ndings Takashi Abe (The University of Tokushima) 4 074 Radiological features of cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme Keiichi Kikuchi (Ehime University) 5 075 Comparison of arterial spin labelling and dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MRI in brain tumor Khashbat Delgerdalai(The University of Tokushima)
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