Functional Programming SS14 Solution - Exercise Sheet 1 Prof.aa Dr. J. Giesl F. Frohn Exercise 1 (Function types): (1 + 2 = 3 points) a) Give examples of Haskell function declarations with the following types and briey explain their semantics: [Int] -> Int -> Int i) [[Int]] -> [Int] ii) b) foldl has the type (Bool -> Int -> Bool) -> Bool -> [Int] -> Bool and that f Bool -> Int -> Bool. Let g be dened by g y xs = foldl f (foldl y True xs) xs. type of g? Suppose that has the type What is the Solution: a) i) count :: [Int] -> Int -> Int count [] _ = 0 count (x:xs) y | x == y = 1 + count xs y | otherwise = count xs y Here, ii) count xs y The type of g is flatten appears in the input list. concatenates the elements of the input list. (Bool -> Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Bool. Exercise 2 (Lists): a) y flatten :: [[Int]] -> [Int] flatten [] = [] flatten (x:xs) = x ++ flatten xs The function b) counts how often the element (1.5 + 3 = 4.5 points) Indicate for which of the following equations there exist pairwise dierent values of x, y, and z, such that the equation holds. Give example values of i) ii) iii) x, y, and z or explain why such an assignment is not possible. [x] = (x:y) ++ z (x:z):[y] = [x ++ y] [x] ++ [[y]] ++ z = x:[y]:z The operator ++ concatenates two lists. For example: [1, 2, 3] ++ [2, 3] = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3]. b) Consider the following patterns p1) (x:xs):xss p2) x:y:xs and the following terms: t1) [1,2,3] t2) [[],[],[1,2,3]] t3) [[1]] For each pair of a pattern and a term, indicate whether the pattern matches the term. If so, provide the appropriate matching substitution. Otherwise, explain why the pattern does not match the term. 1 Functional Programming SS14 Solution - Exercise Sheet 1 Solution: a) i) [x] The equality holds for = (x:y) ++ z y=z=[], but there are no pairwise dierent values for y and z that satisfy the equality. ii) (x:z):[y] Let x be of also of type = [x ++ y] [a]. Then (x:z) is of type [[a]] and (x:z):[y] [[[a]]] and y is of type [[a]]. But then, [x ++ y] is type Alternative solution: is of type [[[a]]]. Thus, [y] is not well-typed. (x:z):[y] has length two, but [x ++ y] has length one. Thus, the equality does not hold. iii) [x] ++ [[y]] ++ z The equality holds for b) = x:[y]:z x=[], y=1, and z=[[]], for example. • Pattern p1 does not match t1, because p1 only matches lists of lists. • Pattern p2 matches t1: • Pattern p1 does not match t2, since the rst element of p1 is a non-empty list, but the rst element x=1, y=2, xs=[3]. of t2 is an empty list. • Pattern p2 matches t2: x=[], y=[], xs=[[1,2,3]]. • Pattern p1 matches t3: x=1, xs=[], xxs=[]. • Pattern p2 does not match t3, since p2 only matches lists with at least two elements. Exercise 3 (Programming): (2 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 9 points) Note that you may use constructors like a) Write a [] and : in all of the following subexercises. Haskell function that checks whether a given integer is even. isEven :: Int -> Bool For example, isEven 0 and isEven (-2) should yield True and You may not use any predened functions except comparisons, b) Write a isEven 3 not, -, and should result in False. +. Haskell function that counts the number of even elements of a list of integers. countEven :: [ Int ] -> Int For example, countEven [3,-2,3,0] == 2 You should use the function +. c) Write a isEven and countEven [] == 0. from part a), but you may not use any predened functions except Haskell function that checks whether all elements of one list are also contained in another list: containsAll :: [ Int ] -> [ Int ] -> Bool For examples, False. containsAll [0,-1] [9,0,3,-1] yields True, but containsAll [4,3,4] [5,3,4] yields You may not use any predened functions except delete deletes the rst occurrence of an element from a list, e.g., module, add the line import d) Write a Data.List Data.List. This function delete 4 [4,3,4] == [3,4]. To use this from the module at the beginning of your solution. Haskell function that computes the prex-sum of a list of integers: prefixsum :: [ Int ] -> [ Int ] 2 Functional Programming SS14 Solution - Exercise Sheet 1 The n-the element of the resulting list should contain the sum of the rst For example, n elements of the input list. prefixsum [5,1,6,1] = [5,6,12,13]. You may not use any predened functions except +. Solution: import Data . List -- a ) isEven :: Int -> Bool isEven 0 = True isEven x | x > 0 = not ( isEven (x -1)) | otherwise = not ( isEven ( x +1)) -- b ) countEven :: [ Int ] -> Int countEven [] = 0 countEven ( x : xs ) | isEven x = 1 + countEven xs | otherwise = countEven xs -- c ) containsAll containsAll containsAll containsAll :: [ Int ] -> [ Int ] -> Bool [] _ = True _ [] = False xs ( y : ys ) = containsAll ( delete y xs ) ys -- d ) prefixsum :: [ Int ] -> [ Int ] prefixsum xs = prefixsum ' xs 0 where prefixsum ' [] y = [] prefixsum ' ( x : xs ) y = ( x + y ) : prefixsum ' xs ( x + y ) Exercise 4 (Inx Operators): Dene a Haskell function +|+ in inx notation with the type declaration (+|+) :: (3.5 points) [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] such that the following holds for arbitrary lists: • The function call xs +|+ ys xs and ys. The order of xs ++ ys, but the resulting list contains expression [1,2,3,2,8] +|+ [0,1,7,0,3] evaluates to the duplicate-free concatenation of the elements in the resulting list corresponds to the elements in only the rst occurrence of each element. For example, the evaluates to [1,2,3,8,0,7]. • xs +|+ ys +|+ zs • xs +|+ ys ++ zs is the same as is the same as xs +|+ (ys +|+ zs), and (xs +|+ ys) ++ zs. elem and ++. The function elem checks whether an item is elem 2 [1,2,3,2,8] == True and elem 4 [1,2,3,2,8] == False). You may, of course, use constructors like : and []. Note that the binding priority of ++ is 5. You may not use any predened functions except contained in a list (e.g., 3 Functional Programming SS14 Solution - Exercise Sheet 1 Solution: (+|+) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> x +|+ y = removeDups (x ++ removeDups [] _ = [] removeDups (x:xs) ys | | [Int] y) [] where x elem ys = removeDups xs ys otherwise = x : removeDups xs (x:ys) 4
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