表1 RDA 付録 J:関連指示子(1)著作と著作の間の関連 J.2.2 派生 derivative work relationship もとの著作 相互関連 based on (work) abridgement of (work) abstract of (work) abstracts for (work) adaptation of (work) dramatization of (work) motion picture adaptation of (work) novelization of (work) radio adaptation of (work) radio script based on (work) screenplay based on (work) motion picture screenplay based on (work) television screenplay based on (work) video screenplay based on (work) television adaptation of (work) verse adaptation of (work) video adaptation of (work) choreography for (work) digest of (work) expanded version of (work) free translation of (work) imitation of (work) parody of (work) indexing for (work) libretto based on (work) musical setting of (work) musical variations based on (work) paraphrase of (work) remake of (work) summary of (work) 関連する著作 derivative work abridged as (work) abstract (work) abstracted in (work) adapted as (work) dramatized as (work) adapted as a motion picture (work) novelization (work) adapted as a radio program (work) adapted as a radio script (work) adapted as a screenplay (work) adapted as a motion picture screenplay (work) adapted as a television screenplay (work) adapted as a video screenplay (work) adapted as a television program (work) verse adaptation (work) adapted as a video (work) choreography (work) digest (work) expanded as (work) freely translated as (work) imitated as (work) parodied as (work) indexed in (work) basis for libretto (work) musical setting (work) musical variations (work) paraphrased as (work) remade as (work) summary (work) J.2.3 記述 descriptive work relationship もとの著作 相互関連 described in (work) analysed in (work) commentary in (work) critiqued in (work) evaluated in (work) reviewed in (work) 関連する著作 description of (work) analysis of (work) commentary on (work) critique of (work) evaluation of (work) review of (work) J.2.4 全体-部分 whole-part work relationship contained in (work) in series (work) subseries of (work) contains (work) series contains (work) subseries (work) J.2.5 付随 accompanying work relationship augmentation of (work) addenda to (work) appendix to (work) cadenza composed for (work) catalogue of (work) concordance to (work) errata to (work) finding aid for (work) guide to (work) illustrations for (work) index to (work) supplement to (work) complemented by (work) incidental music (work) incidental music for (work) libretto (work) libretto for (work) radio script (work) screenplay (work) motion picture screenplay (work) television screenplay (work) video screenplay (work) screenplay for (work) screenplay for the motion picture (work) screenplay for the television program (work) screenplay for the video (work) script for the radio program (work) augmented by (work) addenda (work) appendix (work) cadenza (work) catalogue (work) concordance (work) errata (work) finding aid (work) guide (work) illustrations (work) index (work) supplement (work) complemented by (work) incidental music for (work) incidental music (work) libretto for (work) libretto (work) script for the radio program (work) screenplay for (work) screenplay for the motion picture (work) screenplay for the television program (work) screenplay for the video (work) screenplay (work) motion picture screenplay (work) television screenplay (work) video screenplay (work) radio script (work) J.2.6 連続 sequential work relationship もとの著作 相互関連 preceded by (work) absorbed (work) absorbed in part (work) continues (work) continues in part (work) merger of (work) prequel separated from (work) sequel to supersedes (work) supersedes in part (work) 関連する著作 succeeded by (work) absorbed by (work) absorbed in part by (work) continued by (work) split into (work) merged with … to form … (work) prequel to continued in part by (work) sequel superseded by (work) superseded in part by (work) 1 表2 RDA 付録 J:関連指示子(2)表現形と表現形の間の関連 J.3.2:派生 derivative expression relationship もとの表現形 相互関連 based on (expression) abridgement of (expression) abstract of (expression) abstracts for (expression) adaptation of (expression) dramatization of (expression) motion picture adaptation of (expression) novelization of (expression) radio adaptation of (expression) radio script based on (expression) screenplay based on (expression) motion picture screenplay based on (expression) television screenplay based on (expression) video screenplay based on (expression) television adaptation of (expression) verse adaptation of (expression) video adaptation of (expression) choreography for (expression) digest of (expression) expanded version of (expression) free translation of (expression) imitation of (expression) parody of (expression) indexing for (expression) libretto based on (expression) musical arrangement of musical setting of (expression) musical variations based on (expression) paraphrase of (expression) remake of (expression) revision of summary of (expression) translation of dubbed version of 関連する表現形 derivative expression abridged as (expression) abstract (expression) abstracted in (expression) adapted as (expression) dramatized as (expression) adapted as a motion picture (expression) novelization (expression) adapted as a radio program (expression) adapted as a radio script (expression) adapted as a screenplay (expression) adapted as a motion picture screenplay (expression) adapted as a television screenplay (expression) adapted as a video screenplay (expression) adapted as a television program (expression) verse adaptation (expression) adapted as a video (expression) choreography (expression) digest (expression) expanded as (expression) freely translated as (expression) imitated as (expression) parodied as (expression) indexed in (expression) basis for libretto (expression) musical arrangement musical setting (expression) musical variations (expression) paraphrased as (expression) remade as (expression) revised as summary (expression) translated as dubbed version J.3.3 記述 descriptive expression relationship もとの表現形 described in (expression) analysed in (expression) commentary in (expression) critiqued in (expression) evaluated in (expression) reviewed in (expression) 相互関連 関連する表現形 description of (expression) analysis of (expression) commentary on (expression) critique of (expression) evaluation of (expression) review of (expression) J.3.4 全体-部分 whole-part expression relationship contained in (expression) contains (expression) contains (expression) contained in (expression) J.3.5 付随 accompanying expression relationship augmentation of (expression) addenda to (expression) appendix to (expression) cadenza composed for (expression) catalogue of (expression) concordance to (expression) errata to (expression) finding aid for (expression) guide to (expression) illustrations for (expression) index to (expression) supplement to (expression) complemented by (expression) incidental music (expression) incidental music for (expression) libretto (expression) libretto for (expression) radio script (expression) screenplay (expression) motion picture screenplay (expression) television screenplay (expression) video screenplay (expression) screenplay for (expression) screenplay for the motion picture (expression) screenplay for the television program (expression) screenplay for the video (expression) script for the radio program (expression) augmented by (expression) addenda (expression) appendix (expression) cadenza (expression) catalogue (expression) concordance (expression) errata (expression) finding aid (expression) guide (expression) illustrations (expression) index (expression) supplement (expression) complemented by (expression) incidental music for (expression) incidental music (expression) libretto for (expression) libretto (expression) script for the radio program (expression) screenplay for (expression) screenplay for the motion picture (expression) screenplay for the television program (expression) screenplay for the video (expression) screenplay (expression) motion picture screenplay (expression) television screenplay (expression) video screenplay (expression) radio script (expression) J.3.6 連続 sequential expression relationship もとの表現形 preceded by (expression) absorbed (expression) absorbed in part (expression) continues (expression) continues in part (expression) merger of (expression) separated from (expression) supersedes (expression) supersedes in part (expression) 相互関連 関連表現形 succeeded by (expression) absorbed by (expression) absorbed in part by (expression) continued by (expression) split into (expression) merged with … to form … (expression) continued in part by (expression) superseded by (expression) superseded in part by (expression) 2 表3 RDA 付録 J:関連指示子(3)体現形と体現形の間の関連 J.4.2:等価 equivalent manifestation relationship もとの体現形 equivalent manifestation also issued as mirror site reproduced as digital transfer electronic reproduction facsimile preservation facsimile reprinted reproduction of (manifestation) digital transfer of (manifestation) electronic reproduction of (manifestation) facsimile of (manifestation) preservation facsimile of (manifestation) reprint of (manifestation) 関連する体現形 相互関連 equivalent manifestation also issued as mirror site reproduction of (manifestation) digital transfer of (manifestation) electronic reproduction of (manifestation) facsimile of (manifestation) preservation facsimile of (manifestation) reprint of (manifestation) reproduced as digital transfer electronic reproduction facsimile preservation facsimile reprinted as J.4.3 記述 descriptive manifestation relationship もとの体現形 description of (manifestation) analysis of (manifestation) commentary on (manifestation) critique of (manifestation) evaluation of (manifestation) review of (manifestation) 関連する体現形 相互関連 ※実体の記述による。 なし J.4.4 全体-部分 whole-part manifestation relationship contained in (manifestation) facsimile contained in (manifestation) inserted in special issue of contains (manifestation) contains facsimile of (manifestation) insert special issue contains (manifestation) contains facsimile of (manifestation) insert special issue contained in (manifestation) facsimile contained in (manifestation) inserted in special issue of J.4.5 付随 accompanying manifestation relationship accompanied by (manifestation) issued with filmed with (manifestation) on disc with (manifestation) accompanied by (manifestation) issued with filmed with (manifestation) on disc with (manifestation) 表4 RDA 付録 J:関連指示子(4)個別資料と個別資料の間の関連 J.5.2:等価 equivalent item relationship もとの個別資料 equivalent item reproduction of (item) digital transfer of (item) electronic reproduction of (item) facsimile of (item) preservation facsimile of (item) reprint of (item) 関連する個別資料 相互関連 equivalent item 他は なし J.5.3 記述 descriptive item relationship もとの個別資料 description of (item) analysis of (item) commentary on (item) critique of (item) evaluation of (item) review of (item) 関連する個別資料 相互関連 ※実体の記述による。 なし J.5.4 全体-部分 whole-part item relationship contained in (item) contains (item) contains (item) contained in (item) J.5.5 付随 accompanying item relationship accompanied by (item) bound with filmed with (item) on disc with (item) accompanied by (item) bound with filmed with (item) on disc with (item) 3 表5 コンテンツとキャリアの記述(RDAとISBDの比較) RDA メディア種別 Media type オーディオ audio コンピュータ computer マイクロ形態 microform キャリア種別 Carrier type ISBD統合版 コンテンツ種別 Content type 内容形式 Content Form Term audio cartridge audio cylinder audio disc audio roll audiocassette audiotape reel sound-track reel 地図データセット cartographic dataset データセット dataset 地図 cartographic image 動作 movement 動画地図 cartographic moving image 複合内容形式 computer card computer chip cartridge computer disc computer disc cartridge computer tape cartridge computer tape cassette computer tape reel online resource 3 次元触知地図 cartographic tactile threedimensional form その他の内容形式 3 次元地図 cartographic three-dimensional form 音声 sounds コンピュータ・データセット computer dataset テキスト text aperture card microfiche microfiche cassette microfilm cartridge microfilm cassette microfilm reel microfilm roll microfilm slip microopaque 触知地図 cartographic tactile image 音声 sounds stereograph card stereograph disc 3 次元動画 three-dimensional moving image 機器不用 unmediated card flipchart object roll sheet volume 2 次元動画 two-dimensional moving image その他 other その他 other 不明 unspecified 不明 unspecified 次元特性 Specification of dimensionality 2 次元 2-dimensional 3 次元 3-dimensional 聴覚 aural 味覚 gustatory 視覚 visual 触知静止画 tactile image 立体映写 stereographic 静態 still 触覚 tactile 静止画 still image 触知楽譜 tactile notated music 動態 moving 嗅覚 olfactory 話声 spoken word film cartridge film cassette film reel film roll filmslip filmstrip filmstrip cartridge overhead transparency slide 動作特性 Specification of motion 知覚特性 Sensory specification 演奏 performed music 映写 projected 実演 performed 話声 spoken word 楽譜 notated music 触知動作譜 tactile notated movement video cartridge videocassette videodisc videotape reel other content form プログラム program 地図 cartographic 記譜 notated 物体 object 動作譜 notated movement microscope slide 内容タイプ特性 Specification of type multiple content forms 音楽 music コンピュータ・プログラム computer program 顕微鏡 microscopic ビデオ video 画像 image 内容特性 Content Qualification 触知テキスト tactile text 触知 3 次元形態 tactile three-dimensional form テキスト text 3 次元形態 three-dimensional form その他 other 不明 unspecified 4 メディア種別 Media type オーディオ audio 電子 electronic マイクロ形態 microform 顕微鏡 microscopic 複合機器 multiple media その他の機器 other media 映写 projected 立体映写 stereographic 機器不用 unmediated ビデオ video
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