、 MYRRI-IA ノ"temqfio"alSIymposmmon P泥senfSmt"sq"。nm"ePe坪eご趣vefblRed卿ci"gRqdioocfivcw[Jsfe 7bkyqJ[Wn Ocfober9-m,20Z4 MarcSchyns SCK・CEN,Boeretang20q2400Mol,Belgium mschvns(alsckcenbe ormvrrhaosckcen be 「凶 SCK. (j蔵i STUnlECENTRUMV・oRKERNENERGIE CENTREDpETUDEDELDENERG1ENUCLEAIRE CopyngMC2012 SCKCEN 田 Scl<,Ciii ~-__ STUDlECENTRUMVOORKERNENERGIE CENTREDIETUDEDELIENERGlENUCLEAlRE lliIllYRRHA MultipurposehYbridResearchReactorforHigh-techApplications ContributingtotheEuropeanStrategyforPaT .。 ★★★ ★MMMⅢ宝 ★★☆ 1MI L- copy「19M゜2U12 SCK・CEN △ 」 MYRRHA-AcceleratorDrivenSystem Reacto『 AcCelerator oSubcriticalorCriticalmodes (600MeV-4mAproton) o65tolOOMWth 』胸漁り鵬痩 面一’L塒|,,可出川L『恥 GOpyrjghIo2D12 SCM・CEN [ MYRRHAAcceleratorChallenge fundamentaIparameters(ADS) particle 9 beamenergy 600MeV beam 4mA mode CW MTBF 〉Z50h >250h failure=beamtrip>3s impIementatiolB superconductinglinac frequency reliability l76ユ/3522/7044MHz redundancy doubleinjecto「 "faulttolerant〃scheme じoPy「gllI⑨Zq1Z SlCK・GEN [ 白 与 MYRRHAlinac lNJECTORBUlLDlNG 、2,フ U尹狙Tl -ト弓一.、当'T…・;壷`鷺.....割i 一子=。...‘・乱.。...。 FmW~●◇。C ?、祠 eF0 週MllRrqlM月i冠lMmi輝歴画一二汽ニコビ 圃MIlRrqlM月i冠lMmi輝歴画一 ■Ⅱ PP口甘I  ̄X ̄ ̄~需 oキ ろ0斗己一 ■ 4 1凸□ ◇ ̄・ii芹。。 ̄.~‘H1寺.6.0. ̄、i・・ ̄← ̄u〒尹 -.5V〒| ̄ニョィゼーー=-群.;- -■ 四二・ ロ 狛!ETEI 句・閂● 十 勺十dU 盈可。 : 淵 、j宝塗i l1l,,|}'汁$,! 。■ 」jIl…l嘗'函I…四国ロ I‐ 、エロマ 》|】 寂 __壁。。1.-㈱増 二にZ '1 ⑨豆山詫 薑|尋個臺i;テ 鵬憲ii( I1h窪」ミト Qopyrlgnl②201を ヨCKCEN T I Reactorlayout ●●● Reacto「Vessel ReactorCover CoreSupportStructure ●CoreBa「rel ●CoreSupportPlate ●」acket ● Core ●ReflectorAssemblies ●DummyAssemblies ●FuelAs5emblies ●● SpallationTargetAssemblyandBeamLine AboveCoreStructure, ●CorePlug oMultifunctionalChannels ●CO「eRe5t「aintSystem・ ジョ  ̄■- ヅ PrimaryPumps Si-dopingFadlity Diaphragm f】錘 ●●●●● ControlRodsJSafetyRods,Mo-99productionunits PnmaryHeatExchangers 戸司譲鴛~宅已--q射弓,'1鴬''6 ●IVFS ● IVFHS ●IVFHM L」 -W。↓リ,Itjg2012 SCIcCEN I 色 Multipurposefacility 191 M川誇 撫庶」繍瀞Will 」 の=1t051014,/仁、2.s (ppmHe/dpa~10) ■b ,iiil1iBin‐ FissionGENIV dium-Ia「 inmedium-IargevoIumes FusiolT Highener gy Multipurl。osE UNAC Ybrid R壜arch Ractorf・r High-teEh APPlicatiOn昼 waste ⑩、トー0.5to th- 21015,/cm2sⅡRadioWimMiliiii:jsotope Fumdamental 『eseEwch のth=0.1to1.1014,/cm2.s 仔希編|ME藍 (En〈 0.4eV) 4eⅥ (E、〈 (E、<0.4eV) 1, Ⅱ ざ SiIiとon dopmg ;艫 UopyrlglltIg2(j,]Z SCK・CEN 11 Motivationfortransmutation 1000 O三 鱸 0 0 1 sPeiutfueI reprc仁essimg transmutation ofspelHtfueI ■~旬閏埆砺司 1 0 鑿 no ● repro仁essm9 O= ■や□ U】 1 易》』・一翼。》。》で⑩』⑭シ』》呵一①鴎 0( iiW 1士 舅~---~ Uranium 、 ( natureI ~~ヘ ール」 F▲■■ 0, 冬‘雫 100 10 TmrRe(years) 10 DurationRedumion LOOOx 蒜 1[OIOI6Iolq 1000 DnIq VOIumeReduction mOx DPyrIglll回堅lUlg SCK・CEN 。 FastNeutronareunavoidablefortransmutation oTbtransmuteMAs,weneedtofissionthem oTheratioFission/Captureismorefavorablewithfastneutrons 105 PIO・O-1DCPニトロ AmZ4エfromjEFF3oLZ1ibrary ■0sGcCBF凸⑤-①で、 radiativecapture ■巳◆●●■凸申ロロ、。▲□の●■①盛▲■■●。●●けい 104 ■■巳。□●い●申CB J-■.b一.-.ロ 3 0 『上 ……I… Z 寒きミ ..…i・-・ 0 工 Ⅱ 蕊鷺 ...-.t... 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TherefOrewesaythatsub-criticaIityisnotaluxwybuta necessityh CopynghLC2012 SCK・CEN = ■ Multipurposefacility 畷 ⑪=ユt⑰BユP4、ノ囮mユ.二 Mn艀‐ 灘M;'1 FissioIuGENIV (ppmHe/d陣~、) ■ nmEdi四m-1昼rqE FuSion Hig henergy Multipurpose hYbricl R垂aにh REl亡torfDr iontime irradiationtim High-te息h FundamsirDtal ADblにations waste のth=0.5to researCh mth=O1to11O14n/cm2s Radio- (E、〈 UNAC MeV- 1GeV (E、<0.4eV) isotopes il1i畷ii3ii】J曇。【。PE /’11鍔’ CDpyfIgl1tCIZol2 ScKcEN l「1 Matmap鯏馴:卿:,13:,棚馴呈 、Ⅱ11 ロ ▽ ’ ’ ’ +1 Ocm li1 il ll,I Ocm 1 ■ Ⅱ 鶴 =IHI目 ■’ -30cm u□鮒r1gnlDzu1z SGKqCEN C の MYRRHAforfusionirradiations DPAandHeproductioninDEMO,IFMIEMYRRHA 100 割ZZm露 薑議… Pmh 一一←l0 iI0Ir‐1-し 10 k)j$i《 iii >KトリFRPetten 101 2KBOR60 -…DEMO -9←IFMlF -←MYRRHAlPS 1t】-- - ̄MYRRHATarget ,KBR2CanalB くユロ「①エE二二m / 〆 介 折… / 1 ‘,PSR《 ザTL R1,つ BBOR60 0.1 Oユ 1 10 100 DPA/EFPY EstimateddamagelnducedlnDEMOandproposed irradiationconditionsinlFMlFandMYRRHA-lMlFF しopyr1gnIuzu1ig SCKOCFN Multipurposefacility Fuelresea rch Z Materialresearchllのtot=O5toL1015n/cm翼.s ぢ 、/Cm2 .S arc のFast= lto5ユ014 、/cm2愚 (E、>1MeV)inlarqevolume ,illiijj騨iiillilil ~10) volumes 「 T③叩皿 FissionGENIV iph High Mu ltil。urpoま Ybr 画 Rs;earch Rハ日 ctCrfor waste Hig ‐tGdl AlDI にation5 21015,/cm2・sRadiO- (E、〈 O4eV) H懸趨iiLisotopes FundamentaI reseakh のth=O5to ドト風」掴 、’ 門 =O1tol1Oユ4,/cmz・s (E、<04eV) p H Copyrlghl心2u12 SCKQCEN 麹 宝 」 由 lSOL@MYRRHA‐Concept P「otons2-4mA,CW 2gapSpoke Magnetic鐘が- 5bellElliptical OOI【A othinrefractorym talfOils ・carbldepowders ゜liquidtargets ・surfaceionsource oECRionsource oRlLlS WQpVPIqlluEjZ1」1と SCKDCEF Beam-SplittingSystem(Concept) Proton-beamdutvcvcIe '八 』①匹巴一○m’ くエ匹匹シ三 Z-4mslZ-4ms :biff ZOOI-tsiZOOlJLs し Ⅱ t 600MeV Z-4mslZ-4ms 、 Magnetic kicker 塁00陣醤0011s ( 、2 Magnetic septum 1日I 一関一 ~100-2001-1A シt くエ塵匡シニ。]○里 1A ---------中■ ̄■ ̄------ ̄ MYRRHA LbDPyl 、(回基u1Z SCKoCEN が 茜 Multipurposefacility ■虫 FueIr search lvIarerlaIr Materialresearm 躯 のtot=0.5t01.1015,/cm2.s 1hM《 蝋辮蝋 =1to5.10u、/cm2s のFast=1to5.: (E、>1MeV)inlarqevolumes ⑪=ユto5.1 Oユ4,/c、 2.s 鱗「 FissionGENIV (ppmHe/。 pa~10) inmedium-la rgevolum es Fusiorn H ighenergy LINAC 11』 MLl ltiP rp 09鰹 h Ybr id Rrs Bar h LGeV 〕OMeV-1GeV lqirradiationtime {‐》勝Ⅱ0 RsE EtC fo 「 Hig waste 蕊 reseEirch 、三 のth=q1tol1OL4n/cm2.s Radio‐ 勺■ (E、<0.4eV) [: 穰懸薑蕊lill Fundamelfitai ADI isotopes BiZ ,iiLか,'iii'蕊 」Dpy「9,t・型IZ SCKjCEN Production ofradioisotopesinMYRRHA thermalneutronflux-traps Corelay-out: ●Inreflectorpositions Targetplates ●Cooledbywater ○7(mntr5m昇….. ⑲BCR(buoyancY) BHI狐 埣卜 瓜■ ●.・ 割 wご】 切TBI 向9円 thermalfield1 U卜 〃 testingofmaterialsin ■ ●Positionsalsousablefor ←も二匹 ZqJbh 邑 ….-<… ●葎 :iii露iii ■ .篭 _色目 丹■■■ 唖 FASI 印■△▲ 珂 蕊 週 加 ●Transportbyrabbitsystem  ̄ 房I凹 ●Inthermalizedneutronfield inlPS: 閂」幹Ⅱ凹騨0⑰Ⅲ凸「吟■ぬ o3SR(gravity) 櫛24'`inncrlbummV(LBE) ●4Z''0utGrIbummY(YZrO) ユ5is/As ○淵RIwi:iv鰍IiM;7, LBd』己 =>BotharepossibIeinMYRRHA: DTestingofmaterials/fuelsinfastにore)fieId DTestingofmateriaIs/fueIsinthermaIized(peripheraI)fieId LppyrIgnIIEXZUlZ SCKCEN I正 ■ EurOpeanContext Energy KmowIedge Economy ESFRI ,FIf 鏑 Forumfor Research ll lh, European Strategic lnfrastructure .h面臼 ES蕊風一一. ポ 壜 雨■$F可 噸l2WFtPqil rhsLⅡdIhI61xlld“ ★ 炉,=廷 ★ ,需蕊 』 |’ QNr甲pIlU 沖可 ヨェ趣三一F F European i鰯露 ★ =躯轍:曇縛 SETPIan Strategic EnergyPlan lndependence 】 } 獣 ’且 ・匠 HMI ,,lMlmll汕扉 |Ⅲ'1''「。 ||||Ⅱ ⅡⅢ’ llll'P'叩1-1Ⅱ山IIwll四 ユ5ユユ。Z010 27.lL2010 ConfirmedonESFRI inESNn priorityIistprojects (SNETPgoaIs) cDDVI JIULL舎二u'二 SCKuCEN Belgiancommitment:secured lnternationalconsortium:underconstruction ヨ00,0 250,0 茂 。 200.0 0 0 5 1 のgNW三 100.0 Consortium ons 0t hers576Ⅳ Ⅲ 喧 釦 F1 1 剣TOTAL ■BELGlUM 1 露 」 2mmdphase(my) 50,0 0,0 '1iii1鱗|灘$i霧!;iill霧 ユロ092゜10?mlZU1220ユ3ZDZ4,、1百20ユ62017ユロエ82019202020212022202ヨ2024ccpyJignl、Zol2 SCK9cEN P 丹 TheprQjectschedule ■11 2015 Inll醜Muc1uIlQnG TGndering Procu「em IIenglneerl lllin Imlse mir UUis e 「 techm technoIogical Iog icaI AC⑥elel竃80F Ⅲ rlrisks ks |×|w卜’ PDP Secure preliminary dismantling plan theIicensing S ub鯵回 rft唾釦 S PSAR rH■宍に曲n丁 EIAR FEED preliminaryenvlronmental safetylmpact (FrontEnd assesmentassesment Engineering Design) Securea sound Central management PrQject and Tbam investment Owner Z0hIO-2014 owner ConsortiumEngineering GroupTbam structure  ̄ CODVrIphlc2012 SGK・CEN MYRRHAinternationalnetwork 〆 鑿讓 mgl1鐵驚 Y弓鱸鯏M鰯、鰯鑿驫魑懲罰 鍵 〆 轡ヒ ーヴノA、&EnIdoNucleare IJmisb⑥at住同'nmZc砲、!“ 函〃Ⅱヨ ーオヨ ワタU 鱸!i鰯, 《I塞蕊》 鴎IITRrgA1RI(パハ(;RlRFAI〕(( A AREVA 鯵 = lib瓜 |蝿瞥雲鍾勘ョ’ 鯵 TRAE]題ELEnginEErlng G‐芦ニハーダC三 一 驍圃糾駒鬼 申圏斜亙瀧 CJIN藤I§・trM〕IE1n・【〕JF5(、11パ(rS 猟 殻MNiw懸趨路viM;JMi灘& 1V(MONALNUCLJ白人【し[・瞳NTⅨR Dlz・ITI「「血'lIllI-jC(11:KAZAKllm入N ■ 忌烹 開=ENER 】F=L アョミ ヘP A孑 密」 や」 啼刑■ づ M隅uM MZpiioM & I-IALMoHAnbHAFl I-lAUMOHAnbHAFl ATDlfHAyM[CLlnAw1月 LATOhRHAnKC1LlnAHD1n.’ J・画:回………… 』qTs7 ……….、←iii、 鰯② 轍…助『…、 EmEi型Nや 、|[節w閏iil正=Ⅲ M黙繍罰雪 ,騨蝋辮鱒`: DEVALEN七M U鎚繊Ij藤~ 願Iwl鐘 I臘譲11鍬IiiiW鱸iiiiwml締’ |鑑識:鵜 焉蕊藻 鞠Ⅱ鴎 擬雛騨 亡び iJM懲辮 麟細臘揺AQH 18K」Mq]E】弓U隅T八M升TA2ZQ 轌噛…篝零 nm鐸riI copy「lghtIO2012 sCKCEN s巳K・CEN 萱 |I 0 PERA77ONPHASE InternationalMembersConsortium-Phase2 "ERlC》,(鍬) 、 〆 CLOSED/ ~25% MembersofConsolrtiuml~25% SHARE、 ‐IndMdualresearchofamemberofConsortIum INFORMATION -Collaborative「esea「chamongstmembersof Consortium fo「MoC Lノ / -3yearsprogramcommitment BENEFITSfor ofConsortiu ・BoardpositiontocontroloveralOperation ・Priorityofaccess ・Potentialbenefitoflowprice(compensation profitfromcomme「cial「evenues) ・CapaciWtransferflexibility(「ulestbd) 、 ~25% OpenUserFaciIityL- OPEN -Govemmentsfunding INFORMA「ION -Criteriaofresearchexcellence -Independantprogramaccesscommittee(PAC) 、 ノ 、 〆 ~25% SHA|団。EZ CoIIaborativelFesearch INFORMATION -Distributionofinformationtopartidpants forparticipants 、 theMYRRHA contractual 、 Comtractresearch CLOSED INFORMA110N ~25% arrangementwithERIC CommerciaIservices -RI forparticipants 、 asqualifiedand llcencedoperatorof infrastructureunder ノ 〆 SCK・CEN -NTDSilicon のEuropeqnResedrch /nかqstructureConsortium ノ coPyrIgIM○zuIz SCK心房1N Conclusions SMYRRHAAsaMuItipurposeFastSpetrumirradiation faciIityseIectedbyESFRLisrespondingto: ●Theissueofaddressingthenuclearwastelegacyofpresent reactortechnolo9ythroughadvanceoptions(ADS,P8LT) ●TheSNETPneedforamultipurpose『esearchinfrastructure expressedinitsStrategicResearchAgendawhateverthe consideredtechnologyforGenJVsystems ●TheObjectiveofBelgiumandSCK・CENtomaintainahighIeveI expertiseinthecountryinthenuclearsafety,nucleartechnology andnuclearcompetenciesindependentlyofthefutureofNE ●TheobiectiveoftheEuropeanCommissiontomakeavailablea seriesofreIevantirradiationsfaciIitiesforthefusionmaterial researchcommunitytowardstheDEMOconstructio、 ●SecuresocietyneedsforRIformedicalapplicationsandDopped- SiforrenewableEnergy GQpyrlgllto2Gllz ScK?CEN 可 , 月 MYRRHA:EXPERIMENTALACCELERAToRDRIVENSYSTlEM Apan-European,innovativeanduniquefacilityatMol(BE) モlElソrPnF1rnr 》 圏 、 野 ■ 三一 一 、」い,「llf。n,-- 臘纐 1 =1-.・冠Ⅱ ■ ■Ⅱ■Illll[■llll■lⅡ -bll L〒・--塁詫錨露 lⅡ■|I戸口■n円 丙 ■可■’'’’'1■'’1|■11■ 苧:螺篭(i1Ii ■」lP ● … 鍋 、111出争・叩。 qDpWiglltc2012 SCKoCEN
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