平成27年3月期 第1四半期 決算概要 Summary of Financial Results for 1Q FY March 2015 Total (Apr.-Jun.) ■損益計算書 P/L Net Sales 連結 Consolidated 単独 Non-consolidated 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 金額 売上比 前年同期比 YoY 計画比 Vs. Forecasts 金額 売上比 前年同期比 YoY 計画比 Vs. Forecasts Amount Ratio to Sales Change Diff Change Diff Amount Ratio to Sales Change Diff Change Diff Net Sales 17,293 100.0% 115.8% 2,365 106.7% 1,093 10,641 100.0% 122.2% 1,935 108.6% 841 売上高 システム System オペレーション Operation 3,247 18.8% 98.9% プロダクトその他 Products etc 2,584 14.9% 141.6% 10,509 60.8% 120.4% 1,784 108.7% 情報サービス IT Services 16,342 94.5% 118.1% 人材サービス 売上原価 Staffing Service Cost of Sales 839 7,737 72.7% 129.3% 1,753 110.9% 757 ᇞ 16 96.9% ᇞ 82 759 117.0% 374 336 3.2% 244.3% 198 197.8% 2,506 107.3% 1,112 10,641 100.0% 122.2% 1,935 108.6% 166 ᇞ 36 96.9% ᇞ 102 5.5% 87.0% ᇞ 141 98.1% ᇞ 18 14,599 84.4% 115.2% 1,924 104.3% 951 2,567 24.1% 99.4% - - - - 841 - - 599 8,837 83.1% 121.9% 1,586 105.8% 487 1,803 16.9% 124.0% 349 124.4% 353 売上総利益 Gross Profit 2,693 15.6% 119.6% 440 122.5% 493 販売費及び一般管理費 SG&A Expenses 1,799 10.4% 122.6% 331 97.2% ᇞ 50 954 9.0% 114.8% 123 95.5% ᇞ 45 営業利益 Operating Income 894 5.2% 113.9% 109 255.7% 544 848 8.0% 136.4% 226 188.6% 398 営業外収益 Non-Operating Income 37 0.2% 128.3% 8 187.1% 17 69 0.7% 55.5% ᇞ 55 138.6% 19 営業外費用 Non-Operating Expenses ᇞ 6 30.5% 123 258.1% ᇞ6 1 569 915 1 168 183.2% 415 1,251 100.9% 11 3 0.0% 33.6% Ordinary Income 929 5.4% 115.3% 特別利益 Extraordinary Income 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 - 0 特別損失 Extraordinary Losses 1 0.0% 29.1% ᇞ2 - 1 Income Before Income Taxes 928 5.4% 115.6% 125 257.8% 568 Income Taxes 385 2.2% 105.2% 18 192.8% 185 325 542 3.1% 124.5% 106 339.1% 5 0.0% 17.7% 537 3.1% 132.7% 経常利益 税引前四半期純利益 法人税等 少引前四半期純利益 少数株主利益 四半期純利益 Income Before Minority interests in Net Income Minority interests in Net Income Net Income 株式会社DTS DTS CORPORATION 0.0% 8.6% 122.6% 1,251 11.8% 1 0.0% - - 1 2,166 20.4% 289.8% 1,418 124.5% 426 3.1% 114.5% 1 1 41 171.5% 135 382 - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - 132 335.7% 377 1,840 17.3% 397.6% 1,377 118.8% 290 ᇞ 25 ■受注 Orders - [115.8% YoY] Sales rose on an increase in sales due to new consolidation and robust demand for System and Products. System: Sales increased due to the expansion of demand for large-scale system integration of banks in the finance sector and the acquisition of new projects in the public sector, such as the unification of pension plans and the upgrading of systems in local governments, in addition to new consolidation. Operations: Sales remained flat given downsized projects at certain communication carrier customers associated with the completion of system migration, despite an expansion of scale at other existing customers. Products and other: Sales rose on special demand such as the upgrading of Windows OS. Staffing service: Sales declined with a reduction in staffing services operations and the promotion of self-manufacturing in the current fiscal year in product sales-related outsourcing operations, which had followed an upward trend. [106.7% vs. initial plan] Sales exceeded the initial plan due to an increase in demand for development projects in the finance sector and the public sector, etc. Gross Profit [119.6% YoY] Gross profit increased mainly due to higher sales. [122.5% vs. initial plan] The gross margin exceeded the initial plan due to higher sales and smaller-than-expected losses from unprofitable projects. Operating Income [113.9% YoY] Income rose due to the increase in gross profit, despite higher SG&A expenses due to new consolidation. [255.7% vs. initial plan] Income exceeded the initial plan due to the increase in gross profit, although a decline had been expected given an increase in newly-hired employees. ■エンドユーザー別売上高 Net Sales by End Users ■売上総利益率 Gross Profit Margin 連結 Consolidated 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 金額 構成比 Amount Share 受注高 システム Order Volume 15,785 100.0% System 11,150 70.6% オペレーション Operation 1,445 プロダクトその他 Products etc 2,560 16.2% 情報サービス IT Services 15,156 96.0% 人材サービス Order Backlog 629 4.0% 20,733 100.0% System 12,384 59.7% 123.1% 2,324 10,147 61.8% 133.7% 2,559 受注残高 システム Staffing Service オペレーション Operation プロダクトその他 Products etc 情報サービス IT Services 人材サービス Staffing Service 9.2% (単独、システムおよびオペレーション Non-consolidated, System and Operation) (単独 Non-consolidated) 単独 Non-consolidated 単独 No n - c o n so l i dat e d 前年同期比 YoY 金額 構成比 前年同期比 YoY 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 金額 構成比 前年同期比 YoY Change Diff Amount Share Change Diff Amount Share Change Diff 1.1% 126.1% 3,266 9,416 100.0% 146.7% 2,999 金融 Finance 5,051 49.0% 147.2% 1,619 1.9% 150.0% 3,715 8,351 88.7% 177.9% 3,656 運輸通信 Communications 1,724 16.7% 92.8% △ 134 Services 1,826 17.7% 100.3% 6 +0.2 pt 71.8% ᇞ 566 805 8.6% 55.2% ᇞ 652 サービス 0.6% (2) Increase その他 Other 1,703 16.5% 116.8% 244 128.1% 561 259 2.8% 98.1% ᇞ4 in indirect うち製造 Manufacturing 716 7.0% 119.2% 115 costs 132.4% 3,710 9,416 100.0% 146.7% 2,999 うち公共 Public 389 3.8% 163.6% 151 (1) (Increase in (3) Wholesale&Retail 58.6% ᇞ 443 - うち卸小売 288 2.8% 82.5% △ 61 Increase newly-hired 16.9% システム+オペレーション System and Operation 10,305 100.0% 120.3% 1,736 16.7% in net employees, Others 116.0% 2,858 16,409 100.0% 120.8% 2,825 6,815 32.9% 103.4% 187 0.9% 88.8% 224 ᇞ 23 6,136 37.4% 105.2% 125 0.8% 76.1% 305 ᇞ 39 19,387 93.5% 115.0% 2,525 16,409 100.0% 120.8% 2,825 1,346 6.5% 132.9% 333 - - - Finance Sales increased due to the merger with FAITEC CORPORATION and robust development projects for banks and securities firms. Services Sales remained firm in existing customers. - 1 Transportation & Communications Some communication carriers reduced scale. Other Orders were received for new projects in the public sector for the unification of pension plans and system upgrading at local governments. sales 2014/3 1Q etc.) 2015/3 1Q 平成27年3月期 第1四半期 決算概要(グループ会社) 株式会社DTS DTS CORPORATION Group Company Results for 1Q FY March 2015 Total (Apr.-Jun.) 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 社名 Company name 金額 前年同期比 YoY Amount デジタルテクノロジー DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION データリンクス DATALINKS CORPORATION 日本SE JAPAN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CORPORATION 横河ディジタルコンピュータ YOKOGAWA DIGITAL COMPUTER CORPORATION 総合システムサービス SOUGOU SYSTEM SERVICE CORPORATION 九州DTS KYUSYU DTS CORPORATION DTS WEST DTS WEST CORPORATION アートシステム Artsystem CORPORATION MIRUCA MIRUCA CORPORATION 逓天斯(上海)軟件技術有限公司 DTS(Shanghai) CORPORATION DTS AMERICA DTS America Corporation 営業利益 Operating Income 売上高 Net Sales Change 計画比 Vs. Forecasts Diff Change Diff 金額 売上比率 Amount Ratio to Sales 前年同期比 YoY Change 計画比 Vs. Forecasts Diff Change Diff 2,529 116.2% 353 102.6% 64 50 2.0% 169.7% 20 126.4% 10 1,888 96.4% △ 70 101.7% 31 26 1.4% 35.2% △ 48 80.2% △6 1,039 112.3% 113 103.1% 31 0 0.1% 3.8% △ 13 4.4% △ 11 611 - - 93.4% △ 43 △ 33 - - - - 37 448 116.4% 63 117.6% 66 88 19.8% 132.1% 21 191.8% 42 262 103.9% 9 108.1% 19 2 1.0% 52.5% △2 175.8% 1 255 - - 99.7% 0 5 2.3% - - 48.3% △6 169 - - 118.0% 25 △ 14 - - - - 31 53 115.2% 7 106.2% 3 △9 - - 13 - 3 33 72.2% △ 12 50.0% △ 33 △ 12 - - 0 - △ 13 27 - - 100.7% 0 3 13.8% - - - 5 注釈 Notes: 各社単独の数値であり、すべてを合計しても連結の数値とは一致しません。 Figures for each company are on a non-consolidated basis, so the total does not equal consolidated figures. データリンクスの計画は当社の予想であり、データリンクスの公表値ではありません。 The Forecasts of DATALINKS CORPORATION is our expectation, and no value of making public of DATALINKS CORPORATION. 2 平成27年3月期 業績予想 株式会社DTS DTS CORPORATION Forecasts for FY March 2015 連結 Consolidated 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 平成27年3月期 1Q 1Q FY 15/3 売上高 システム オペレーション プロダクトその他 情報サービス計 人材サービス 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前純利益 法人税等 少引前純利益 少数株主利益 純利益 Net Sales System Operation Products etc IT Services Staffing Service Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG&A Expenses Operating Income Non-Operating Income Non-Operating Expenses Ordinary Income Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Losses Income Before Income Taxes Income Taxes Income Before Minority interests in Net Income Minority interests in Net Income Net Income 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 17,293 10,509 3,247 2,584 16,342 951 14,599 2,693 1,799 894 37 3 929 0 1 928 385 542 5 537 100.0 60.8 18.8 14.9 94.5 5.5 84.4 15.6 10.4 5.2 0.2 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0 5.4 2.2 3.1 0.0 3.1 対中間比 対通期比 Vs. 1st-Half (%) Vs. Full Year (%) 115.8 120.4 98.9 141.6 118.1 87.0 115.2 119.6 122.6 113.9 128.3 33.6 115.3 0.0 29.1 115.6 105.2 124.5 17.7 132.7 平成27年3月期 中間(計画) 1st-Half FY 15/3 (Forecasts) 平成27年3月期 2Q(計画 :中間計画-1Q) 2Q FY 15/3 (Forecasts : 1st-Half Forecasts - 1Q Results) 50.3 48.2 48.2 66.8 50.4 47.8 51.0 46.9 51.4 39.8 62.4 30.5 40.4 5.6 40.7 43.3 39.0 13.8 39.8 24.7 22.7 24.1 40.4 24.7 24.4 25.2 22.4 25.7 17.9 62.4 30.5 18.4 2.3 18.6 18.2 18.8 6.9 19.2 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 17,106 11,290 3,492 1,285 16,067 1,038 14,050 3,056 1,700 1,355 22 6 1,370 0 18 1,351 504 847 34 812 100.0 66.0 20.4 7.5 93.9 6.1 82.1 17.9 9.9 7.9 0.1 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.1 7.9 2.9 5.0 0.2 4.8 107.6 109.2 106.7 109.4 108.7 93.9 106.4 113.6 121.6 104.9 111.6 111.1 105.0 1,871.0 103.6 92.6 111.4 81.9 113.2 対中間比 対通期比 Vs. 1st-Half (%) Vs. Full Year (%) 49.7 51.8 51.8 33.2 49.6 52.2 49.0 53.1 48.6 60.2 37.6 69.5 59.6 94.4 59.3 56.7 61.0 86.2 60.2 24.4 24.4 25.9 20.1 24.3 26.6 24.2 25.5 24.3 27.1 37.6 69.5 27.1 37.7 27.0 23.8 29.4 43.1 29.0 平成27年3月期 通期(計画) FY 15/3(Forecasts) 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 34,400 21,800 6,740 3,870 32,410 1,990 28,650 5,750 3,500 2,250 60 10 2,300 0 20 2,280 890 1,390 40 1,350 100.0 63.4 19.6 11.3 94.2 5.8 83.3 16.7 10.2 6.5 0.2 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.1 6.6 2.6 4.0 0.1 3.9 111.6 114.3 102.8 129.0 113.2 90.5 110.7 116.3 122.1 108.3 121.5 65.2 108.9 0.0 409.7 108.2 97.7 116.2 54.6 120.2 49.1 47.2 49.9 60.5 49.0 51.0 49.4 47.9 50.0 45.0 100.0 100.0 45.5 40.0 45.6 42.0 48.3 50.0 48.2 70,000 46,200 13,500 6,400 66,100 3,900 58,000 12,000 7,000 5,000 60 10 5,050 0 50 5,000 2,120 2,880 80 2,800 100.0 66.0 19.3 9.1 94.4 5.6 82.9 17.1 10.0 7.1 0.1 0.0 7.2 0.0 0.1 7.1 3.0 4.1 0.1 4.0 109.1 112.9 102.2 108.7 110.1 94.0 108.3 112.9 118.9 105.4 59.0 30.5 105.0 0.0 860.8 103.6 104.0 103.3 59.7 105.5 単独 Non-consolidated 平成27年3月期 1Q 1Q FY 15/3 売上高 システム オペレーション プロダクト 情報サービス計 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前純利益 法人税等 純利益 Net Sales System Operation Products IT Services Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG&A Expenses Operating Income Non-Operating Income Non-Operating Expenses Ordinary Income Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Losses Income Before Income Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 10,641 7,737 2,567 336 10,641 8,837 1,803 954 848 69 1 915 1,251 1 2,166 325 1,840 100.0 72.7 24.1 3.2 100.0 83.1 16.9 9.0 8.0 0.7 0.0 8.6 11.8 0.0 20.4 3.1 17.3 122.2 129.3 99.4 244.3 122.2 121.9 124.0 114.8 136.4 55.5 122.6 289.8 114.5 397.6 平成27年3月期 2Q(計画 :中間計画-1Q) 2Q FY 15/3 (Forecasts : 1st-Half Forecasts - 1Q Results) 対中間比 対通期比 Vs. 1st-Half (%) Vs. Full Year (%) 47.9 47.6 46.6 74.7 47.9 48.2 46.8 50.3 43.5 69.3 44.7 100.1 65.7 43.5 72.2 23.1 22.7 23.0 42.0 23.1 23.3 22.5 25.1 20.2 69.3 21.3 100.1 3.8 39.2 19.5 47.8 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 11,558 8,502 2,942 113 11,558 9,512 2,046 945 1,101 30 △1 1,134 △1 △1 1,133 424 709 3 100.0 73.6 25.5 1.0 100.0 82.3 17.7 8.2 9.5 0.3 △ 0.0 9.8 △ 0.0 △ 0.0 9.8 3.7 6.1 116.1 122.5 107.6 39.9 116.1 117.3 110.9 118.8 104.9 188.6 106.4 106.3 104.9 107.2 対中間比 対通期比 Vs. 1st-Half (%) Vs. Full Year (%) 52.1 52.4 53.4 25.3 52.1 51.8 53.2 49.7 56.5 30.7 55.3 △ 0.1 34.3 56.5 27.8 25.1 25.0 26.4 14.2 25.1 25.0 25.6 24.9 26.2 30.7 26.4 △ 0.1 △ 3.8 20.5 25.4 18.4 平成27年3月期 中間(計画) 1st-Half FY 15/3 (Forecasts) 平成27年3月期 通期(計画) FY 15/3(Forecasts) 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 22,200 16,240 5,510 450 22,200 18,350 3,850 1,900 1,950 100 0 2,050 1,250 0 3,300 750 2,550 100.0 73.2 24.8 2.0 100.0 82.7 17.3 8.6 8.8 0.5 0.0 9.2 5.6 0.0 14.9 3.4 11.5 119.0 125.7 103.6 106.4 119.0 119.4 116.7 116.8 116.6 70.8 113.1 0.0 182.0 108.8 226.8 48.3 47.7 49.4 56.3 48.3 48.3 48.1 50.0 46.4 100.0 47.7 100.0 0.0 59.8 44.9 66.2 46,000 34,050 11,150 800 46,000 38,000 8,000 3,800 4,200 100 0 4,300 1,250 30 5,520 1,670 3,850 100.0 74.0 24.2 1.7 100.0 82.6 17.4 8.3 9.1 0.2 0.0 9.3 2.7 0.1 12.0 3.6 8.4 114.8 120.6 102.2 86.9 114.8 115.2 113.0 110.8 115.2 54.4 112.3 144.1 109.3 167.1 参考 : 平成26年3月期 決算概要 References : Financial Results for FY March 2014 株式会社DTS DTS CORPORATION 連結 Consolidated 単位:百万円 Units:JPY Million 平成26年3月期 1Q 1Q FY 14/3 売上高 システム オペレーション プロダクトその他 情報サービス計 人材サービス 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前純利益 法人税等 少引前純利益 少数株主利益 純利益 Net Sales System Operation Products etc IT Services Staffing Service Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG&A Expenses Operating Income Non-Operating Income Non-Operating Expenses Ordinary Income Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Losses Income Before Income Taxes Income Taxes Income Before Minority interests in Net Income Minority interests in Net Income Net Income 平成26年3月期 2Q 2Q FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 3Q 3Q FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 4Q 4Q FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 通期 FY 14/3 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. 1st-Half (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 14,928 8,725 3,284 1,825 13,835 1,093 12,675 2,253 1,467 785 29 9 805 0 3 802 366 435 31 404 100.0 58.4 22.0 12.2 92.7 7.3 84.9 15.1 9.8 5.3 0.2 0.1 5.4 0.0 0.0 5.4 2.5 2.9 0.2 2.7 102.1 102.2 99.7 106.8 102.2 100.9 100.5 111.6 103.7 129.9 91.4 993.2 126.7 2,869.8 126.2 120.9 131.1 126.6 131.4 23.3 21.3 24.9 31.0 23.0 26.3 23.7 21.2 24.9 16.6 28.7 27.7 16.8 2.8 66.7 16.6 18.0 15.6 23.3 15.3 15,892 10,339 3,272 1,174 14,786 1,106 13,201 2,690 1,398 1,292 20 6 1,306 0 1 1,305 544 760 42 718 100.0 65.1 20.6 7.4 93.0 7.0 83.1 16.9 8.8 8.1 0.1 0.0 8.2 0.0 0.0 8.2 3.4 4.8 0.3 4.5 105.1 107.4 93.2 127.8 105.2 104.7 103.3 115.0 109.8 121.2 97.5 294.4 120.5 9.7 121.5 121.8 121.3 139.3 120.4 24.8 25.3 24.8 20.0 24.6 26.7 24.7 25.3 23.8 27.2 19.9 19.1 27.1 0.0 17.4 27.0 26.7 27.3 31.4 27.1 15,168 9,697 3,282 1,090 14,070 1,097 12,592 2,576 1,504 1,071 35 △1 1,108 19 0 1,128 468 660 54 605 100.0 105.3 63.9 109.8 21.6 93.2 7.2 119.1 92.8 106.0 7.2 96.9 83.0 103.9 17.0 113.0 9.9 111.8 7.1 114.8 0.2 102.4 △ 0.0 △ 324.7 7.3 114.5 0.1 262.7 △ 0.0 △ 94.3 7.4 115.7 3.1 116.4 4.4 115.2 0.4 253.3 4.0 109.8 23.6 23.7 24.9 18.5 23.4 26.5 23.5 24.2 25.6 22.6 34.9 △ 4.2 23.0 97.2 △ 4.9 23.4 23.0 23.7 41.0 22.8 18,185 12,166 3,370 1,795 17,333 851 15,078 3,106 1,514 1,592 16 18 1,590 0 1 1,589 658 930 5 925 100.0 66.9 18.5 9.9 95.3 4.7 82.9 17.1 8.3 8.8 0.1 0.1 8.7 0.0 0.0 8.7 3.6 5.1 0.0 5.1 107.6 109.5 95.4 138.0 108.7 89.7 106.4 114.1 114.4 113.8 211.6 113.0 5.6 114.7 107.0 120.9 11.8 128.2 28.3 29.7 25.5 30.5 28.9 20.5 28.2 29.2 25.7 33.6 16.5 57.4 33.1 0.0 20.8 32.9 32.3 33.4 4.3 34.9 64,174 40,929 13,209 5,886 60,025 4,149 53,548 10,626 5,885 4,741 101 32 4,810 20 5 4,825 2,037 2,787 133 2,653 100.0 105.1 63.8 107.4 20.6 95.3 9.2 121.5 93.5 105.6 6.5 98.3 83.4 103.6 16.6 113.5 9.2 109.9 7.4 118.5 0.2 106.7 0.1 1,031.0 7.5 117.5 0.0 270.3 0.0 17.8 7.5 118.5 3.2 115.3 4.3 121.1 0.2 106.9 4.1 121.9 単独 Non-consolidated 平成26年3月期 2Q 2Q FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 1Q 1Q FY 14/3 売上高 システム オペレーション プロダクト 情報サービス計 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前純利益 法人税等 純利益 Net Sales System Operation Products IT Services Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG&A Expenses Operating Income Non-Operating Income Non-Operating Expenses Ordinary Income Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Losses Income Before Income Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 平成26年3月期 3Q 3Q FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 通期 FY 14/3 平成26年3月期 4Q 4Q FY 14/3 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 対通期比 金額 売上比率 前年同期比 Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. Full Year (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) Vs. 1st-Half (%) Amount Ratio to Sales (%) YoY (%) 8,705 5,983 2,584 137 8,705 7,251 1,453 831 622 124 0 747 0 0 747 284 462 100.0 68.7 29.7 1.6 100.0 83.3 16.7 9.6 7.1 1.4 0.0 8.6 0.0 0.0 8.6 3.3 5.3 105.5 107.5 99.1 178.4 105.5 103.4 117.4 111.7 125.9 125.7 0.0 125.9 126.0 124.4 127.0 21.7 21.2 23.7 15.0 21.7 22.0 20.5 24.2 17.1 67.9 19.5 100.0 0.0 19.5 18.6 20.1 9,957 6,938 2,733 285 9,957 8,112 1,845 795 1,049 16 0 1,065 0 0 1,065 404 661 100.0 69.7 27.5 2.9 100.0 81.5 18.5 8.0 10.5 0.2 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.0 10.7 4.1 6.6 109.7 109.8 103.8 236.3 109.7 107.8 118.8 114.5 122.3 102.6 0.0 122.0 0.1 123.5 125.6 122.2 4 24.8 24.6 25.1 31.0 24.8 24.6 26.1 23.2 28.8 8.8 27.8 0.0 100.0 27.8 26.5 28.7 9,630 6,721 2,785 122 9,630 7,916 1,713 891 821 30 0 852 0 0 852 323 529 100.0 69.8 28.9 1.3 100.0 82.2 17.8 9.3 8.5 0.3 0.0 8.9 0.0 0.0 8.9 3.4 5.5 109.8 112.3 104.0 115.5 109.8 109.6 111.0 114.7 107.1 117.7 0.0 107.4 0.0 0.0 106.4 107.2 106.0 24.0 23.8 25.5 13.3 24.0 24.0 24.2 26.0 22.5 16.6 22.3 0.0 0.0 22.2 21.2 23.0 11,778 8,600 2,802 375 11,778 9,713 2,064 911 1,152 12 0 1,164 0 0 1,164 515 649 100.0 73.0 23.8 3.2 100.0 82.5 17.5 7.7 9.8 0.1 △ 0.0 9.9 0.0 0.0 9.9 4.4 5.5 112.0 114.7 102.2 137.2 112.0 111.1 116.7 119.9 114.4 99.0 0.0 114.1 0.0 115.0 136.5 102.3 29.4 30.4 25.7 40.7 29.4 29.4 29.2 26.6 31.6 6.6 30.4 0.0 0.0 30.4 33.7 28.2 40,071 28,244 10,906 920 40,071 32,994 7,076 3,430 3,646 183 0 3,830 0 0 3,830 1,527 2,303 100.0 70.5 27.2 2.3 100.0 82.3 17.7 8.6 9.1 0.5 0.0 9.6 0.0 0.0 9.6 3.8 5.7 109.5 111.3 102.3 159.5 109.5 108.2 115.9 115.2 116.6 119.8 116.7 7.6 0.0 117.1 124.2 112.9
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