【 田中謙二(A02 公募班)】 H23−25年度研究成果 1. Beppu K, Sasaki T, Tanaka KF, Yamanaka A, Fukazawa Y, Shigemoto R, * Matsui K(2014) Optogenetic countering of glial acidosis suppress glial glutamate release and ischemic brain damage. Neuron. 81(2):314-20 2. Shimizu T, Tanaka KF, Takebayashi H, Higashi M, Wisesmith W, Ono K, Hitoshi S, *Ikenaka K.(2013)Olig2-lineage cells preferentially differentiate into oligodendrocytes but their processes degenerate at the chronic demyelinating stage of proteolipid protein-overexpressing mouse. J Neurosci Res. 91(2):178-86. 3. Lee HU, Yamazaki Y, *Tanaka KF, Furuya K, Sokabe M, Hida H, Takao K, Miyakawa T, Fujii S, Ikenaka K.(2013)Increased astrocytic ATP release results in enhanced excitability of the hippocampus. Glia. 61(2):210-24. 4. Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Kilduff TS, Sugio S, Xu M, Tanaka KF, Takahashi S, Tominaga M, *Yamanaka A.(2013)Influence of inhibitory serotonergic inputs to orexin/hypocretin neurons on the diurnal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep.2013;36(9):1391-404. 5. Tsunematsu T, Tabuchi S, Tanaka KF, Boyden ES, Tominaga M, *Yamanaka A.(2013) Long-lasting silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice. Behav Brain Res. 255:64-74. 6. Baudouin SJ, Gaudias J, Gerharz S, Hatstatt L, Zhou K, Punnakkal P, Tanaka KF, Spooren W, Hen R, De Zeeuw CI, Vogt K, *Scheiffele P.(2012)Shared Synaptic Pathophysiology in Syndromic and Nonsyndromic Rodent Models of Autism. Science;338(6103):128-32. 7. Koizumi A, Tanaka KF, *Yamanaka A.(2012)The manipulation of neural and cellular activities by ectopic expression of melanopsin. Neurosci Res;75:3-5 8. Tanaka KF, Samuels BA, *Hen R.(2012)Serotonin receptor expression along the dorsal-ventral axis of mouse hippocampus. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci;367(1601):2395-401. 9. Tsunematsu T, Tanaka KF, Yamanaka A, *Koizumi A.(2012)Ectopic expression of melanopsin in orexin/hypocretin neurons enables control of wakefulness of mice in vivo by blue light. Neurosci Res;75:23-28 10. *Tanaka KF, Matsui K, Sasaki T, Sano H, Sugio S, Fan K, Hen R, Nakai J, Yanagawa Y, Hasuwa H, Okabe M, Deisseroth K, Ikenaka K, Yamanaka A.(2012)Expanding the Repertoire of Optogenetically Targeted Cells with an Enhanced Gene Expression System. Cell Rep;2(2):397-406. プレスリリース有 ・脳内環境 http://www.neurol.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp/brainenvironment/J/result/press/p201207/p20 1207.html ・自然科学研究機構生理学研究所プレスリリース 「体液 Na 濃度センサー 基生研 調節機構を解明」 http://www.nips.ac.jp/contents/release/entry/2012/07/post-219.html 11. Inamura N, Sugio S, Macklin WB, Tomita K, *Tanaka KF, Ikenaka K.(2012)Gene induction in mature oligodendrocytes with a PLP-tTA mouse line. Genesis;50(5):424-8. 12. Gire DH, Franks KM, Zak JD, Tanaka KF, Whitesell JD, Mulligan AA, Hen R, *Schoppa NE. (2012)Mitral cells in the olfactory bulb are mainly excited through a multistep signaling path. J Neurosci. 32(9):2964-75. 13. Bepari AK, Sano H, Tamamaki N, Nambu A, *Tanaka KF, *Takebayashi H. (2012)Identification of optogenetically activated striatal medium spiny neurons by npas4 expression. PLoS One.;7(12):e52783. 14. Sasaki T, Beppu K, Tanaka KF, Fukazawa Y, Shigemoto R, *Matsui K.(2012)Application of an optogenetic byway for perturbing neuronal activity via glial photostimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A;109(50):20720-5. 15. *Okada Y, Sasaki T, Oku Y, Takahashi N, Seki M, Ujita S, Tanaka KF, Matsuki N, *Ikegaya Y. ( 2012 ) Preinspiratory calcium rise in putative pre-Botzinger complex astrocytes. J Physiol;590(Pt 19):4933-44. 16. 田中 謙二 (2014) 光遺伝学に有用な遺伝子改変マウス 細胞工学 33 (3):260-263 17. 田中 謙二、高田 則雄、三村 將 (2013) In vivo でグリアを見る・操作するための 機能遺伝子発現方法 実験医学 31(7): 1736-1741 18. 田中 謙二、高田 則雄、三村 將 (2013) オプトジェネティクスと精神医学 精神神 経学雑誌 115(12):1211-1215 19. 田中 謙二(2012)オプトジェネティクスと精神疾患研究への応用 分子精神医学 12(3):p30-33
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