2. Dr. Taku Okabe, 1. Dr. Taku Okabe, 3. Dr. Jesus Arroyo Alejandre

【日 時】 平成26年10月28日(火)15:30~18:00
【場 所】 大学4号館
2階 経済研究所(内線529,569)
【講 師・テーマ】
1. Dr. Taku Okabe,
――- PROMEJの研究の過程・成果
2. Dr. Taku Okabe,
――- Comparative analysis of the SMEs laws in Mexico and Japan
3. Dr. Jesus Arroyo Alejandre ,
――- Economic dynamism and urban migration in Mexico!
4. Dr. Antonio Mackintosh Ramirez ,
――- Cultures in business conducts of Mexico and Japan
5. Dr. Leo Guzman Anaya,
――- Japanese FDI and usage of local suppliers in the western
region of Mexico
6. Mtra. Maria Guadalupe Lugo Sanchez ,
――- Japan-Mexico EPA: Analysis of trade creation and trade
diversion during 1999 - 2009
7. Dr. Salvador Carrillo Regalado ,
――- Japan-Mexico EPA and its impact on bilateral trade for
companies in the Central West of Mexico
8. Mtra. Martha Elena Campos Ruiz,
――- Lifestyle of Japanese residents in Jalisco
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