AUN/SEED-Net ASEAN University Network / South East Asia Engineering Education Development Network March 5, 2014 Nobuko Kayashima Japan International Cooperation Agency 1 SeedNet䠖Region-Wide Engineering Network among 40 top-level universities in ASEAN and Japan Japan 10 ASEAN countries 14 Supporting Universities 26 Member Institutions 䞉University of Yangon (UY) 䞉Yangon Technological University (YTU) 䞉National University of Laos (NUOL) 䞉Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) 䞉Chulalongkorn University (CU) 䞉King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) 䞉Burapha University (BUU) 䞉Kasetsart University (KU) 䞉Thammasat University (TU) 䞉Universiti Malaya (UM) 䞉Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 䞉Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 䞉Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM) 䞉Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) 䞉Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology ( HCMUT) •Hokkaido University • Keio University • Kyoto University • Kyushu University • National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies • Shibaura Institute of Technology • Tokai University • Tokyo Institute of Technology • Toyohashi University of Technology • The University of Tokyo • Waseda University • Tohoku University • Nagoya University • Osaka University 䞉University of the Philippines – Diliman (UP) 䞉 De La Salle University (DLSU) 䞉Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU) 䞉Universiti Brunei Darussalam 䞉Institut Teknologi Brunei 䞉National University of Singapore (NUS) 䞉Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 䞉Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 䞉Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 䞉 Universitas Indonesia (UI) 䞉 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) <Project Period> Preparatory Stage : April. 2001 - Mar. 2003 Phase 1 : Mar. 2003 - Mar. 2008 Phase 2 : Mar. 2008 - Mar. 2013 Phase 3 : Mar. 2013 - Mar. 2018 AUN/SEED-Net Objectives Strengthening leading universities in ASEAN and fostering engineering professionals and academics through a university network among ASEAN and with Japan Achievements Fostering Young Academics 䞉Around 900 academics given scholarships to study master’s/ doctoral degrees within ASEAN and in Japan Strengthening Graduate Programs in ASEAN 䞉Internationalization and quality enhancement of graduate school programs at leading universities Collaborative Research by ASEAN and JICA 䞉Around 700 collaborative researches, over 1,000 academic papers Strengthening of Higher Education Network between ASEAN and JICA 䞉Mutual dispatch of 1,300 academics 䞉Regional academic meetings (about 70 times, approximately 700 participants, around 40% from the privates sector and universities outside the network) Fields 1) 9 Engineering fields: Chemical, Environmental, Manufacturing, Materials, Civil, Electrical & Electronics, ICT, Mechanical / Aeronautical, Geological Engineering 2) 4 Interdisciplinary fields: New / renewable energy, Disaster mitigation, Natural resources & materials, Biotechnology, Global environment Framework of AUN/SEED-Net Master’s/Doctoral Programs + Collaborative Research + Networking + U-I Collaboration Advanced ASEAN Countries* Host U. Master’s/Doctoral programs in ASEAN Japanese U. ␃Ꮫ⏕䛾 ◊✲ཧຍ Co-supervision Collaborative Research Inter-University Network Networking Field-wise Regional Conference Japanese staff dispatch Short-term visits to Japan Short-term visits in ASEAN Doctoral programs in Japan Sending teaching staff University – Industry (U-I) Collaboration Management of Technology (MOT) U – I Linkage Promotion Training U – I Seminar Laboratory Directory Sending teaching staff Sending U. In ASEAN * Advanced ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore & Thailand 4 GraduatePrograms Scholars by Sending Institutions 160 892Scholars 140 28 8 26 30 PhDJapan=148 120 25 16 1 34 100 16 80 12 PhDSandwich=163 22 PhDSingapore=40 7 Master's=541 18 3 60 102 99 13 40 20 72 21 0 66 31 24 89 2 8 12 17 28 17 BUU CU 4 311 5 01 21 0 0 DLSU HCMUT HUST ITB 2 ITC KMITL NUOL UGM UM 21 2 4 01 8 6 03 6 1 9 19 UP USM UY YTU Data(asofMar2013) 5 SeedNet Member Universities in QS World University Ranking(Top 100 in Asia / Engineering / 2012) 1 2 4 5 8. 15. 16. 25. 27. 31. 32. 35. 37. 39. 42. 48. 51. 52. 55. 73. 81. 83. 86. ᮾிᏛ University of Tokyo ᅜ❧䝅䞁䜺䝫䞊䝹Ꮫ National University of Singapore (NUS) ி㒔Ꮫ University of Kyoto ᮾிᕤᴗᏛ Tokyo Institute of Technology 䝘䞁䝲䞁ᕤ⛉Ꮫ Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 㜰Ꮫ University of Osaka ᮾᏛ University of Tohoku ྡྂᒇᏛ University of Nagoya 䝞䞁䝗䞁ᕤ⛉Ꮫ Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB-INA) 䝏䝳䝷䝻䞁䝁䞁Ꮫ Chulalongkorn University (CU) ᪩✄⏣Ꮫ Waseda University ᕞᏛ University of Kyushu 䝬䝷䝲Ꮫ University of Malaya (UM) ᾏ㐨Ꮫ University of Hokkaido 䝬䝺䞊䝅䜰ᕤ⛉Ꮫ Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) ᠕⩏ሿᏛ Keio University 䝬䝺䞊䝅䜰䞉䝥䝖䝷Ꮫ Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) 䜲䞁䝗䝛䝅䜰Ꮫ Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) 䜺䝆䝱䝬䝎Ꮫ Gadjah Mada University (UGM) 䝇䝷䝞䝲ᕤ⛉Ꮫ Institute of Technology of Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) 䝍䝬䝃䞊䝖Ꮫ Thammasat University (TU) 䜹䝉䝃䞊䝖Ꮫ Kasetsart University (KU 䝰䞁䜽䝑䝖⋤ᕤ⛉Ꮫ䝷䜹䝞䞁ᰯ King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) 10/14 Japanese Universities 13/26 ASEAN Universities JICA’s Profile in Engineering Higher Education in Southeast Asia Laos •NationalUniversityofLaos(IT):TA •Scholarshipforgovernmental officials(JDS):Grant Vietnam SoutheastAsiaRegion •AUN/SEEDͲNet:TA Myanmar •YangonTechnologicalUniversity &MandalayTechnological University:TA •Scholarshipforgovernmental officials(JDS):Grant •HanoiUniversityofTechnology andScience(ITfield): loan&TA •IndustrialUniversityofHoChi MinhCity (heavyͲchemical sector):TA •Scholarshipforgovernmental officials(JDS):Grant •HoChiMinhCityUniversityof Technology(universityͲindustryͲ communitylinkage):TA Thailand Philippines •KingMongkut’sInstituteof TechnologyLadkrabang(ITC): Grant&TA •ThammasartUniversity:TA •TechnicalVocationalHighSchool:TA •Scholarshipforgovernmental officials(JDS):Grant Cambodia •InstituteofTechnologyof Cambodia:Grant&TA •Scholarshipforgovernmental officials(JDS):Grant Indonesia Malaysia •Scholarshipfortwinning programs(HELPIII):loan •MalaysiaJapanInternational InstituteofTechnology(MJIIT): Loan&TA *OnͲgoingprojectsareunderlined (AsofFeb.2014) TimorLeste •CapacityDevelopmentofthe FacultyofEngineering,Scienceand Technology,theNationalUniversity ofTimorͲLorosa‘e:TA& Grant •InstituteofTechnologyBandung: Loan •Hasanuddin University:Loan&TA •Scholarshipforgovernmentofficials (PHRDPIII~V):Loan •InstituteofTechnologySurabaya: TA •UniversityofGadjahMada (universityͲindustrylinkage):TA •11localuniversities:TA 7
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