Financial Financial Results Results for for the the Third Third Quarter Quarter of of Fiscal Fiscal Year Year Ended Ended December December 31, 31, 2013 2013 Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Contents Income Status ・・・・・・ 2 Projections ・・・・・・ 3 Gross business profit/Expenses ・・・・・・ 4 Loan and deposit average yield ・・・・・・ 5 Factor Analysis(Gross business profit) ・・・・・・ 6 Loans ・・・・・・ 7 Deposits ・・・・・・ 8 Individual Customer assets ・・・・・・ 9 Securities ・・・・・・ 10 Non-performing loans/Credit related costs ・・・・・・ 11 Capital ratio(Domestic standard) ・・・・・・ 12 (Figures are non-consolidated basis of The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. without special mention. ) 1 Income Status 《The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.(Non-Consolidated basis)》 (JPY Bn) Item Gross business profit For the nine months ended Dec. 31, 2012 (B) For the nine months ended Dec. 31, 2013 (A) コア業務純益 61.9 47.3 8.5 6.0 5.6 56.3 37.8 20.4 15.4 18.4 60.3 48.2 10.3 1.6 1.3 58.9 36.9 19.6 15.3 22.0 -1.5 +0.9 +1.8 -4.3 -4.2 +2.6 -0.8 -0.7 -0.1 +3.5 81.0 62.7 12.1 6.1 5.6 75.4 49.7 27.2 20.2 25.7 実質業務純益 24.1 23.4 -0.6 31.3 -10.1 -1.5 21.7 -0.1 19.9 1.5 7.3 9.8 28.9 -0.2 28.5 3.8 +17.5 +11.4 +7.2 -0.1 +8.6 +2.3 -13.1 -0.7 26.8 -0.2 24.6 4.5 科目 (Japanese) 業務粗利益 Net interest income 資金利益 Net fees and commissions 役務取引等利益 Net other business income その他業務利益 Gains (losses) on bonds 国債等債券損益 Core Gross business profit コア業務粗利益 Expenses 経費 Personnel expenses 人件費 Non-personnel expenses 物件費 Core net business income Net business income (before provision for general reserve for possible loan losses) Net non-recurrent gains (losses) Gains (losses) on stocks 臨時損益 株式等損益 Operating profit 経常利益 Net special gains (losses) 特別損益 Net profit 四半期純利益 Credit related costs 与信関係費用 (A)-(B) ※Core net business income =Net business income (before provision for general reserve for possible loan losses) -Gains (losses) on bonds (Government bonds, etc.) FY 2012 (Reference) 2 Projections 《Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.(Consolidated basis)》 Item Operating income Consolidated gross business profit Expenses Net business income (before provision for general reserve for possible loan losses) Credit related costs Gains (losses) on stocks Operating Profit Net profit 科目 (Japanese) 経常収益 連結粗利益 経費 実質業務純益 与信関係費用 株式等損益 経常利益 当期純利益 《The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.(Non-Consolidated basis)》 Item Gross business profit Expenses Core net business income Credit related costs Gains (losses) on stocks Operating profit Net profit 科目 (Japanese) 業務粗利益 経費 コア業務純益 与信関係費用 株式等損益 経常利益 当期純利益 (JPY Bn) FY 2013 (Projection) 102.0 80.6 56.0 24.6 8.1 8.0 24.0 20.0 For the nine months ended Dec. 31, 2013 82.6 62.1 42.7 19.4 4.4 9.2 23.5 22.6 Progress 81.1% 77.2% 76.4% 78.9% 54.9% 115.7% 98.3% 113.0% (JPY Bn) FY 2013 (Projection) 78.2 48.3 28.6 7.4 8.5 31.0 27.6 For the nine months ended Dec. 31, 2013 60.3 36.9 22.0 3.8 9.8 28.9 28.5 Progress 77.2% 76.5% 77.2% 51.9% 116.2% 93.4% 103.5% 3 Gross business profit/Expenses 《Gross business profit》 《Expenses/OHR》 (JPY Bn) Net other business income Net fees and commissions Net interest income (JPY Bn) Taxes Non-personnel expenses Personnel expenses OHR 66.13% 86.0 7.0 9.8 81.8 81.0 5.8 6.1 10.6 61.9 -1.5 12.1 60.3 1.6 10.3 6.0 8.5 51.5 -4.3 2.6 65.3 FY10 FY11 3Q-FY12 49.7 2.6 61.16% -0.8 2.2 25.7 37.8 1.9 20.2 15.4 62.7 47.3 61.32% 54.1 +1.8 23.9 69.2 61.04% 59.93% 36.9 1.9 15.3 -0.1 48.2 +0.9 FY12 ※3Q=For the nine months ended Dec. 31 3Q-FY13 25.0 25.7 FY10 FY11 20.4 3Q-FY12 27.2 FY12 19.6 -0.7 3Q-FY13 4 Loan and deposit average yield 《Loans (average balance)/Loan yield》 《Deposits (average balance)/Deposit yield》 (JPY Bn) Deposits (average balance) Deposit yield Loans (average balance) Loan yield 1.87% 0.118% 1.72% 1.57% 3,339.8 3,453.3 FY10 FY11 (JPY Bn) 1.56% 3,594.6 3,613.2 3Q-FY12 FY12 ※3Q=For the nine months ended Dec. 31 0.087% 0.065% 0.064% 0.054% -0.011 1.45% -0.12 3,802.6 +207.9 3Q-FY13 4,493.4 FY10 4,697.2 4,788.9 4,803.3 FY11 3Q-FY12 FY12 5,008.0 +219.1 3Q-FY13 5 Factor Analysis(Gross business profit) 《Factor Analysis(YoY change)》 (JPY Bn) +0.7 +0.1 Remittance, ATM, Investment Account trusts, Loan transfer, Insurance, related fee etc. etc. incomes (Syndicate d loan, Private bond, etc.) △4.2 +1.0 +0.7 +1.1 Security volume -3.5 +0.4 +2.5 61.9 Bn Loan yield △0.1 Deposits Deposits volume yield Security yield Security factor +1.8 Loan Deposits factor volume +0.3 Loan factor Net interest income 48.2Bn(+0.9Bn) △1.0 3Q-FY12 ※3Q=For the nine months ended Dec. 31 Gains (losses) on bonds △0.1 Gain on redemption of Investment trusts 0.7Bn Net fees and commissions 10.3Bn (+1.8Bn) △1.5 Others Net other business income 1.6Bn(△4.3Bn) 60.3 Bn 3Q-FY13 6 Loans 《Loans (term-end balance)》 《Breakdown of year-on-year change in total loan balance》 (JPY Bn) Others National / Local government Small-and-medium-sized enterprises Housing loans 3,473.2 555.0 325.5 1,404.5 3,641.0 598.4 431.8 1,392.5 3,682.3 605.5 412.9 1,387.7 3,775.2 596.0 487.9 1,392.8 +59.0 +250.2 3,932.5 +82.9 (+5.9%) 602.1 National / Local governm ent (JPY Bn) -3.4 Others 472.0 SMEs 1,470.6 +111.6 (+8.7%) +250.2 (+6.7%) Housing loans 1,188.2 1,218.3 1,276.2 1,298.5 1,387.8 Mar-11 Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Dec-13 7 Deposits 《Deposits (term-end balance)》 (JPY Bn) NCD 《Breakdown of year-on-year change in deposits balance》 (JPY Bn) Public sector and financial institutions Corporate Individual customers +102.4 +283.3 5,172.8 4,963.0 4,856.1 4,889.5 180.9 171.4 4,646.6 169.9 107.1 246.5 388.0 386.5 373.8 963.1 1,035.6 1,109.6 273.9 NCD 262.9 +43.7 +16.4 (+3.9%) 1,153.3 1,057.1 3,202.4 3,264.0 3,361.7 3,337.0 3,482.6 Mar-11 Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Dec-13 +120.8 (+3.5%) Corporate Public sector and financial institutions +283.3 (+5.7%) Individual customers 8 Individual Customer assets 《Individual Customer assets under custody (term-end balances)》 (JPY Public bonds Insurance Investment trusts +13.2 680.7 628.2 179.5 702.9 Under custody Foreign currency deposits JPY deposits 174.1 153.1 -25.9 3,830.6 628.2 218.2 3,909.2 693.9 +13.2 680.7 259.3 258.9 241.8 232.8 242.2 269.8 Mar-11 Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 +134.1 4,042.5 4,040.0 194.1 268.3 +8.9 (JPY Bn) 4,176.6 693.9 645.2 179.1 206.9 Bn) 《Total Individual Customer assets (term-end balances)》 21.2 645.2 702.9 13.7 -5.7 20.8 19.4 17.8 3,319.1 3,181.1 3,243.1 3,342.4 Mar-11 Mar-12 Dec-12 3,469.0 +126.6 272.5 +30.2 Dec-13 ※Insurance=Individual annuity insurance+Whole life insurance+Educational insurance Mar-13 Dec-13 9 Securities 《Unrealized Valuation Gains (Losses) on Other Securities (available-for-sale securities)》 (JPY 《Securities (term-end balances)》 (JPY Bn) Other securities Stocks Corporate bonds Municipal bonds Government bonds Duration of yen-denominated bonds 3.9years 3.5years 3.5years 3.8years 1,364.3 The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-Consolidated basis) Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.(Consolidated basis) 17.5 13.5 37.7 66.7 1,231.4 1,243.8 1,215.8 206.3 42.9 67.4 84.0 69.1 97.6 80.0 138.8 +41.2 78.3 -1.7 343.2 298.1 286.8 278.9 9.9 1,225.6 -7.9 311.6 237.4 -74.2 363.3 436.0 439.6 492.0 +52.4 Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 681.8 Mar-11 30.9 Dec-13 15.4 10.9 4.9 Mar-11 356.4 414.5 31.3 34.4 4.1years +9.8 371.7 34.9 Bn) Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Dec-13 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.(Consolidated basis)】 Mar-13 Dec-13 Other Securities 31.3 30.9 (available-for-sale) Bonds 11.5 3.4 Stocks 18.5 23.6 Others 1.2 3.8 Held-to-maturity 7.8 7.2 ※Yen-denominated bonds =Domestic bond + Yen-denominated foreign bond 10 Non-performing loans/Credit related costs 《Loans subject to mandatory disclosure under the Financial Reconstruction Law》 《Credit related costs》 Bankrupt and substantially bankrupt claims Doubtful claims Claims requiring supervision Non-performing loan ratio The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-Consolidated basis) Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis) 10.7 3.39% 3.32% 3.22% 3.20% (JPY Bn) (JPY Bn) 3.09% 8.6 -0.8 119.0 17.5 122.3 120.4 122.5 11.1 11.1 9.5 123.3 10.6 +1.1 5.6 5.0 4.5 75.4 77.5 76.4 81.3 73.4 3.8 -7.9 3.8 1.5 26.0 33.6 32.8 31.7 Mar-11 Mar-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 4.4 1.9 39.2 +7.5 Dec-13 FY10 FY11 3Q-FY12 FY12 3Q-FY13 11 Capital ratio(Domestic standard) 《Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis) 》 9.47% (JPY Bn) 《The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)》 9.70% 9.14% 8.63% 8.07% 8.38% 8.32% 246.8 236.2 218.9 209.8 7.45% Tier 1 Capital 6.67% 5.67% 6.03% Capital ratio 5.86% 182.9 180.3 5.08% 157.2 141.3 198.2 7.69% 9.17% 9.11% 8.54% 8.49% 8.36% Capital 252.9 (JPY Bn) 7.73% 242.4 209.3 193.6 219.9 225.9 249.1 232.0 203.5 Tier 1 Capital ratio 153.0 123.6 21.7Bn (capital increase through public offering) Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 12 This document may not be reproduced or distributed to any third party without prior written consent of Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. This document has been prepared for information purposes only and does not form part of a solicitation to sell or purchase any securities. Information contained herein may be changed or revised without prior notice. This document may contain forward-looking statements as to future results of operations. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results of operations may differ from those projected.
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