Lesson 4 New Vocabulary: 1. Sumisu-san Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Miss Smith [San is a honorific suffix used after a personal name, having the meaning of Mr., Mrs・, etc. San differs, however, from English terms of respect in that it can be used after a first name as well as a last name. A person named Yoshio Nakamura, for instance, can be called Nakamura-san or Yoshio-san, Another difference is that it can never be used after one's own name.] 2. amenka-jin an American, American people建竺is added to the names of countries and indicates people.] e・g. Amerika(America, U.S.A.; amenka-jim Igirisu (Englaild) igirisu-jm Furansu (France) furansu-j in Nihon (Japan) mhon-jin 3. gakusee student 4. watashi I, me [1st person singular pronoun] 5. gmkooin bank clerk [Ginkoo meansく"bank."] 6. kaishain company 7. anata employee [Kaisha meansくtcompany, office."] you [2nd person singular pronoun〕 Dialogues : Ⅰ ・ A : Sumisu-san wa amerikaJin desu ka? Mr. Smith, are you an American? 13 S '. Ee, watashi wa amenkaJm desu. Yes, I am an American? A : Jonson-san mo amerika-jin desu ka? Mr. Johnson, are you an American, too? J : lie, watashi wa amerika-jm ja anmasen. No, I am not an American. Watashi wa lginsu-jin desu. I am British. II. A : Sumisu-san wa gakusee desu ka? Mr. Smith, are you a student? S : Ee, watashi wa gakusee desu. Yes, I am a student. A '蝣Jonson-san mo gakusee desu ka? Mr. Johnson, are you a student, too? J : lie, watashi wa gakusee ja anmasen. No, I am not a student. Watashi wa ginkooin desu. I am a bank employee. Drills : I. Substitution Drill 1. Watashi wa gakusee desu. I am a student. 14 2. gmkooin 3. kaishain amenka-jm mhon-jin 6. 1girisu-jュn furansu-jin ⅠⅠ. Substitution Drill 1. Watashi wa gakusee ja arimasen. I am not a student. 2. gmkooin (Use the words in Drill LI ].) Ill. Substitution Drill 1. Anata wagakusee desu ka? Are you a student? 2. ginkoom (Use the words in Drill [I ].) W. Practice counting from 10,000 to 3,000,000. ichiman, niman, samman, yomman, goman, rokuman, 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 nanaman(shichiman) hachiman, kyuuman, juuman, juuichiman 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 - 15 - juumman, 120,000 nijuuman, mjuuichiman, mjuuniman, - - - ・ 200,000 210,000 220,000 sanjuuman 300,000 yonjuuman 400,000 gojuuman 500,000 rokuj uuman 600,000 nanajuuman (shichijuuman) 700,000 hachijuuman 800,000 kyuujuuman 900,000 hyakuman, hyakuj uuichiman 1,000,000 1,110,000 nihyakuman 2,000,000 sambyakuman 3,000,000 16
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