exemplar commentary (PDF, 137KB)

Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Exemplar for Internal Achievement Standard
Japanese Level 1
This exemplar supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 90894
Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a personal
An annotated exemplar is an extract of student evidence, with a commentary, to explain key
aspects of the standard. These will assist teachers to make assessment judgements at the
grade boundaries.
New Zealand Qualification Authority
To support internal assessment from 2014
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. There will be evidence that the student is able
to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Effective Japanese will be shown by capable selection and successful use of a
range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled
and integrated.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student has expressed personal information, ideas and opinions and there is
controlled integrated development e.g. ひまなときにわたしとおとうとはこんコン
ピュウタでビデオをみてゲームをします, ひまなときにそばとそふはバスでかい
ものをします, りよぅしんはまいにちはたらきますからひまなときがありません,
なつやすみにわたしのかぞくはカナダを行くつもりです, ゆきがみたいです,
ゆきがきれいだとおもいます and スノマンをつくってみたいです.
There is capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language
features appropriate for the purpose and audience, e.g. ビデオをみてゲームをし
ます, はたらきますから, のあとで, たりたりします, えいがをみながら,
うるさいいけません, いくつもりです, みたいです, きれいだとおもいます and
The student shows clear evidence that she is able to communicate beyond the
immediate context, as the future tense is used accurately and there are future hopes
and intentions conveyed, e.g. カナダにいくつもりですand ゆきがみたいです.
The student does have some minor tense problems, and some particle problems, for
example をいく, but often the student self-corrects. There is also sometimes
hesitance. However, none of these factors hinder communication.
For a more secure Excellence, the student’s presentation could show additional
evidence of controlled and integrated language over the whole presentation, which
would result in a more effective performance.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. There will be evidence that the student is able
to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Convincing Japanese will be shown by selection and use of a range of language and
language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development
of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is a range of language used very well and there is evidence of development.
Personal information is expressed as well as opinion, e.g. べんきょうしますから,
ぜんぶで, たりたりします, しにいきました, たかすぎるとおもいます and
There is evidence of communicating beyond the immediate context by successfully
using the past tense, for example けつようびにとうきょうでけんぶつをしにいきま
The student has achieved communication and understanding has not been
significantly hindered by inconsistencies, e.g. たくさんおてらがいて,
りよぅかんにすみました, へんです (a tense problem), につってから and
To reach Excellence, pronunciation inconsistencies would have less impact on the
successful communication of the message.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation that
communicates a personal response. This involves expressing personal information,
ideas and opinions in culturally appropriate spoken Japanese. There will be
evidence that the student is able to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Convincing Japanese will be shown by selection and use of a range of language and
language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development
of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is a range of language used and evidence of development of information,
ideas and opinions that are generally credible and connected. There is evidence of
communication beyond the immediate context with the successful use of the past
tense, e.g. ぼくはバスで学校に行きます, 学校はくじからさんじはんまでです,
ははとちちはしごとに行きます, しごとはくじからごじまでです,
ホリディハーウスに行きました, ハースはうみのそばにありました,
についてはなします;たりたりします, しますから;ひくことができます,
ききながら, たべすぎましたから, and 行くつもりです.
The student has achieved communication and understanding has not been
significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
To sit more securely at Merit level the student needs to ensure that language used is
not able to be misinterpreted, e.g. the last statement is a question,
かぞくはおもしろいですか, which is not an appropriate statement. There are also
problems with pronunciation, e.g. おいたり, イングランド and コンセト.
Further, for a more secure Merit performance, pronunciation inconsistencies will
have less impact on communication.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response. This involves expressing personal information, ideas and
opinions in culturally appropriate spoken Japanese. There will be evidence that the
student is able to communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies
The student has used a range of language to express personal information and
ideas, e.g.といいます, はれであたたかったです, and はじめてたべました.
There is evidence of giving an opinion: アメリカがおもしろかったですからやすみ
There is some attempt at development: ひろごはんのあとでアメリカの
デパートにいきました and きれいであたらしいふくがありますが…
There is successful evidence of communicating beyond the immediate context:
せんげつアメリカにいきました and らいねんアメリカにいきたいです.
To reach Merit, the student would need to ensure that communication has not been
significantly hindered by inconsistencies, e.g. あいたいでしたから, いたいでした,
ねむいくなりました, ベッドをねました, バスをのったり, とてもおしいですよ and
いろいろふく, and that the range of language and language features selected and
used for the purpose and audience is appropriate.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response.
This involves expressing personal information, ideas and opinions in culturally
appropriate spoken Japanese. There will be evidence that the student is able to
communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies
The student has shared personal information, ideas and opinions relevant to the task
and has supplied evidence of communicating beyond the immediate context in the
past tense, e.g. ホテルはすごいがホテルはおおきかったです and
There is some evidence of development: にほんごのときに京都と東京とひろしまに
いきました and レストランですしをたべたりコーラをのんだりしました.
For a more secure Achieved, inconsistencies will have less impact on the
communication of the message e.g. 日本語のときに, さけをのんでいけませんで
した, いってもよかったでした, じかんがありませんですから, 日本語にいきました,
日本語にひこうきでいきました, のんでいけませんでした, いってもよかったでした
and じかんありませんですから. Such inconsistencies mean that the presentation is
borderline for achieving communication.
In order for this sample to sit more securely in the Achieved grade this student
needs to show more accuracy so that the message of the presentation is more
successfully communicated overall.
© NZQA 2014
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Japanese for Achievement Standard 90894
Grade Boundary: High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation that communicates a
personal response.
This involves expressing personal information, ideas and opinions in culturally
appropriate spoken Japanese. There will be evidence that the student is able to
communicate beyond the immediate context.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
There is some evidence of language to express personal information, for example
The student expresses opinion, for example わたしはテニスをしてがすきです.
While this opinion is not expressed accurately, it is understood what the student is
trying to say.
Despite inconsistencies with particles and te forms, the relevant information has
been provided and communication has been achieved.
To reach Achieved, there needs to be evidence that the student is able to
communicate beyond the immediate context, e.g. about past and/or future events.
© NZQA 2014