Chapter 9. Research Methods for Alternative Approaches to Transfer – Implications for Design Experiments Joanne Lobato Rep. ħĥ ř Introduction } Ėƈ+øŝ#Ī+Şĸ,Ĥ®*ÜB ŎÞ+ĬÕ&8useful )ÜƄżǓAđ =' } ÜƄ+ƌ¹(generalization of learning),_SF|ßǓ* %8ǀƓ)FTu~ } Ʊŧĵü*4#@=ĜńƦ= ,ŔƦŝ)Èǐ*:<ÜƄ+ƌ¹*DŽ=ŔƘ9Ĕ Ē*# %,Dž;>ŢũƐ@>% ) Theoretical Perspectives on the Transfer of Learning and Design Experiments in Education } ³+ paper &ŢũƆ+ĉ#Ʊŧ+t_y+Ïì*=ŔƦŝ³đ_SF|ßǓAŜç =+*òǏ% =' 'AĊē% =ǕLobato 2003ǖ ! Classical transfer approach " Ʊŧ',subjects ®Ĩƥǐ'Ķƶŝ*Âķ)ZVMAļƐ=' " ßǓ*:"%ƱŧƬ"+Ƭ"% ) +AĞ;*=ƕŲŝ& )"<incorrect performance ')":)ŎÞ+ƌ¹AÂÞ) Ǖ2B; , negative transfer =,)+* "8+AƹåƟ%ƱŧƬ "',Ɣ)) '8=ǖ " ŽĮ'%44)ÜƄżǓ+ƌ¹*DŽ=_~ZA@*KxLuwr+ revision Ɛ@>=>,Ʊŧƥǐ*ł"8+* instruction AÔ=' Ā úŁÞ*#)= ! Actor-oriented transfer approachǕLobato 2003, 2007ǞLobato & Siebert 2002ǖ " +ÜƄƆ+ƌ¹k{XVAŔƘ:'=Dk{~\ " ƌ¹A:) instructional environments +ƓŹAŽ/#:'= " DŽþAºƠ4'7%KxLuwrĖī9 pedagogical approach + revision *ņ Transfer Methods and Design Experiments } +Ŭ&,Ʊŧ+XJx~_SF|+ĀúŁÞ*òǏ='ƙ'A44)Ʊŧ+ ƔĜ+&@>=ŢũĜń*ŅŞ%ƨƦ= ! Classical modelsǝßǓƚŚń*:<ƱŧAŇÞ= ! Actor-orientedǝHVdNwiE]M)Ĝń*:= " ś)=ĜńƦŝDk{~\_SF|+ĀúŁÞ+7*_~Z+ĩƫ*òǏ = 1 " ? ?)Dk{~\¬%% =+*>;+Dk{~\AľƲ%ģ> 8+æ) ! Part Iǝ5 #+Ʊŧ+ƔĜ;ĜńƦAęŔ= ! Part IIǝactor-oriented transfer AƜǂ:'=&Ŗ4> 2 #+ŢũĜń*# %ź Part One: Relationships between Theory and Methods in Transfer Models } 5 #+Ʊŧ+ƔĜ ! classical / actor-oriented ! transfer as preparation for future learning (Bransford & Schwartz 1999) ! the affordance and constraints approach (Greeno et al. 1993) ! transfer as consequential transitions (Beach, 1999) >>+ŔƦŝ}ĜńƦŝ)Dk{~\IJƛ=Ʊŧ+ǁ9ƫ*ä%(+:*òǏ =+AęŔ= How Research Methods Influence Transfer Definitions } Þƃ ! Classical approach " Transfer is defined as the application of knowledge learned in one situation to another situation ! Actor-oriented " Transfer is defined as the generalization of learning, which also can be understood as the influence of a learner’s prior activities on his or her activity in novel situation (Lobato, 2003, 2007) Þƃ,% =:*Ɣ=ß,Ĝńƺ } Ĝń ! Classical approach " Initial task ' transfer task Aʼn£=>;,Ķƶŝ*,ǒ% =Ƒǎ ŝ*,ś)"% = " Initial task A)Ƃcontrol group :<8 transfer task &: performance &>-ÜƄżǓ+;+ƾAƌ¹8+'5) ! Actor-oriented " HVdNwiE]M)Ĝń&³+DM^Eg^E;+òǏAŤÇ=8+A ;>DM^Eg^EAŵį%IJƛ=;>ě ŏŃ'¦ƐŏŃ *=ĝÛĵü'(+:*ďž+Ǖthe process of “similarity-making” &)ŏŃ+ƺ AƔĴ7<ŏŃAÔ=' '8Å6ǖAIJƛ= 2 How Transfer Definitions Affect Research Methods } Affordances and constraints perspective ! Classical transfer model D~^EiCM`9ťĚ¹ŝŕÒAºƤĞ% ) ' Ą¯;Ŗ4> ! Þƃǝtransfer as the extent to which participating in an activity in one situation influences one’s ability to participate in another activity in a different situation. (Greeno et al. 1993) " *Ô+8+&,)ķ)Ĝń&D~^EiCM`9'F|ZwMTv |=Ɖ´'%Þƃ " Ʊŧ=7+Ô+ affordance 9 constraints "%ÜƄƆ>*Á@= ñ& transform ='&Ʊŧăū= # affordance 9 constraints Aĭ=7*+ņ¸+HVdNw iE]M)¡ǎ&ƤĞ:' Relationships Among Methods and Other Dimensions of Transfer Theory } ++Ʊŧ+ƔĜ'ŢũĜńƦ'+DŽA'* RQ +ū%Ĝ'Ʊŧ+k{XV(& Ƭ=+' ¡ǎ;IJƛ= How the Nature of the Research Question is Related to the Methods } actor-oriented )ƔĜ&Ɛ@>HVdNwiE]M)Ĝń'PFL Dk{~\*=ßǓŝ Ĝń'AľƲ ! PFL Dk{~\,classical transfer Dk{~\ǃ real world &,ŏŃAĦ·* "%ÈǐƘŁ='AŋƖ% ='*ŠŞ%Ɛ@>% = " +:)ßǓŝĜń&, (+ĬƱŧAƸ' RQ AĎũ=+ *,Ä % = " actor-oriented transfer Dk{~\, ÜƄƆŏŃAƭ%ǒþA(+ :*Ɣ % 'ŕÒǒþA(+:*Ķă% =' RQ *= # negative transfer A missing ) # ļţ*ƙ-actor-oriented transfer Aċ=' ',(positive &? ' negative &?')transfer +ŽĮAċ=+&,)ŏŃǃ+DŽþ A(+:*Ķų+k{XV'% transfer Aċ=' '& = ! Ʊŧ% =+' 'Aĭ=+,_SF|ßǓ*8ƇÞ ŝ)ĀÆ= 3 How the Location and Nature of Transfer Processes are Related to One’s Unit of Analysis } Beach(1999, 2003)+ consequential transitions perspective ' actor-oriented approach ,Ʊ ŧAŵŦ}ō}Ě¹+ĿʼnAƯ &ė=8+'%ċ% =ĭ¼*:"%(+ distributed phenomenon AŢũ+&³ǎ*¬Ô@"%= ! Beach +Þƃǝa transition involving the transformation of knowledge, skill, and identity across multiple forms of social organization. " ŽĮ'%+Ô¹(transfer),9ťŝĚƊ+Ô¹&,)>;+DŽþ+ Ô¹'%ċ= " ĭĜń'%ǝdevelopmental “coupling” # Ô¹='Ô¹=ťņ¸A coupling =>, process +)&Ô¹ =8+'%ċ= ! actor-oriented transfer perspective +ÑÁ " ƌ¹+ņ¸*44)”player”DŽ@"% =Ǖņ¸+DŽƆō¶ %>=ßư+8+ǖ " ! coupled unit &,)zly'ťzly&ĭAƐ # F|Zgu~_~Z&+ÜƄżǓ+ƌ¹+ĜńAÂÞ= # Ėà_~ZA"%ťĶƶ+¡ǎAĭ= ĭ¼ś)='&ƌ¹k{XV&eFwF`=¡ǎ8ś)"%= " actor-oriented +ÑÁ+ƌ¹AƔ<+ƌ¹ťĚ¹ŝßư*:<( +:*²Ŷ>% =+AƔ=+*óū# Part Two: Specific Methods Used in the Actor-Oriented Transfer Approach } NwG|_E]a}XJx~*Ï$ ĜńƦ+đı Method One: How to Establish Evidence of the Transfer of Learning in a Design Experiment from an Actor-Oriented Transfer Perspective } _SF|ßǓ+ĚƊ& actor-oriented perspective +Hg_|VA(+:*Ɣ Structure of Claims } ƌŝ*ƱŧƬ"' 'A actor-oriented perspective & );-+: )ƓŀAňùƓ ! kz}oV`F|Zgu~;Ʊŧƥǐ*=ĵü9fiI~p|V*ĦĀ)Ô¹ 5;>= ! kzF|Zgu~+°ƥǐ9_SF|ßǓ*= early curriculum activities +fiI ~p|V* %Ʊŧƥǐ+L~P|Xk`')=ĶăƓŹ2'B(5;>) ! oV`F|Zgu~+Ʊŧƥǐ*=ÜƄƆ+ĐƦ'_SF|ßǓ+Ā+DM^ Eg^E*=>'+ǃ*Ùð)ǒþ+DŽăū% = ! 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Multistage design model (Bannan-Ritland 2003, Holton 1998) " Discovery Stages 7 # Informed explorationEnactment ! Actor-oriented perspective Ä % = " ÜƄ+ƌ¹+ novices *:=k{XVAIJƛ=ĜńAđ " curricular materials 9 pedagogical approach A revise =ÿÐAđ =7*Ú(8!+ÜƄ+ƌ¹AŢũ='*)= " instructional environments +Ŏ÷'Ú(8!+ĐƦfZ~|9f iI~p|VAĵüŝ*Ž/#='&= _SF|Ţũ+®ĨV^~U&) (+:*+ƱŧƬ =+' ÊĮ+ƤĞ¿Ɖ* " Verification Stages # Local impactBroader impact ! _SF|Ţũ+®ĨĽLJ&,ƕŲŝ= ,ļ fiI~p|VAƱ ŧ+Ċĸ'=+,ĖČßư*:"%(+:*ÜƄ+ƌ¹DiI~a >²Ŷ>% =+AIJƛ=7*8ƽ% 2: ! ݨ*`wFDyV^~U*ŧ";_SF|Fdl~Tv| 4¸,)+&HLVf~`t_y*Ï$ Ʊŧ+ perspective 8 '&= ? " classical transfer , broader impact phase *,: " Local impact A8;*,PFL +:*œßNj>ÈǐƘŁA Å7ÜƄ+z_EcVAÌ=:*=+: " actor-oriented approach &lj7ÿÐA¥* revise instructional innovations AßǓŝ*IJƞ<Ùðþ+ǔ Ƙƿ*ą:)Ž ƦAIJƞ=+*PFL Dk{~\,ƪő&= " Remaining Challenges # ? ?)V^~U&_SF|ŢũA=*ð"%>>+V^~U& 44)ŢũAŽĮAĵüŝ*ďž=:*ŢũA=*,(>: ' Èǐ # DXVs|`'Ţũ+_SF|discovery stages ' verification stages Aj x]U&='ŭƆ,ƅ% = ! verification stages &, large scale &ǍƕŲŝ)Ʊŧ+A8"'Ɵ &=:) sophisticated techniques ùƓǕJ|wF|^V`'m ~f~^V`'ǟǖ ! jx]UAƅ=*ð"%,experimental designs &ƅĂ>% = independent variables +Ö instructional approach 'DŽ% = >;+ǃ+ interactions *# %ƅĂ>% ) +ÈǐǕŭƆ;+ focusing phenomena studies &,Ėê+DMTv|ĖČƓŹÚ(8 !ĘÜAŔƘ=*ð"%ǑƏ)ƓŹ'+ interactions ơ7;> % =ǖ 8
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