Called by: RIVERBOAT RECORDS RIVCD – 440J Winter Wonderland OPENER: Called by: Kumi Takahashi Osaka, Japan Japanese Version (Romanji) Circle left. So-ri-ga Su-be-ru-yo Su-zu-ga Hi-bi-ku-yo. Allemande Left, Do Sa Do, Allemande Left, Weave the ring. Yu-me-ga Sa-so-u-yo. Swing, Promenade her. Su-te-ki-na Ko-no-ke-shi-ki Yu-ko-yo Winter Wonderland. RIVERBOAT RECORDS RIVCD – 440J Winter Wonderland Kumi Takahashi Osaka, Japan OPENER: Circle left. そりが滑るよ 鈴が響くよ Allemande Left, Do Sa Do, Allemande Left, Weave the ring. 夢が誘うよ Swing, Promenade her. 素敵な この景色 ゆこうよウィンターワンダーランド FIGURE 1, 2, 4: FIGURE 1, 2, 4: Heads (sides) Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, first go left, second right. Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Wheel around. Veer left, Chain Down the Line. Square Thru three hands round now, Swing, Promenade her. 楽しく 歌おうよ みんなのウィンターワンダーランド MIDDLE BREAK: MIDDLE BREAK: Four girls Promenade one time around, back home Swing with your boy. Join hands Circle left, go walking around, Allemande Left, Weave the ring. 小鳥はさえずる 愛の歌を 一緒にゆこうよ 楽しい FIGURE 3: FIGURE 3: Sides Face, Grand Square. 雪だるまを作ろう 誰かにそっくりの そうすりゃきっと僕らと お話できるだろう Heads Square Thru four. 夢が誘うよ Swing, Promenade her. 一緒にゆこうよ 楽しいウィンターワンダーランド CLOSER: CLOSER: Four boys Promenade one time around. Well now, get back home and Swing with your girl. Join hands, Circle to the left, go walking around, Allemande Left the corner girl, Weave the ring. 雪の天使も 僕らの肩に 幸せを持って来る 楽しいウィンター ワンダーランド Swing your partner. 一緒にゆこうよ 楽しいウィンターワンダーランド Heads (sides) Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, first go left, second right. Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Wheel around. Veer left, Chain Down the Line. Square Thru three hands round now, Swing, Promenade her. Ta-no-shi-ku U-ta-o-yo Mi-n-na-no Winter Wonderland Four girls Promenade one time around, back home Swing with your boy. Join hands Circle left, go walking around, Allemande Left, Weave the ring. Ko-to-ri-wa Sa-e-zu-ru A-i-no U-ta-wo I-ssyo-ni Yu-ko-yo Ta-no-shi-i. Sides Face, Grand Square. Yu-ki-da-ru-ma-wo Tsu-ku-ro Da-re-ka-ni So-kku-ri-no So-su-rya Ki-tto Bo-ku-ra-to O-ha-na-shi De-ki-ru-da-ro Heads Square Thru four,. Yu-me-ga Sa-so-u-yo Swing, Promenade her. I-ssyo-ni Yu-ko-yo Ta-no-shi-i Winter Wonderland Four boys Promenade one time around. Well now, get back home and Swing with your girl. Join hands, Circle to the left, go walking around, Allemande Left the corner girl, Weave the ring. Yu-ki-no Te-n-shi-mo Bo-ku-ra-no Ka-ta-ni Shi-a-wa-se-wo Mo-tte-ku-ru Ta-no-shi-i Winter Wonderland Swing your partner. I-ssyo-ni Yu-ko-yo Ta-no-shi-i Winter Wonderland. Produced by: Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578 Produced by: Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578
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