l'j'trii: rr-,r. ii Ebola Virus Fact Sheei Severe' as Ebcla l-iemorfhrtic Fcrer)]s a Fbol.r VrrLrs Disease (fciri€dy kno'/n and non ain orup ta e0%' rne iLrncss arrects hum+rs 1 :#,.fi;"",;,d;;e lllL,i:r,,",1""r,""*rssorirrasanirchimpeazees)' famiiy (niovirus)' along Genus Elr4la Virus is 1 of 3 members oi ihe Filoviridae virus cornpises 3 Ebora Genrs senus cuevavirlrs' "nd ;il;;il,;;;';',. 1. 2 I bundibusYoebolaviflrs (BDBV) Zaireebolavirus{EBOV) i'iestoi ebobvnus (RESIV) n. Suoan ebolb/!rrs (sUDV] 5. Tai Fo.esi ebolavnus (TAFV) Gujnea has reporied a As.r l8rh May 20i4, ihe Minisiry of Healih (MOH) ofDisease (EVD)' includins oi zse ..llni"rt casbq or Ebola virus ;;i,;;" il 176〔 leaths OS aFected can be Oblained Latestイ っt!reS On nむ mbel o`CaseS′ deathS and COunt「 ・ 幽 ⊆¨ . 菫堕 口 敲bn aS O「 8 mav 2014‖ m “ ― coniacl with the ― ;" lntoar"ua int. the human popLrlatiorr lhrouoh close fUutn . or olher hodilv iluids oi iniecied a imals' foreslantelopes and porcupines' conlact human transmission, wilh infectiotr rcsulling from direct organs "**t""", "L.t, chimpanzee, goritla iruit bats, monkeys, to lh- 'lo'd '"''lion^ 'ih )tol' LIo(r', sllr 'r ''J(-: rPr'L]rdrP') u'lh ;""" . ., " b'd'J ri.ids o' "l''luL 'eoF"' '''J i''d''"' cc''--lhave 'ith .oir:rmifated \,!lih such lllkls, Heal!h_carc vrorke6 Hrman "nrl***nt" fi.qLrenllv 1-r€cn iffect€d while treaftr.q paiienls . ' " L!J "!ith suspocled or conflrmecl pelson uPio 7 weeks The 'rirus .;2n be liTnsmitlec through seriren of-atiecl'd at!e. reco\'.rY ironl lllness. lealing paiients with Heaith-car. workels have freqrrentlv beer inleciecl"Yhile close oonlaci witir suspecled or coniimed EVD. This has occ!neC lh'ouqh practic"' pairents \,/hen inieciioil contiol precauiiorls are ilct strictlv t'or'l'L:n lh'vkus' a''r tc' blond as their as long People ei-' infecrlous 'eliorrs r11,,",,r;, i.,i.r1'lil itrrii:.rirGI iir irrri nii:'r r"i\' Li !r,ru \!itr lrrLcied ir a lsbciat'Jrv 1,..1" rir' e_ ir 'r '!r1' l篤 r.k of human ro humai i,:!:i:::i,jlllijilliii:in"'l i."i 「 憲:1111∬ 尋Jjiま ゴimttξ ∬盟[淫 [‖ : m調 1,T露 彎[要 i楡 喩」ttF驚乱部轟 1よ T講 i螺 ぶ WL認 乱 T霧 寵 lξ it翼 帯 :TPT艤 星 FttIT∬ 叩は 淵leTII讐 品Ⅲい。 憮鵠 、 癬駆 :i詰 ¨思 =1淵 脚 l菱 ギ l肺 “ 郡霜 驚 窃 。,hぃ me ng :Ⅲ e3β ?lPale'1'1lTl uttg・ auy●・ IIふ こ :ξ 滉 ・aL“ “ 撃 1滉 絲 品 “ 誕∬II覧 l∬ l淋 ∫ 1l Conti。 1lin■ infeCt° ・ in heallil‐ ` Care setting, lilli1111::1:『 │lililill[lilJilljjlliil]ltillillilill MI .鸞導 VIJS SI'OJld● pply in addi10n tO S d ttsWttl器 ぃac“ 。 .[器 trヽ 。 ∬tttl 肌ド ‖ i‖ :器 │::LiT::f::よ 躍Od“ 餓 1 1 1 1 ■、 ,tedLc j! ,r. 1出 1鴨 じ ア irl.rn r,,, a.: r,, ri,',.'-' "'"''',, i,i 1淋 `為 訪 l轟 象 ハ け じ 轟 ,叫縫 酬 説 澤 │[喘 出 ィ 請 ご :fitti:槻 増 :聴 し ゛ 占 a hunalⅢ =:ャ =rmed cas.= 『 :i,需 1n りρ″ ハ_ F・ ",.,:;;:ll:;f'1 , ".:,) '!{ii,'li ,,,i?,],,*n, no*.,u, "'i[ ;:1i m":'r Ji,:::",'be r(/ed o,,r ,... ,,' : - ,:'"":;#J;-'i:r, .^ I i*[;t* ""_.;::,:.::,::: . d€rni,'e/v ";jll"j,:,":,:llh io q rc/ ""n"'-'"*o"o'oo'';";;:,:;;'": T.::;,:r,fu as; cha,h reaii,bn rR r.pcR) a ss ay ,*,"".ii,#::;.:.,inssshhou,c.be Ebora virus i:,-;;;"* "iil,i,:,,;,il"Jl,i;;;il:ll, " . ,lstl j.i!:Tft ili,,:",:".::i:,.Jy#,*,;fl iip""^1.yii^.rEV\canbe mqnrnsi,s, nil;i;'::,J'';';i"J;'.;;;, il;ii,l;;:^'1,'"*i".u. n".,-''"' urcsnosed ,#i,T.#;l:/ ii:fl "."""- ": j_ffi ^^,, coni,,n:r!:r,, i.,.-.,+;\,! (e.yi. :**"",';;:4il:#**;':"ffio"uor;"":v:n.s' 1,1,ii*t;g,,";;;"1: ,, ;;.0*,.;,";"il*i;,,..;-."1,,, Ebota v , rL' s "",'*'u'u ..,,"r,",.,]l'::: o, u."),';:jl.n],,r, n,,u,,,".-. .,.'fl"ir;iJ:,i: :'i iii'rirp;"^-;i";i:3'i'Ji;::r; l'I:1.,,t;::;'';1:;1,;-:1 jl,;l;#.,r;lrril;l;#{: ,,, c.ot jd bFfo p " r ィ ⑬ : -Signs and symptoms EVD is a severe acute viral illness oit.n characterized by the sudden onset oF 一 ´ 一 . o intense weakness, o muscle pajn, o headache, o sore throai. o vomiting, o diarrhoea, ., rash, o impaired kidney and liver function, and o ln some cases, both jnlernal and external bleeding. ¬ La;uratory firrdings include low white blood.cell and elevaled liver enzymes. Incubation periodi 2 to 21 days. . C素 でDefinition EBVD Suspected {clinical) case: '. Any person ill or deceased who has ot had fever with acute clinical symptoms and signs of hemdrrhage, such as bleeding of the gum;, ;se-oteeos, 'II conjunclival.injection, red spots on lhe body, Utooay stoots a"ncvolmeiena , ijqlrd stools), or vomiling blood(haematemesis) wlih the his;c;i cf i,.r", (black t. ,re 3ifecled area. Documented prjor Loniact with arL EBVD case i" not ruqui."t. Probal;e case (with or wifllo t bleeding)i . A1]I ,r:,."o (living or cie?d) having had coniac.,.v;rh a cfnicat cas- . r".::h a history of acute fever. ".FjlF aid Oir , Any perccn (livjng oi dead) u,ith a hislory of acute fever and lhree or nrr,.e of the to,l(,wins: symploms: headache/ vcniting/nausea/ r.." oirrrl"a tuiig:,"_1 abdominit patnl general ,ruscular "r "pp"tii"i br articular p.,in1 cirircutty in swallowing/ djfficulty in breaihing/hiccoughs It::t" ot. /.ni .ti te\plain€a.i ou.lin. r:ir jtslijtata,r, a ..,.i:j;i.l;..1..ri::. ai.l -t a:._i_.::,3 r..._ r ilalivcJyun;mportant as far , . :r,;tr:"|,. r.n,,.rL ,. . a. .,;' Lrtii^,,een ;. Conlact: ' A person without any symptoms having had physical contact with a case or the body fluids of a case wrihin lhe last ihree weeks. Th, r-l"fi"n ."no"t "ipnv.L"f
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