Scientilic Council Dr. Abdulmonem Hassan Alshaikh"""""""""Chairman of the Council' Dr. Sateh Fahad Al Dhahry ...........Chairman, Training and Accreditation Committee. Prof. Nabil Nizam Aldeen zahet.........chairman, Examination committee. Daghistani.............."' """"""""Member' """""""",Member' Prof. Khalid Abdulrahman Al Mazroa.... """'Member' Prof. Khatid lbrahim Al Noury..... """"""""Member' Prof. Abdulrahman Abdallah llagr........ ""'Member' Prof. Laila Mohammed Telmesani.... "Member' Dr. Osama Abdulrahman Marglani..... ................'"""""'Member' Dr. Hafa Sulaiman Al Naser...... "'Member' Dr. Bandar Mohammed Al Qahtani... "Member' Dr. Khatid Ali Alshehri.. Dr. Ali Saeed At Qahtani....... """""""Member' "Member' Dr. Mohammed Abdallah Alsayaeri..... Prof. Kamal Jalal lntroduction The Saudi Board of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-H&NS) programme consists of a five years period. The trainee at the end of the programme will have a sound base of knowledge in the principles of the diseases of the specialty and their methods of management. The trainies will acquire clinical and technical experience that will qualify them to practice the specialty in a professional and competent safe manner particularly in relation to common diseases and emergencies of the specialty Obiectives: a- General Objectives: The main objective is to graduate practitioners in the specialty of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, competent in the specialty and able to practice independently. b- Specific Objectives: Atihe end oflhe programme the trainees will gain the following skills and capabilities: l- Possess sound background knowledge in the principles of ORL-HNS. 2- Ableto obtain a good history of the disease and conduct efficient physical examination. 3- Formulate a reasonable and comprehensive differential diagnosis. The trainees will also be able to recognize common and rare otorhinolaryngology disorders specially those cases that are amenable to treatment. 4- Recognize emergency situations and manage them effectively. 5- Able io chose reievant investigations in each case and offer accurate interpretation of the results. 6-Able to treat common cases of otorhinolaryngology with a sound knowledge of other forms of treatment. 7-Possess essential skills in performing therapeutic and diagnostic surgical procedures. 8- Be able to communicate well with patients, relatives, and colleagues. 9-Be able to keep orderly and proper medical records. l0- Participate in Continuous Medical Education and keep abreast of latest development in the field of the sPecialtY. I I - Offers advise about the specialty to colleagues from other disciplines. 12-Enjoy high professional and ethical standards. Admission Requirements In order to join the programme the candidate has to fulfill the following requirements: 1-Holds a degree from a recognized university. 2- Successfully completed a rotating internship in recognized hospitals. 3- Pass an admission examination and an interview. 4- provides three recommendation letters from consultants confirming the suitability of the candidate for training in the field of the specialty. join a full 5- provides a letter from a sponsoring organization approving that the candidate can time training programme for the whole period of the programme ( 5 years). 6-Signs a contract .tutirg that he/she will abide by all the rules of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. 7-Has to register with the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. 6. Should pass a medical fitness check up. Training Requirements l- Training is a full time programme ( 5 years). Residents shall be enrolled in continuous full time training for the whole of the five years period. The candidate will abide by the rules of the commission and scientific board. ( Please see index). 2-The training will be conducted in an institution accredited by the Saudi Board. 3- Training shall be comprehensive and includes all aspects of hospital activities i.e. inpatients, outpatients, emergency room, operating theatre, rounds, scientific activities within the departments. 4- The trainee shall be involved in direct patient care with gradual progression of responsibilities. Programme Structure The training programme is of five years which consists of: 1- One year in general surgery. 2- Four years of ORL-HNS training I- One vear surgery training a. General as surgery. b- lCU. c--Plastic surgery. d-Neurosurgery. e- Paediatric Surger. follows: ..Three months. ......Three months. ....Two months. ......One month. ..One month. e- Emergency Medicine.................One month. e- Annual holiday. .......One month. Objectives of the General Surgery Rotation: By the end of the rotation the trainee shall be able to: 1- Keenly appreciate the need for pre-operative evaluation and postoperative care ofthe surgical patient and conduct them professionally and properly. 2-Manage initially common surgical emergencies and seek further help and guidance. 3- Be aware of the importance of conditions like bleeding, shock, infections ...etc in the in the diagnosis and management of general surgical conditions. 4- Observe surgical procedures and gradually assist and then perform them. 5-Understand the principles of plastic and reconstructive surgery. 6- Be aware of the concept of combined team work. 7- Be aware of the surgical concepts in sorting out patients problems. 8- Be aware of the basic concept of surgical ICU and its utilization. General rule: The evaluation should be directed to serve the principles of surgery as outlined above. II- Four vears ORL residencv ( R2-R5). Objectives of the four years residency training programme: A- Junior Residencv Phase ( R2 :12 months and R3: 12 months): Junior residents will spend 2 years training in ORL HNS in different hospitals recognized by the SCHS. The resident is expected to acquire sound knowledge and clinical experience in the specialty. The resident will be attached to a senior member of staff in the department. Responsibilities; 1- Be able to obtain proper history and perform physical examination This includes ( but not limited to): * Use of proper illumination sources for examination e.g. head light,otoscope. * Use of flexible and rigid nasopharyngoscope * Using the mirror to perform indirect laryngosocpy. * Use of the microscope * Evaluation of cranial nerves functions. 2- Perform and interpret audiological and vestibular tests. The R2 resident will attend the Audiology clinic for at least four weeks under the supervision of a senior audiologist. 3- Management of common ORL HN emergencies under supervision (epistaxis;airway conditions e.g. emergency tracheotomy, epiglottitis, croup; deep neck infections; the dizzy patients; ORL HN trauma...etc. 4- The interpretation of ancillary radiological tests 5- Attendance of temporal bone dissection and endoscopic sinus surgery training courses. 6- Attendance of basic sciences course. years of training. 7 - Participation in the educational activities is compulsory during the first 2 8- Attendance of local scientific activities is mandatory. Operative objectives: i- Cuin experience and proficiency in tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, myringotomy, insertion of ventilation tubes, microscopic examination of ears and suctioning, tracheotomy, and draining an abscess...etc. ii- Acquire some experience in other procedures e.g. septoplasty, sinus surgery, biopsies. These will be performed at the end of second and third years of training. Operative Experience: i- During these two years the resident has to acquire proper experience in the following surgical procedures ( Number of cases required in brackets): - Adenotonsillectomy(50). - Myringotomy and insertion of ventilation tubes (30). Microscopic ear examination and suctioning (50). Septoplasty (30). Tracheotomy (10). Abscess incision and drainage (10). ii- The candidate will acquire experience in the following procedures under adequate supervision near the end of third year: 1- Rhinology: The trainee will assist in the following operation: Rhinoplasty (5). FESS (5) ( Only after having attended a hands on recognized training courses. External ethmoidectomY (4). Caldwell Luc (3). 2- Otology: The trainee will assist in the following operation - Myringoplasty ( 5). -Tympanoplasty (5) - Mastoidectomy ( 5) 3- Endoscopies ( Excluding FESS) - MicrolaryngoscoPY(5) Bronchoscopy ( 5) Eosophagoscopy (5) 4-Head & Neck Surgery -Thyroglossal duct cyst excision (5) - Sunandibular salivary gland excision ( 5) B- Senior Residencv Phase ( R4:12 months and R5:12 months: Senior residents will spend 2 years training in ORL HNS in different hospitals recognized by the SCHS. The resident will be responsible for managing emergencies andelective admissions, organizing seminars, journal clubs and clinical meetings. Participation in the educational activities is compulsory during the last 2 years of training. Objectives: phase of the training involves preparing the candidate to start acting independently, taking on more responsibilities and gaining the experience necessary to achieve these objective. The clinical judgment and surgical skills attained in the previous years will be fine t- tris tuned now. 2-By the end of this period of training the trainee should possess sufficient basic and clinical knowledge , and technical skills to undertake the management of patients under the supervision of appropriate staff. will be responsible for the supervision and teaching ofjunior residents, intems, and medical students. 3- The trainee Responsibilities: o Managing the outpatients clinics. o Taking care of the in-patients responsibilities which include clerking, completion of history, physical examination and taking care of the necessary investigations and the results. Adhering to the ethics of the profession and guarding the confidentiality of the patients. Supervising junior residents. Performing administrative tasks such as the on call rota, , residents holidays schedule, preparation for the examination, progress notes and case summaries as well as discharge notes. These activities should not hinder the resident's training. o Enhancing the surgical skills needed by perfuming most of the standard ORLHNS procedures. o The senior trainee should be exposed to all ORL HNS surgical procedures. o The trainee should attend at least 60 teaching rounds and journal club per year. o The trainee should perform at least 20 pure tone and tympanometry procedures as well as 5 speech audiometry. o The trainee should have enough exposure to Speech Pathology and Phoniatrics. o The trainee should attend at least 10 Mortality and Morbidity meetings in the department or hospital. Operative Skills and experience: The candidate will obtain proficiency in the following: - Otology: . Myringoplasty (10) o Tympanoplasty (10) o Mastoidectomy(10) o Stapedectomy (5) o Assist in Vestibular system conditions - Head and Neck Surgery: o Neck Dissection (10) o Laryngectomy (5) o Maxillectomy (5) o Thyroid Surgery (10) o parotid Surgery (5) o Submandibular Surgery (10). o Regional flaps and grafts. o Zenke r's diverticulum. o o o - Rhinology o o o FESS. (20) External frontoethmoidectomy. Trephine of frontal the sinus. - o . Internal maxillary artery ligation. Sphenopalatine artery ligation. Facial plastic surgery :ffi,x#t!'o' - - paediatric oRL o o o o o Management of scars' (10) Oesophagoscopy. (20) Bronchoscopy.(10) Laryngotracheoplasty (20). Supraglofficplasty. Laser Surgery Departmental Periodic Reports The training coordinator in the hospital is responsible for providing the department with three monthly evaluation reports about each trainee. This should include the attendance of all hospital activities e.g. ward rounds, scientific meetings, tutorials and other activities. Loe Book All surgical procedures attended, assisted and performed by the trainee should be listed in the log book. 2- All procedures in the log book should be countersigned by the supervisors. 3- The attendance of symposia, conferences, workshops and training courses should be entered in the log book with copies of certificate of attendance. 4- The trainee should receive this log book at the beginning of the first year of trainiSng. 5- The local Training Committee should revise this book yearly before the promotion examination to oversee its completion. 6- The Central Committee will not allow the trainee to sit for the final examination if the log book is not complete and countersigned by all the consultants that the trainee has worked with. 1- Courses and Scientific Activities All trainees will have to attend the following courses: l- Basic Sciences Course at the beginning of the first month of the second year ( R2) of the programme.. 2- Temporal Bone Dissection Course during the first two years of the programme (R2-R3). 3- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course during the last two years of the programme (R4-R5). 4- Attendance of the local scientific activities. o- Revisiuon course in ther last year of the programme. 6- The trainee has to produce certificates of attendance of the above mentioned activities in 1,2,3,4. 7- No trainee shall enter the final written examination unless he/she has produced these certifi cates of attendance mention ed in 1,2,3,4. 8- The time given for these courses and activities is not included in the yearly study leave See below). Vacations. Holidavs and On-Call l- Trainees are entitled to thirty days vacation annually and one of the Eid Holidays. 2- Trainees are entitled seven days study leave annually. 3- Sick, emergency and maternity leaves should be compensated for during or at the end of training. 4- On call duty should be on average one out of 4 nights ( minimum of 7 calls per month,24 hours per call except when working in the emergency room). 5- lt is not permitted to link the annual holidays or part of it with the sick leave or scientific or emergency leaves. 6- The trainee should obtain the leave form from the department of ORL at the hospital. The leave should be approved by the head of the department and then authenticated by the chairman of the local training committee. The trainee can start his/her leave only after completion of this procedure as mentioned above. ( copy of form is included). N.B. Trainees are to perform resular duties the dav after 6(on call'n and ensure the continuitv of patients care. r- End of rotation evaruation, 'valuation At the end of each rotation, the supervising consultant/team shall submit to the training committee a written evaluation of the resident's performance for that rotation. 2- In training examination: The programme incorporates an annual written examination as part of the evaluation process of residents for promotion from one level to another except for the final year. 3- Annual overall training evaluation: This includes: i- Summation of end of 4 rotation evaluations includingquiz, attendance, presentations for the year (50% of total marks). ii- Results of annual end of year written examination(50% of total marks). 50 Marks for the written paper. 50 marks for yearly evaluation. l- Promotion To be promoted from one level to the next, the candidate need to score not less than 50%o of each of i and ii of item 3 of Evaluation. The total passing mark is 60%. 2- Promotion to senior residency ( from R3 to R4) depends on annual overall evaluations and passing the first board examination. 3- Rl promotion examination will be held by the ORLHNS Board concentrating on principles of general surgery. First year marks are allocated as follow: Written examination.................50 Yearly evaIuation.....................50 Local training committees will be responsible for supervision of first year trainees. Board Examinations The Board examinations consist of two parts. a- Part I Board Examination: 1- The examination is held at least once ayear in all training centres. lied basic sciences and 2- It is written examination consistine of mainl solrle 3- Candidates are allowed to sit the examination after successful completion of the second (R2) year of training. 4- Passing Part I of the board examination is a prerequisite for promotion to senior residency. 5- Candidates are allowed atotal of 3 (three) affempts. Candidates failing the 3'd attempt will be expelled from the programme unless the local training committee support a 4th attempt. b- Part II Board Examination: 1- Candidates can sit Part II examination after successful completion of training , as evidenced by an acceptable final-in-training report from the Central Residency Committee ( CRTC) and passing the promotion examination. 2- The examination will be held once a year in one or more of the training centres. 3- No trainee can appear in part II of the board examination till the completion of two research papers. 3- Part II Examination consists of two parts: a- Written Examination 1- designed to evaluate knowledge and clinical judgement. Only successful candidates will proceed to the clinical/oral examination. 2- The date for this examination is the 4'h Tuesday of October very year. 3-The candidate can sit the examination after successful completion of the training period as evidenced by the Central Training Committee's report and passing the promotion examination. 4-The examination consists of two papers of hundred question each ( best answer type). Each paper shall cover all aspects of basic and clinical sciences. b- ClinicaUOral Examination 1- Designed to test clinical proficiency and judgement in the field of ORL-HNS. Z-The date for this examination is the 2nd Saturday of December every year. 3- The examination consists of many committees that covers all aspects of the speciality. Research It is important to encourage scientific research and publication. It is the duty of the trainers to guide the trainees in the methodology of scientific research and choosing the topics. The trainers are also requires to guide the trainees in the methods of writing a scientific paper. 1- The research should be conducted in three training years ( R2,R3 and R4). 2- The trainees has to produce two scientific researches; an original research paper and the second may be a case report. 3- An advisor should be appointed for each trainee. 4- No trainee should be allowed to sit the Part II Examination unless he/she has complied with the above conditions. ( The suggestions from the scientific committee of the Board should be included here.) General Resulations: 1- Passing the written examination is a pre-requisite to appear in the ClinicaV Oral. 2- A candidate who does not successfully compete the Clinical /Oral examination in the allowed period, has to apply to the Central Training Committee (CTR)for renewal of his / her eligibility to sit the examination he/she wishes to by at least six months. The CTC may accept or deny hisftrer application for ayear and will require the candidates to complete an extra period of training satisfactorily. 3- If the candidate fails to pass the ClinicaVOral Examination during the appointed period after renewal of eligibility he/she can apply againfor renewal for another year and his/trer application is treated the same as before. 4- If the candidate cannot pass the ClinicaUOral Examination after the second renewal ( i.e. a total if five years) he/she cannot apply for renewal again and in this case has to resit the second written part hence repeat the same time period following the passing of the second written examination. Readins Suggested References Books 1- Bailey Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology 2- Scott-Brown' s Otorhinolaryngology 3-Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 4 - P apar ella Otolaryngology. - N.B. Latest editions are recorlmended. The candidate need also to read national and international journals Certification Candidates passing the Part II Board examination will be awarded the Neck Sureerv.(SSC ORL). N.B. The contents of this booklet of information are guidelines and are to be considered within the contest General Rules and Regulations of the Saudi Board as shown in the booklet of Training Regulation and Examination Rules and Regulation of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialities. Appendix I: See the model forms in the Arabic section lR」 l c,“11卜 "。 」 “ 1 `´ 鴫 J井 ゝり望メ 1憚 e,^r,ll dr""= リ “ハ cJJ、 1^ッ │ユ 1ヽ tし ´ υ , JAUII d*Jl │… │… 6 ,al l'lt 1'r ,.,r v. Jl :.,. g-.r-9ll 6Pl-r1l all 1_ JL-o r \_ d\jx.-r.l e . ,',.= I-JJJ ''Jl F- ..r eE u c!+...i ;L:."el.r │… │… yj! 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■‐ 1□山劇 b山11^‐ 1さ _Υ い に■ 心 ヽ」‖鳴 云、 劇 │ド 4_` ぃ口l甲 υ 。 J中 υ週 ld外 oい いⅢ ぃ口 Ⅲ l´ 尋ヨ l亀」り 。― S eL」 Jぃ .げ υ Jバ ソ中脚 1脚 l● 1ヽ I .4,■ │メ 嘔 J.J)点 く^cJご≦01め ざ 判 甲υ 《‖ q11`」 IJ` 1^ツ IJメ ■ も メ メ 1亀岬 │び J_1 oコ lド d“ むコ “ │ぬ り 1'lcrヽ .甲 υ い “ 1`` も 曝ト ッ│も■日lLロ ロlJ由 │"」 1 :錮」l山 lυJ」 lυ ナと、ぃ つヨ │ひ ‐ 。 (R2)■ 日11・ 』ひ あり .(R2¨ R3)♂』メ │い 」夕 la国 IJゝ 'メ 上 “ 押lξ ■ Lツ ll」 興16ヵ o中 ` ●靭 ■ ヽ^‖ 浬 1び メ 6"。 中γ Lメ 1ひ ぬメリび出 lδた ぃ つメ ロ │な │♪ 6」 Jo_Υ 。 (R4¨ R5)♂ .eLメ lぃ う _が 出ξ リギ国16ヵ 』ヵ上、_〔 '11・ JI Jげ 出 1上国 lぅ_ぃ 。 .1lL、 山ぃ ぃ J■ ヽ 1り が劇│」,ぃ ` tt ψi¨ V ッ甲υ ひ 6リ メコ1出調測 │・ エン リ “.碑い lψ ,メ 」 ヽ 1メ 1ひ ギい メΔ口 りⅢヽ `Y`Υ ``,山 `´ 。ぃ 。 Jヽ tツ │あふ 円ヽ 」 `γ `Υ `〔 'ふ │ ス把Ⅲ』14脚 口1山 ljい ソ│こも い いコ出 ,P山 IJJ」 │.ヽ こも ¨A “ 白L,L口 lJ」 L,シ lJ色 ljぃり 1 .ひ 口 │ム `鋼島ソ いL夕 0メ ` いユヽメ ・ 6う い!甲 υくJlひ→ハ ヽ t出 さ ヽ 1^■ ^“ 甲り (ゝ _γ υ」 │ム リ メ リ .嘔 ■ ハ lc翠 い L与 こ 6う い !甲 り `a」 3` こい由と … Ⅲ Jパ メ I Jl`J工 山 」 6JJ」 1出 リメ ヽ こ´ 甲 υヨ 111` 1,^^凸 lJJ 11,ば Lリメ ぃ る」い 壺 甲 リコ │ごLJ望 J」 .lL、 ″ `lL、 │ ツ16J今 !J毎 島 メ メ リ `り│ル ツ16」oソ IJ毛 り 。 ´ メニL夕 めメ 扇 "ゃ ぃ ヽメ J‐ コ13“ .望 リ ,ぃ !出 J.し り│メ』りι 口 lJ`IJツ 1■」し が な `」 1`jい ツ│― ▼ ,Si出 Jひ 甲卸 →い LY〔 J工曽 □ ■ 出 │● =■ .出」 メ ―〔 `さ ムノ」 iも地』り │ム ヽ 16jぃ ソ │こ ´ iも い」16jい ソ 1上 ,り jtt y_o り ■ 三トリ f卜 ヽ │ク 占 .勺 り ソ │ ●均 し 出 マ 1評 ljい メ ♂ 峰 ヨ │【 ‖L‖ ctt Jガ 」 1甲 ジヨ │じ Lヽ い 」ぷ ぃ LJ点 ^し F」 │げ■υ墟 │ッ 玉 い Ⅲ 甲 J■ fJ JL劇 13,」 b .に ` 脚 │ひ ン ).3jい ソヽこ 響 1鼻 尋」 │ム kⅢ :≒ メ ル い 山 :il」 LLョ .´ メ │も し Jも い Llo国 も も ‖轟 ││メ│´ も 』口 1戸 い 押 IJ伊脚 御 し JJ“ 口 lJs ご 〕 │ル │ ` ● り J」 │も い さ い― ,国 "望 」1榔 み ,メ ごメめメlμ 脚 υ lψ J`` ・ り e■ 3り J° さ い ξ ∼ .3リ メ1出 "ヨ │ :叩 」16メ 由L出 !… Y `JLひ ■メ ぃっ週 │″ メ← ぃ oメ 【ヴ,メ1ヴ Ⅲ げ‐ J♪ !♂Lメ │い 4 ゝし 出 ゝ毬げ 口 ●Ь .■ 甲 11・ 出│工 dl`L甲 │し ぃ、ン 云kt`国 LメT」 ! い こus暮口 (Rl)。 鼻りゝ it出 催デリム Jへ lJ¨ ▼ “ 3♪ 」 し .脚 しげiり │な │♪ ¨ :JttK」 夕 11・ 出由Lり。ご房 静 `1ハ ・ ψリメ鋤│」 ツ1亀り。。 ヴ脚 」Jゝ 1・ 出げυ島 許 メリ 1饉 │メ リヽⅢ ヨ 16邸 ││メ :ふ 口 l 〔 ψJial唱 び出 ←鼻 口 :│ゝ 許 bLI(光 R3J!R2)Ⅲ ヴJψ 」日 │″ j出 │。・ │』 fJⅢ ひ つ ヨ IⅢ J♂ ゴ ユ` ヽ ハ`ム %▼・ よ ■ ヴリン ψメ Jへ lJJ%Yo cL二 、 メ │も りJ」 │ドメ │タ リ出 e→ ιⅢ ツ吉 "ぬ jЧ fJ‐ ひ )甲 υヨ │よ 。 許 さ いゞメ Ⅲ Ч Ⅵ (卜 ヽ │い び メ リ … ∼ J辞 、%。・ 山 JfJメ 」 ヽlAし 1翻 ■ J。 3二 ♂Lさ 」` 許 さ %ヽ・ J国 │ひ ).ム 甲 υtt」 .,_ra.-iill 由ЦバLツ "orla.,il IJリ 甲 リヨ d:1,t ツ ー甲 Ol-:i^yl │ さ .夢 ゝ ひ)d口 IJげ iJIな │♪ J6♪ 」し。 ゝし出 ,な │♪ J、ユ ひα―ヨ│● 明 曇 :醸 │タ リ .ひ │● 出 │-1 ュぶ」│ぃ 、,メ lJ Ⅲ しマI ⅢIメ │ひ曇 f,メ Jへ lJメ リ .望 J」 │メ │夕 t“ ヽ さ びム 場6ェ しも ノ Jヽ ツ1島 … 1ハ 山 │ム ムL,.マ 1与 メ ぃ 」ぃ (社 )` ・・ い も、 し 亀 υJひ Jヽ 1ハ ツl oJ角 …Y ≦ J.■ い ic長二 。 も ,ク 」│・ リロ lcヵ 噂 J ttJ」 は 押 Lゝ │・ リロ │どじ fメ び Lメ │ぃ (R2)■□ │ム ヽ出 ひ e工 亀Lひ Jげ コ i` ま i も い ■ 」 ヽlAり IJメ ぬ甲 メ ム‖ ▼ ひ 十 1占メ 尊 │`│ジ Jゝ 仏 │≦も ■ メ 1山Ll、 lJJ .Ⅲ 脚 山 │夕 出 文 ぃ メ 靭 」 へlAり ││ゝ Jメ ■ び y_` → lAり ││ゝ ぬ ヨ│こ い 事f典 租Ш16メ │ぃ 」へ ひ ⅥびLメ │ぃ 。 ひ 甲υ Lメ ‐ 』山 Lメ 4ヽ 1り f■国│びふ」ld≦ ひ Lメ ││ゝ │り 3メ」 IJ〕 魅 甲υ ぬ ヨ │で ■.J●pへ 井劇│ム ヽ1‖ とぃ■ 1■ 1`J亀 L ,メ 。■ ろ い 単」│げ 卜」 “ 、 lAり 4へ tLJ ttШ 日 1山 日 │ご 。 ■ │ I 。 ひ メ │い o国 │・ メ IJ!甲 υヨ 1脚 臨 1● 巳 ソ 臨 ひ こ甲 :び 出 い ん JA区 ⊂い 望 り」 16L4区 1_Jへ 1漁 い° ,メ │●tユ │』 IJメ ぬ甲 J週 │が ‐ 1ハ ツ …ヽ 。 もメメ 1望 り」│ム kt,メ 脚 │う IJヽ lJひ い1● ♪ 申 Jひ ざい メ IJヽ “ ♂釧。 │い ,ユ Υ ヴ`ひりゝ¨ 出」 .■ 」 │ .♂ ψ,デ ●嘔 しい ,メ が ヵ ひ 」出 y.典 ゴ :諄 い い ぃ 」 lJヽ ■J“ 脚 :ψ ニメ 1タ メ lω角 ―ザ │● 1へ t村 1‐ 1^ツ ││ゝ J■ │い ■ゝりヽ_メ │も │メ IJ亀 メ 1諄 JI出 や こ1コ 1藝 」ヽ ヴ脚 ソ ヴコ │ ‐ │し 1ヽ 1^り │」 メ■ぃ ぅヾ^lt ム■・ゝ 与 」 ぃ J勢 (卜 ・)麹“ い なυJぶ ひ JJひ J` 10yl lユ さS― “ ¬ 四ゝ e♪」し ヽ,J出 I Ⅲ Iメ 1電 力 が 詳 J出 J押 い!`i=J`│ム Ⅲメ │メ lυ口│ひ L‖ ヽIJち ナ Jヽ 1^ツ │ざ ¨ 1`ヽ 、 」ヽしい た日ヽも 杵 さ い ,メ iメ ひ ごりり 出ユlrメ │い 出5J 出 lJへ 1^ツ 1_o :q"“ LJ」 │′ (以 〃 jゴ ― ツ碑 げり1な │♪ ♪」しいゝり出ゝ│げ―ぶ び ヽ〕メ J国 lυ いヽ “ 6■ユIJ │も 杵 さ い 夕Ⅲ ひ ♂ 日1錮 │´ 枷 メ J選 」 Ⅲ I分 さ 夢 I 「 ひJ.甲 1山輝 │ご L」島 押 │メ lυ い !Jじ調 に 響 ´ .辞 b卜 ●iび ■ ψメ ツ │」 な刈 ― J撃 3工 ひ Jヽ 1翻 ●典 ― ・ `・ ・ヽ `ti `´ 1凸 J口 l,い !歩 ヽふ .押 │」 .R4J!R2ぃ 4」 L`1 ■ ヽ IJり 墾 ヨ ξ ぃ つ `鼻 "WI押 “ ぃ ジヨ │ご響 い ■ツ 1午卜■ .夕 」 甲 りaAllぃ し ヨ │ヽ メいυ ● All許 δメ ぃ ぃυ ・ IЧ J」 1山 lⅢ ぃ こコ IJυ 」 JA・ ≒響 ―` ヽ,場 υJい │ム !`´ ヽ ヽヽ 褐ぃ │′ ヽ こ藤υJ。 ,、 Jい ■y― V .`,P .っ ム 瀕 ⅢIン 」Sン ■ ● り J)申 (。 IJヽ lJひ 融 `、 ゃ _Υ ム ψゝt聾 ゝ― 〔 ♂」│三爆IJヽ lJひ げ押 1甲 リ .づ い Y3_脚 IⅢ 区 脚 り■ │ :Lじ ・ ψ 'メ J" 1^ツ │♂ ロ│」 ` c甲 1が 1/ψ ,メ IJヽ tツ IJメ。上典 _ヽ 1` t^ツ IJ■ ツ ψコ1甲 リエ」│“ ■ ¨V ″工ヽい こノい」16J劇 ld)ム 管゛」 ソψタノ」1● ‐ 夕 ψ」│● 1ヽ 1^ツ IⅢ ` ツ│ゃ 事 」望 Jコ │“■ ■ │メ ン ヽメ メ 1亀螂 IJ!甲 L ぃ コ lυ 墨メ●l パ'1ヽ i。 事 ●i itヽ ‖ り.メ i札 Ji亀 ぶ 」 ・‐ 6Jユ 出 ひ ナ ψ井 響 押 畦 "J“ !望 りS`´ 増げ脚 ツ6ユ ゛ 」区 │ 1也 `‖ 撫 リ 釧 ソ ‐ メ lJヽ 1^ツ ljい │ひ 甲 υヨ 1び ■ ψ あ ■ ヽツ1や 事 ´ IJ¨ Υ “ ふ喝 Ⅲ Ⅲ ψメ 枷 ゃ利 メ ‐ e週 1梱 Lゝ ひ .」 Jシ ∼ ふ‐出 1甲Шl相 _ 1^ツ lj明 劇 │´■ド町¨ 中 │■ ぃ出 │を ,メ 1」 ` 4 ひ 甲υ ♂口1や 。 ・ゝぴJψ メ16ン 、岬 1増 い ツ4い (山 い げム `iス ヽ^L」バ!q■ 料) ■ り1も ヵJび出 し1」u喝 ヴ,卸 │♂ コ1・ メ lJヽ 1^16上 卜■ 増国 6。 │ .ψ 6』 刀 副 1型出1,メ 1●1ヽ tJ」典 1‐ ♂ い 1 1ljЧ :■ 口16。L♂ 1■ 日│・ メ │」 ヽ ♂ bJJな い 5メロしo` しめ l '“ 慶 Jご ミロ f` い Jヨ │よ → 1卿 いい (`共り│夕 脚 1井 1邁 )ヽ脚 い れ 押 し叩 │ム │メ │ ハ│タ ム LⅢ メ し Lメ 16“ 準 脚 bふ国│と り 1甲υヨ │」3‐ ヽ ´ ソ♂ 。 (ひ コ│」 二1)』 `J』 JLび メしげ口 │ Y … 畿口IJへ loYl山彙 りυ』 辱 メ 1御 “ "Ld工 .Ⅲ甲 │ム t‖ もυJJ,υ国 │ひ こ甲 Ⅲ LJ :」 国1諄 出 ≒ Ⅵ I 出 醜 Jぬ 」 ■り とい い ご ッ JD胚 払 (Log `` Book)山 脚 .甲 υ」 上国 b山 │ジ J」 │ご IⅢ≦ ―甲 │ド “ 醜 リメ ヨ │げ出 1上 国 し 山 │ジ J」 1甲 υヨ IJJ_、 ctt L.ぬ 1■ │じ 迅 」 。 もり ッ │ .1lL、 A場 へⅢひ ぃ,J」 I も■コ│ム ヽ .● LlJl i-!:i: .rcl-9ill rJ,".: LaJLiel .+J 4*++Cl L9.:1-r.113 dJLJJI rrl-9s: crEl-i.)|3 +JJ$li-lii3 El-F,,!K uJ;. d Jtバ13ヽ ヽ 。 ■‐ 弾」じめ』ヽlj刷 ‐ J ;p ,. !i(ll lra c.l;-;i.- :llirr)Lc $f .a+s.-ll gr_e*-Jl r_,r-l+ll 4:J+LXllJ &l,a..i.ill ap.r*Jl a:gll 3jい 1早 Lc鮨 ■ ム、 1/o、 │レ 1ノ年‐ “,ハ /ム Jり 1月 /` ‐ !:ち 井ソ :げ ゝ │ ●J今 ツ│夕 饉lcゝ 」│ミ→ いソlo中 む」 う ` “ jい ツ │も い むメ “ :ι 」│・ 】LIむ メ :(ハ リ ヽ)`ういソ│ハ i。 エ ijt+yt otsi -itt ...r*li-, eiitj," :げ ゝ :む j日 :♂ メ │ │ a+L-ll +USlli.+J cp" _,r iiil_r :げ ゝ ロ むリ :♂ メ │ ."ヨ 1出 び 3り "■ 力 排 ソ調 1戸 げ メリ糧 │ン ■ ヘミ "ヨ 1戸 脚 」3J"静 │■ `呼 メ 。 ,メ い ひJいか も ぅ Ч3準メ 13jいソ ひヨ Ⅲ b16鼻 い │ ! Jy(非 むメ 藝 メ メ IJ6メ │」 JJiル Kけ 出 3jり │りヽ 二いく 。 ちメ │ふ ♂戸 がd■ 」り。 メ │ェ ン ひ │ :げ ゝ │ Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 :ジ :ヴ メ晟」 ‐メ 1/b」 1/6Jリ ユ│● 1井 │ :ijl+ll ,E:i dl"Jta(+ :J い :滲 ソ いい “ ♂ 1評」糧い i+L-ll 紳♂ :む j口 │ -,-JJ$l ir+i c.r*" _,r &l_1. :げ ゝ │ 摯メ :♂ メ │ │ ‖ メ メT、出 ││ゝ ♂ 夢〕 り■ ∼ ldXハ 1ム .… Ⅲ 6メ ト ふ ツ ≒Jツ μ .甲 .エ リ│げ J」 l J奥 LjごメI 。 ………………………………………………° Liメ i 工li eメ i工 脚 しが」しも 艶 い 、oも `し出 ,な │♪J‐ ヴむ」│。υ 」│びLメ ξ ttυ ざ ユ ヽ ヽ JI日 、 ハ ミ ‖ ・ 日 1望 リコ │ム ムLも ー 、さ メ 1亀 鄭 │ひ 6り 。 び │メ リ げ ― 釧 げ 出 │メ コ │リ │ .Ⅲ Log)凸 興 ひ ムミmし 出 、 │■ “ `し Lも 甲υ ψJ ttdlJ´ ュ」 ム “ i 国 1出 L」μ dし ロ ム1‐ Jぃ ムミ燻 │ム ぽ L!管エ メ i区 。 (B00k :げ シ │ ♂♂
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