D !"! ()'BAKL=-. ® ¯*+ῌd5°*, Paraserianthes falcataria : Albizia falcataria, !"!#$ %&'()*+,-./ 012)34 567 !"!89 %&:;$<7.4 =>?@A/ BC=56DE4 ) 3=F !"!GHIJ,AKL=-.,=J:4 MN@A/ >?=OP4 QR !ST PPHT UVWXYZ[!" Chandra Boer \]4 ^ST Sugiarto _4 Sophian _4 `abcYZ\ defgYZh4 i!jk Budi _=lmn7:.o:./ *.4 pqrstu\vw x^yz{=|5}~"7 :.o:./ BC= Carolus Holzshuh = type locality =J::.o:./ *.4 Y Z\ YZ]=GH7:.o:./ C =HH7A/ ῌ !"!894 QR !ST ¡ ¢£¤7¥.¦§9¨ lm9¨D +,*** ha lm=K F4 1** 6D'B4 9¨©sGª«BD4 ,F¬ Hiroshi Makihara and Kazuma Matsumoto : The Reason Why Records of Albizzia Borer, Xystrocer festiva (Coleoptera ; Cerambycidae) Increased in the Last Decades in East Kalimantan, Indonesia *+ YZ\±²³´]4 *, YZ\Gµ¶ T·¢¸¹ºYZ» ¼] U V a No. 00 ῍,**0῎ 57 Makihara, +333 ; Sugiarto et al,. ,**+ ; Makihara et al., ,**, !"#Xystrocera festiva, $% + &'ῌ ()&*+, -. /012&3 #454 &6789:0;<=> ?, ITCI <=@ A #BCC4DE F =G +33+ H . I2 JKLMN>OP Q R2&ST + U $% + !"# s¸ ¹ : .* mm, º : -, mm. 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