ឤぬ䞉▱ぬ㻌 㻞㻱㼂㻝㻜㻜 ᪥ᚰ➨ 㻣㻞 ᅇ䠄㻞㻜㻜㻤䠅㻌 ㆇേߔࠆ㗔ၞߩ⟎⍮ⷡ 㨪⢛᥊ߣߩ⋧ኻㆇേ߇㗔ၞߩ⟎ߩ⍮ⷡߦਈ߃ࠆᓇ㗀㨪 ٤ᩉ ᷕੑ৻Ꮉ ⺈ 㧔ජ⪲ᄢቇᢥቇㇱ㧕 Key words: ㆇേ㗔ၞ ⟎⍮ⷡ ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐ ⋡ ⊛ ࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻㗔ၞߩ৻ㇱ߇ߘߩౝㇱߢ৻ᣇะߦㆇേߔࠆ ߣ߈㧔ࠬࠢࡠ࡞ㆇേ㧕ߩߘޔ㗔ၞ⥄ߪേߡߥߩߦ㗔 ၞోߩ⟎߇ࠬࠢࡠ࡞ㆇേߩᣇะߦߕࠇߡ⍮ⷡߐࠇࠆ 㧔Ramachandran & Anstis, 1990㧕ߪ⽎ߩߎޕ㕒ᱛߒߚ㗔ၞߦߟ ߡߩߘޔ㗔ၞߩ⟎߇ታ㓙ߣߕࠇߡ⍮ⷡߐࠇࠆߣ߁߽ߩ ߢࠆ߇ޔㆇേਛߩ㗔ၞߦኻߒߡ߽⍮ⷡߐࠇࠆ⟎ߩߕࠇߪ ห᭽ߦ↢ߓࠆߩߛࠈ߁߆ޕ ᧄ⎇ⓥߢߪࠣࡘࠪ࠶ࡈޔലᨐ㧔Nijhawan, 1994㧕ࠍᜰᮡ ߣߒߡ↪ޔㆇേਛߩ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩベㇳߩ⟎߇ߤߩࠃ ߁ߦ⍮ⷡߐࠇࠆߩ߆ࠍᬌ⸛ߒߚޕ ᣇ ᴺ Cambridge Research Systems ␠ VSG 2/3 ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓࠍ↪ߡ 100Hz ߢ㚟േߔࠆ CRT (Sony GDM-20 SE 2T)ߦೝỗࠍឭ␜ ߒߚޕ ৻᭽ߥࠆߐߩ CRT ↹㕙ߦޔ⢛᥊㗔ၞߣߒߡᮮ 11.3 ᐲޔ ❑ 2.1 ᐲޔኒᐲ 50㧑ߩࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻㧔ฦ࠼࠶࠻ߪ 1 ㄝ߇ 4 ಽߩᱜᣇᒻ㧕ࠍ㈩ߒߩߘޔਛߢ৻ㄝ߇ 1.6 ᐲߩᱜᣇᒻߢޔ⢛ ᥊ߣห᭽ߩࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻ࠃࠅߥࠆ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞࠍ᳓ᐔᣇ ะߦㆇേߐߖߚ㧔࠼ࡈ࠻ㆇേޔㅦᐲߪో᧦ઙߢ 6.67 deg/sec ߦ࿕ቯ㧕࠻࠶ࠥ࠲ޕ㗔ၞౝㇱߩࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻ߪ㗔ၞోߦ ኻߒߡ⋧ኻ⊛ߦ㕒ᱛ࡞ࡠࠢࠬߪߚ߹ޔㆇേࠍߐߖߚ㧔࠼ ࡈ࠻ㆇേߣหᣇะߦ 6.67 deg/sec㧕ޕ ⸥࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩ೨ㇱ߹ߚߪᓟㇱベㇳߦኻߒߡ࠲ޔ ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩߦ 30 ಽߩ㑆㓒ࠍ㐿ߌߡࡊࡠࡉߣߒߡᮮ 3 ಽ ❑ޔ1 ᐲߩ⊕⦡⍱ᒻ㗔ၞࠍ 100 ms ឭ␜ߒߚߩࡉࡠࡊޕ᳓ ᐔ⟎ߪ್ޔᢿࠍ᳞ࠆ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩベㇳ㧔೨ㇱ/ᓟㇱ㧕 ߩ⟎ࠍਛᔃߣߒߡㅴⴕᣇะߦ 30 ಽޔᓟᣇߦ 40 ಽߩ▸࿐ߦ 10 ಽೞߺߢߕࠄߒߚ⟎ߣߒߚ࠻࠶ࠥ࠲ߪࡉࡠࡊޕ㗔ၞ ߇ㆇേࠍ㐿ᆎߒߡ߆ࠄ 250 ms ᓟߦ⸥⟎ߩ߁ߜߩ৻ߟߦ ࡦ࠳ࡓߦឭ␜ߐࠇⷰޔኤ⠪ߪᜰ␜ߐࠇߚ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩ ベㇳ߇ࡊࡠࡉߩᏀฝߤߜࠄߦ߃ߚ߆ࠍႎ๔ߒߚޕ ⚿ ᨐ ࿑ 1(a)ߦޔ⢛᥊ߩࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻߇ߥߊ৻᭽ߥ㗔ၞߦ⋥ធ ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞ߇ឭ␜ߐࠇߚ႐วߩ⚿ᨐࠍ␜ߔޕ೨ㇱベㇳߣ ᓟㇱベㇳߦኻߔࠆ⟎⍮ⷡߦᄢ߈ߥ㆑ߪࠄࠇߥ߆ߞߚޕ ᰴߦ࿑ 1(b)ߦޔ㕒ᱛߒߚࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻㗔ၞࠍ⢛᥊ߣߒߚ ႐วߩ⚿ᨐࠍ␜ߔޕ⢛᥊߇ሽߔࠆߎߣએᄖߦ࿑ 1(a)ߣ⇣ߥ JY 0.75 0.50 0.25 Static background RD Target drift : 6.67 deg/sec Relative scroll : 0.00 deg/sec 0.00 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Flash shift (arc min) 30 40 Judging portion of the target and Direction of the target movement Lead-Right Lead-Left Trail-Right Trail-Left 1.00 JY 0.75 0.50 0.25 Static background RD Target drift : 6.67 deg/sec Relative scroll : 0.00 deg/sec 0.00 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 (c) Judging portion of the target and Direction of the target movement Lead-Right Lead-Left Trail-Right Trail-Left Ratio of the flash appeared to lag behind the target 1.00 (b) Ratio of the flash appeared to lag behind the target Judging portion of the target and Direction of the target movement Lead-Right Lead-Left Trail-Right Trail-Left Ratio of the flash appeared to lag behind the target (a) ࠆὐߪߥߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕ᧦ߩߎޔઙߢߪ೨ㇱベㇳߣᓟㇱベ ㇳߢࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐߦ㆑߇↢ߓߡ߅ࠅޔᓟㇱベㇳߩല ᨐ߇ᄢ߈ߊߥߞߡࠆޕ ᦨᓟߦޔ࿑ 1(c)ߦ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻ౝㇱ߇ࠬࠢࡠ࡞ㆇേߒߡ ࠆ᧦ઙߩ⚿ᨐࠍ␜ߔ᧦ߩߎޕઙߢ߽೨ㇱベㇳߣᓟㇱベㇳߩ㑆 ߢࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐߦ㆑߇ࠄࠇࠅߪ߿ޔᓟㇱベㇳߦᄢ ߈ߥലᨐ߇↢ߓߡࠆޕ ⠨ ኤ ࡦ࠳ࡓ࠼࠶࠻⢛᥊ߩሽߦࠃߞߡޔ೨ㇱベㇳߣᓟㇱベㇳ ߩ㑆ߦࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐߩᄢ߈ߐߦ㆑߇↢ߓߚߎߣߪޔ ⢛᥊ߣ࠲ࠥ࠶࠻㗔ၞߩ⋧ኻ⊛ߥㆇേ߇ㆇേ㗔ၞߩ⟎⍮ⷡ ߦᓇ㗀ߒߡࠆߎߣࠍ␜ໂߒߡࠆޔߚ߹ޕᓟㇱベㇳߦ߅ ߡࠃࠅᄢ߈ߥࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐ߇↢ߓߚߎߣߪޔ⟎⍮ⷡ ߳ߩ⋧ኻㆇേߩᓇ㗀ߦ⇣ᣇᕈ߇ࠆน⢻ᕈࠍ␜ߒߡࠆޕ ৻ᣇ࠻࠶ࠥ࠲ޔ㗔ၞౝㇱ߇ࠬࠢࡠ࡞ㆇേߒߡࠆ᧦ઙ ߢ߽ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐߦᄢ߈ߥᄌൻߪࠄࠇߥ߆ߞߚߎߣ ߆ࠄ⎇ᧄޔⓥߢᬌ⸛ߒߚㆇേ㗔ၞߩ⟎ߩ⍮ⷡߣ Ramachandran & Anstis (1990)߇ႎ๔ߒߚㆇേቯ⟵ベㇳߩ⟎ ߕࠇ⽎ߣߪ⇣ߥࠆߣ⠨߃ࠆߎߣ߽ߢ߈ࠆߩ⽎ޔߒߛߚޕ ᄢ߈ߐ߿♖ᐲ߇⇣ߥࠆߚߦᧄ⎇ⓥߩ⚿ᨐߦߪߪߞ߈ࠅࠇ ߥ߆ߞߚน⢻ᕈ߽ࠅࠆߥࠄߐޔᬌ⸛߇ᔅⷐߢࠈ߁ޕ ߹ߚޔኻ⽎㗔ၞߩ೨ㇱベㇳߣᓟㇱベㇳߢߪᓟㇱベㇳߩᣇ߇ ࡈ࠶ࠪࡘࠣലᨐߩ㊂߇ዊߐߊߥࠆߣߔࠆႎ๔߽ࠆ߇ (Watanabe et al., 2001)⎇ᧄޔⓥߢ↪ߚೝỗ߿ታ㛎⺖㗴߇⇣ߥ ࠆߚ߹߹ߩߘޔᲧセߔࠆߎߣߪ㔍ߒߣᕁࠊࠇࠆޕ ᓟߪౝㇱㆇേߩᓇ㗀ࠍࠃࠅ⚦ߦᬌ⸛ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔ⢛ ᥊㗔ၞߩㆇേߩᓇ㗀ߦߟߡ߽ᬌ⸛ߔࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠆߛࠈ߁ޕ ᒁ↪ᢥ₂ Nijhawan, R. (1994). Motion extrapolation in catching, Nature, 370, 256-257. Ramachandran, V. S., & Anstis, S. M. (1990). Illusory displacement of equiluminous kinetic edges. Perception, 19, 611-616. Watanabe, K., Nijhawan, R., Khurana, B., & Shimojo, S. (2001). Perceptual organization of moving stimuli modulates the flash-lag effect, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 879-894. 㧔YANAGI Junji, ICHIKAWA Makoto㧕 1.00 JY 0.75 0.50 0.25 Static background RD Target drift : 6.67 deg/sec Relative scroll : +6.67 deg/sec 0.00 -40 -30 Flash shift (arc min) -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Flash shift (arc min) Figure 1: “Flash-lag effect” of the square target with/without background or scroll motion of inner random-dot pattern. Ratios of trials in which the flash appeared to lag behind the target are plotted as a function of spatial shift of the flash. Filled / open symbols correspond to the judging portion of the target (Leading edge / Trailing edge). 㸫550㸫
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