CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF APPROPR:A¬ ONS,ALLOTMENTS,OBuCA¬ ONS,DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES As of December 31.2013 Depadrent Environmenl and Natural Resources Agency/Operatng Unit Nole: aN Regional Offi@ prqetletivlids for hplementaion As @dified co@ct by the @spective Cent@l 'Tdal amounl of obhgatm nctu&s ANNEX A Budget olfi@6; in FY 2014 amNntng to PhP 24,338,W.0O (MOOE| and %P 37,713,@0 g) (Cap Outlay) Approved By cerrtied cOrrecl 鶴 ≫…… btヌhロ Acting Direclo「 ´ CONSOL:DATED STATEMENT OF APPROPRIAT10NS,ALLOTMENTS,OBL:CAT10NS,DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES As of December 31,2C113 Deparfnent Environmsnt and Natural Resources Agency/Operating Unit Mines and Geosciences Bureau Fund: canect by the Prepared by Ce,′ ′ and “ Reglona′ omce Bυ σger A N O J E C, l O 轍雉 inandchefmm As、 LEO L」 ASARENO Acling Directo「 ´ STATETIIEJiIT OF APPROPRIATIOI{S, Aso, OBLIGATIO{S, OISBURSEIIIEl{IS AND '- BALANCES heouarterEndingoecember3.t,2ol3 oepadnent Environmed and Nalural Rssources e8!HA'#;,'J,ti'Jn.ffi#f*@ Fund: rtions Auulonzed Appropnabon Parliculars 〓 4 一 339:面 149500000 1,495,00000 =Ooo∞ 78,7∞ ,00o00 101,503,lXX1 00 101,500,KXXl lXl 341,408,000∞ 78,700,m00 78,7∞ ,Oaloo 2 492 324 1Xl 2 492 324 1Xl 757,324∞ 1,735,00000 C AU 99770∞ ∞ TOTAL CURRENT 187,32400 52169600000 341,408,000∞ 757,32400 Transfer To rtions Transfer Adlusled TOtal rOm Albments 7 52169600000 24923241111 =I oments R∝ eved lSt Ouarter Ending March 31 2nd Ouarter 3rd Quarter Endlng」 une30 [nding sep130 Total Quarter Ending Dec31 Unobligaled Unreleased Approprialion 月bment Unpaid Ob19atons 20=1813 21=113‐ 181 ■ 2 52020100000 A‖ AppropnaOon 2 │I YUF]型 I「 4]fyD9EuPPROPRA■ 01s │ Adlusled Ad.iustnent 84,533,31530 1,587,29880 63,113,158∞ 19,832,85850 8=15‐6●71 437.16268470 黎 278,294,342∞ _興 757.324∞ 1,735,00000 1,735,囲 ∞ 9,977,000 oo 9,977,000∞ 4,165,32400 9 4448335789 勢 21,154,01805 4150 11 16616864464 32400 4,515,25000 10,000,m00 24,629,00750 ■80891929 282鮎 q6 51197972 757132400 14313694 511,97972 73,91929 28,28596 1,735,鰤 ∞ ― 39,144,257511 19,832,85850 355,109,66097 3,UZ,lX11 73 58,椰 ,13800 抑 209 209 1,735,000∞ ― 757,32191 1,735,00000 2,249.51615 2,053,32690 46,904,81170 168,930,14051 62,612,04784 87,768.9〔 366,215,980.10 1,937,05261 4,181,剛 54 143903748 22,393.15789 11,325,22131 11,067,93658 13,981,19100 22,393.1 13,981,191( 2,032.83730 お,1′ 0,69947 219,788,70400 」 … 249232101 2,278,31687 一一一 "166 1,587,29880 63,113,15800 21,013,09898 40,065,75031 143,13694 44 ( 8453331530 96,176.69947 19,720,03130 29,029,77035 24923,400 9,384,223“ 3551119“007 32,114,22935 129,539,16529 1,735,00000 92,77636 13=19+10+11+121 85,70785679 8,613,99722 1,270,22642 8.613,99722 一 一 一一 一 4011148117 19.134,90855 20,976,57262 40,111481171 1398119100 19,134,90855 20,976,57262 26130,`n ll 19,134,90855 20,976,57262 7,481,191∞ 6.500,000∞ 11,653,71755 14,476.57262 11,48117 TOT 11,48117 ,111,48117 31,19100 5 9 一 一 嘲 2 3 40111,48117 14835437% 10,0∞ ,3 26,130. 57` im 62,49000 1,937,05261 Note: Total amountot 淋瓢 1,3/4,56261 AT勁 鋭hn LEO L」 ASARENO Ading Diredo「 ´ 751,∞ 521 ∞8,61000 687,53227 7,481,191 CЮ 6,500,圃 ∞ 3,737,13228 328,49624 3,408,63604 13228 11,325,22131 11,067,93658 15789 田 畑 °Ns 群 翼 O■ G畑 ONs 罵∬ ∬ 肌 26050( ρ∞ lXl 2nd ou4er 3rd ouater tions 価 Quaor End" Ending」 une30 Ending sep130 Dec31 25,250,m)00 2m001Xl oo 5,850,∞ O oo 000∞ 7 8=:56+71 9 )00000 Total Unr€l6a$d Ending D€c31 13=19+10,11+12 7 1957585872 1383176964 Appropriation Al ounont 19=1431 20=18‐ 1訓 8∞ ∞0∞ 713 7CKl∞ '00 21,2∞ ,lXD∞ Curent Tolal 31 6 00 lst Ou4or Ending uch Albunents 19,400,000∞ U 昴 4=12● 31 Transror tom 副価 1 Tran“ r TO ¨ 珈 脚 Appropnaloロ ¨ 勁 ¨ ParticulaB 呻 ¨ RogbnPr● ncecivi Cental olmce 一 嚇 ¨ 5 露暖 Й 21● H3‐ 181 36741 3,136.300∞ 18,862,15872 64 三 13,831,76964 8∝ 537.84128 503038908 二 C AUTOMATIC APPROPRIAT10N 'RIAT10NS L響 冤 型 興 聖 咀 Ш 1050,00000 25,250,00000 2( 76964 3,674,14128 ttШ CAPPR"劇 A]ONS 08903 Caplal ouuays E SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS _Cabmiγ ― ―― ― ― ttnd.― ^ I_ _ 躙 nbnancO md cttr opOratng Expon“ │ sI ,705429940 17054.29940 17054299 7,021,7774 519722340 1,896,78740 1186707600 390∞ 0∞ '940 臨 儡 Conlractual,Budget sectiOn 17054 冷 940 '29940 1197,22340 14211 5124.990 )54 3,300,436∞ 2,279.564 )7600 0.00000 ,1420 7,197.22340 轟漁 n 3,632.28880 1,900,72312 11 15892082 )2782 797040∞ 3 1Xl 563431 944 1 745,596 124350 9997 岬羊 ル LEO L」 ASAREN0 Acling Diredor ^ 55` 855 77 6.“0,478 7,22340 6,787a0 69815548 49831 23193∞ 268,41467 :9831 58739
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