附属学校 Affiliated Schools 鳥取大学附属学校部(幼稚園・小学校・中学校・特別支援学校)は、大学と連携した先導的教育研究の実践、教育実習による 教員養成のほか、他の教育機関への研究成果の提供、講演会の開催、各種研究会への参加及び指導的助言の派遣・招へいなど を通じた地域連携や地域交流を積極的に進めています。 平成26年度の各学校園の研究テーマは『学びをつなぐカリキュラムの創造Ⅱ』 (幼稚園)、 『これからの教科・領域のあり方を 問う』 (小学校)、 『豊かな人間性を育む授業の創造』 (中学校)、 『社会の中で主体的に生きる力を育む授業づくり』 (特別支援学校) です。 The Affiliated Schools (Kindergarten, Elementary School, Secondary School and School for Children with Special Needs) of Tottori University actively promote cooperation and exchange through special programs with the regional community by supplying research results to other educational organizations, holding symposiums, participating in research conferences and giving guidance as well as providing advanced education, research and training of teachers in cooperation with the University. The themes for the 2014 academic year are “Creation of Curriculum for Linking Learning ActivitiesⅡ” (Kindergarten), “Perspectives on School Subjects and Other Fields of Study” (Elementary School), “Implementation of Lessons for Developing Well-rounded Character” (Secondary School) and “To create a class that encourages students to live full and productive l ives i n society th rough thei r ow n i n itiatives a nd cu ltivati ng thei r abilities.” (School for Children with Special Needs) 梨花ホールでの中学校文化祭 学年合唱 附属幼稚園 附属小学校及び附属中学校 附属特別支援学校 Affiliated Kindergarten Affiliated Elementary School and Secondary School Affiliated School for Children with Special Needs ෟଐֶߍ $IILOLDWHG6FKRROV ۠ 'L Y L V L R Q ฏ ݄̑̍ࡏݱ ֶڃ ఆ 1XPE H UR I&O D V V H V һ &D SD F L W \ உ ঁ 0D O H )H PD O H $VR I0D\ ܭ 7R W D O ෟଐ༮ஓԂ $I I L O L D W H G.L QG H U J D U W H Q ࡀࣇ < H D U 2O G ࡀࣇ < H D U 2O G ࡀࣇ < H D U 2O G ܭ 7R W D O ۠ %J WJ TJ PO ෟଐখֶߍ $I I L O L D W H G(O H PH QW D U \6F KR R O ෟଐதֶߍ $I I L O L D W H G6H F R QG D U \6F KR R O ֶڃ ೖֶఆһ ૯ఆһ 1XPEHURI&ODVVHV $QQXDO&DSDFLW\ 7RWDO&DSDFLW\ ̍ ̎ ̏ ̐ ̑ ̒ ܭ V W< H D U QG< H D U U G< H D U W K< H D U W K< H D U W K< H D U 7R W D O ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢʣ ʢʣ ෟଐಛผࢧԉֶߍ $IILOLDWHG6FKRROIRU&KLOGUHQZLWK6SHFLDO1HHGV খֶ෦ (O H PH QW D U \ தֶ෦ 6H F R QG D U \ ߴ෦ຊՊ 6H QL R UU H J XO D UF R XU V H ߴ෦ઐ߈Պ 6H QL R UV SH F L D O L ] H GF R XU V H ܭ 7R W D O ʢ 30 ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʣͷࣈɺঁࢠΛͰࣔ͢ɻ 1XPEH U VL QU H SU H V H QWW KHQXPEH UR II H PDO H V ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢ ʣ ʢʣ
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