Inoue Enryo: Names and Terms Romanization Japanese Translation I Translation II Explanation Bukkyō kōnin kyō undō 仏教公認教運動 Bukkyō kōnin undō 仏教公認運動 chitoku kenzen 知徳兼全 chūtō kyōin mushiken kentei 中等教員無試験検定 dengaku 田学 farmland learning dokuritsu jikatsu 独立自活 independence and initiative Echigo kuni 越後国 Echigo Region Land Beyond and Behind Enryō 円了 "full understanding" "perfect round" priest name Fuchi kasai 不知歌斎 Ignorant Poet's Study Study of the Ignorant Poet penname Fushigi-an shujin 不思議庵主人 Master of the Enigma Hermitage Movement for Buddhism as Officially Acknowledged Religion Movement for the Official Acknowledgment of Buddhism union of perfect knowledge and virtue certification of Middle School Teacher without [state] examination farm learning 1 Master of the Hermitage of the Inscrutable penname Fushigi kenkyū kai 不思議研究会 Enigma Research Society Gakuso-sai 学祖際 Founder's Ceremony gokoku airi 護国愛理 Protection of Country and Love of Truth Higashi hongan-ji 東本願寺 Eastern Temple of the Original Vow Hisō hisoku dōjin 非僧非俗道人 Hosui 甫水 "paddy water" Hosui dōjin 甫水道人 Water Plain – Follower of the Path Hosui kaikan 甫水会館 Water Plain Meeting Hall Hosui no mori 甫水の森 Water Plain Grove Inoue 井上 "above the well" Inoue Enryō hōru 井上円了ホール Inoue Enryo Hall Inoue Enryō kenkyū sentā 井上円了研究セン ター Inoue Enryō ki'nen gakujutsu 井上円了記念学術セ sentā ンター School Founder's Day Protecting the Country and Loving the Truth Eastern Hongan Temple Follower of the Path neither Monk nor penname Layman "water plain" penname penname Water Plain Club Building surname Inoue Enryo Research Center Inoue Enryo Memorial Academic Center 2 Inoue Enryō ki'nen hakubutsu- 井上円了記念博物館 Inoue Enryo Memorial Museum Inoue Enryō tetsguaku juku 井上円了哲学塾 Inoue Enryo Philosophy School Inoue ki'nen-kan 井上記念館 Inoue Memorial Hall Jikō-ji 慈光寺 Jikō Temple Light of Compassion Temple junsei tetsugaku 純正哲学 genuine philosophy metaphysics kaigai shisatsu 海外視察 overseas inspection overseas investigation katsugaku 活学 living learning animated learning katsugen 活眼 living eye sharp-sightedness katsuron 活論 living discussion animating discussion katsusho 活書 living book Keihoku chū gakkō 京北中学校 Capital North Middle School Keihoku jinjō chū gakkō 京北尋常中学校 Capital North Normal Middle School Keihoku yōchien 京北幼稚園 Capital North Kindergarden kengaku seishin 建学精神 Founding Spirit Kengaku-sai 建学際 Foundation Day kan Celebration of School Foundation 3 Kishimaru 岸丸 "perfect equinox" kōge mon 向下門 Downward Gate kōjō mon 向上門 Upward Gate Kokumin dōtoku fukyū-kai 国民道徳普及会 Society Spreading Civic Morality Kokusai Inoue Enryō gakkai 国際井上円了学会 Kokusai Inoue Enryō kenkyū 国際井上円了研究 International Inoue Enryo Research kyōiku rinen 教育理念 Educational Ideas meishin 迷信 superstition Mugei-an 無芸庵 Hermitage of the Untalented mui mukan 無位無官 no rank, no office Nagaoka-han nishigumi Uramura 長岡藩西組浦村 "fully beyond" child name Society for the Spread of Civic Morality International Association for Inoue Enryo Research Educational Principles penname Western Division of Nagaoka Domain, Ura Western Division of the Long Hill Village Domain, Riverbank Village Nagaoka yō gakkō 長岡洋学校 Nagaoka School for Western Learning Long Hill School for Western Learning Namu zettai mugen son 南無絶対無限尊 Namaḥ Venerable Absolute Infinite Hail, Hallowed Infinite Absolute! Niigata gakkō daiichi bunkō 新潟学校第一分校 Niigata First Branch School 4 New Lagoon Prefecture, Riverbank in Niigata-ken Nakaoka-shi Ura 新潟県長岡市浦 Niigata Prefecture, Nagaoka City, Ura O-bake-hakase お化け博士 Doctor Specter Spook Doc Rinshō-in 麟祥院 Rinshō Temple Temple of the Unicorn Auspice san onjin 三恩人 Three Benefactors Three Dignitaries Seppitsu koji 拙筆居士 Poor Writing Layman Poor Writing Amateur shinkai 真怪 True Mystery Shinshū ōtani ha 真宗大谷派 Ōtani Branch of Shin Buddhism shisei 四聖 Four Sages Shisei-dō 四聖堂 Four Sages Hall shisei-zō 四聖像 Painting of the Four Sages Four Sages Scroll Shogaku no kiso ha tetsugaku 諸学の基礎は哲学に ni ari. あり The Basis of All Learning Lies in Philosophy. All Learning is Based on Philosophy. Shūshin kyōkai 修身教会 Morality Church tetsugaku-sai 哲学察 Philosophy Ceremony Tetsugaku shoin 哲学書院 Philosophy Publishing House Long Hill City Great Valley Branch of the True School Teaching Assembly for Personal Cultivation 5 nickname penname Tetsugaku-dō 哲学堂 Philosophy Hall Shrine of Philosophy Tetsugaku-dō-sai 哲学堂際 Philosophy Hall Ceremony Celebration of the Philosophy Shrine Tetsugaku-kan 哲学館 Philosophy Academy Philosophy College Tetsugaku-kan daigaku 哲学館大学 Philosophy Academy University Tetsugaku-kan jiken 哲学館事件 Philosophy Academy Incident Tetsugaku-kan kōgiroku 哲学館講義録 Philosophy Academy Lecture Records Tetsugaku-dō kōen 哲学堂公園 Temple Garden of Philosophy Park of the Philosophy Hall Tomotsune 襲常 "always following [insight 明]" "eternal succession" Tōyō daigaku 東洋大学 Oriental University University of the East Tōyō tetsugaku-kai 東洋哲学会 Oriental Philosophy Society Society for Oriental Philosophy tsūshin kyōiku 通信教育 correspondence education distance learning Wadō-kai 和同会 Harmony and Equality Club yōkai 妖怪 mystery yōkai gaku 妖怪学 Mystery Studies cf.『道徳経』25 cf.『論語』子路 23 apparition, phantom, ghost, monster, spook Demonology 6 penname Yōkai-hakase 妖怪博士 Mystery Doc Doctor Monster nickname Yōkai kenkyū-kai 妖怪研究会 Mystery Research Society Yōkai-kutsu 妖怪窟 Mystery Cave Ghostly Grotto penname Zenkoku junkai kōen 全国巡回講演 nation-wide lecture tours lecture tours all around the country Rainer Schulzer last updated July 2014 7
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