First Half of the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 Unicharm Presentation Materials for Investor Meeting November 7, 2014 Takahisa Takahara President and CEO Unicharm Corporation Projections stated herein include those based on the Company’s assumptions, forecasts and plans as of November 7, 2014. Therefore, actual results may differ significantly from projections due to risks and uncertainties associated with market competition, foreign exchange rates, etc. Financial Results Review : 1H of Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 Change fiscal year ended March 31 to ended December 31 to standardize the fiscal year for all consolidated subsidiaries ① The consolidated 1H of FY Ending December 31, 2014. (Afterward : “Financial report basis”) ◆Companies with fiscal year ending March: Apr-Sep 2014 ◆Companies with fiscal year ending December: Jan-Sep 2014 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun 1Q Companies with fiscal year ending March Companies with fiscal year ending December 2013 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2Q 3Q Jan-Mar 4Q Six months Apr-Jun 1Q 2014 Jul-Sep 2Q Oct-Dec 3Q Six months Six months Nine Months ② The consolidated fiscal year for comparison pro forma amount. (Afterward : “Adjusted basis” ◆2013 : Jan-Sep 2013 ◆2014 : Jan-Sep 2014 2013 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Box in red) 2014 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Companies with fiscal year ending March Companies with fiscal year ending December Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 【Consolidated】 Year-on-Year Comparison (Financial report basis) (Millions of yen) 1H of FY Ending 1H of FY Ending Difference※ Dec 31, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 Net sales Difference (%)※ 356,826 286,618 ー ー 36,708 10.3% 31,045 11.2% ー ー 37,725 10.6% 30,976 10.8% ー ー 22,692 37.62 17,337 29.66 ー ー Operating income Operating income margin Ordinary income Ordinary income margin Net income EPS (Yen) ※ Difference is not indicated due to irregular closing account for this consolidated fiscal year. Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 Actual operating income margin reached 11.9% excluding specific factors. Year-on-Year Comparison (Financial report basis) 1H of FY Ending 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 Net sales (Million of yen) Difference Difference (%) 356,826 286,618 ー ー 36,708 10.3% 32,045 11.2% ー ー Operating income Operating income margin (Million of yen) Specific factor (Reduced operating income) 1) 1,318 Non-depreciable of Royalty due to standardization the fiscal year Relation of changing fiscal year 2) 178 Defrayment of labor cost due to standardization of the fiscal year External factor Other 3) 1,750 4) 2,072 Retroaction of last-minute demand due to increasing consumption tax 5) Running cost in Brazil 1,055 Exchange rate (High cost of raw materials due to currency depreciation of emerging currency) 43,082 Actual operating income margin 11.9% Actual operating income Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 5 Segment Information (Financial report basis) Business Segment Information (Financial report basis) Personal Care Pet Care Others Total (Million of yen) Elimination / Companywide Consolidated 1H of FY Ending Mar 31, 2014 Net sales Operating income 245,855 31,443 38,182 415 2,580 169 286,618 32,028 - 314,706 34,762 39,529 1,839 2,591 107 356,826 36,708 - 16 286,618 32,045 0 356,826 36,708 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Net sales Operating income Geographical Segment Information (Financial report basis) Others Total Elimination / Companywide Japan Asia 119,976 14,283 123,442 17,124 43,199 703 286,618 32,111 - 123,617 15,827 179,102 19,742 54,106 1,213 356,826 36,783 - Consolidated 1H of FY Ending Mar 31, 2014 Net sales Operating income -66 286,618 32,045 -74 356,826 36,708 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Net sales Operating income Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 6 Overseas sales composition reached 65.6% driven by steady increasing sales composition in Asia (61.0% on previous accounting period) Changes in Domestic and Overseas Net Sales (Financial report basis) 400 (Billion of yen) 65.6% 58.5% 350 60% 51.7% 50.3% 300 250 38.8% 38.3% 42.0% 31.2% 200 150 70% 23.0% 44.1% 34.0% 50% 43.1% 37.2% 40% 26.2% 30% 20% 100 10% 50 0% 0 '08/9 '09/9 '10/9 Sales in Japan (left axis) Overseas sales excluding Asia (left axis) Overseas sales composition ratio (right axis) Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights rights reserved. Copyright (c) (c) Unicharm 2012 Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright Corporation. All reserved. '11/9 '12/9 '13/9 '14/9 Sales in Asia (left axis) Sales composition ratio in Asia (righ axis) 7 Executed aggressive marketing investments focused in Asia Actual consolidated operating income margin reached 11.9% excluding some specific factors of changing fiscal year, etc. Actual operating income margin by geographical segment (After considering specific factor) 25.0% Japan Asia Others Consolidated 20.0% 15.0% 13.9% 12.1% 15.3% 15.2% 14.0% 13.9% 14.8% 12.2% 13.0% 12.0% 12.4% 12.1% 11.9% 10.9% 10.7% 10.5% 12.4% 12.0% 12.8% 11.9% 11.8% 9.2% 10.0% 11.2% 7.0% 9.4% 6.2% 8.1% 9.0% 9.2% 5.2% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% 3.0% 2.4% 2.5% 2.3% 2.2% 1.6% 0.0% '05/9 '06/9 '07/9 Copyright (c) (c) Unicharm 2012 Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright Corporation. All rights reserved. '08/9 '09 /9 '10 /9 '11 /9 '12/9 '13/9 '14/9 8 Both net sales and operating income reached double-digit growth Year-on-Year Comparison (Adjusted basis※ ’14/1 - ’14/9 vs ’13/1 - ’13/9) 1H of FY Ending 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 (Adjusted basis) (Adjusted basis) Net sales Operating income Operating income margin (Million of yen) Difference Difference (%) 469,345 418,518 50,827 12.1% 51,511 11.0% 44,057 10.5% 7,454 16.9% Note ※ Financial results after adjustment are management accounting basis. Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 9 Pet Care Business in Japan improved performance due to market revitalization and efficient promotional activities Business Segment Information (Adjusted basis ’14/1-9 vs ’13/1-’13/9) (Million of yen) Personal Care Pet Care Others Total Elimination / Company wide Consolidated 1H of FY Ending Mar 31, 2014 359,520 44,095 55,169 -332 3,829 294 418,518 44,057 - - 418,518 44,057 Net sales Operating income 407,016 49,371 58,354 1,967 3,975 172 469,345 51,511 - - 469,345 51,511 Difference Net sales Operating income 47,496 5,276 3,185 2,299 146 -122 50,827 7,454 - - 50,827 7,454 Net sales Operating income 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Difference (%) Net sales Operating income 13.2% 12.0% Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 5.8% - 3.8% -41.5% 12.1% 16.9% - - 12.1% 16.9% 10 Personal Care Business in Japan improved operating income due to consecutive proposal of high value-added products Geographical Segment Information (Adjusted basis ’14/1-’14/9 vs ’13/1-’13/9) (Million of yen) Japan Asia Others Total Elimination / Consolidated Companywide 1H of FY Ending Mar 31, 2014 174,968 20,391 179,187 24,693 64,363 1,946 418,518 47,030 - -2,973 418,518 44,057 Net sales Operating income 187,769 25,509 211,679 26,007 69,897 2,089 469,345 53,605 - -2,094 469,345 51,511 Difference Net sales Operating income 12,801 5,118 32,492 1,314 5,534 143 50,827 6,575 - Difference (%) Net sales Operating income 7.3% 25.1% 18.1% 5.3% 8.6% 7.3% 12.1% 14.0% - - Net sales Operating income 1H of FY Ending Dec 31, 2014 Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights rights reserved. Copyright (c) (c) Unicharm 2012 Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright Corporation. All reserved. 879 50,827 7,454 12.1% 16.9% 11 Impact on sales and operating income due to exchange rate (Financial report basis) Net sales increased approx. ¥7.9 billion year on year, while operating income decreased approx. -1.4 billion Currency Previous year exchange rate Current year exchange rate Change in rate Taiwan (TWD) 3.32 3.43 3.3% Thailand (THB) 3.23 3.21 -0.6% South Korea (KRW) 0.0867 0.0993 14.5% Indonesia (IDR) 0.0098 0.0089 -9.2% Malaysia (MYR) 31.37 32.08 2.3% Netherland (EUR) 125.50 139.49 11.1% China (CNY) 15.47 16.76 8.3% Philippines (PHP) 2.34 2.35 0.4% Saudi Arabia (SAR) 26.40 27.60 4.5% India (INR) 1.70 1.74 2.4% USA (USD) 98.85 103.36 4.6% Russia (RUR) 3.08 2.91 -5.5% Australia (AUD) 96.91 94.71 -2.3% Vietnam (VND) 0.0045 0.0049 8.9% Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 12 Financial Results Forecasts for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 Both net sales and operating income have made steady progress in the 1H of fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2014 (Million of yen) Fiscal year ending December 31, 2014 (Published value) 1H of Fiscal year ending Achievement Rate December 31, 2014 (%) (Actual) 540,000 356,826 66.1% Operating income margin 56,600 10.5% 36,708 10.3% 64.9% Ordinary income Ordinary income margin 55,000 10.2% 37,725 10.6% 68.6% Net income Net income margin 31,700 5.9% 22,692 6.4% 71.6% Net sales Operating income Note: As the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014 will be a transitional period, the forecasts here are for a ninemonth fiscal year (from April 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014) for consolidated companies whose fiscal year ended in March and a 12-month fiscal year (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014) for consolidated companies whose fiscal year ended in December. 14 Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. Shareholder Return Policy We acquired the treasury shares of ¥8.0 billion (approx 3.5 million shares after stock split ). We will continue to pay dividends that are consistent with earnings and increase dividends in fiscal year ending December, 2014 and forecast a 50% total shareholders’ return. (Million of yen) Dividends 30,000 Purchase of own shares Total retun ratio 70.0% 58.7% 20,000 60.0% 55.6% 25,000 47.5% 46.2% 51.4% 49.5% 50.0% 50.0% 44.7% 40.3% 38.3% 40.0% 15,000 30.0% 10,000 20.0% 5,000 10.0% 0 0.0% '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3 '11/3 '12/3 '13/3 '14/3 '14/12E ※ ※ Fiscal year ending Dec. 2014 is an irregular fiscal year lasting nine months. Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 16 The planned dividend for fiscal year ending December 31, 2014 is ¥12.73 per share The dividend is paid out stably and continuously Change in dividends (Yen) ※ 12.7 12.7 14.0 12.0 10.7 9.3 10.0 7.7 8.0 6.0 4.0 11.3 4.9 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 5.1 6.0 3.7 2.0 0.0 '02/3 '03/3 '04/3 '05/3 '06/3 '07/3 '08/3 '09/3 '10/3 '11/3 '12/3 '13/3 '14/3 '14/12E Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. ※ After stock split 17 Copyright (c) Unicharm Corporation. All rights reserved. 18
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