高 平・24 英 語 問 題 ※解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ( 6 枚のうちの 1 枚め) 次の英文を読んで,後の問いに答えなさい。 Mr. Jones likes to shop at *thrift stores. He looks for *valuable things ― old dishes or used books, for example. If he finds something valuable, he buys it cheaply and then sells it to an *antique shop. One day Mr. Jones was shopping at a thrift store in *Indianapolis. ① He didn’ t see anything he wanted, so he started walking toward the door. Then something caught his eye. It was a large map on the wall. He looked at it carefully. The map was covered with *dust, so Mr. Jones cleaned it with his handkerchief. It was a color map of Paris. It looked old, and the price was $3. He was sure that the map was *worth more than $3, so he *paid $3 for it. He thought he could sell it for $40. Later, at home, Mr. Jones looked at the map more carefully. He thought it was very old. Maybe it was worth more than $40. The next day, Mr. Jones took the map to a *professor at a college. The professor was a map *expert. After he looked at ② the map for a few minutes, he became very excited. “I’ ve read about this map!”he shouted. Then he told Mr. Jones the things he knew about the map. In 1671, the king of France, *Louis XIV, told a map maker to make a map of Paris. He needed four years to make it. The map he made was very beautiful ― it was not just a map, but a *work of art, too. The map maker made some black-and-white *copies of the map. Then he painted one of the copies. He used blue for rivers, green for trees, and brown for buildings. The professor said that one black-and-white copy of the map was in *the British Museum in London, and another was in *the National Library in Paris. “I think,”the professor said to Mr. Jones,“that you just found the color copy of the map ― in a thrift store in Indianapolis!” The professor told Mr. Jones that he should take the map to New York. Experts there could tell Mr. Jones *if the professor was right. The experts in New York said the professor was right. They told Mr. Jones that he had the only color copy of the map and it was very valuable. “Do you know its *value?”Mr. Jones asked the experts. They answered,“Maybe, millions. ③( difficult / how / is / it’ s / much / say / the map / to / . ) ” But soon Mr. Jones found out the value of the map. A famous *collector said,“$10 million.” Then another collector said,“$12 million.” The highest was $19.5 million. Mr. Jones hasn’ t decided which is better, to sell his map at that price or to wait for a higher price. He is still thinking about ④ it. But why was this map in the thrift store in Indianapolis? Some experts think like this: The map was in a museum or in the home of a rich family in France. Then, a *thief *stole it, maybe during World War I or II. ⑤[ ]→[ ] →[ ]→[ ]→[ ] The map was in the thrift store for months. Finally Mr. Jones found the map. When Mr. Jones went shopping at the thrift store, he was looking for ⑥ a bargain. He wanted to find something that was worth more than the money he paid. He paid $3 for the map, and it is worth $19.5 million. Now, that’ s a bargain! 注)thrift store:中古品店 valuable:価値のある antique shop:古美術店 Indianapolis:インディアナポリス(地名) dust:ほこり worth ∼:∼の価値がある paid:pay「払う」の過去形 professor:教授 expert:専門家 Louis XIV:ルイ14世 work of art:芸術作品 copy:写し,複製 the British Museum:大英博物館 the National Library:国立図書館 if ∼:∼かどうか value:価値 collector : 収集家 thief:どろぼう stole:steal「盗む」の過去形 英_2012年度.indd 1 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:05 高 平・24 英 語 問 題 ※解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ( 6 枚のうちの 2 枚め) 問1 下線部①を日本語に直しなさい。 問2 下線部②の the map の説明として最も適当なものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア ルイ14世が自ら色を塗った芸術作品。 イ 大英博物館にある白黒の写しに,後で色をつけたもの。 ウ パリの国立図書館にあるのと同じ色がついた地図。 エ 何枚かの白黒の地図の写しの中で唯一色が塗られたもの。 問3 下線部③の( )内の語(句)を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。ただし,文頭に来る語も小文字になって います。 問4 下線部④の it が指す内容を日本語で説明しなさい。 問5 下線部⑤の[ ]内には以下のア∼オの文が入ります。左から順に答えなさい。 ア The antique shop also didn’ t know its value, and gave it to a neighbor. イ Then the neighbor didn’ t want it any more, and sold it to the thrift store. ウ The French antique shop didn’ t know its value, so the shop sold it to an antique shop in Indianapolis. エ For ten years, the map was on the wall in the neighbor’ s house. オ The thief sold the map to an antique shop in France. 問6 下線部⑥の a bargain とはどのようなものですか。10字以上20字以内の日本語で答えなさい。 英_2012年度.indd 2 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:06 高 平・24 英 語 問 題 ※解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ( 6 枚のうちの 3 枚め) 次の英文を読んで,後の問いに答えなさい。 Cellphones have changed the lives of people all over the world. In the past, you could only call your friends and family when they were at home, but now they can be in any place when you speak to them. ① Many people traveling alone feel safer with a cellphone. People in poorer countries are also using cellphones to make their lives better. For example, in *Bangladesh, some farmers make a few cellphone calls and get good information to sell their food before they take it to market. In ② this way, the farmers get more money for their food. People in Bangladesh are very poor, but more and more of them are using cellphones. Sometimes, a cellphone can save your life. In 2005, a British scientist called *John Gillatt was staying at a hotel in *Malaysia and decided to go for a short walk in the jungle, and he lost his way there. For two days, he tried to get back to the hotel, but he couldn’ t get out of the jungle. In the end, he called his wife in England. She made a phone call to his hotel and they called the police. They started to look for Mr. Gillatt, but it took three more days to find him. During that time, he talked with the *searchers and his family by phone many times. When the searchers found him, he was tired, hungry, and thirsty, but he was all right. He believes that the e-mail messages of love from his family in England helped him very much. Making calls is not the only way a phone can help you at a difficult time. Five students from *Newcastle University in the UK were climbing a mountain when the weather became very bad and they could not get down from the mountain. Night came, and the students were cold, wet, and afraid. They used a cellphone to call for help. When searchers arrived at the mountain, they could not find the students because it was too dark. Then one of the students *accidentally took a photo with his phone. The searchers saw the light from the phone and asked the students to take more photos. Then they climbed toward the light and found the students. But cellphones make problems, too. Because they are small and people always carry them in their bags or pockets, they are easily *stolen and used badly. Children are becoming *victims of crime more often than before because many of them carry cellphones. Some people are worried that phones are bad for people’ s health, and they are unhappy that more and more young children are using them. ③ Cellphones also( because / dangerous / make / more / people / them / the roads / use )while they are driving. Some people spend too much time and money on cellphones. In 2005, a boy from the UK needed help because he could not stop sending e-mail messages. He was sending about 700 messages a week, and spending 4,500 *pounds a year on them. This problem is growing quickly among young people. Although there are many problems with cellphones, the number of users is growing. By 2015, there will be 4 *billion. And people are using their cellphones for more and more different things: watching TV and videos, listening to music, and shopping on the Internet. Nothing will ④( )the cellphone. 注)Bangladesh : バングラデシュ(国名) owner:所有者 John Gillatt:ジョン・ギラット(人名) Malaysia:マレーシア(国名) searchers:捜索隊 Newcastle University:ニューキャッスル大学 accidentally:偶然に stolen:steal「盗む」の過去分詞 victims of crime:犯罪の被害者 pound:ポンド(英国の通貨単位;当時 1 ポンド=約200円) billion:10億 英_2012年度.indd 3 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:06 高 平・24 英 語 問 題 ※解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ( 6 枚のうちの 4 枚め) 問1 下線部①を日本語に直しなさい。 問2 下線部②の this way の内容を日本語で答えなさい。 問3 捜索隊が山に着いた後,ニューキャッスル大学の学生を見つけた経緯を,60字前後の日本語で答えなさい。 問4 下線部③の( )内の語(句)を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 問5 次の英文のうち本文と内容が一致するものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア John Gillatt was finally found three days after he lost his way in the jungle. イ Children often become victims of crime, so many of them carry cellphones to be safe from crimes. ウ A boy from the UK could not stop sending e-mail messages to ask for help. エ More and more young people are spending too much money by sending too many messages. 問6 下線部④の( )内に入る最も適当な語を本文からそのまま抜き出し,答えなさい。 英_2012年度.indd 4 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:06 高 平・24 英 語 問 題 ※解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ( 6 枚のうちの 5 枚め) 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように,空所に適当な語を1語ずつ入れなさい。 1.a)I don’ t know the time to start. b)I don’ t know( ) ( )start. 2.a)Who painted this picture? b) ( ) ( )this picture painted( ) ? 3.a)We have a lot of rain in Japan in June. b) ( ) ( )a lot in Japan in June. 4.a)I came to Okayama ten years ago. I still live in Okayama now. b)I( ) ( ) ( )Okayama for ten years. 次の( )内の語を並べかえて日本文の意味を表す英文を作りなさい。ただし,文頭に来る語も小文字で始め てある。 1.彼女は速く話しすぎたのでよく聞き取れなかった。 ( couldn’ t / fast / hear / her / I / she / so / spoke / that / well / . ) 2.あさってどのような天気になるでしょうか。 ( after / be / day / how / the / the / tomorrow / weather / will / ? ) 3.この町にはあの町と同じくらいの人がいます。 ( as / as / has / many / one / people / that / this / town / . ) 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 1.彼女は外国で暮らすために一生懸命英語を勉強しています。 2.すみませんが最寄りの駅までの道を教えてくれませんか。 3.私は高校生になったら電車通学をするつもりです。 英_2012年度.indd 5 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:06 受験番号 英語解答用紙 高 (6枚のうちの6枚め) 平・24 問 1 問 2 問 3 問 4 問 5 [ ]→[ ]→[ ]→[ ]→[ ] 問 6 20 問 1 問 2 問 2 問 2 問 3 20 40 60 70 問 4 問 5 問 6 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( )( ) 3. ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( )( ) 1 . 2 . 3 . 1 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3 . 3 . 合 計 英_2012年度.indd 6 プロセスシアンプロセスマゼンタ プロセスシアン プロセスマゼンタプロセスイエロー プロセスイエロープロセスブラック プロセスブラック 2011/10/31 14:22:06
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