NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL Variation in Ommatidial Number of Females of Culex pipiens complex Kurokawa, Kenji; Oda, Tsutomu; Ueda, Masakatsu; Mori, Akio; Suenaga, Osamu; Mine, Mariko; Eshita, Yuki 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 1990, 3, p.7378 1990-03-31 Description Rights Version publisher Variation in Ommatidial Number of Females of CαZεκ.ρ‘Pεeηscomplex Kenji KuRoKAwA,1Tsutomu ODA,2Masakatsu UEDA,1 Akio MoRI,10samu SuENAGA,3Mariko MINE,4 an(1Yuki ESHITA5 Abstmct The number of ommatidia in compound eyes of females ofσμZεκ P‘ρ‘ε几s 肌oZθsεαs,Cκ.P.Pゆ‘θ船,Cx.P.Pα1♂θηs,and Cκ.P.(1顔π9μθプdsc‘α施s was counted.The ommati(lial number varied with the strain,but the females of Ja− panese strain ofσκ.p.η↓oZθsωs could be di合tinguished from thoseof Cπ.p.plρか θηs,Cκ。」ρ..ραIZθ几s and Cκ.、ρ.g痂ηαこ」4αεc6α如s from the difference in ommatidlal number. Bu1L Sch.Allied Med.Sci.,Nagasaki Univ.3173−78,1989 Keywords:Cα」θκP‘Pεθπscomplex,0漉κμP勉smoZθs伽,Ommatidialnum− ber,Compound.eyes lntroduction In the previous paper1),we reported that ommatidial number of compound eyes of the females of CαZθκpどp‘θπs mo♂es加s differed from that of those of OμZθκ,ρ顔θηs、ρ‘ρ‘επs which belong to the member of the mosquito of C認εκ p顔eηs complx.This finding may be useful for distinguishing the females of Cκ。P。肌oZε鋤sandonesofCκ.P..ρ1ρ‘επs,Cκ,P.PαZZθηs,andσ苫,.ρ,α伽9αe一 ∫αsc∫α如s.Therefore,we examined.the number of ommatid.ia in compoun(l eyes of females of various strains of C認θκp願eηs complex obtaine(1from various countries in the world.. 1 Department of Medical Zoology,Nagasaki University School of Medicine 2 Department of General Education,the SchoolofAllied Medical Sciences,NagasakiUn− iversity 3 1nstitute of Tropic副Medicine,Nagasaki University 4 Scientific Data Center of A−Bomb Disaster,Nagasaki University School of Medicine 5 Department of Parasitology,Teikyo University School of Medicine 一73一 Kenji KUROKAWA et al Materials and methods Table I shows the outline of the materials. The methods for counting ommatidial number of compound eyes have been previously reported* ) Table l. Strains of Culex pipiens complex Strain Date of collection C,ollection site Generation in the experiment Cx. p. molestus Tokyo, Japan Nagasaki, Japan Kagoshima, Japan Tokyo Nagasaki Kagoshima Teheran Egypt February November 1964 1980 October , 1988 Tehe.ran. Iran Ezbeth-el-Borg, Egyp t 1980 F40 F67 Fl 3 F37 F31 Cx. p, pipiens Finland Leningrad, USSR Helsinki Leningrad Hamburg September September Hambu rg , We s t - Germany 1984 1987 February , 1985 F1 Abashiri, Japan Aino, Japan Kagoshima, Japan Shanhai, China Nlay, 1979 December , 1981 November , 1984 Septeluber 1981 F82 F54 F18 F3 Nase, Japan Naha, Japan Manlla, Philippine Bangkok, Thailand Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Rabaul, Papua New Guinea Jakarta, Indonesia Paramaribo, Surinam Khartum, Sudan April, 1982 March, 1982 July, 1983 F37 F46 F57 Hels Ink L , Cx. p, pallens Abashiri Nagasaki Kagoshima Shanhai Cx, p. quinquefasciatus Amami Okinawa Philippine Thailand Malays i a Papua New Guinea Indone s i a Surinalu Sudan * September , 1981 March, 1986 June, 1983 June, 1983 F35 F57 1979 1970 The generation of mosquitoes reared in the laboratory of Nagasaki University School of Medicine. Results and discussion As previ6usly reported, there were 9 ommatidia in all rows in the Helsinki strain in Cx. p.pipiens. Most of the females of the Leningrad strain had 9 ommatidia in all rows, but some had 8. In the Hamburg Cx.p.pipiens , most of the females had 9 ommatidia, but some had 8 or 10 in the rows, and most of females in Egyptian strain of Cx. p. molestus had 8 ornmatidia. In this experi- ment, the remaining females of Egyptian strain were dissected and the results are included in Table 2. Table 2 shows the distribution frequency of the ommatidial number in compound eyes of Cx. p. molestus , Cx. p . pipiens , Cx. p . pallens , and Cx. p. qu- inquefasciatus females together with data in the previous paper. In Cx . p. molestus , most of the females had 8 ommatidia in the 4th to the 6 th rows, but some of them had 9 ommatidia. The rate of females with 9 ommatidia var- 74 - Variation in vmmatidial number of females Table2. Ommatidial number of females ofωZθκplρ‘θ船complex 0皿皿at i(1i al nu皿bers Row of No co皿pound fe皿ales eyes dissecte(i 8 9 2( 5.9) 10 Cヱ,」ρ.η㊥oJesεωs 4 5 6 34 34 34 32( 94.1) 29( 85.3) 29( 85.3) 4 5 6 55 55 55 55(100.0) 53( 96.4} 55(100、0) Kagoshi皿a 4 5 6 46 46 46 46(100.0) 46〔100.0) 46(100.O) Teheran 4 5 6 59 59 59 56( 94.9) 43( 72.9) 52( 88.1) 16( 27.1) 4 5 6 55 55 55 41( 74.6) 37( 67.3) 27〔 49.1) 14( 25,5) 18( 32.7) 28〔 50,9) Helsinki 4 5 6 30 30 30 Leningrad 4 5 6 Tokyo Nagasaki Egypt 5(14.7) 5(14.7) 2( 3.6) 3( 5.1) 7(11,9) ex,P.P‘ρ‘eπs Ha皿burg 9 9 9 30(100.0) 30(100.0) 30(100,0) 3(33.3) 2(22.2) 2(22.2) 6(66.7) 7(77.8) 7(77.8) 37( 78.7) 45〔 95.8) 41( 87.2) 4 5 6 47 47 47 lO( 21.3) 4 5 6 30 30 30 1( 3.3) 4 5 6 76 76 76 13( 17.1) 4 10( 22.2) 5 6 45 45 45 4 5 6 52 52 52 11( 21.2) 3( 6.4) 2( 4.3) 3( 6.4) oκ.P.PαJJeηs Abashi r i N母gas aki Kagoshi皿a Shanhai ( ) ち of fe皿ales 一75一 1( 3.3) 2( 3,9) 29( 96.7) 26〔 86.7) 22( 73.3) 4(13.3) 7(23.3) 63( 82.9) 70( 92,1) 67( 88.2) 6( 7.9) 34( 75.6) 36( 80.0) 25( 55.6) 9(20.0) 20( 44.4) 41( 78,9) 49( 94.2) 46( 88.5) 4( 7.7) 9(11.8) 1( 2.2) 3( 5.8) Kenji KUROKAWA et al Table 2 (contmued) Strain Row of No com pound f emales eye s dissected Omlrat i d i al numbers 10 9 8 Cx. p. quinquefasciatus Amam i 4 5 6 34 34 34 13( 38.2) 4( 11.1) 5 6 36 36 36 4 5 6 40 40 40 4 5 6 41 41 41 4 5 6 40 40 40 4 5 34 34 15 ( Okinawa Phil ippine Thail and Malays i a Papua New Guinea Indonesia Surinalu Sudan ( 21 ( 61.8) 32 ( 94 . I ) 2( 30 ( 88 . 2 ) 4( 5. 9) 8) l I . 32 ( 88.9) 31( 86 . I ) 2.8) 31 ( 86 . I ) 6{ 15.0) 1( 2.5) 34 ( 85.0) 37( 30( 92 . 5 ) 2( 5 .o) 75 . O ) 10 ( 25 .o) 41 . 5 ) 24 ( 58 . 5 ) 39.0) 18( 43.9) 25 ( 61 . O ) 23( 56 , l) 1( 17( 16 ( 34 ( 85.0) 35 ( 87. 5 ) 35 ( 87.5) 11( 32.3) 19 ( 23 ( 55.9) 67.7) 34 10 ( 29 . 4 ) 24 ( 70 . 6 ) 4 5 6 38 38 38 21 ( 55 . 3) 17( 44 . 7 ) 15 ( 39 . 5) 23 ( 60.5) 10 ( 26 . 3 ) 28 ( 73 . 7) 4 5 6 53 53 53 2( 3( 3( 3.8) 5.7) 5.7) 51 ( 96 . 2 ) 50 ( 94 . 3 ) 50 ( 94 . 3 ) 4 5 50 50 50 5( 1( 2( lO . O ) 6( 15 . O ) 5( 12.5) 5( 12.5) 44 . I ) 2.0) 4.0) 5( 13 .9) 4( 11 .1) 45 ( 90 . O ) 49( 98 . O) 48( 96.0) ): '/. of f emales ied with the strain. The Egyptian strain had the highest incidence of females with 9 ommatidia, and variation of the incidence was small in Japanese strain. In Cx.p. ipiens , most of the females had 9 ommatidia in the rows, while a few of them had 9 or 10 as mentioned above. The incidences of such females also varied with the strain. This was similar to that of the females in Cx. p. pallens and Cx. p. quinquefasciatus. It is interesting that the 10 ommatidia females did not appear in the strains of Cx.p. quinquefasciatus collected in Thailand. Malaysia. Papua New Guinea. Indonesia. Surinam, and Sudan. In conclusion, the ommatidial number in the females of Cx.p. molestus differs - 76 - Variation in vmmatidial number of females from those of Cx.p.pipiens, Cx.p.pallens, and Cx. p. quinquefasciatus. But the females of Japanese Cx. p. molestus and those of the other strains could be discriminated by counting the number of ommatidia, because variation of ommatidial nurnber was small in Japanese Cx. p. molestus. Ref erences 1 ) Kurokawa K, Oda T, Ueda M, Mori A, Zaitsu M, Suenaga O. Ommatidial number of females of European Culex pipiell)s pipiens. Bull Sch Allied Med Scl Nagasaki Univ 1988 ; 2 : 25-35. (1989 - 77 - # 12 ; : 28 EI : :) Kenji KUROKAWA eεα‘ アカイエカ群の雌の個眼数の変異 黒川 憲次1小田 力2上田 正勝1森 三根真理子4 江下 優樹5 1 2 3 4 5 章夫1末永 敏3 長崎大学医学部医動物学教室 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部一般教育 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 長崎大学医学部付属原爆資料センター 帝京大学医学部寄生虫学教室 要 旨 種々の系統のアカイエカ群の雌の個眼数を調べた。チカイエカの個眼数は 一般に8個であるが、イランとエジプト系のそれはかなり変異した。日本産のチカイ エカでは変異の幅は小さかった。ネッタイイエカ、アカイエカ及びトビイロイェカで は9個の個眼を持ったものが多かったが、8個のものもあった。したがって、日本産 チカイエカとその他のアカイエカ群を区別することは可能であろう。 長大医短紀要3:73−78,1989 一78一
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