8 月 16 日 (土) 弊社代表の渡辺 誠がシンガポールで行われる 誠がシンガポールで行われる IAF 国際コンファレンスにて 国際コンファレンスにて「AI 「AI in 120 min – Appreciative Approach for Work(120 Work-Life Balance」 Balance」 (120 分で行う AI~ワークライフバランス) AI~ワークライフバランス)のワークシ ~ワークライフバランス)のワークシ ョップを行います。 ョップを行います。 C1: AI in 120 min – Appreciative Approach for WorkWork-Life Balance Date 16 August 2014, Saturday Time Morning Workshop AI in 120 min – Appreciative Approach for Work-Life Balance- Synopsis In these days we are having difficult time in balancing/harmonizing work and life because of rapid social, economical, and technical changes. Those environmental changes include 1) more women are joining work force which makes it necessary to share child rearing and household chores between men and women, 2) advances and diffusion of IT technologies are blurring the boundaries of work place and home, 3) Globalization of business and economy is accelerating mobility and demanding more business trip overseas and web conferences late at night. In this session we will explore future possibilities for building fulfilling relations between work and life in these drastic environmental changes. Also we will learn the essence of Appreciative Inquiry method and how we can customize and get the best of AI in as short as three hours. Max Pax 25 Facilitator Kazuaki Katori Profile Profile Mr. Kazuaki Katori is OD consultant and experienced facilitator. During his 40 years business career in telecommunications company, he experienced various top management positions. He is an author of several books on the World Cafe and other workshop metrics and facilitation (all in Japanese language) He also translated and published ‘The World Cafe’(Juanita Brown, David Issacs) and ‘Future Search’ (Marv Weisbord, Sandra Janoff) He presented concurrent sessions at IAF Seoul(2010) and Shenzhen(2012) Facilitator Max Watanabe Profile Mr. Max Watanabe is Distinguished Faculty member of Diana Whitney’s Corporation for Positive Change, Head of AI interest committee in ODNJ. Many experience of conducting consultation and workshop based on Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry. Conference session conducted at European Positive Psychology Association in 2013 and at ODNJ yearly conference in 2012 and many others.
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