JAPANESE 1 ~ Monaco-sensei CYCLE 4 8WX 9/25B team w 8YZ B In Class Homework ちょうめん: U9 おかず (all words, due in class) Listen & Repeat: U9 いただきます (5 times) 9/29D D Correct test Warm-up: U9 いただきます Get test signed Unit 9 Quizlet sets どんなあじ1: Asking where someone is going Create place mnemonics/gestures WB p.130 #4~6 Culture: けんどう 9/30E E 10/01F どんなあじ1: Asking where someone is going Warm-up: U9 いただきます Create place mnemonics/gestures Culture: すもう (parent night) F Warm-up: WB p.131 #7 (listening) WB 131B à interview (~曜日に~にいきますか。) WB p.128 & 129 WB p.131 #8A (わたし column only) Quizlet: Unit9 flashcard sets WB p.132-133 #9 & 10 はつおんチェック (recording) Activity: charades – places/activities Culture: すもう CYCLE 5 8WX 10/03B 8YZ B In Class/LL Homework どんなあじ2: Asking how X's getting there (何で) Start Real World HW Watch Unit9 ppt 10/07D D *QUIZ – Unit 9 おかず WB p.133-134 #11 & 12 (listen & repeat) Survey - WB p.134 #13 (record info) Real World HW Real World HW どんなあじ3: Asking who you're going with WB: p.135 #15 & 16 (listen & repeat) WB: p.136 #17 (speaking) 10/08E 10/09F E team Y F team Y じゅんばんに: Put katakana in correct order Pyramid: たんご review どんなあじ4: Specific time に WB p.137 #18 & 19 Quizlet: Unit9 flashcard sets *QUIZ – Unit 9 おかず Real World HW time! J Real World HW クイズのべんきょう Real World HW CYCLE 6 8WX 10/14B 8YZ B In Class/LL Homework Unit 9 おかず Quiz Speaking Test prep Start Kuleana Project Take-home grammar quiz 10/16D D team Z Kuleana Project ちょうめん:私、父、母、兄、 子、女、男、大、小 (follow correct kanji format) 10/17E E team Z Speaking Test prep Kuleana Project Speaking しけんの れんしゅう 10/20F F *Unit 9 Speaking しけん* Review Packet (ok to use your book/worksheets; NO internet or other people) CYCLE 7 8WX 10/22B 8YZ B In Class/LL Homework Go over packet Kuleana Project しけんの 10/24D D *Unit 9 しけん* しゅくだいは ありません。 10/27E E Correct / Go over test 10/28F F Unit 10 いただきます。Frame game どんなあじ1〜3: 4 verb tenses で particle (action @ a location) WB p.149 #5&6 Get しけん signed ちょうめん: Unit10 おかず Quizlet: Unit10 sets Quiz の べんきょう Work on project べんきょう Real World HW あおいとんぼ CYCLE 8 8WX 10/30B 8YZ B In Class/LL Kuleana Project Presentations 11/04D D Unit 10 おかず Quiz どんなあじ1〜3: 4 verb tenses で particle (action @ a location) WB p.151 #8&9 Homework WB p.150 #7 Quiz の べんきょう Quizlet: Unit10 sets Grammar ws WB p. 153 #12? WB p. 154 #13? (recording) & #14? 11/05E E Unit 10 Grammar Quiz WB p.147 #1 WB p.148 #3 WB p.149 #4 Quiz の べんきょう Real World HW 11/06F F Unit 10 Grammar Quiz Stamp opportunity Real World HW (due next class) てんとうむし CYCLE 9 8WX 11/10B 8YZ B In Class/LL Homework ピラミッド バトルシップ Speaking test prep Speaking しけん prep 11/13D team X 11/14E team X D Speaking test prep E *Unit 10 Speaking しけん* Speaking しけんの れんしゅう Review Packet 11/17F F In-class Review しけんの END OF FIRST TRIMESTER 11 月 17 日 あかいとんぼ くわがた べんきょう
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