219-0843 1-1 IT University of Copenhagen Rued Langgaards Vej 7, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. E-mail: {nakatani.momoko, ohno.takehiko}@lab.ntt.co.jp, [email protected] ICT ICT Participatory Design to Create Innovative Services Case study on the workshop held in Japan and Denmark Momoko NAKATANI Mika YASUOKA and Takehiko OHNO Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, 1-1 Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, 219-0843 Japan IT University of Copenhagen Rued Langgaards Vej 7, DK-2300 Copenhagen S E-mail: {nakatani.momoko, ohno.takehiko}@lab.ntt.co.jp, [email protected] Abstract To create innovative services which satisfy user needs, participatory design approach was adopted. We conducted service design workshops both in Japan and Denmark to see the effectiveness of our design game named “ICT Design Game”. ICT Design game is a design method to create future ICT services. As a result of our workshops, the tools of the games, such as pictures and video-clips, helped the participants to understand the user and the technology and to create new service ideas. We also found the differences in the process and the results in spite of fixed and well-defined procedure of the method. Keyword Participatory Design Workshop Ethnography, Service Design 1. ICT Information Communication Technology [1] 2. 2.1. [4,5] [1] ICT [3] ICT ICT Brandt[3] [2,3] 1 ICT 4 5 3. ICT Ehn Brandt [2] ICT ICT ICT ICT Brandt 4 Brandt [2] ICT 4 3 Brandt ICT ICT ICT 1 30 1 30 1 5 IT [7] 1 4 Brandt 5 [3] ICT 1 2 , ICT Q1 ICT Q2 Q3 4.2. ICT ICT Q1 Q1 ICT 5 / Brandt ICT ICT 2 1 ICT 2 ICT 2 ICT Q2 2 2 2 97 18 22 2 40 2 52 35 4. 15 80 5 4.1. 1 ICT 7 8 ICT ICT Q3 4.4. 4.4.1. 6 3 Q1 2 DK-D, E 1 13 3 2 JP-A,B,C 3 38 1 4.3. 30 40 5 2015 ICT ICT IT IT IT DK-D DK-E 1 JP-‐A JP-‐B 38 JP-‐C (38) DK-‐D (38) DK-‐E KobayashiYoko(35) Matsuda Yuri (40) OL 1 1 PC 3 3 13 5 8 6 13 10 PC 8 10 7 IT I C T Gesture triggered, Your own voice Voice Confirmed Buddy support on kitchen ,TV, 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 JP-B JP-C ICT 2 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% DK-C 3 JP-B 2.5 31.25% JP-A DK-D JP-B JP-B 4.4.2. Q2 3 4 JP-B C,DK-D JP-B E 600 37.5 6.75 28 5 13 JP-A 4 30 40 5. 3 5.1. ICT JP-B IT 5.2 4.4.3. Q3 [6,7] 3 [6,7] JP-A A B A A C 5 4 A C A 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JP-B 5.2. 6. ICT JP-B DK-E 4 8 9 [1] D. Schuler, A. Namioka: Participatory Design: Principles and Practices; CRC Press (1993). [2] P. Ehn, and D. Sjögren, From System Descriptions to Scripts for Action, in Design at work, ed. J. Greenbaum, M. Kyng, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991. [3] E. Brandt., J. Messter, “Facilitating Collaboration though Design Game,” Proc. Participatory Design Conference, pp.121-130, 2004. [4] S. Titta, K. Mehto, T. Kankainen, , Kantola, V., “Drama and user-centered methods in design”, in Coleman, R. and Macdonald, A. ed. Proc. International conference on inclusive design, pp.5-8, 2005. [5] A. Fleury, “Drawing and Acting as User Experience research Tools”, Proc. APCHI 2012, pp.269-278, 2012. [6] A. Cooper, Robert R., D. Cronin: About Face3 , pp. 95-125, , , 2008. [7] , ? Web ; (2008).
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