4-12-l Nakanarusawa Hitachi 316 」APAN ヽ︱ノ/ lbaraki University 2 Faculty of Engineering q Department of lnformation Science ﹄” by Tatsuya MO丁 OKI 多 → η ′ Pゝ A Note on Upper Bounds for Selection Problem Keywords : Minimum comparison selection, worst― case analysis, optimum sorting, computational complexity -2- 1. Introduction According to Knuth[6], the hiStOry of selection problem 9oes back to RevoC.L.DodgsOn[2]who pOinted out in 1883 that the second best player often loses the second prize in lawn― tennis tournaments; about 1930 Hugo Steinhaus posed the problem of finding the minimum number of tennis matches required to select the first― and second‐ best players from π contestants, assuming a transitive ranking: and now the Steinhaus problem is generalized to our selection problem of finding the worst― case minimum number of comparisons y。 numbers. (η )required to select the t― th largest from れ distinct By symmetry, we have L(η )=L`づ +1(4)・ Thus we may assume that lく hroughout this paper lo92 iS denoted づ ≦ :l`1. 丁 by 19・ Many people have made efforts to give good upper/1ower bOunds fOr the problem. As for lower bounds, Kirkpatrick[5] unified the theory: he showed that 回 l d e ︲ i a t e d f s A u s ︲ a e c r ﹃ 叫 i s r s e t a h t l 2 0 d c 一 n t a h t d n a u p r o 協ヽ u e ∝ r L多 h t 。 a Iず lts. 0 See Kirkpatrick[5]for a paper Hadian and Sobel[3] showed that +(じ -1)Rg(4_じ +21. )y― じ りη (2) Several refinements(e,go Hyafil[4], Vap[8])were dOne by constructing variants of the Hadian― Sobel algorithm, but these are all essentially small improvements on (2); the Hadian― Sobel algorithm and its variants 3- ne9d θ(4194)cOmparisOns when t嗜 . Until 1972 it was not known Whether the selection problem inherently needs Blum et al.[1]obtained the Schё nhage Schё nhage val ues θ(η )upper bOund3 and further study, due to づ,1, i.e・ et al.[7], led tO a much sharper upper bound for ア レ/21(4)<34+ο Since θ(419η )comparisOns; finall y, =「 (η )。 et al.'s scheme can be easily generalized for general of ι, we obtaln (4) for everyう 。 L(4)」 が° (3) Let us now consider a question: For what values of わ asymptotically surpassed ? r ttdrぷ u鴛 where p=0.203688 。 for づくpη o ι (3)can be Blum et al.[1]cOnsidered the similar question 學型IIttI「 √茅 for O<q」 Thus their (♀ :lη +ο (4))― al gOri thm HOw about the case of Schδ nhage et al.'s ? (4) can be surpassed After a rough comparison of (2)and (3), the Hadian― Sobel algorithm is seen to give a better upper bound than Schё nhage et al.'s only for very small values e Ы tt ¨ に おrづ 七 .ht∞ 面deri明 訥 's result, this d d. ought to be considerably improved. In this note, we generalize (4)by applying the Blum et al.'s scheme to a general (θ η+ο (4))― algorithm, and show that the qeneralized result can be surpassed when we apply the scheme to the generalized Schё et al。 's (34+ο (4))― a190ri thmo nhage ln addition, we show that there exists an asymptotically optimal selection algorithm provided that Explicitly speaking, our results are: 4- づ=ο (4). f f f 」 (iil)Ifじ =ο (4),ち (4)=が ο (η )。 f f f 却 g (il) m su λ rLH 9 n ﹂洲 O t 十 C e ︲ e却 s g r H r l. o f 2 h l t 一 m ︺″ +1(4) 0 + )) ︲ . r ↑ (θ η+ο (η g θ l l ′ ︲′ ︲ ︲ ↓︲︲ a く ・ (1)If there exlsts a 9=0 0く 9<itiL 農 9=0 0<9<: 塞 2. A19orithm In this section, we introduce an algorithm, due to Blum et al.[]], which asymptotically surpasses Schё nhage et al.'s for づく ・ 丁he contestants :η really constitute a tOta1 0rdered seti but the order is initially not known, and at any stage the algorithm's knowledge of inequality relations between contestants is given by a partial order or equivalently a Hasse diagram; for example e。 lndicates that b<a, dく a and dく c. The following is an algorithm obtained from B]um et al。 's by interchanging step l and step 2. A19orithm SELEC丁 [A,ρ ] (丁 his algorithm selects the ι―th largeSt from η distinct elements. be chOsen lateri p is any positive constant and A is any algorithm 丁his contains two parameters p and A which will solving the selection problem。 ) 1. If じ>Pη , then select the t― th largest by using a19orithm A. -5- 舞 ︰l L s A了 ︱ 1 0 t e p OII10 C e r a ︻ P m O C n o ● e m r o e ・ l o a ︲ η h n a oTlli■o o e t l . t r a P 2 lnto pairs and possibly one leftover, and (0) ︱︰ L 知 3. Select the じ―th largest m from larger elements of step 2 by using (recursively)SELEC丁 [A,p]. discard 4. Discard all elements known to be larger than m, since these cannot be the t― th largest. 5。 Select the t― th largest from the remaining elements by using algorithm A. 3. Analysis (4))― al gOri thm. ズ9)=脚 7 +ο (ο η e S W A In this section, investigate how SELECT[A,p]can Surpass a general a matter of convenlence, we lntroduce a notation (η Su ″ 巧 ― ) ,3,」・ (5) 丁heorem l If there exists a (θ η+ο (4))― algorithm fOr select10n, call ed PICK(θ ), then SELEC丁 [PICK(θ ),ft「 │]bringS abOut a upper bOund if 9=o 砦 ng却 if O<9<が if iが Pr00fo ,3 Let p be any positive number, and let o(じ ,4,P)be the wOrst― case number of cOmparisons required in SELECT[PICK(θ ),p]. O(じ ,η ,P)="+ο (4) for Obviously じ>ρ η。 (6) For づ<pれ , since SELECT[PICK(θ ),P]is called l釧 t=「 times and for each 」―th ca1ling, 1く Jく 多, the number of cOntestants is r/2」 ′ L, 頑 ち ち J二 ぜ 夏些 /2も +θ step 2 = η―η/2t /2ち も 14/2tl■ tlべ “step l 初■ al→ ) step 5 +ο 4/2t +2θ tづ +ο (4) = η+(θ -1)η /2t+2θ tづ +ο (κ )。 (7) By combining (6)and (7), we obtain aれ p可 :〔 卜 e 〓 P ¨ 洲一 物 Setting 0 from (5), θ v < f1︲︲ノ 劉︲︲ . . 9 丁hus a liZ Q 島鋼 タバ 111″ 2L釧 受ο and the factり η)」 (づ ,η ,P) -1)/2「 θ lg号 1+2θ 9 1gテ │: :]│<P if Oく 9>P the theorem. Q.E:D. -7- It should be noted that setting p=f:l minimizes the right hand side Of (9); thus we cannot obtain a better upper bound from (9). 丁o see this, let F(P,9)be the right hand side of (9), and remember that p is an arbitrary positive number in (9)。 ob宙 ously For 9=0, the proposition is true.For 9>0,since nヴ vattes over{1,2,3… }面 th varying over{′ 19、 P},and since Oく ゥ Pヽ implies P(P,9)=θ =1+(σ -1)/20+2θ 9oO, we obtaln mi np>OF(P,9)=min{1+(ο -1)/2た +2θ た引 た=0,1,2,...}. Now by an elementary analysis, -1)/2た +2θ た 面n{1+(θ … 1)/2た +2ο た 91た =6,1,2,...〕 =1+(θ 9 if and only if (1)た =O andが , +2)多 Hence 9 1 1 9 降撃 一 一 一 一 〓 ′ F 0 > p m n f / f / 降 or(ii)た >l and(θ -1)/(θ `2た くθ_1)/(θ・2た +1)。 がタ 2た +2θ た 9 ・2た り and(θ -1)バ θ lgf::1 +2ο 2「 +2)≦ 9119f:11 9<(ο -1)/(θ・2た +1) ::h::wi:〔 As a corollary of the proof of ttheorem l, we have: Corollary 2 Proof. val ues =ο (4),■ (4)〓 がο 1f ι (4)。 ° Let P be any positive constant. ofれ , we + l+■ η I尊 }軍 丁hen for sufficient large 雰ly(r),T孝 │メ 軌算学 8 丁hus ■(4)=1. lim 4- Q.E.D。 η From (3)and ttheOrem l, we Obtain if 9=0 if O<9く き if呂 Can this be surpassed ? Let us nOw reconsider the proof Of ttheOrem l. Suppose that p is any positive number, and that GS denotes the generalized Sch6nhage et al.'s algorithm. GS is roughly given in Fig.1. The initial step of GS is a pairing step; especially fOr GS invoked at step 5 of SELEC丁 [GS,p], the initial pairing step is tO fOrm a Hasse diagram ′ 1 1 ′ 1 ︰ 1 l l ′ ヽ ′ 、 一 ・ 4 1 .多 ・ p e 卜 e ・ e S s a constitute V t ︶ H ¨ a s S a slnce after 9 1 1 6 0 9 1 1 6 01110 01110 But we can comparlsons Out of these づ (Or づ-1)comparisOns, of SELEC丁 [GS,P]the remaining 2づ (Or 2づ -1)elements diagram (0) 丁hus (7)can be improved in SELEC丁 [GS,p]: ■ ― at“ ,Pと IJ=fL4/it+澄 十 ο /2ち (η /2ι )+t(3(2づ )― (づ J)+θ (じ )) step 2 = 丁his η+21 tn+5ι ι+ο (4) leads to the following theorem in the same manner that (7) leads Theorem l. 丁heorem 3 if 9=0 if O<9<: if墓 4 In conclusion, the bounds for 7(9), due tO ttheorem 3 and (1), are illustrated in Fig。 2. Note that for (2た +1)づ ―(2た +1)<η <(2た 号 Fg型 1:ユ 1=││+1 :: li:i:IIlillll;:ll:〔 f t た > 2 1 ′ヽ + 一 1 .多 + た > 1 2 + ′ヽ 1 < + η た < 2 > l 2た +1) 1 f 2た +1) / 1 < 1 [ 一 。多 o多 o多 一 η ︱ 1 . 1 百け . + ︱ < ¨ ¨ ・・ ‘ Of し■+1+1)<9<1/(2た 1/(2た +1+1),た -1, た>0 +1), 同一 f f 9 た 一 2 y 一 r た a rヽ 1 + 1 た o r 降 o c a > 一 〇 9 t < 7 This leads 多 . 多 ヽノ . l た た r Σ <ぅ _21lg嘲 Oく 」 2た +1) -1, 0く た, │_2 小釧 ん 一 丁hus +1+1)づ Acknowl edgments l wish to thank the referee for his kind and detailed comments, and Profo J.Takeda for his careful reading. 二10- >0 References [1]M.Bl um, RoW.Floyd, V.Pratt, R.L.Rivest and R.E.丁 arjan, 丁ime 3ounds for Selection, 」.Comput.Systems Sci. 7(1973)448-461. [2]C.LoDodgson, StoJames's Gazette, August l(1883)5-6. [3]A.Hadian and M.Sobel, Selecting the t― th Largest Using Binary Errorless Comparisons, 丁echoRep.121, Dept. of Statist。 [4]L.Hyafil, Bounds for SelectionD SIAM , Univ. of Minneapolis, 1969. 」.Comput. 5(1976)109-114. [5]DoGoKi rkpatrick, A Unified Lower Bound for Selection and Set Partitioning Problems, 」.ACM 28(1981)150-165。 [6] DoE.Knuth, ::The Art of Computer Programmingi', voll.3 Sorting and Searching, Addison― Wesl ey, 1973. [7]A.Schё nhage, M.Paterson and N.Pippenger, Finding the Median, JoComput. Systems Sci。 13(1976)184-199. [8] C.K.Yap, New Upper Bounds for SelectiOn, Commun.ACM 19(1976) 501-508. -11- IMI NAttABLE? Fig.1. -12- い e p \p u い r bound (≒ ,等 ) け ,争 ゃ e w \o ︲ (缶 ,2)(告 r bound (き ,評 ) (与 ,り Fig.2. -13-
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