e CHECK* (XS ) Quality Control for the ProCyte Dx* Analyzer e-CHECK* (XS) e CHECK* (XS ) contrôle qualité pour l’analyseur ProCyte Dx* e-CHECK* (XS) e CHECK* (XS ) Control de calidad para el analizador ProCyte Dx* e-CHECK* (XS) e CHECK* (XS ) Qualitätskontrolle für das ProCyte Dx* Analysegerät e-CHECK* (XS) e CHECK* (XS ) Controllo qualita’ per l’analizzatore ProCyte Dx* e-CHECK* (XS) e CHECK* (XS) IDEXXプロサイトDx*の精度管理 L1(Low / Bas / Bajo / Niedrig / Basso / 低濃度) 4025 Parameter Paramètre Parámetro Parameter Parametro 項目 L2 (Normal / Normale / 正常濃度) 2014 April 20 Target Valeur cible Objetivo Ergebnis Valore ideale 目標値 RBC/GR (106/µL) 2.26 16.2 HCT (%) 5.5 HGB (g/dL) 71.5 MCV/VGM (fL) MCH/TCMH (pg) 24.3 MCHC/CCMH (g/dL) 34 58 PLT (K/µL) RDW-SD (fL) 46.1 RDW-CV (%) 18.5 PDW (fL) 8.2 PCT (%) 0.04 MPV (fL) 7.6 P-LCR (%) 6.5 WBC/GB (K/µL) 2.98 NEUT# (K/µL) 1.25 LYMPH# (K/µL) 1.13 MONO# (K9/µL) 0.34 EO# (K/µL) 0.26 RBC-O (106/µL) 2.3 PLT-O (K/µL) 45 RETIC (K/µL) 129.7 % RETIC (%) 5.74 4025 Expected Range Intervalle attendu Rango esperado Referenzbereich Intervallo atteso 基準範囲 Parameter Paramètre Parámetro Parameter Parametro 項目 2.11 - 2.41 13.2 - 19.2 5.2 - 5.8 64.0 - 79.0 21.1 - 27.5 24.1 - 43.9 28 - 88 37.1 - 55.1 15.0 - 22.0 4.2 - 12.2 0.02 - 0.06 4.6 - 10.6 0.0 - 14.0 2.58 - 3.38 0.84 - 1.66 0.73 - 1.53 0.04 - 0.64 0.06 - 0.46 1.90 - 2.70 15 - 75 89.7 - 169.7 4.04 - 7.44 RBC/GR (106/µL) Patent information: idexx.com/patents. © 2013 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-0002107-00 *e-CHECK is a trademark of Sysmex Corporation. ProCyte Dx is a trademark or registered trademark of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. 2014 April 20 Target Valeur cible Objetivo Ergebnis Valore ideale 目標値 4.32 36 HCT (%) 12.3 HGB (g/dL) 83.3 MCV/VGM (fL) 28.5 MCH/TCMH (pg) MCHC/CCMH (g/dL) 34.2 PLT (K/µL) 232 RDW-SD (fL) 45.4 RDW-CV (%) 16.1 PDW (fL) 8.3 PCT (%) 0.19 MPV (fL) 8.2 P-LCR (%) 7.7 WBC/GB (K/µL) 7.1 NEUT# (K/µL) 3.34 LYMPH# (K/µL) 2.28 9 MONO# (K /µL) 0.79 EO# (K/µL) 0.69 RBC-O (106/µL) 4.23 PLT-O (K/µL) 190 RETIC (K/µL) 103.2 % RETIC (%) 2.39 Expected Range Intervalle attendu Rango esperado Referenzbereich Intervallo atteso 基準範囲 4.05 - 4.59 32.5 - 39.5 11.8 - 12.8 75.3 - 91.3 25.4 - 31.6 29.0 -39.4 187 - 277 38.5 - 52.4 13.1 - 19.1 5.3 - 11.3 0.11 - 0.27 5.2 - 11.2 1.8 - 13.6 6.35 - 7.85 2.28 - 4.40 1.66 - 2.90 0.03 - 1.55 0.33 - 1.05 3.53 - 4.93 140 - 240 73.2 - 133.2 1.59 - 3.19
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