UTokyo Global Leadership Education Program(GLP) List of GLP Designated Courses for Winter Semester 2014 (PEAK Students) The ‘Global Leadership Education Program’ (GLP) is an innovative, transdisciplinary 4-year undergraduate program launched by the University of Tokyo in April 2014. GLP is designed to equip talented undergraduates with the global competences and skills necessary to act effectively as creative, knowledgeable, and responsible players and ‘change-makers’ on the global stage. The program consists of two phases: GLP I in Year 1 and 2 of the undergraduate degree, and GEfIL (=GLP II, Global Education for Innovation and Leadership) from Year 3. At the end of GLP I around 100 qualifying students will be selected to proceed to GLP II. ※1 Students wishing to progress to GEfIL/GLP II, have to complete GLP Designated Courses※2 to the amount of 6 credits or more over the course of GLP I. Students have to choose GLP Designated Courses from at least two of the three categories of ‘Global Education’, ‘Foreign Languages’ ※ 3 and ‘Problemsolving and practical skill subjects’. The list below shows the GLP Designated Courses for the winter semester 2014.※4 ※1 Details of the selection criteria can be found in the GLP-GEfIL pamphlet as well as on the website (http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/stu04/h01_glp01_j.html) ※2 GLP Designated Courses are selected for every semester. ※3 For PEAK students, ‘Foreign Languages’ excludes (Introductory / Intermediate / Advanced ) of student’s mother tongue. ※4 Courses marked in gray, are in principle open for April-entry students. However, to enroll in any of these courses, students must first receive permission directly from the instructor (in some cases, permission may not be granted because of class size limitations and course requirements). Furthermore, students must complete the registration procedures for courses requiring registration approval at the PEAK/GPEAK Section (counter №2), submitting the Registration Approval Card with the instructor’s signature. For details, refer to "PEAK Academic Handbook". ●Global Education Course Code Course Category Course Title Subtitle Credit Week/ Period WOODWARD Jonathan 2 Wed 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS HIWATARI Nobuhiro NOBLE Gregory W. 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS Instructor Applicable Classes 20776 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminar (PEAK) 20517 Integrated Courses C Society and InstitutionsⅠ Japan and the Governance of Democratic (PEAK) Market Economies 20027 Foundation Law and Political Science Law and Political Science Courses (PEAK) OTA Shozo MAEDA Kentaro 2 Mon 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20325 Foundation International Relations Courses (PEAK) International Relations in East Asia MATSUDA Yasuhiro 2 Tue 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20032 Integrated Courses A Topics in Ideas and Arts 建築・都市の思想 KATO Koichi 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20033 Integrated Courses B International Relations Ⅱ 国際政治概論 OKADA Terue 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20034 Integrated Courses B History of International Relations 国際関係史 SAKAI Tetsuya 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20237 Integrated Courses B World History 第二次世界大戦期の日本の東南アジア支配 FURUTA Motoo 2 Tue 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20766 Integrated Courses B Topics in International and Area Studies 国際政治・経済・社会の変容とメディア(2) TAKAYAMA Hiroshi 2 Wed 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20791 Integrated Courses B Modern and Contemporary HistoryⅡ 戦後日本における植民地をめぐる歴史認識 TONOMURA Masaru 2 Thu 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20214 Integrated Courses C Modern Economic TheoryⅡ 農業と社会を考える NAKANISHI Tooru 2 Mon 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20494 Integrated Courses C Studies in Mass Media テレビ番組で見る戦後日本 NIWA Yoshiyuki 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20068 Integrated Courses D Science and Technology 科学技術社会論入門 Studies FUJIGAKI Yuko 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20070 Integrated Courses D Topics in Man and the Environment 海の魅力と海の基礎 II WASEDA Takuji 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20071 Integrated Courses D Topics in Man and the Environment 生命を衛る環境工学 KASUGA Ikuro 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20072 Integrated Courses D Topics in Man and the Environment 地球に生きる MATSUSHIMA Jiyun 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20383 Integrated Courses D Human Ecology 産業立地と地域経済の実態 MATSUBARA Hiroshi 2 Tue 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20497 Integrated Courses D Global Environment Studies 地球環境問題概論〜学際的アプローチによる検討 GOTO Noriyuki 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20996 Integrated Courses D Science and Technology リスク・トランスサイエンス・科学方法論 StudiesⅠ HIRONO Yoshiyuki 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21027 Integrated Courses D Topics in Man and the Environment 東京の都市計画 KOIZUMI Hideki 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21140 Integrated Courses D Topics in Man and the Environment エネルギー問題・地球環境問題を考える MURAKAMI Shinsuke 2 Fri 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS Ethics and sustainability in everyday life 1 20803 Integrated Courses E Modern Biological SciencesⅡ (For Humanities and Social Sciences students) 現代生命科学 II SATO Naoki 2 Thu 1st Year1 HS Year2 HS 21142 Integrated Courses E Space ScienceⅠ 宇宙科学全般の基礎 HACHISU Izumi 2 Fri 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21295 Integrated Courses E Topics in Material and Life Sciences 作物の科学-農から始まる震災復興と持続的社会- NEMOTO Keisuke 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21033 Integrated Courses F Topics in Material and Life Sciences エネルギー問題・環境問題解決のためのマルチスケ USHIYAMA Hiroshi ールシミュレーション入門 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21035 Integrated Courses F Topics in Material Life Sciences 数学の現在・過去・未来 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20079 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars サステイナビリティ・オランダゼミ:セクシュアル SAKAGUCHI Kikue マイノリティの社会参画 ISHIMARU Keiichiro 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20182 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 生命の宿る星を宇宙に探す NAGAHARA Hiroko 2 Mon 4th Year1 NS Year2 NS 20219 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 駒場で「食」を考える WATANABE Yuuichirou OKADA Terue 2 Mon 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20222 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars ユースメンタルヘルスの学融合的理解 ~精神医学 の臨床知を通じて人間・脳・こころ・社会への理解 ARAKI Tsuyoshi を深める 2 Mon 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20386 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 環境の世紀 21〜生物多様性と経済活動の最前線〜 IIDA Makoto 2 Tue 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20452 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars Introduction to the Social World and Identity DILLEY Luke 2 Tue 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20505 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 平和のために東大生ができること—冷戦を知らない OKADA Terue 世代が作る軍縮教育モデル 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20511 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars インターネットガバナンスのゆくえ ICHII Shingo 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20999 Thematic Courses Lecture Series グローバル化時代の現代思想—東アジアから ISHII Tsuyoshi 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21044 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 現代の食料と農業を考える—社会科学的接近— HOSONO Hiromi 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21305 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 社会構想マネジメントを先導するグローバルリーダ SUZUKI Hiroshi ーシップ 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21332 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 南京大学集中講義「鏡」 KARIMA Fumitoshi 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21367 Thematic Courses Fieldwork 医科学研究最前線 MURAKAMI Yoshinori 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21945 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 人間の安全保障と人権:土井香苗先生と共に学び実 SATO Yasunobu 践する国際人権セミナー 2 Fri 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS Credit Week/Pe riod and TSUBOI Takashi ●Problem-solving and practical skill subjects Course C ode Course Category 21089 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminar (PEAK) Komaba Times ITATSU Yuko 2 Fri 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20215 Integrated Courses D Regional Ecology 人文地理学農山漁村地域調査入門 NAGATA Junji 2 Mon 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21298 Thematic Courses Lecture Series 放射線を科学的に理解する WATANABE Yuuichirou TORII Hiroyuki SHOZUGAWA Katsumi 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20454 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 中東地域の社会とジェンダー TSUJIGAMI Namie 2 Mon 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20728 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars Love, Memory, and Identity in Cinema CHANG Jeong 2 Wed 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21002 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars メディア創造ワークショップ : デジタルメディア開 NAKAHARA Jun 発論 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21049 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars ブランドデザインスタジオ 11 ~「東京オリンピッ MAFUNE Fumitaka HARA ク」を市民参加でブランドデザインする Kazuyuki 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21202 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars アクティブ・ラーニングで研究倫理と出会う YAMABE Akinori 2 Fri 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21323 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars Visualizing Tokyo LISCUTIN Nicola 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21326 Thematic Courses Specialized Seminars 最先端のサイエンスを駒場で研究体験するプログラ UCHIDA Sayaka ム 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20513 Thematic Courses Fieldwork 化学の力で今そこにある社会課題を解決しよう 2 Tue 5th Year1 NS 21309 Thematic Courses Fieldwork ソーシャルビジネスの為のプロジェクトマネジメン SAKAGUCHI Kikue ト —創造的協働に向けたチームビルディング — 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21339 Thematic Courses Fieldwork 最先端メディカルゲノムサイエンス(MGS)を体験す ITO Koichi る 2 Intensive Year1 NS Year2 NS 21353 Thematic Courses Fieldwork ナノ・バイオ テクノロジー: 最先端ラボへようこ KITA Koji そ 2 Intensive Year1 NS Year2 NS 21360 Thematic Courses Fieldwork i.school KOMABA Ⅳ : イノベーション・ワーク ショップ 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS Course Title Subtitle Instructor SHINTANI Ryo HORII Hideyuki Applicable Classes 2 ●Foreign Languages Course Code Course Category Course Title Subtitle Instructor Credit Week/ Period Applicable Classes 20081 Japanese Foundation CommunicationⅠ① Courses (PEAK) Japanese Communication I: Listening & Conversation (Group I-J1) SHIBUYA Miki 1 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20082 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅠ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese I: Listening and Conversation (GroupII-J3) KAKIYAMA Remi 1 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20084 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅢ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese III: Studying Japanese through reading and discussing modern Japanese culture YOVKOVA-SHII Eleonora and literature (Group III - J5) 1 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20691 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅢ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese III: Pleasure Reading (GroupII-J3) KATAYAMA Tomoko 1 Wed 3rd Year1 HS NS 20689 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅡ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese II: Media literacy with current topics (Group III–J5) KODA Etsuko 1 Wed 3rd Year1 HS NS 20687 Japanese Foundation CommunicationⅡ① Courses (PEAK) Japanese Communication II: Speaking & Writing (GroupⅠ-J1) SHIBUYA Miki 1 Wed 3rd Year1 HS NS 21206 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅡ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese II : Speaking & Writing through the News (Group II–J3) KODA Etsuko 1 Fri 3rd Year1 HS NS 21204 Foundation Applied JapaneseⅠ① Courses (PEAK) Applied Japanese I: Japanese for Everyday Use: Speaking and Writing through Presentations and Discussions (Group III-J5) OGUMA Rie 1 Fri 3rd Year1 HS NS 21203 Japanese Foundation CommunicationⅢ① Courses (PEAK) Japanese Communication III: Kanji and Reading (Group I-J1) MATSUSHITA Tatsuhiko 1 Fri 3rd Year1 HS NS 21361 Thematic Courses Fieldwork 中国語サマースクール KARIMA Fumitoshi 2 Intensive Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20039 Integrated Courses B German Language (Introductory) ドイツ語初級(インテンシヴコース)A KAUFMANN Ingrid 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20239 Integrated Courses B German Language (Introductory) ドイツ語初級(インテンシヴコースA) RAPPE Guido 2 Tue 1st Year1 HS NS 21007 Integrated Courses B German Language (Introductory) ドイツ語初級(インテンシヴコース)A KAUFMANN Ingrid 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS 21272 Integrated Courses B German Language (Introductory) ドイツ語初級(インテンシヴコースA) RAPPE Guido 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS 20179 Integrated Courses B German Language (Intermediate) ドイツ語中級(会話) KAUFMANN Ingrid 2 Mon 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20445 Integrated Courses B German Language (Intermediate) ドイツ語中級(作文) RAPPE Guido 2 Tue 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20982 Integrated Courses B German Language (Intermediate) ドイツ語の韻文を読む・歌う GOTTSCHEWSKI Hermann 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21137 Integrated Courses B German Language (Intermediate) J・S・バッハの「マタイ受難曲」をドイツ語で読 む KAWANAGO Yoshikatsu 2 Fri 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20042 Integrated Courses B German Language (Intermediate) ドイツ語中級(表現練習) GOBNER Gesine 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20490 Integrated Courses B French Language (Introductory) フランス語初級(インテンシヴコース) DERIBLE Alberic 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS 21009 Integrated Courses B French Language (Introductory) フランス語初級(インテンシヴコース) DERIBLE Alberic 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS 20491 Integrated Courses B French Language (Intermediate) フランス語中級(会話) BIZET Francois 2 Tue 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20243 Integrated Courses B French Language (Intermediate) フランス語中級(作文) DERIBLE Alberic 2 Mon 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20792 Integrated Courses B French Language (Intermediate) フランス語中級(作文) BIZET Francois 2 Thu 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21010 Integrated Courses B French Language (Intermediate) フランス語中級(演習) BIZET Francois 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20047 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング A WANG Lan 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20044 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング C YAO Yi 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 20045 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング B LI Jialiang 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS 21011 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング C CHAI Sen 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS 21015 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング A Li Yun 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS 21013 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Introductory) 中国語の実践能力を養うためのトレーニング B LI Jialiang 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS 20022 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 会話能力をつけるトレーニング LIN Limei 2 Mon 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20795 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中国語のコミュニケーション能力を高める 何 珍時 2 Thu 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20986 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中級レベルの中国語日常会話 Li Yun 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21016 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 上級者向けの中国語会話 YAO Yi 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 3 20987 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) やや高度の中級作文練習 CHAI Sen 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21256 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 上級者向けの作文 張 ホウ蕾 2 Fri 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21255 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中級から上級への作文 LI Jialiang 2 Fri 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20050 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中国語作文と中国語文献購読(和訳) SHO Hi 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20180 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 上級者むけ講読~現代中国を理解するために LI Jialiang 2 Mon 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20247 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 映像翻訳実習—中国インディペンデント映画を中心 AKIYAMA Tamako に— 2 Tue 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20544 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中国語ニュースを通じて中国事情を学ぶ AKO Tomoko 2 Wed 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20988 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 上級者向けの精読 張 ホウ蕾 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20759 Integrated Courses B Chinese Language (Intermediate) 中国語の学習を通して中国への理解を深める NAKAHARA Yutaka 2 Wed 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20990 Integrated Courses B Russian Language (Intermediate) ロシア語中級(会話) GOLUBOVSKAYA R. 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20722 Integrated Courses B Russian Language (Intermediate) ロシア語中級作文 NISHINAKAMURA Hiroshi 2 Wed 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21018 Integrated Courses B Russian Language (Intermediate) ロシア語中級(演習) OGURA Hikaru 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20991 Integrated Courses B Spanish Language (Intermediate) スペイン語中級(会話) FERNANDEZ 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21279 Integrated Courses B Spanish Language (Intermediate) スペイン語中級(作文) RUIZ-TINOCO Antonio 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20023 Integrated Courses B Spanish Language (Intermediate) 中級スペイン語講読 FUJITA Mamoru 2 Wed 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21258 Integrated Courses B Spanish Language (Intermediate) スペイン語中級(演習) RUIZ-TINOCO Antonio 2 Fri 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20686 Integrated Courses B Korean Language (Intermediate) 韓国朝鮮語の表現力の向上を目指そう (2) KIM Donghahn 2 Wed 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20862 Integrated Courses B Korean Language (Intermediate) 韓国朝鮮語中級会話 CHANG Eun Young 2 Thu 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20929 Integrated Courses B Korean Language (Intermediate) 書いてみて初めて気づく自分の弱点の克服 (2) KIM Donghahn 2 Thu 3rd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20057 Integrated Courses B Korean Language (Intermediate) 韓国朝鮮語中級 言葉と文化の理解を中心に NEMOTO Rie 2 Mon 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20762 Integrated Courses B Italian Language (Intermediate) イタリア語中級会話 MARCO Biondi 2 Wed 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20619 Integrated Courses B Italian Language (Intermediate) イタリア語中級作文 MARCO Biondi 2 Wed 2nd Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21085 Integrated Courses B Italian Language (Intermediate) イタリア語中級(演習) HYUGA Taro 2 Fri 1st Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20723 Integrated Courses B Spanish Language (Intermediate) スペイン語圏の社会に関する文献講読と映画・音楽 WATANABE Akira 鑑賞 2 Wed 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21281 Integrated Courses B Italian Language (Intermediate) イタリア語中級 URA Kazuaki 2 Fri 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20992 Integrated Courses B Arabic Language (Intermediate) アラビア語中級 (第三外国語)Ⅱ SUGITA Hideaki 2 Thu 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20212 Integrated Courses B Cantonese Language (Intermediate) 香港広東語の中級 YOSHIKAWA Masayuki 2 Mon 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20448 Integrated Courses B Turkish Language (Intermediate) トルコ語中級文献講読2 TAKAMATSU Yoichi 2 Tue 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20764 Integrated Courses B Hindi Language (Intermediate) ヒンディー語(中級文法と読解・2) ADACHI Kyosuke 2 Wed 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 20449 Integrated Courses B Vietnamese Language (Intermediate) ベトナム語文献講読 IWATSUKI Junichi 2 Tue 4th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS 21023 Integrated Courses B Portuguese Language (Intermediate) ポルトガル語(応用) MAKINO Shinya 2 Thu 5th Year1 HS NS Year2 HS NS ※ Details of the selection criteria can be found in the GLP-GEfIL pamphlet as well as on the website (http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/stu04/h01_glp01_j.html) 4
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