2014 Lectures for the English Program, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology ●Summer Term As of April 1,2014 No. Term Course code Course title 1 S 4810-1105 Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems 2 S 4810-1115 3 S 4810-1163 4 S 4810-1166 5 S 4820-1007 6 S 4830-1030 7 S 4840-1012 8 S 4850-1007 9 S 4850-1022 10 S 4893-1001 分散並列計算論 Parallel Numerical Computations 並列数値計算論 Advanced Algorithms 先端アルゴリズム論 Introduction to Quantum Computation 量子計算論 Discrete Methods in Mathematical Informatics 離散情報論 Fundamentals of Cybernetics and Autonomous Systems サイバネティクス・自律システム基礎論 Internet Architecture インターネット工学 Robotics ロボティクス Special Topics in Mechano-InformaticsⅡ 知能機械情報学特別講義Ⅱ Special Lecture in Information Science and TechnologyⅠ (New Approach on Information Industry) 情報理工学英語特別講義Ⅰ(新情報産業論) Teaching staff Credit Day Time Place Hiraki Kei 平木 敬 Suda Reiji 須田礼仁 Imai Hiroshi, et al. 今井 浩、他 Francois Le Gall Francois Le Gall Sadakane Kunihiko, et al. 定兼邦彦、他 Professors 各教員 Esaki Hiroshi 江崎 浩 Nakamura Yoshihiko 中村仁彦 Course Chair 専攻主任 2 Thu 木 Mon 月 Thu 木 Fri 金 Tue 火 Mon 月 Tue 火 Tue 火 Fri 金 10:30-12:00 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 007 理7・007号室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.6, Seminar room C 工6・セミナーC Faculty of Eng, Bldg.6, Seminar room 64 工6・64 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Lecture room 241 工2・241 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Lecture room 223 工2・223号室 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Lecture room 31B 工2・31B輪講室 Tanaka Masami, et al 2 Tue 13:00-14:30 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 田中正躬、他 14:50-16:20 14:50-16:20 10:30-12:00 13:00-14:30 17:30-19:00 16:40-18:10 10:30-12:00 14:50-16:20 木 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Lecture room 244 工2・244号室 ●Winter Term No. Term Course code Course title 1 W 4810-1165 Algorithmic Aspects of Communication 2 W 4810-1168 3 W 4810-1208 4 W 4820-1013 5 W 4840-1017 6 W 4850-2004 7 W 4890-1049 通信理論のアルゴリズム的側面 Mathematical Semantics of Computer Systems 計算機システムの数理的意味論 Seminar on Computer ScienceⅤ コンピュータ科学特別講義Ⅴ Advanced Topics in Economic Engineering 応用経済工学 Computer Vision コンピュータビジョン Exercises in Mechano-Informatics 知能機械情報学特別演習 Management of Emerging Businesses GCL情報理工学特別講義Ⅴ(ベンチャー経営論) ●How to register You can register lectures on the internet "UT-mate" by yourself. Please check registration period of your school by yourself. In case of registration period, IST summer semester is April 3 to 11, 2014. Period of Changes classes in April 13 to 16, 2014. In case of registration period, IST winter semester is October 1 to 9, 2014. Period of Changes classes in October 10 to 15, 2014. Teaching staff Credit Day Time Place Francois Le Gall Francois Le Gall Hasuo Ichiro 蓮尾一郎 Codognet Philippe Codognet Philippe FujiiMariko 藤井眞理子 Ikeuchi Katsushi 池内克史 Course Chair 専攻主任 Kokuryo Jiro 國領二郎 2 10:30-12:00 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 102 理7・102号室 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.6, Seminar room B 工6・セミナーB Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Lecture room 93B1 工2・93B1 Faculty of Eng, Bldg.2, Enshu-Shitsu 工2・演習室 Faculty of Science Bldg.7, Lecture room 007 理7・007号室 2 2 2 2 2 2 Thu 木 Mon 月 Thu 木 Fri 金 Wed 水 Fri 金 Wed 水 10:30-12:00 13:00-14:30 13:00-14:30 16:40-18:10 13:00-16:20 11:10-12:40
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