DEPARTMENT OF TH=ARMY い CAMP3ELL uNⅣ ERSl■ Y,な BRlSADE,uSACC ,O BOX 307.BLDG 165 T_T.LAN:ER EXTENS10N BU:ES CREEK,NORTH CAROL:ヽ A27506 Al‐ CC‐ DDN― CCU ヽlEMOMNDUM May 2014 15 FOR CttBELL BATrAL10N CADRE“ ヽND CAD「 S SUBttCTI Policy Lcuer#6,()dcr ofMcrit l′ i威 l.Crea● ng an Ordぱ ofMeritお r thitrsi●・ROTC Cadcむ 宙 ll not be su、 cCtiVe,but rathα sぃ telnatically done data concernln3ぬ e Ca“ 1's perfomance based on tte foHowing arcas and sぬ 1鋭 鋼ppo菫 edけ crnprical VVcltht ofttea Results or Placcmeni Number of Points to be u,'eighted 10 4 9 8 Ciradc Point A、 ,αage 3.99 3.0‐ 3.49 (GPA) 2.5-2.99 5 2.0-2.29 4 Actlvi● 3.5‐ 40'も 25t〉 t (ra椰 ,us 2094 cER Camp Standing 2.O or bclo耐 v 0 ADヽ 43け 4 Add l● oint(Stting Oct10) Top lハ 10 Middle lノ 3 8 Botto3 1メ 3 6 Top 1/3 10 Middle 13 Bottom 13 8 Recondo Add l point 10 300 or hittcI 10% APFT Scorc 6 6 290-299 270-289 250‐ 269 230‐ 249 ′0 PMS hput 229 or below Subi∝ tiVe R Standhgs u督 l be battd on ttc followttg c五 teria: 2. Cttmpus C■ ‐ Panicipa通 on and Atcndancc(し ヽ ll rxs,ctc.) ・ ・ adCr,■ p POSitions Performancご 1に 叩onsiЫ Hγ FTX Perfomance ・ “ ・ Bhe C想 争 ot R9orts ● SelfDetrclop回 鑢t effortゞ ,9釘 eSS ● Extra― curicular Acti■ ・ iti∝ ● Voluntccrism includ五 g contFnuniv ttnice ● Potenttal ● ヽ41litary Scicnce ttc 3、 糠も 轟 1l bC Putin ordtt by thc Professor ofMilttary Science. Any Cadcts宙 薇 eqじ alメ ン 9 8 7 6 0 0‐ 2
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