ファミリービジネス 全 4 巻

KS-4031 / July 2014
 ファミリービジネスに関する重要論文をテーマ別に考察した
ファミリービジネス 全 4 巻
Family Business. 4 vols.
Sharma, Pramodita / Melin, Leif (eds.), Family Business. 4 vols. (Sage Library in
Business and Management) 1735 pp. 2014:11 (Sage, UK) <100-3730>
ISBN 978-1-4462-0781-9
hard set
過去 20 年間で、ファミリービジネスに関する研究は大きく増大しました。ファミリービジネスは、
企業組織において最もよく見られる形態であり、また世界の多くの国で GDP の大部分を占めて
いることが認識されたのです。日本でも 2009 年にファミリービジネス学会が設立されました。ファ
第 1 巻「領域、境界、ファミリービジネスの影響」は、「ファミリービジネス研究の分野」「ファミリー
ビジネスの社会的・経済的影響」の部から、第 2 巻「ビジネスファミリー」は、「ビジネスにおける家
族」「ビジネスにおける家族メンバー」の部から、第 3 巻「ファミリービジネスの企業システム」は、
「価値と文化」「目標、戦略、業績」の部から、第 4 巻「ファミリービジネスにおけるガバナンスと行
ファミリービジネス 全 4 巻
Astrachan, Joseph H. / McMillan, K. S. / Pieper, T. M. (ed.), Family Business:
Critical Perspectives on Business and Management. 4 vols. (Critical Perspectives on
Business and Management) 1390 pp. 2013 (Routledge, UK) <593-910>
★hard set
ISBN 978-0-415-66908-5
Introduction by Pramodita Sharma & Leif Melin
Field of Family Business Studies
1. Handler, W. C. (1989). Methodological issues and considerations in studying family businesses.
2. Litz, R. A. (1995). The family business: Toward definitional clarity.
3. Westhead, Paul, & Marc Cowling. (1998). Family Firm Research: The Need for a Methdological
4. Chua, J. H., Chrisman, J. J., & Sharma, P. (1999). Defining the family business by behavior.
5. Klein, S., Astrachan, J. H., & Smyrnios, K. (2005). The F-PEC scale of family influence: Construction, validation, and further implication for theory.
6. Hollander, B. S. & Elman, N. S. (1988). Family-owned businesses: An emerging field of inquiry.
7. Wortman, Jr. M. S. (1994). Theoretical foundations for family-owned businesses: A conceptual
and research based paradigm.
8. Chrisman, J. J., Chua, J. H., & Sharma, P. (2005). Trends and directions in the development of a
strategic management theory of the family firm.
9. Sharma, P., Hoy, F., Astrachan, J. H., & Koiranen, M. (2007). The practice driven evolution of
family business education.
10. Chrisman, J. J., Kellermanns, F. W., Chan, K. C., & Liano, K. (2010). Intellectual foundations of
current research in family business: An identification and review of 25 most influential articles.
11. Gedajlovic, E., Carney, M. Chrisman, J. J. & Kellermanns, F. W. (2012). The adolescence of
family firm research: Taking stock and planning for the future.
12. James, A. E., Jennings, J. E., & Breitkruz, R. (2012). Worlds Apart? Re-bridging the distance
between family science and family business research.
13. Yu, A., Lumpkin, G. T., Sorenson, R. L., & Brigham, K. H. (2012). The landscape of family business outcomes: A summary and numerical taxonomy of dependent variables.
Societal and Economic Impact of Family Businesses
14. Shanker, M. C. & Astrachan, J. H. (1996). Myths and realities: Family businesses’ contribution
to the US economy—A framework for assessing family business statistics.
15. Heck, R. K. Z., & Trent, E. (1999). The prevalence of family business from a household sample.
16. LaPorta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. (1999). Corporate ownership around the world.
The Family in Business
17. Aldrich, H. E., & Cliff, J. E. (2003). The pervasive effects of family on entrepreneurship: Towards a family embeddedness perspective.
18. Chua, J. H., Chrisman, J. J., & Chang, E. P. C. (2004). Are family firms born or made? An exploratory investigation.
19. Habbershon, Timothy G., Mary Williams, & Ian C. MacMillan. (2003). A Unified Systems
Perspective of Family Firm Performance.
20. Sirmon, D. G., Hitt, M. (2003). Managing resources: Linking unique resources, management,
and wealth creation in family firms.
21. Bertrand, M. & Schoar, A. (2006). The role of family in family firms.
22. Arregle, J. L., Hitt, M. A., Sirmon, D. G., Very, P. (2007). The development of organizational social capital: attributes of family firms.
23. Pearson, A., Carr, J. & Shaw, J. (2008). Toward a theory of familiness: A social capital perspective.
24. Danes, S. M., Stafford, K., Haynes, G., & Amarapurkar, S. S. (2009). Family capital of family
firms: Bridging human, social, and financial capital.
25. Zellweger, T. M., Eddleston, K. A. & Kellermanns, F. W. (2010). Exploring the concept of familiness: Introducing family firm identity.
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26. Mehrotra, V., Morck, R., Shim, J. & Wiwattankantang, Y. (2013). Adoptive expectations: Rising
sons in Japanese family firms.
27. Gersick, K. E., Lansberg, I. & Davis, J. (1990). The Impact of Family Dynamics on Structure and
Process in Family Foundations.
28. Lungeanu, R. & Ward, J. (2012). A governance-based typology of family foundations: The
effect of generation stage and governance structure on family philanthropic activities.
29. Jaskiewicz, P., Uhlenbruck, K., Balkin, D. B., & Reay, T. (2013). Is nepotism good or bad? Types
of nepotism and implications for knowledge management.
Family Members in Business
30. Gudmunson, C., Clinton, G., Danes, S., Werbel, J., & Loy, S. (2009). Spousal support and workfamily balance in launching a family business.
31. Schjoedt, L., Monsen, E., Pearson, A. W., Barnett, T., & Chrisman, J. J. (2013). New venture
and family business teams: Understanding team formation, composition, behaviors, and
32. Garcia-Alvarez, E., Lopez-Sintas, J. & Gonzalvo, P. S. (2002). Socialization patterns of successors in first- to second-generation family businesses.
33. Cabrera-Suárez, K. (2005). Leadership transfer and the successor’s development in the family
34. Jimenez, R. M. (2009). Research on women in family firms: Current status and future directions.
Values and Culture
35. Davis, P., & Stern, D. (1981). Adaptation, survival, and growth of the family business: An
integrated systems perspective.
36. Taguiri, R. & Davis, J. A. (1996). Bivalent attributes of the family firm.
37. Basco, R. & Pérez-Rodríguez, M. J. (2009). Studying the family enterprise holistically: Evidence
for integrated family and business systems.
38. Litz, R. A. & Turner, N. (2013). Sins of the father’s firm: Exploring responses to inherited ethical dilemmas in family business.
39. Dyer Jr., W. G. (1988). Culture and continuity in family firms.
Goals, Strategies, Performance
40. Tagiuri, R. & Davis, J. A. (1992). On the goals of successful family companies.
41. Kotlar, J. & De Massis, A. (2013). Goal setting in family firms: Goal diversity, social interactions,
and collective commitment to family-centered goals.
42. Ward, J. L. (1988). The special role of strategic planning for family businesses.
43. Salvato, C., Chirico, F., & Sharma, P. (2010). A farewell to the business: Championing exit and
continuity in entrepreneurial family firms.
44. Sieger, P., Zellweger, T., Nason, R., Clinton, E. (2011). Portfolio Entrepreneurship in Family
45. Zellweger, T. M., Nason, R. S., & Nordqvist, M. (2012). From longevity of firms to transgenerational entrepreneurship of families: Introducing family entrepreneurial orientation.
46. McKelvie, A., McKenny, A., Lumpkin, G. T. & Short, J. C. (2013). Corporate entrepreneurship in
family business: Past contribution and future opportunities.
47. Fernández, Z., & Nieto Jesús, M. (2013). Internationalization of family firms.
48. Anderson, R. C. & Reeb, D. M. (2003). Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500.
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49. Miller, D., Le Breton-Miller, I., Lester, R. H. & Cannella, A. A. (2007). Are family firms really
superior performers?
50. Gomez Mejia, L. R., Cruz, C., Berrone, P., De Castro, J. (2011). The bind that ties: Socioemotional wealth preservation in family firms.
51. Amit, R., & Villalonga, B. (2013). Financial performance of family firms.
Professionalization over generations
52. Schulze, W. S., Lubatkin, M. H., Dino, R. N., Buchholz, R. A. (2001). Agency relationships in
family firms: Theory and evidence.
53. Carney, M. (2005) Corporate governance and competitive advantage in family-controlled
54. Melin, L., & Nordqvist, M. (2007). The reflexive dynamics of institutionalization: The case of
family business.
55. Gersick, K. E. & Neus, F. (2013). Governing the family enterprise: Practices, performance, and
56. Beckhard, R. & Dyer, Jr., W. G. (1983). Managing continuity in the family-owned business.
57. Lansberg, I. (1988). The succession conspiracy.
58. Handler, W. (1994) Succession in the Family Business: A Review of the Research.
59. Dyck, B., Mauws, M., Starke, F. A., & Mischke, G. A. (2002). Passing the baton: The importance
of sequence, timing, technique and communication in executive succession.
60. Le Breton-Miller, I., Miller, D., & Steier, L. (2004). Toward an integrative model of effective
FOB succession.
61. Hall, A., & Nordqvist, M. (2008). Professional management in extended family business:
Toward an extended understanding.
62. Stewart, A. & Hitt, M. (2012). Why can’t a family business be more like a non-family business:
Modes of professionalization in family firms.
Behavioral Issues in Family Business
63. Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Larraza-Kintana, M., Makri, M. (2003). The determinants of executive
compensation in family-controlled public corporations.
64. Salvato, C., Minichill, A., & Piccarreta, (2012). Faster route to the CEO Suite: Nepotism or
Managerial Proficiency?
65. Sharma, P., & Irving, G. (2005). Four bases of family business successor commitment: Antecedents and consequences.
66. Steier, L. & Muethel, (2014). Trust and Family Business.
67. McKee, D., Madden, T. M., Kellermanns, F. W. & Eddleston, K. A. (2013). Conflicts in family
firms: The good and the bad.
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