2014年3⽉12⽇現在 WFOT 2014 Congress ワークショッププログラム セッション日 6月18日 コード 講演タイトル 名前 国 WS-01 Comprehensive assessment of drivers with cognitive impairments: on- and off-road Patomella, Ann-Helen Sweden WS-03 就労支援に生かすOTのコンピテンシー 菊池 恵美子 ⽇本 WS-04 An International Overview of Origami as a Therapeutic Modality in Schools Gold, Scott USA WS-05 Moving Populations Toward Wellness: An International Perspective on the Role of Occupational Therapy in Primary Care Settings Farmer, Michelle USA WS-06 E-APUS is an interactive web based training platform for APUS. Olsen, Bente Denmark WS-07 Doing citizenship and being a citizen Pollard, Nicholas Spain WS-08 ⽇本の上肢切断者に関する切断者SIG研究会の紹介 柴田 八衣子 ⽇本 WS-09 W.F.O.T. Builiding a Model To Enhance International Occupational Therapist Collaboration With Utilization Of W.F.O.T. Resources Butler, Mary New Zealand WS-10 Strategies for Making Occupation Explicit in Curricula Krishnagiri, Sheama USA WS-11 地域在住⾼齢者に対する「健康⻑寿教室」における効果的で持続的な作業療法プログラムの実践 村木 敏明 ⽇本 WS-12 Towards Occupation based OT-An introduction to the Occupational Gaps Questionnaire Eriksson, Gunilla Sweden WS-13 Challenging Occupational Therapy Governance to Liberate Practitioners for Advancing Greater Social Inclusion with Clients Townsend, Elizabeth Canada WS-14 ⽇本における⾃動⾞運転リハビリテーションについて 加藤 貴志 ⽇本 WS-15 Occupational Therapy’s Role in Polytrauma Treatment in a Military Treatment Facility: The Spectrum of Care Cooper, Katherine USA WS-16 Health literacy workshop: Improving accessibility, understanding and use of consumer health information. Brooks, Charlotte UK WS-17 発達障害児の目と⼿の協調を促す治療玩具 岩崎 清隆 ⽇本 WS-18 Factors promoting work participation of people with reduced functional capacity Lysaght, Rosemary Canada WS-19 Using the Helix Model to Connect Evidence and Practice with Children in Schools Test, Lisa USA 2014年3⽉12⽇現在 WFOT 2014 Congress ワークショッププログラム セッション日 6月19日 コード 講演タイトル 名前 国 WS-20 Implementing occupation-centered, occupation-based, and occupation-focused services Fisher, Anne G. USA WS-21 認知症⾼齢者の絵カード評価法の紹介 井口 知也 ⽇本 WS-22 Innovative Decision-Making Capacity Assessment Tools Utilized By A Multidisciplinary Team Kabeya, Kiyoko Canada Evidencing competency to graduate: A workshop to share an innovative web-site and e-portfolio, that defines developing and WS-23 graduating competency for occupational therapy students. Hills, Caroline Australia WS-24 Evaluating Capacity for Community Living: Performance Assessment of Self-care Skills Chisholm, Denise USA WS-25 Phrasing intervention goals in occupational therapy practice. Margot-Cattin, Isabel Switzerland WS-26 Meeting the Challenges of Mobility with an Advocacy Framework Dickerson, Anne US Kottorp, Anders Sweden WS-27 Living and ageing with cognitive impairments in the technological landscapes of homes and public places - an international perspective 2014年3⽉12⽇現在 WFOT 2014 Congress ワークショッププログラム セッション日 コード 講演タイトル 名前 国 WS-28 Making a Difference in Disaster Management Rushford, Nancy Hong Kong WS-29 Becoming a critical consumer of the qualitative research evidence to inform practice Stanley, Mandy New Zealand WS-30 Participation and influence in occupational therapy practice for frail older persons Josephsson, Staffan Sweden WS-31 Establishing a Service Learning Program in another Country Costa, Donna USA WS-33 Diversity in higher education - inclusion for students with various disabilities Sachs, Dalia Israel WS-34 Impact of Natural Disaster on Childhood Occupation: Katrina’s Kids Program Development and Evaluation Kuo, Fengyi USA WS-35 Clinic-in-the-Park: Occupational Therapy's Role in a Community-based, Inter-professional Health Initiative Gale, Diane Lynn USA WS-36 Disseminating an occupational therapy-specific communication assessment: An innovative knowledge translation workshop Baptiste, Sue Canada Evidence-based occupational therapy: what are the essential skills that are typically not addressed? A workshop for clinicians and WS-37 researchers. Hoffmann, Tammy Australia WS-38 環境持続性のための作業療法実践に向けて Shann, Samantha ⽇本/UK WS-39 Identifying research topics to increase occupational therapists’ understanding of human occupation Wicks, Alison Australia WS-40 うつ病治療における復職支援プログラムの現状 早坂 友成 ⽇本 WS-41 Promoting critical thinking and professional development in students: a problem-based learning approach Matuska, Kathleen USA WS-42 The Role of Occupational Therapy in Recovery-Based Mental Health Practice in the United States Getty, Sean M. USA WS-43 World Occupational Therapy Day what is really needed? Ledgerd, Ritchard UK WS-44 Using Occupations to Help Children Recover from War Bowman, Ojayne USA WS-45 Occupational Therapy Mental Health Services for the 0-5 Population Orozco, Jazminne USA WS-46 Using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs - OT) to measure client change. Unsworth, Carolyn Australia WS-47 Occupational balance definition and state of the art Jonsson, Hans Sweden WS-48 Occupational Justice Among Vulnerable, Community Dwelling Older Adults: Opportunities for OT Practice Renter, Heather USA WS-32 WHO Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP) 6月20日 2014年3⽉12⽇現在 WFOT 2014 Congress ワークショッププログラム セッション日 6月21日 コード 講演タイトル 名前 国 WS-49 Occupational Therapy andSomatic ExperiencingRA Great Combination Levine-Dickman, Aimee USA WS-50 Meeting Occupational Therapy demands of cultural diversity in education Van Nes, Fenna Netherlands WS-51 Dance-movement therapy (FUNB) for person with dementia Pihlar, Zdenka Slovene WS-52 緩和ケアにおける作業療法 島崎 寛将 WS-53 コミュニティを中⼼とした作業療法 河野 眞 ⽇本 WS-54 Qualitative research across cultures: creating new research traditions to meet contemporary needs Smith, Helen Claire UK WS-55 Occupational therapy effectively supported by chinese exercise and martial art method Groenier, Christel Netherlands WS-56 Social enterprise, social business and disability: What occupational therapists need to know Krupa, Terry Canada ⽇本
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