Japanese Program at York University AS/JP1000 6.0 Kanji 12: Exercises ________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following sentences and write the meaning in English. 1. !"#$$#% 2.&'( )* +,-( ./0'1$2 3.&2$3044 56789:"%;%20 4. <#=>?@/;!%20AB%CDEF/ GH#"I & 7J$2 5. K* #"L>MN $2 5OOPQ#%7J!" 6.&RSTUVWXYZ.[1\!"$#% 7.&]^_`aba c< L!4def!"?g$#% 8.&hijk7lmn op j472 9. ]@//q0r8 st#$2 10. (8 u #74Ov#w20xyz$ & "~$3L {|} [Vocabulary] ‘class, lecture’ ‘be popular’ ‘graduate’ ‘loyal dog hachi’ ‘master’ ‘cool looking’ ‘tall’ ‘educational background’ ‘salary’ ‘do not feel well’ ‘excuse oneself’ ‘feel sorry’ !" ‘recommendation letter’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © Norio Ota 2000
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