383 Vol. 34, pp. 383ΐ393, 2006 Saddle-back ῍ Brugada ῍῏ῒῐῌΐ῎ῑ ῎ : 18 8 22 ῏ : Brugada !" Saddle-back #$#$ %&'( )*+,-./012(-34152(6717# 8 : 9: Saddle-back 12 98 Na ;<=>?@(A BC>DEFGH ῌPLC῍ IJKL.M 2 NLO&'8 PLC IJKP1 P PN ῌnῐ20῍ QP1 P QPN ῌnῐ78῍ 7#R NS-341T5#8 : ῌ1῍ PLC UL QRS SV PEQ SV HV SVN7LW!# W!-"#"# @X8 ῌ2῍ NSPY Z$ [\-]^-$ %_`-ab&-$c.d LP P'LY0eX8 fgh(5i ῌEPS῍ LcO(jk)ῌVf῍*+' P P NlLmeX8 ῌPῒ0.05῍ ῌ3῍ n 51ῑ10.3 o-pqrSN7Lst [\ +u `,v&'0eX8 : Saddle-back 12wR-L - Brugada xyN *+z'({O0eX8 j./01W-"#NS"# @(67e& - Brugada xyN-| eX8 34 EPS L.( Vf *+P /01WL.(-0}67 P PNmeX8 { N7~02U @X8 Saddle-back 1# Na ;<=>?L.M- Brugada *+z'(L92(k)- 87 EPS L.M Vf 7#R 345@( 6P *+z'8 &'8 Brugada xyN ABC>DEFGH Na ;<=>?IJK %_`7#R A-< C ,-B CLv&'( Bangungut ¡F,- Brugada xyN 1992 - Brugada &1῏L. ¢£DELv&'( Lei Thai 9&'R}( ( 8 78 9&'(./L0X8xyN 6'&-h¤¥7 Z-:&e0};+Pjk) ῌVf῍2῏- }0eX8 ,6LF©#8- 7#R7z'8 N ª«¬ ῌECG῍ -®¤¯G*0L 0 ST-T ±² %_`h7#R+vz' 2> 0<= ?0L2( @X8 3@ v&'(67e& ;+P Vf -LI'( 6PLrJ > ³8' 3;H ῌK`3´L-+hLµ}R! R}(|3:-- "-9v Brugada xy coved @(} saddle-back 7°{'(;H ;+P Vf |3:- Vf +u162<= @( ¦0" <=-§:L¨XR .῎»¼.῏ 171 !} ¶·z'R¸R}(3῏ ¹º3:0G ¹º 384 » ECG ῍ @¼ - saddle-back ST ( ῌtype 2ῒ0.2 mV, type 3ῒ ῍ 0.1 mV῍ !Tῌ PLC ;UV῍ R ECG ῌ {|}7~S%9TUZ῎V ῍ coved saddle-back ! type 1῍ "#$%&' 437 ῏!WUV῍ XW-YV ST (!)!῍ ST \WXῌ ( * type 2 type 3 98 Py X Z῍ Treadmill UV῍ / European Society of Cardiology ῌESC῍ 4῏ + 1῍ ῌ%k WXῌ 0%U ,-.,ῌ type 1 /0῍ k ῌEPS῍ XW- 40 -῍ [\ 123,4 Na 56789: /017 ῌSAECG῍ 38 -WXῌ p῍ ! ; * ῍ < = ! ]&῍ ,y>(!)D"^_῍ D"῍ type 1 /5῏.,ῌ h*#F$%῍ h*G'&hAD >?@ 3A῍ BC!D"E#F$ "^_῍ D"῍ h* 45 vc^#F, %&῍ $%b,.M`ῌ >?@G'&,>(,H) ECG ῌ Type 2῍3 ECG IJ ῍ῌ PLC ΐ῎ῐ῏ K LM,ῌ *+N Brugada >?@῍ Mx 12 N/01"Oy +῎, 3῍000 -῏! 3 .O/01P N,6῍ ESC Q6῏ ῍ type 1 2 0.15ΐ 3῍ type 1 ! 2 a b ῌ type 2῍3 2 2.26ΐ R4ῌ * Type 1 <x J c ῌQRS c῍ 0.2 mV )῍ type 2῍3 5SR2T- (.h῍ ῎a.A T W ῍ Na 56789:;UV WXY ῌ Na 56789: d Na ZLM, ῍ 67 type 1 56789: PLC !,ῌ [\8]!ῌ UV >?@%9 ¡¢῍ £efA¤gῌ4h> :^!_; Vf `ῌ Na 5678 b3i!!W,῍ j¥**s!Wῌ p 9:!aT type 1 %9:^b ῍ ,.῍ Brugada -7῏ ῍ Vf V<=c d }7~S]§h,.0¨©oª¤/ ῍ D"& 16ΐ ῍ >>? 8ΐ p$%«qxnl¬¢Wῌ UVkFAlm%n¦.῍ R{| Vf `,#F e-?f., YV\!r®¯.῍ PLC ;^h* ῍ Priori - ῍ Na 56789: ^῎stu^῍ £^ 5 v 30 O, ST :^ @g?f.h῍ %9:^b,. ( °wp῏Mx 12 N/01! /A ῌ ῌ X W-῍ ^r EPS !¢W 40 - 8῏ PQ῍ B)C5SDiYZE, h,.῍ [\x/01*±/y/01 type 2῍3 ECG 8]Fj!kG ῌ PLC [² 1.0 mg ῍ 10 O Tlmῌ rzῌ EPS ¢WhA PLC ;῍ EPS ¢W^ EPS ¢W*±῍ ,£{6¢ ῒῑ῍ Wῌ ῌῌ ῒῑ /01l|7h*};<x³~ῌ 3n 2000 . 11 o- 2003 . 7 op῍ PLC ;^h*st 5 ^,SST type 2῍3 T Brugada >?@ qX῍ (±Mx 12 N/01!,.῍ QRS O´῍ ^r Pilsicainide ῌPLC῍ ;UV*sH P- QRS µ¶p PEQ O´῍ ST I 98 -῎JA 80 -῍ tA 18 -῍ Ku.L 53.1 v 0. QRS cJc0!l| ῑ16.1 v῏ῌ -῍ ESC Brugada ῌ /01~) 25 mmsec῍ · /01 type 2῍ type 3῍ Xw῍ Mx 10 mm 1.0 V W ῌ l | " O y N 12 N/01"OyN῎V1ῐ3N῏ ESC ῎V13῏ ST S±c type 2῍3 ῍ zP"#$%&'Q late R !,ῌ p¸῍ *± QRS ¶c 172 Brugada #F MH¸¼ 385 ῍ II ῍ QRS P QRS ῌPEQ ῍ ῌ ST V1ῐ3 !"ῌ Type 1 # ST $%&'῍ J ()* ῍ QRS +, QRS J ῍ J ῍ J40 ῌJ 40 msec ῍῍ J80 ῌJ 80 msec ῍ -./. ST $% ῌFig. 1῍῍ J ΐJ40ΐJ80 01 type 1 ῌ PLC 23) Type 1 014῍ -.5674 ῌ ῌ EPS Fig. 1. Measurement of electrocardiogram. J point: O#set of QRS wave determined by limb leads. J40: Forty milliseconds after J point. J80: Eighty milliseconds after J point. EPS ῍ !ῌ8 4 6French 9: ;<;=>῍ ?@῍ His A B ῍ @CD῍ 3E@CFG(ῌ F BH EP lab ῌQuinton IJ῍ ῍ B { 100 {῍ noise level 0.7 mV 5῍ K 100mmsec ῍ F 30400 Hz QRS = 40msec > ῎RMS40῏῍ filtered ῍ LF M 0.05100 Hz QRS Ns ῎f-QRS῏῍ QRS = 40 mV 5 NB ῌ OPQRST<=῍ @@C N Ns῎LAS40῏ῌ RMS40 UVWXUV!3"4#YZῌ [ 20 mV ? f-QRSΐ130 msec῍ RMS40 ῍ Vf $4\%&]^_00 Bru- ῒ20 mV῍ LAS40ΐ40 msec ῍ 2 l0& gada `a7῏ b῍ Vf $4'(# 'FC¡ ῌLP῍ 4ῌ OP(-. ῌ Vf $cdUV@CFG@C sY¢.ῌ D 2 ef῍ gh) 600 msec 400 msec ῎ ῌICD῍ 2 i*῍ WXUV 1 + 3 +῍ 300 msec jX 10 msec klmn῍ ICD Vf $|3Z 18 4῍ 14 4 jX ῌ 200 msec ῍ ῍ -.5o,pXq ῏ PLC .r,pXYZῌ OP(-.sY῍ PLC 2]&]6@A£B3)hP ECG t type 2῍3 #ῌ /u v ῌ B,¤$¥῍ ¦§$¥῍ C¨©ª\D῍ wx012 Vf yz41Z 2 {5 ICD ¥0῍ 3E©E'(ῌ «¬X $$|3Z4 Vf $44ῌ cd] 36 ® 69 ®῍ > 51 ®ῑ10.3 ῍ EPS 5s PLC 2}qZ 29 4 ®Zῌ ῍ Brugada ~61῏ 8 4 4 4 His ῐ AFC ῌHV῍ #} F¯>°OYZ῍ O;! 7῍ oBOP]῍ PLC -8$ type 1 t ±²³´Sµ! ῌMann Whitney !῍ HV ῌ ῌ FC"¡ ST $% ῍ SAECG q¶῍ F^_l·^YZ ῌ ῍ G¯H¸¹6I°^ SAECG X, Y, Z 93)DF ῍ cFº3)YZῌ QQ LA-100῎ I῏ 2῍000 9:῍ 12bit AD ]῍ Simson 10῏ ;!bῌ S VL-300 ῎ I῏῍ backward == PLC 40 Hz300 Hz <YZῌ F+ PLC 2cd»4 Fig. 2 `ῌ -j 173 LMNO 386 P Q R '( HV %&)*+,- Table1 ῍ 20 ῌP῍῍ 78 ῌP ῍ ῌ P P PLC ῌ ./ PEQ %&῍ QRS %&῍ HV %&0 V2 V5 ECG Fig. 3 ῌ V2 123 4῍ P P %56 type 2 ῍ P P ῌSNRT῍ '>?@ABCD Wenckebach EF ῌ ῌ 7 EPS '(89:;<=% GH@IJ ῌWBR῍ K P P PLC !"#$ PEQ %&῍ QRS %&῍ EPS Fig. 2. Actual ECG from PLC test ῌV1 to V3 lead῍. Left: Positive case ῌGroup P-positive῍ Right: Negative case ῌGroup P-negative῍ Fig. 3. Baseline ECG on PLC test. Baseline ECG from case 1 to 3 were in Group P-positive and case 4 to 6 were in Group P-negative, showing no significant di#erence between the groups. 174 Brugada b(cdYZe ῍ ῌFig. 4῍ῌ P =>?#@AB, P P ῍ ῍ 387 V2B, ῌFig. 6῍ C῍ D56E῎C 0.2 2 !"#$% 0.9 mV J FGHῌ Fig. 7 GH5 ῍ PLC &'()*+,-$./ 60DIJ89.῍ 0.2ῒ0.4 mV GHK3L 0123 ῌTable 1῍ῌ P 0 P 4 MN2ῌ PEQ῍ QRS ;O῍ &P HV ;O 3$%5678 Fig. 5 9.῍ :; @AQ0 J FRS560῍ DT Yῑ <#2ῌ ῏1.1ῐ῎0.42 ῌR: ῏0.31῍῍ Yῑ῏0.61ῐ῎0.43 ῌR: P type 1 C῍ VX#2ῌ ῏0.16῍῍ Yῑ῏0.03ῐ῎0.44 ῌR: ῏0.16῍ UVWJ :YZ[\]^_`a8 Table 2 9.ῌ Fig. 4. Comparison of Sinus Node Recovery Time ῌSNRT῍ and Wenckebach Rate ῌWBR῍ between group P-positive and group P-negative. There were no significant di#erences between the groups. Table 1. The Index of Intraventricular Conduction Delay in PLC Test 175 ¸¹º 388 » ¼ * Fig. 5. Comparison of the indices of intraventricular conduction delay in PLC test. There were no significant di#erences between the groups. P P ῍ EPS Vf P ῌPῒ0.01῍ ῍ ῍ ῍ ῍ !"#$ %῍ &' LP ()*+, ῌ ΐ῎ῒῐ῍ῌ -./0123- P ῎20 ῏456 7 37 89ΐ69 89῍ :; 52 89ῑ9.8 89 <ῌ = P ῎78 ῏4567 36 89 Fig. 6. Comparison of delta J amplitude between V1ῐ3 leads in Group P-positive. Positive change was largest in V2. ΐ68 89῍ :; 51 89ῑ10.4 89<ῌ > ῍ ?@ABC῍ ῍ !"#DE῍ &'#F,ῌ ICD P GH 8 ῍ P GH 6 IJK=+L@῍ X phr+ῌ =b, MNOPC<@Q+ RSCA, +,*@῍ type 1 SG῍ S, ῌ rH Brugada TSG ῏ <ῌ nb ECG bL"4 ῑ ῍ Na ¡¢£¤¥¥¦0123G Type 1 T ECG UVWXLYZ[῍ \] &n§pSr<ῌ ^_6 `abUV)*+῍ cGd Type 1 UV`῍ w[¨© &L- efghi7[jkl* m,n῍ op m,ῌ Brugada *7῏῍ Vf *DE῍ [ q<ῌ Type 2῍3 UV Brugada T ῍ &'de ªb῍ -l* @r+῍ stfuvwxySBz{@ m,«¬bL@ῌ Q῍ Type 1 UV<n῍ |}~X S ®¯°±²w[¨© &ph {@ῌ Type 2῍3 TUV xyb῍ ` <ῌ ESC «¬4῏³´ S+῍ w[¨© ,e Vf bfS@G῍ Q ῍ Vf {VMµ 176 ῍ ¶῎ῒ45 ·῏ Brugada R&®FG¯ 389 Fig. 7. Patient distribution of Group P-positive by J point elevation in PLC test. Table 2. Characteristics of Patients Brugada ῍ rxST:;<yz^j>?X1:{῍ Na ῍ |}~YZd{ /X ! _3 "#῍ $%&'()*+,- Vf ./0 L<E3῍ +3 Brugada ῌ 12῍ SAECG 3 LP 456789: J;<WX0Q1:3 ;<=>?4 ῌ 4:jῌ 11ῑ13῎ @AB04῍ P C/ : P D/ 3$<567 @AB3$<῍ ESC :J EFG89HIJKLEῌ MNOP0QE ;῍ P C/ J Brugada JU 1:῍ Brugada R type 2῍3 STUV<WX῍ W῍ P D/ Jrx:῍ FG+JHI PLC YZ[\0 type 1 J]U1:: ;Eῌ ¡¢῍ !pd῍ 1:0ῌ ^_3῍ P C/ J `abcd pd῍ SAECG 3$£ LP C/s῍ $%(¤ ^MeM0῍ fgh0i_j J `ab:klm ¥¦3§XLEX῍ EPS $£ Vf .s P n0LEῌ @AB0 type 2῍3 o 20ῐ WX C/ 0 ῌP῏0.01῍ 3¨1:XLEῌ Brugada 3$<῍ EPS 0 Vf .sX C/0LEX῍ C/pd3q<AB 0ῌ 1j῍ t34u ¨3῎1:῍ "©ª0X῍ ./:(¤ VEX῍ Brugada RSTvw;EST0῍ ¥¦:«¬3q<iXj<7῎8῎ῌ @ ῍ rOC/s 177 ¹sºt 390 » u¼ Y CQRJK7g9Yῌ 7῍ RR ῌ ,{] Ito }CJ Brugada ῍ ῌEpi῍ BCC}!D<E!ῌ EPS 3op ῌEnd῍ ῌAP῍ STd_2UwA!>V 3῏14῏ ῌ !" #$῍ Epi 1 %"&'( opῌ ni῍ Na " 0 L )῍ AP *+, ῌAPD῍ Epi ῌ Epi MW$)X$ ῌV 3 max῏YJ῍ 9Y End -". 1 AP /0 !ῌ Epi Y^' Na (?@ABZ 1῍ &'("2345 ῌST 6῍ J End "!῍ Epi ῍ End ". Osbone %[X$Y J ῍ ") T 7 Osbone 9῍ :; "ῌ %[\]Ca!7 J !8&'( rsYῌ \K῍ ^U3] Ito C} <=" ῌIto "῍ #$ Epi J῍ Epi *+,C]!D<E >716῏ῌ Brugada Na !7rsYῌ (?@ABCDEF! SCN5A G%HI& EPS ;K Vf ῍ )_J;=῍ * 7(JK ῌ Epi !7^Ykl@mkE 9rsῌ Na (?@AB' 17῏ LM Na ")* 0 LM Epi kl@mkE!W῍ w`Z῍ :D< End .C+NJ῍ Epi LM Ito #$ '῍ %[aR῍ 3]b +O῍ *,P῍ -&'(C!J῍ 1 "#$῍ a%[`῎c῏%[`῎d ῍ 2 3LM Epi End .C 3,῏C3 ¡_2῍ +N!Q῍ Epi APD CR,Sῌ T %[`\]J῍ ¢Pa%[` UV῍ type 1 ῎ 1 2 3 _23^YwAJK%[`34J῍ ."6 AP //W0J῍ T. WD<%[JT_23^YwAJKa X %[`34!w`C!!ῌ ῍ £ T ῏!ῌ Y Epi Na ῌ ! ^U3 ῍ T ")*῍ AP FEZ"7 eJKw`῎f 1Yῌ [\)῍ Epi ." APD c¤῎h)¥s¦Pkl@mkE῎ ]")῍ ]J"^Y_234J3 § ῏ ! W J s ῌ Type 1 ῍ Epi `]5_2a7 ῌphase 2 reentry῍ῌ APD ] ῌNa ")* 3 ¨©῍ 6bcLM EPS type 2῍3 d# )s῍ End 8g῏"P9῍ _2= APD ]" Epi ^Y Kῌ 7\῍ EPS LM[efJ _23`]ª«¬@34Jsῌ T 7g"ῌ Type 2῍3 type 1 _2 APD ]"%[J ῌphase 2 re- I")῍ APD h: entry῍῍ Epi K®῍ \K Epi End , APD "^ i9j h: ῍ 3`]J9῍ TC=i^MJ Kkl@mkE 89a7):ῌ ni῍ EPS Ci¯ Vf jJsῌ Type 2῍3 LM EPS ῍ ^U3op Na (?@ ;<>^iK J῍ 3op ABk Epi End Epi K® ῌ Na (?@ABl Na (?@AB῍ I")῍ AP q=rsYῌ %[aR῍ 3h: >t ECG ! ῍ Epi Ito u CaJ῍ Vf ; v^YwA, ["iKrsKῌ Kimura Y20῏ Brugada Kx῍ Vf ;yzLM RR ,{]῍ °z±²B῍ Vf %[³ªE@C´mJ῍ Ito C)*J῍ Brugada |BCC}~S phase 2 reentry 2%['Cnw!w D<E!18῏ῌ \K EPS Fd# `2Coxῌ Type 1 p Vf Kx῍ GHI HJ" ?"?@ ῍ Ito ῍ phase 2 reentry 3`]=i^M")῍ #῍ HI Ito C}J῍ K5 type 2῍3 EPS 3oph:" Na (? Brugada |BCC}! ῌ Vf L @AB)* Vf @q!µPJ¶r V[9῍ EEE9M6 rsYKῌ 19῏ Isoproterenol ῌ HopN῍ OP) Vf :D῍ Brugada |!8C·¸% 178 Brugada f/3»#y¼ 391 11῏13ῌ21ῌῌ Brugada 8 2῍3 f>M῍ EPS >. 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J Car- 1995. diovasc Electrophysiol 1998; 9: 513ῐ516. 180 Brugada ῍῏ῒῐῌΐ῎ῑ 393 Abstract Clinical Feature of Saddle-back Type Brugada-type Electrocardiogram Hisao Matsuda, Ryoji Kishi, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, and Fumihiko Miyake Purpose: Brugada type electrocardiogram ῌECG῍ is inconsistent with its morphology, showing frequently Saddle-back type. We aimed to clarify the clinical feature of those who show such ECG type. Method: The subjects consisted of 98 patients who were found to have the saddle-back type ECG. They were classified into two groups by Na channel blockade challenge test using Pilsicainide ῌPLC῍; positive for group P-positive ῌn῎20῍ and negative for group P-negative ῌn῎78῍. Clinical features were compared between these groups. Result: ῌ1῍ After PLC administration, QRS interval, PEQ interval, and HV interval were prolonged in both groups with the same degree. ῌ2῍ There were no significant background di#erence between the groups as sex, obvious structural heart disease, syncopal episode of unknown origin, family history of sudden death, and the result of LP, except the high incidence of ventricular fibrillation ῌVf῍ induction during electrophysiological study ῌEPS῍ in group P-positive ῌpῐ0.05῍. ῌ3῍ Cardiac event, syncopal attack, death did not occur in both groups for mean follow-up period of 51῏10.3 months. Conclusion: Under PLC, not all the patients with the saddle-back type ECG showed typical Brugada type ECG, while these two groups have shown the same degree of intraventricular conduction delay. This means that the formation of typical Brugada type ECG will not be attributed to conduction delay. Moreover, although Vf inducibility in the EPS was high in the group P-positive, however, both groups had favorable prognosis. This will also suggest that defibrillator implantation for Group P-positive will be unnecessary, even with the successful Vf induction in the EPS. Key words Brugada syndrome, Pilsicainide, Na channel blockade challenge test Department of Internal Medicine, Divisions of Cardiology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine 181
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