Geomatics Diary 64-6th 蛭子井博孝 Maria Intagliata sadness by h.e Contents Memo 12-4 Maria の 3D と DOC ができる。 1.Hi-NUM Prime Prime 急いで gmd666th をつくることにした。 2. Geometry Triangle+ortholine ホームパージ作りに夢中に成っていたので、 3.3D Hell and Heven by M.I これを忘れていた。いまから。HI-NUM と 4.DOC Title Hell and Heven Geometry をつくる。三角形 5. Doval の転がり PG きた.シムプルだ。 6.GEOMEC 14 LIST 今日もまた、訂正しながら 小さな定理 開設 君に捧げる 垂線 平行線がで 日記書く H.E 1.HI-NUM Prime Prime by h.e > P := 1; for h to 11 do P := ithprime(P); print(prime[P*th[h]] = ithprime(P)[prime]) end do; prime[2 th[1]] = 3[prime] prime[3 th[2]] = 5[prime] prime[5 th[3]] = 11[prime] prime[11 th[4]] = 31[prime] prime[31 th[5]] = 127[prime] prime[127 th[6]] = 709[prime] prime[709 th[7]] = 5381[prime] prime[5381 th[8]] = 52711[prime] prime[52711 th[9]] = 648391[prime] prime[648391 th[10]] = 9737333[prime] prime[9737333 th[11]] = 174440041[prime] > P := 1; for h to 11 do P := ithprime(factorial(h)); print(prime[factorial(h)*th[h]] = P [prime]) end do; prime[th[1]] = 2[prime] prime[2 th[2]] = 3[prime] prime[6 th[3]] = 13[prime] prime[24 th[4]] = 89[prime] prime[120 th[5]] = 659[prime] prime[720 th[6]] = 5443[prime] prime[5040 th[7]] = 49033[prime] prime[40320 th[8]] = 484037[prime] prime[362880 th[9]] = 5222429[prime] prime[3628800 th[10]] = 61194647[prime] Warning, computation interrupted > 2.三角形と垂線 三角形と垂線と平行線 3. 3D by M.I Hell R^n=2^cosh(2^cos(66*u+6*v)) n=6.5 ; -pi/2<=u<=pi/2; -pi<=v<=pi Heaven R^n= 3^sin(sin(3^sin(sin(sin(10*u+33*v))))) n=0.6; -pi/2<=u<=pi/2; -pi<=v<=pi 4.Hell and Heven In Italiano Inferno e Paradiso È vero: in noi coesistono Inferno e Paradiso. Nella vita ci sono sofferenza, peccato, tormento, rimorso per il dolore arrecato al nostro prossimo con la nostra superficialità, l’egoismo e l’abbandono. C’è l’inferno per gli affetti perduti, gli amori malati, la salute precaria, gli obiettivi e i sogni mai realizzati e le speranze svanite. C’è l’ inferno della guerra, della miseria e della solitudine. Ciascuno, però, può trovare il Paradiso, ammettendo errori, sconfitte, confidando nelle proprie possibilità, razionalizzando il dolore, le aspirazioni e i propri amori, accontentandosi di ciò che gli è permesso di avere, agendo secondo coscienza, nel rispetto delle leggi e della convivenza pacifica, facendo tesoro delle sue esperienze, concedendo il perdono ed amando il prossimo come se stesso. In English Hell and Heaven It is true: Hell and Heaven coexist in us. In our life there are suffering, shame, anguish, remorse for the pain caused to our neighbors with our superficiality, selfishness and neglect. There is Hell for the lost affections, love sick, poor health, for our goals and dreams never realized and great hopes blown away. There's the Hell of war, of sickness, of misery, of loneliness and of human disregard. Everyone, however, can find his own Heaven, admitting mistakes, setbacks, trusting in his own chances, rationalizing pain, aspirations and loves, contenting himself with what is allowed to have, by acting conscientiously, within laws and peaceful coexistence, building on experiences, doing what he loves, granting forgiveness, choosing true friends and loving neighbors as himself Hell and Heven by Hell 地獄 Heven 天国 h.e 天地 地上に地獄 天上に天国 図で表してみる。 僕に天国はない.あなたに地獄はない.みんな、みんな、円の中。 > > > > > > > > > # oval no line jou no kaiten by H.E: restart: with(plots): # m*r1+n*r2=k*c --- Definition of Oval by bipolor corodinate c:=10: R12:=c: k:=10: m:=9: n:=6: > r1st:=R12*(k*m-n^2*cos(s+t)-n*sqrt(n^2*cos(s+t)^2-2*k*m*cos(s+t)+ k^2+m^2-n^2))/(m^2-n^2): > r1s:=R12*(k*m-n^2*cos(s)-n*sqrt(n^2*cos(s)^2-2*k*m*cos(s)+k^2+m^2n^2))/(m^2-n^2): > xst:=r1st*cos(s+t): > yst:=r1st*sin(s+t): > xs:=r1s*cos(s): > ys:=r1s*sin(s): > r1u:=R12*(k*m-n^2*cos(u)-n*sqrt(n^2*cos(u)^2-2*k*m*cos(u)+k^2+m^2n^2))/(m^2-n^2): > xu:=r1u*cos(u): > yu:=r1u*sin(u): > XTS:=xst-xs: > YTS:=yst-ys: > ca:=diff(xu,u)/(sqrt(diff(xu,u)^2+diff(yu,u)^2)): > sa:=diff(yu,u)/(sqrt(diff(xu,u)^2+diff(yu,u)^2)): > Ps:=int(sqrt(diff(xu,u)^2+diff(yu,u)^2),u=0..s): > cas:=subs(u=s,ca): > sas:=subs(u=s,sa): > Xa:=cas*XTS+sas*YTS: > Ya:=-sas*XTS+cas*YTS: > #x0:=subs(s=0,xs): > XG:=Xa+Ps: > YG:=Ya: > sesenani:=animate({[xu+0.2*sin(z),yu+0.2*cos(z),z=0..2*Pi],[xu+ca*z, yu+sa*z,z=0..1]},u=0..2*Pi,scaling=constrained): > oval:=plot([xu,yu,u=0..2*Pi],scaling=constrained): > display({sesenani,oval}); 4 3 2 1 0 K2 2 4 6 8 10 K1 K2 K3 K4 > animate([XG,YG,t=0..2*Pi],s=0..3*Pi,numpoints=100,frames=100, scaling=constrained); 10 6 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 6。GEOMEC GEOMEC 14 H.E
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