Japanese Psychological Review ,**2, Vol. /+, No. -, ῌ῎῍ ῌ ῌ῏῍ ῌ ῍ ῏ ῎ Spatio-temporal dynamic theory of figural after-effects Shin NOZAWA University of the Sacred Heart For the spatio-temporal consideration of figural after-effects, it is insufficient to examine only the static figure pattern itself, but it is necessary to observe the total field : the inside and the outside of the figure that change during inspection time. According to this viewpoint, the changing processes of the increment threshold of two small light spots, one on the inside and the other on the outside of a closed line figure, are studied Exp. ῍, Exp. ῎ An antagonistic relation is ascertained that during inspection time, the inside threshold is inhibited and the outside threshold is facilitated. Because of the graphic curve of the change of the differences between the inside and the outside increment thresholds according to the time process the results of Exp. ῏, Fig. ῍ῒ are strictly similar to the graphic results of the well-known characteristic displacement of the figural after-effects of concentric circles Fig. ῏ presented by Oyama ῍ῒῑῐ and Ikeda and Obonai ῍ῒῑῑ the above-described spatio-temporal dynamic theory that supposed the hypothetical tendency of the equalization of the total field of the figures is trustworthy. The investigation of figural after-effects that study on reciprocal spatio-temporal action of two successive stimulus figures should become increasingly indispensible. Key words : figural after-effects, adaptation of curved lines tilted lines and slanted surface and its negative after-effect, displacement effect of test figure TF distance paradox of displacement, feature analyser model of figural aftereffectsincrement threshold ῍ῌ῏ῌ῎῍ ! "# TF $ %& $%'()* +,"-./01 23456ῐ m ixdUmy Fn_o > TF ῌ ῐΐῒῑ >c IF X|CK{XGH cOP>`JXu74>c ῏ DOP 789:;<=>?@ABCDD Ic ῏ > IF X ¡¢ £ TF X EFGHIJKLM N; OP in- u74>c¤7I ¥¦IKLM spection figure : IF LQR AN? "# m§fe>¨aOPLm©~h a i} test figure : TF LQR STU>VW dUmx} Jhª«A¬ «> X9YZ[X figural after-effects b i}dUmx} L\]^_A `Z[Xabcdefghi ¤®¯ OPY_Li}dUmx} J jcOPXklKm Köhler ῍ῒῐῌ Fn_o hªDªLU>n_°>ST_o ¥¦ pqr>m ῍ stu74L JXvwix a c ef¨aOP>A±«FnK ydUX TF :z{>|CKu7 `L 4L i}M~X IF LY_o (JKef TF Xu7 KOP~ Jh2I c %²A³{´i>nK`L~µm abef¶bfJc·h ¥¦Y_¸Fª~C L¹TfJcCK LºPFM_o :»>³{¼ ½ ῌ῎῍ ½
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