Proceduress for Studyin ng Abroad: for Graduate Studentss Before B Dep parture Receive a letter of accceptance fro om a host un niversity Fill F out the 留 留学願 (application for studying s abrroad) forms described below. Noote 1: An apprroval at a Facu ulty Meeeting of the department d is neecessary before submitting forms f to thee Student Div vision. Please make suure to consult with w your acad demic addvisor as early y as possible. 留 留学願 (app plication for studying ab road) 留 留学計画書 (plans for studying s abro oad) 予 予定する学修 修分野 (area as of study) 留 留学先の承諾 諾書 (letter of acceptan ce from a ho ost universitty) 理 理由書及び指 指導教員の意 意見書 (state ement of rea ason and a written opin ion by an ac cademic a advisor – ne ecessary only when the student stud dies longer than t one yeear) Approval by an acade emic advisorr Approval at a a Facultyy Meeting of the Departm ment Su ubmit 留学願 願 (applicatiion for studyying abroad)) forms two months m prioor to your departure to: 教務 務課大学院グループ(the G Graduate Group, Student Division, Ookayama)) or 学務 務課教務グループ(the Stu udent Group p, Student Division, D Suzzukakedai) Appro oval at a Chair Meeting of the Graduate School Appro oval at a Faculty Meetin ng of the Gra aduate Scho ool A perm mission slip i s sent to the e student Noote 2: Approva als at some meeetings are ne ecessary. Plea ase coonfirm the dea adlines of suubmission in advance a with th he Sttudent Division n. F out the 留学終了報告 Fill 留 告書 (study abroad a completion repoort) forms de escribed belo ow. 留 留学終了報告 告書 (study abroad comp pletion reporrt) 学 学修の成果に関する報告書 (report o on academic c achieveme ent) After A Returrning Approval by an acade emic advisorr Checking by the chairr of the depa artment Su ubmit the forms to the Graduate G Grroup (Ookay yama) or the e Student Grroup (Suzuk kakedai) Recognitio R n of Creditts Fill out the t 履修単位 位認定表 (fo orm for credit recognitionn) forms des scribed belo ow. 履 履修単位認定 定表 (form forr credit reco ognition) 留 留学先の成績 績証明書 (transcript issue ed by the ho ost university y) e Japanese translation.) (Attach a simple Notte 3: Please co onsult with your acaademic adviso or about the couurse(s) at the host h universityy. Approvals A fro om three facculty membe ers in the Grraduate Sch hool including the studennt's academic advisor Approval at a a Faculty Meeting of the departm ment Su ubmit the forms to the Graduate G Grroup (Ookay yama) or the e Student Grroup (Suzuk kakedai) Ap pproval at a Chair Meetting of the G Graduate Sch hool Ap pproval at a Faculty Meeting of the Graduate School S Th he student can c check th he results on n the Web System fo or Student an nd Faculty Note N 4: The nuumber of credits that can be e recognized r is 110 or less, including credits earned at other o universitties before enrrolling at Tokyo o Tech and a recognizeed at Tokyo Tec ch. For MOT (Innovation Maanagement) sttudents, the number of credits c must bee 15 or less (s students who entered e in 2009 2 or earlierr: up to 20).
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