S10Cコ EMIcAL ANDコ ARH● 10ココヽおI●AL iESEハ nCH(loM14コ ヽ工CA口 ONヽ 236,151-154(1997) LE NO RC976919 Down― Regulation Of the Defective Transcttpts ofthe Werner's Syndrome Gene in the Celis of Patients Y t t a k o Y a r la■ be,Masanobu Su8■ m o t O , M i s a k o S a t o h , N o■ ・ ■ ■■ 臨 S u z u 蔦, M i n o r u S u g a w a r a , MaltOto GotO,■and Yasuhiro Furuichi・ A C p r ご 貴タ ロこでぁr ″ sけ 力″々 2 θθ I C r″ あo コL F a れ。そ″ヵ% 拓 “″空争切“ 2 Z 7 J “P 。な o ″どヽ D の 。, か ″で ,1と ″" o とo し Ogサ ザ R んで 免 わ o ユ危腕コo 2 カ ″″θ於滋 α″。 > 0 お″Z α ? 。● ル, " o た4 駒 ゎo ヱ 7 θJ 4 p o ″ ,pj施 み2 8 ヱ ] あ″。, ″ Recttvod J_。 2 1997 Werller's sy_droI Ic(wS),all addt proge■ ia,Is a ro‐ 00SSIVK gelletic dlsord● ■。allsed by tho lnIItatiolls血 the DNA tthcttc gelle(wRN)IIItht stuⅢ ,a ooIIPar_ at市。■。ItheHl blot allattsis Was ltlade for lyrAl・ p。 RNAsextactedと nonsense cOd。 ■s FIbroblasts and B_IInIIPhoい lastoid cell llnes ttansfo■ Iled by the EPstein_Bari予■ ■usKEB"つ 狂 e h70 m奇 Or SOurces oF cells IIoII Patlel■ tS tl■ at are avallable io■ cellular studles The HIRN nuta位 on is 。I n a b r o b l a s t s adx ■ B IPPLoblastoid ●clls of ws Paticnts,IelatNss of paticllts,aIId BIt IIllal indviduals Tl■ e lev。ls ofllutant wI』 N IttRNAと 。コ P, ticIIt cells、マ0■e SigoJ8。 a■lt1710Hrerthallthoseofmtact ridllals by all averヽ mRNA iom the cells ofH。 コ匝al illd■ ■ age of 70% FllrtherI Iorc,all extre‐ oⅢ loW leA● 1● f WRN IIIRNA(s),PIesul labし aコ Jb輸口 ■o o f I H u t a ■ lt alld 's ta‐ mtact xnRN4s,,マ as oLsewed br the patlellし ■ly ltlellbers who caH甘 。Ile llutated allcle TLeso■ 。suts s竹 oI唱 ,suggost that a rdatwdy low lcvcl cf Lellcaso llRNA is suflcicnt to PIovcnt tl■ e oIIset of Wo■ lloゴs syndroIIle 。 7れ な lq● delnic Press ヽVerner's syndromo(ヽ VS)is an aut。 国olnal recesslve diso■dol causing srtll toIIs of Prelnature agl■ g, sucl■ as F7hlte ha■l,balaness,cataracts,and osteoPo■ 。SiS(1認 帯 ぎ縄 唯 i培 論 :]モ督t忌翼 胡 鮮 品 協 some 8,v hiel■ encodes a p■ Otell■sbincmtly si・ 淵 rular to the 2 c。 力RecQ―tX pe D卜 しヽh。licases(5)At loast 19 撤 署 キ薔 器 鑑 :謎 端 鞘 語 韻 called variegated tians10catlon IIIosaicisコ o(11),and ab一 noIIIal telome■ ed■ ■■amics(12)LIttle,hOwover,is known about the nI。 leo■aI Inechal■Isms、 マhereby the WRN hdicase gene n■ utatton causes these abno■ mali‐ tles oi abo■lt the IIletabollsln of the transc五 Pts oF tlle ltlutated gene We and others sh。 、 ved by IHT PCR o■ northem blot analysis thatthe mRNA oFthe mlRN hellcase gene Fras tlanscibocl in botl■ f■ broblasts antl ttBV trmsbltlned B Iyttphobltttoid c』 l hnes(5,9)Ill this st■ldy,we show that the anlounts of m ltantヽ ∇ Inマ dNA are reduced in these cells having elther holnozygous。 ■heしerozy‐ gOus mutahOn MATERIALS AND METHODS The ptttlclts were ぃdi雄 osed as previ。 ■s,reF。■ビ Ed(3)Bocanse ,:鼎 漕品品為盤難穐瑞 培 古 11号 甜鮎∬瑞総主 常よ i描 潔艦 磐督 艦塩盟選 群tよ 器警鳩皆 e翠 群笠 掛盤群掛 規 宙 督」 絆諄 繋断 縄:濫 t7ons Avero iII the 。 cno,dallnngI orsetまh rhoo昭 tll the C8si謎eと 樹監縦 認景 札掃 主 岩 鮮出督謎 盤建 mutatlons ng l抗 。ws the「ositi。 こs oflLese ml■ t● 6onsiェ thecDN、 BIld tl。 1lst of Patiorts andェ o rlnJ indl宙d■ lals ioⅢ wと。m the cell l遮es wor。 。btahoこ MItajo■ lis he naェ T) ge of one baso(C→ st nudcotiこ 。4144(i■ tllo 33rd exo■)in tl o lo血■g regDn gPnerdtitrlg a ■o w 載 ∞ c 。 3。 ■。F コ3 A i t l e t l t t n t t。 e●ぱ c oCこ C A a t 延ふ o a c i d 緊 鶴 謎 魯 軽 , 豊 富灘 欝 塁 科論 甘艦 1336(in ho 9th elon)丁 the dD卜L生,餃 ェ。ratlng a stop eoa。ェ。FTFTA ot amlno acla rssidue 369(5 7)Tlle ttbroblasts were tttai■ ed froln l To whom corrosPOndenco sh。 ■ld be atldre。 。 。d FaI:+81467‐ 486595 E IIII:危 ruichコ3agen。 。 。うp Abbre、■■8oェs:WS Werェ ers syndrolce:ヽVIuv,巾 七rnoIヽ 野D3'Ome 響謎薔盛 Si鮒 撤 i酷 錯闘詳 濫盟 部縄路瑞盟環継鵠塩」 急 転温総盟品断 tI° lll lh算 metllod(14)and ollttteptaT30(15)駈 軸 。 。″g oF,o,ltl+RNA 袖 銚と 轡 選路紺 鮒 Ъ ざ wero oloctiophoresod in 14.agaros。 騰塩 餃ls co五首ning ttrmattde ma 151 0006‐ 291通97,2500 CoPriぶ 10199'bF Ac,aentc Prtss 知 1 「E h t s l r o p r o d l lnc hi● n ary向 1 ■ r e s e r va● /,ノ V31 236,N。 1 1997 BIOCHEMICAL ANE BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICAT10NS PЮ L● ths tl■ding more systematlcally SI‐ ce B lsallphoblas― olls軒 。、 toiclで v fastol than ib■oblast cellsi they alloxved ■ ls to coIIPare the nRNA levds at all■ ■ ost the salne PDLs,as well as to obthn the cells IIom a「 eater IItllnbO■ S Of Pahents whose mutatlon sltes wo■ e de‐ iL■ed ln aaclltloI. usillg amenable B‐ cells enabled us to cttend tl■ e st■ ■ dy te the normaI Iolati、cs of hete■ozェ uS Patlentsコ vho carrr oI■ly one allelo of the mutated 即 Sと町車lm 典 せ ぃ 申 cells wltl■ hoIIIoZygOus nut4tlo■ 4 gene The B― N0001 2● ′M ― ′― NoIB甑 VS0801 and WS9801)o■ mutation 6(ヽ VS10201江 nd (ヽ _ N●007 AS′ M _′ Noll 自[ ヽVSl1001)had muth less mPINA than the no■ Inal cells 一 N1000 S1/M _′ NoBBI (N0007 and N0008)at PDLs bettteen 48 and 87 0n WS10001 打 ′M '市 ctr t 1 / 1 average,the殉 ■。unt of mRNA of patlellts was about コ臼6ml 抑S ● 801 4 ●′P 4/4 30%of tl■ at of n。■mal individ■ ■ als,nealllng that the 町ヽ,801 セ ′M 4 / 4 ■ntlo■ cells w■th a nutatlon in only one dllolo shodd have 巾S 1 0 8 0 1 " ′F 4′ 4 ■■OtI! about 65%(l e 50%■ 30■品 )of nolmal cell rduヾ A コFthtt i W S J ●1 0 1 お ′F `′ ` Tl■e talhng in botl■lhe shoit and〕 ong transuに PtiedonS 耶 11001 却 ′F ,■0卸 │ `フ ` was more● bv■ous in the patlent cells thm lln the no■ ‐ WS0101 30′ M 1/4 PAF eEr mal cells(ng 2B,lmes3 md5),stlg野 乱IIlg an at母 ― F l′ FS C10・ "′ NODD山 nentocl dettadation oF the mm(A andrOr abnttmal PN01は Ⅲ ′F “ ′― Nelmel sPllcing III Patie・ lt eells, as shЮwn in otl■ er cases h X・ hel■ nonserlso codons aFIFcted RNA netabolism ll■ FIG l Postttttoェ or mutations l)4)and 6 in tlo cDNA ofhVRN ve■ teb■ ate cells(16,17)To v。五母 thatlhe obsAIved doま ■。lic●so sIIt tl■ e llst efコ■8でコts andェ orlntt i■3ht8nals flon whom 航 e ccll linos wぃ 。抗 tよned N,WS,aェ d PN il■dlcateェ oII lds,Woト radatlon ocarred spechcally on lheヽ WЪnマll.RNA,wo I■ ers syndromo F宙 jOnts snd Phコ ot〕JCttlF norIEtt s』 ヽ。乱S)rospoし elalruned the levels of eTF2E2 nRNA(whose genoIIIc trelF lRN geno(18))(Fig locatlon is dose to that oF the■ 2B)Thelevds of OTF2E2い しヽwere apparently un‐ aIIected by the mlRN mutatonヽ Ve also exalmned tlIIoe were付 血 sFsEed to H)o■ こNぃ 。mbranos(Amorstam)H"rittZa n e I I I b e r s o ft h a血 Ⅲp (a Ft il ge l 3■) a p h e n yo " P i C a ■ '2P‐ tion せos Porf●llned、立tt a 2 x 10・ cP前 血 radiolatelled ProSe nomal lltother(PN0104)win heterozygous mutatlon mtrsns― pre,ared flom tl o C_torttnHl reュ on whtiindidestho 3′ (PN0102) l a t e a r e。 事 ェ( ■ l l C l c o t l d e r e s i d u e s 3 1 9 9 5 0 6 5 ) o f l l l e w R N giegn ol()コ ) 4(lane 3), a PhenetvPically nllrmal siste■ with heterozyg。 ■ ls la■ utatnon l(lal■ e2)and a Pahent 乱 426C foェ 16 h Thelltl■ a me■ l13ranes were washed h 0 2 x SSCア 01%SDS at 42・ C For 30 nln aェ d antoradlographed for ive dd s with compound heterozygoぃ ll■ utatlons l and 4(lane For qua■ tltatttrc analysis the nombrュ ェos、,α o StjPpod ttnd thoA l)rrhe Patlent cells showod a ve,y low lev。 1。f the w e r e r e h F b h d I Z e d 航血 ュ・ T r a d d ぉ e l l o d ′r は ■, ■O b e 、 a c o n t r d 、v m ヾ . n P t N A ( 1 3 % o F t h e ■ nm。 allevel)aS expected flonI to■omallze lLe de■ sttt lLe rci茄 ve ittcnsitics or hditdul wllN the resdt、 ■th nbroblast cells sho、 マn in Fig 2A Stu‐ lllRNII ba■ as were estIIEttd byュ I As 1500 Bio血 ュ釣 g Allま ,zer assun.hg tllo intenslけ of工。 rmal to bo 100% (Fttinlm〕 PrisinJ7,tl・ a cells IIom the apparcIIt homal iolablves hatting a hete■ oz了岳ous r■■ ltatlon also showed reduced lovels ofllnRNA(37%ar.d55%of no■ mal level),lower RESULTS AND DiSCuSsioN than the theOretlcallevel ofmRNA oxl ected to be pres‐ The lovels ofヽ ∇ ]Rltt gene trttscipts 、マere colnIPared entin heterozygous edls,lhat is,65%lft■ elatloned above iIIいoth abrOblasts and B‐ I■ ■nIPhoblastoid cell lines ob― in tl■ Is sectlon The■ eason(s)bebIェ d dis reducllon in ta14 ed floコ a no■mal■ l■ dhidual(N0006)and aヽ マS intactヽVT破ヾlaNA accoltlpanied by the enhanced re‐ IIont car五 es the duction of deleo成 ve ltlRNA is dlttcdt to exllaLI Il■ mo‐ Patient(WS10801)The WS10801 pε ・ homozygOus ll■ ■ ■ tat10n 4 SmnIItt alnounts of p。 loculJ terms,d■ le to a llェ ェted data and knぃ vledge in い(均 RNA● xtracted ioltlcellIInes at a siIIIIlaI PDL cdt■ lred the沌 喪 arch ield deallng with tte sぃ che degladation under lhe same condltlo■ s wα e analA7zed by no■ ■でm of nonsense mRNA NotRIthstandng ths enign■ a,Ive bl抗 血 江ysis ushg aヨ 2P Lbelled DNA ng 2A shows boIIeve tllat our nIIdlng P・ 。v■des data new to mFdヾ A tl■ at the HIRN g。 ■e tl anscript levelオ om theヽ VS pa― dynamics witll a Hコ xed Populatlo■ ofintact and deieC― tlent was much less than lhat iom lhe no‐ tlal indln伊 tlve lnRl(A ual, for eitter nbroblasts o■ B lyltlPhoblastoid cells In gene■ al,the reduced levels ofコ =R]ヾA ll■ alr be at‐ ―a c t l n I I P t N A a s s e s s e d a s a The exPressiOn levels of β 伍 buted to a reduction in ttanscttption efIIciency or colltrol were alnost the salne fol no■ Itlal and WS cells nRNA dectt Tlle results ofthls st■ lけ do not necessar The larg● ■■anschpts of about 8 kb o■ oatei could ily exでlude the posslbIIよ 丁 of a■eductlo■ II■trarlscIIP― 軒 be the stable intermediate Prod■ lcts oftl■ e sPhhng reac‐ tlon efflcioIIcy,but a lnutatlon agectlng he transc五 Ij― ■2 → 4 →i m 如 ∞ tlon eftciency of theヽ Vmヾ gene is u述 血 Ⅲ because tlon ヽ Ve■ lsed B切 yttphoblastoid cell IInes to investlgate the levels of CTTF2E2 1nRNA wore m■ 152 ノ'ク cl■ anged between 〔o1 236 No l 1997 BlocnEMIcAL■ ND BIOP口 YSICAL RESE I CH COMⅣ 81 15 RNICAT10NS B A ハ じ 4 Si々 Sizo (kb) (k切 0575- 0575- 44- 44- 24- 24- i4- ■4 _ 伊o●4in 6「F2E2 ,や。1● bl or Nerma Ⅲ Ⅲ0 28 19 7 HG 2 Norlhem blot analysis oF lhc ccllsは 。In normalindi、 idiols aェ せヽ VS,前 icl■ ts 141ミ ヽ ェ。 blasへ fttom aェ oHnal ttditltltt N0006 (lane l)and flomェ p●5。■│ヽvS10801(Iane 2)and B l沖 IPh品 1■stoid ccIIs市。D a normalindl■ d■ lal N6006(lan。 3)aェ t rlolll'VS10801(laェ o 4)(B)BⅢ ェp上oもlastnd cons Fttomェ ormal iIIdividuals N0007(lane l)血 d Nooo8 0ano 2)血 ご付onl 13atlel■ tsヽTSOS01(lltDo 3)WS9811 ― d WSl1001(lano 6)TTo β (lanc 4)NSlo201(lane 5),並 BCtlェana CTF2E21nRNAs on tlo s“ me ttters were hrbittZじ d bi sFccinc Probes and were usod す o ● 。mpare andェ ormttisc tlle diュ ■o■mal and Patients(Fig 2B)Rather,the difi■ lsion Of mutated mRNA into smallo■ sizes in the no■thern b16t andslsis(Iヽ g 2B,lanes 3 and 5)is consistent wltl■ tl■ e second Possibiltty thaし the dettaddtlon of mutated then be he biologicalい 。nef■t tti the down‐ ■o印ェlaton of mutated transc■ lpts?The acで urnulaton oF deFective mR卜 しヽInay have the lollowing hマ o disadvantages l) 廿anslatiOn Of do■ ctive protelrls is not econon■ lcttl to m R N A i s e n h a n c e d , a s w i t h l hg e1 0 nb ti un t aathe tn edcells,and d β 2),vith heterozsrgotes,thOse protenls are 廿iose PhosPhate isoltlerase genes(16,17)ヽ ,■aしwo■』d harlrr■ll aue to the co血 petitI∞ with noIInal Products Recently, we Jound that most of the mutatlons in theヽVRN gene generate lhe PreIIatule tertta■ inatloェ of 1 2 廿ansi atlon,resultlng in theimpttred nuclear tlansPor― Sizo l tation of gene p■oducts in the c。1ls Of Patients(19)Ihe (kり ln。1。 cular events associated w■ th the NVRN mutatlons lllay lhus be a down■ egIIatioェof tl ansttipts(shown 0575in this Paper),the generatio■ oftruncated P■ otein and 44their impaired nuclear tl aコ sPort Tllis study showed the clinically II■ ■ poltant condu 24sions tl dt l)WRN IllRム Lヽlevels were sigコ incantly re Ⅲ4 _ duced in Patienし cells,2)theヽ Vttni nttL、 oxPreSSed by a nO■ nal ユ lelo of a heterozygous individual was do、、 regHaled by an u血 o、■ mechanisコ (s))but 3) J IVS01 01 a relatlveⅢ low level of helicase mRNA was suttdent 2 PN0102 to PTevent the onset ofヽ ▽einerjs synd■ onle ・.。iN。 「 ma[ 13 37 55 16 , m aCtin F‐ 3 PN0104 ACKNOVVLEDGMENTS H C t 3 N o ァ t h e r a b l o t a n a l l s i s o f t 付。 l lme tchdo] 、b m ‖y o f a slュ ェd4 B‐ PatientヽTS0101 will comPound tteterozェ印 Is IItltiioェ lymPhoblastol■ PN0102、 cells iom p● たth a lletcrozJgouS Ⅲ はじnt WS0101(laェ ol))his■ ■tatlo■ 1(lttlle 2Ⅲ ヽ 7c aro gntorlllo Dr Aaroェ J Shaddn attl o Centeribr Advttncod Biotechェ olo骨 y and`た031hno(PlscatawaF,NJ)応 r critctt readlnF of the mェ nuscnl t and encouragomont Tlis、 vort was sIPPorted bF th0 Drug Orgmizab。 oF JaPaェ ■sIPer宙 sed bF l■e Nillistri nf H。 llh and Wolirc .■ oIII tt StSter and LS工 。IInal REFERENCES mother PN0104 with a heterozFg● [ts m utiion 4(lttno 3)Tho protles or,■ icnt、vS10001(lane 4)and a nor■ ld individud N0006(lttno 5) are shown os roに ァ●nce i EPsteiniC J Marhn)CM Sh,ltz A L,and Motuls、 ,AG ″α45,177_221 (1966)コ″αど'c↓ 153 /デ よ B10CHEM CAL AlrEI BIOPHYRIC地 Vd 236,No l,1997 2 Mo山 血d nGヽ と (1973)あ Genetic Ettcts o■Attng(Bergsma,D, H t t r■ i sD 。E E d s ) , p P S - 3 9 , L l s s , kN e w Y ∝ 【awa,K,■ セtaolta,HⅢ Sugavara K,Th6mas,WⅢ ]たosoA,Bj Tslchhash Z,DraPla,D,Sngawara,M,Suttoto,M)FuIII‐ ch Y,2nd Coto M (1997)II ′ ″ 6セ″oた 100,123-130 3 Goto M,Td― cto,K)H611uch■ i Y j BIld Sasaz洞 は,T (1981) C,, Co jセ 19,8-15 4 Goto,Mク 取I I I α R W I s h 底 剛 SEARCH COMttICAT10NS 10 Marは H.GM,的 あ ひぃと23,86-92 3Wa)YⅢ alla sugmo H(1996) Caz硬ェFβケ 彦α れわとBめ"o清 ″ r・Pr。。5,239-246 r a 即 。, C A , 血 1l Salk D ARl,K,HoAhIぅ Л 々ゼ B力 ′190,541_546 5 YH C E Osllllna,J,F町 立 HⅢ 和町slnani E 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