Lake Tuggeranong College Committed to Quality Lake Tuggeranong College Unit Outline Year Teacher Y11 and Y12 Rika Bushby Course 1.0 Unit 0.5 Unit 0.5 Unit Continuing Japanese The World Around Us Social Issues My Future Course Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code 5320 53209 53210 53211 UNIT GOALS: This unit should enable students to: Give and respond to short talks and discussions regarding the environment for specific information, e.g. Ask and answer questions about social issues Read and understand short articles about familiar topics concerning the environment and/or social issues for specific details Write a personal response to a social and/or environmental issue of concern, e.g. a protest letter, a personal poem, a school magazine article Participate in discussions about future plans and explain reasons for choices e.g. give detailed reasons for decisions on career, study and relationship options orally and in writing Read and understand advertisements from authentic sources for employment Understand conversations in which people discuss future plans and their choices Write a curriculum vitae and fill in an application form for employment Content Topics: The Environment Social Issues o Current issues, personal interests, attitudes to familiar topics o Issues raised, argument presented, main details, conclusion o points of agreement and disagreement, explanations, possibilities Future Plans and Goals o study, career, holidays, personal relationships and the possible problems that could affect them Finding a Job Working Life Relationships Essential grammatical concepts: FUNCTIONS Asking and giving information about a topic Enquiring about and expressing opinions Enquiring about and describing a situation Enquiring about and describing a situation Reporting what was thought, heard, said or written Introducing a speech STRUCTURES ……….って何ですか。 ……….と言う事です。 ………..についてどう思いますか。 Concluding a speech Responding to a speaker 以上で(……。。)についてのスピーチを終わります (.....)についてもう一度説明して もらえませんか (.....)について反対です。・ さんせいします。 ~にとって・・・ ~としては・・ ~の意見では・・ ―たりーたりしたらどうですか。 -たらどう思いますか (……) てみたらどうですか。 あのコースには(100人)しか 入れません。 だれが教えてくださいますか。 おきゅうりょう/ 時給はどのぐらい(もらえますか。) 毎月( 円)もらいます。 Expressing opinions Suggesting a course of action Asking information about: Jobs and careers Salary/prices Obligations ………について教えてほしいんです。 それは いつごろ問題になりましたか。 (…)たころ・時 問題になりました。 と思う・―と聞く・―と言う ―によると(……)そうです。 (……)について話したいと思います。 それは( Responsibilities and Prerequisites Past experiences Locations 円)になります・いただきます。 ―なければなりません。 アルバイトをしましたか。 ( )ことがありますか。 (スーパー)ではたらきました Indicating: Need ―がいりますが、……… Expectation ―たらいいと思います。 Expressing: Opinions Advice もし……たらよかったでしょう。 Intentions Enquiring about and もし……たらよかったでしょう。 ―つもりです ―勉強するだけではなくて、よく~もします。 Page 2 of 7 Lake Tuggeranong College Unit Outline Continuing Japanese _ The World Around Us describing: School achievements (五才)の時から( Personal achievements をし)始めました。 好きな事について話してください。(音楽を聞く)事・のが 好きなんです。 どのぐらい漢字が読めますか。 何年間ぐらい日本語を勉強していますか。 Personal interests フランス語がすこしできます|しゃべれます。 Japanese language background Capabilities ―さんは(車をほしがっています。(大学に入り)たがって います。 The wishes of others Conjecturing: 両親は私に医者になってほしいです。 ……さんはたぶん日本ではたらくでしょう/だろう。 Jobs, opportunities in the future 大学に入るでしょう。 会社員らしい/らしくないです。 日本人みたいです。 その仕事がよさそうですね。 就職したようです。Kanji line Conditional information: ……なら/………をしたら,…… Additional Grammar (Extension for Yr 12) Expectation – moral obligation On the one hand,….on the other hand Comparing Decisions/Intentions Verb Plain Form べき –YR 12 一方では・・・他方では… AはBとくらべて・・・ AとBをくらべると ―ことにきめました。 ―ことにしました Indicating: Need ~すればよかったね Expectation Past Experiences ~はずです。・べきです。 ( )の経験がありますか。 ASSESSMENT ITEMS ITEM Responding (Listening) Writing (Sustained piece) Responding (Reading) Interview WEIGHTING WEIGHTING WEIGHTING 0.5 1.0 30 % 15 % 70 % 35 % 50 % 25 % 50 % 25 % TOTAL 100% each 100% DUE DATE Week 6/7 Week 8/9 Week 14/15 Exam Week Page 3 of 7 Lake Tuggeranong College Unit Outline Continuing Japanese _ The World Around Us ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Students will be assessed in speaking, writing and responding tasks on the degree to which they demonstrate: Communicative Interaction: effective fluent communication an understanding of purpose and context Content: relevance and depth of content Language Use: clarity and expression accuracy risk taking Page 4 of 7 Lake Tuggeranong College Unit Outline Continuing Japanese _ The World Around Us Student Planner WEEK CONTENT Week 1 Social Issues - Vocabulary, Kanji, Grammar Week 2 Social Issues – Grammar Week 3 Social Issues – Grammar, Expressions for discussion Week 4 Social Issues – Expressions for discussion Week 5 Social Issues – Reading and listening practice Week 6 Social Issues – Reading and listening practice Week 7 Social Issues – Writing practice AST: 2/3 Sept Week 8 Social Issues – Writing practice Week 9 Social Issues – Writing practice Week 10 My Future – Vocabulary, Kanji, Grammar Week 11 My Future -Grammar Week 12 My Future –Grammar, Reading and Listening practice Week 13 My Future –Reading and Listening practice Week 14 My Future –Talk/write about own future plan Week 15 My Future –Talk/write about own future plan Week 16 My Future –Talk/write about own future plan Week 17 ASSESSMENT Listening test Writing test Reading Test Interview Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Page 5 of 7 Lake Tuggeranong College Unit Outline Continuing Japanese _ The World Around Us Unit Grade Descriptors for Continuing T Courses A student who achieves the grade A typically Communicative Interaction: Content: Language Use: effective fluent communication, an understanding of purpose and context relevance and depth of content clarity and expression accuracy risk taking communicates with fluency, interacts spontaneously and applies the language with versatility, in a wide range of contexts and for a variety of purposes consistently responds critically and analytically, with a confident understanding of purpose and audience applies conventions of text types with sophistication, showing strong cultural and linguistic appropriateness and sensitivity communicates effectively, interacts confidently and applies the language with some versatility, in most contexts and for a variety of purposes responds critically and analytically, with a strong understanding of purpose and audience applies conventions of text types well, showing cultural and linguistic appropriateness produces sophisticated texts showing a high degree consistently uses complex grammatical structures of relevance, authenticity and depth of content demonstrating clarity, creativity and originality in the elaborates on topics and develops ideas to produce expression of ideas and information a logical and well organised text demonstrates highly developed accuracy, flexibility and independent use of the language understands all key points, details and nuances in spoken, written and visual texts shows reflection, refinement and a willingness to take risks communicates competently, interacts and applies the language appropriately, in familiar and predictable contexts for a variety of purposes responds with some degree of critical analysis, with a good understanding of purpose and audience applies conventions of text types, showing cultural and linguistic appropriateness communicates, interacts and applies the language in a limited way, in familiar and predictable contexts, for well-rehearsed purposes responds with some understanding of purpose and audience applies some conventions of text types, showing cultural and linguistic awareness communicates, interacts and applies the language minimally responds with little understanding of purpose and audience shows little understanding of text types or cultural and linguistic awareness. A student who achieves the grade B typically A student who achieves the grade C typically A student who achieves the grade D typically A student who achieves the grade E typically produces articulate texts showing a high degree of uses some complex grammatical structures, relevance and depth of content demonstrating clarity and creativity in the expression of ideas and information expands on topics and develops ideas to produce a logical and organised text demonstrates well developed accuracy, flexibility and independent use of the language understands most key points, details and nuances in spoken, written and visual texts shows reflection and a willingness to take risks produces coherent texts showing relevance and adequate depth of content develops ideas to produce a logical and organised text understands most key points and some details in spoken, written and visual texts uses familiar grammatical structures demonstrating clarity in the expression of ideas and information demonstrates accuracy in using familiar and predictable language shows some reflection and some willingness to take risks produces texts showing some relevance and limited uses some familiar grammatical structures in the depth of content expression of ideas and information expresses some ideas in text demonstrates some accuracy in using familiar and predictable language understands some points and details in spoken, written and visual texts takes few risks produces minimal texts expresses few ideas in text demonstrates minimal understanding in spoken, written and visual texts uses limited number of familiar grammatical structures demonstrates limited accuracy in using familiar and predictable language takes no risks ASSESSMENT POLICY There are a number of ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) requirements that students must meet to be able to be assessed in a unit and be awarded grades and/or scores. These requirements also ensure consistent procedures across the college and the system. Notably these include minimum attendance and completion of classwork and assessment. These are also detailed penalties for late or plagiarised work. Assessments are subject to rigorous moderation procedures within the college to ensure comparability of marking and at the end of year 12 college marks are scaled to allow comparability across the ACT system. Grades are allocated on the basis of student performance against set criteria that are available in the course framework documents. Students are encouraged to consider carefully the marks and feedback given on assessments and if there are issues with marking, the college has open and transparent appeals procedures. Further details of these assessment policies and procedures are located on the college’s website:
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