DEPARTMEttT OF THtt ARttY CAttP8ELL UPIⅣ ERSrrY,4t'3R:SADE,uS ACC ,080X307,3tDG 165 TI.LANttR EXTE NS:ON BU:ES CREEK,NORTH CAROこ :NA 27506 ATCC‐DDN‐CCU 27 May 2014 MEMORANDUM FOR CAMPBELL BArrAL10N CADRE AND CADErS SUBttCT:Policy tetter紗 ,Attly Subs,,nce A機 1.Alcohol and由 lg abu"is incompatible u・ ith militt smtice.■ is policy establishes tte procedures Lat are designed to detcct and det(雪 魯 饉Oh actiⅥ ties. IЪ ε Battalion Amy Subs'ance′ へbu叡 きProFan、 なll be conducted IAW AR 600‐ 85. 2. As p鍾■oftte Battlion Satty prlogram,alcohol and‐ drug ab饉 露 preventlon training恥 11l be conducted as needed. Safety tteflngs concerningぬ is宙 1l be conducted beforc all extended ttkenふ .Special emphasis I・ ill滅 waド be placed o願 で 貯ug avoidancc and saFe alcchol usc. 3.Any Soldier oF Cadet綴 ぶ漂だんted ofdrug or alcchol ablLSeヽ えll be conOonted immttately.」 1由 ug and alcohol ablLSerS宙 1l be command rettrod to ttc Attmy Sutttance AbttE Prく 裡暉翌n for饉 luatl.on and Ptacementinto a rぬabilimtiOn prorm. 4.POC forぬ is policy isぬ c undttipcd at(910)893‐ 1582. LTC, MI Professor of Military Science
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