NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title On a New Variety of Aegagropila Sauteri Found in Lake Yamanaka Author(s) Okada, Yoshikazu Citation 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.5, pp.30-33; 1957 Issue Date 1957-02-28 URL Right This document is downloaded at: 2015-01-30T17:46:24Z 3 0 B u l l e t i no ft h eF a c u l t yo fF i s h e r i e s,N a g a s a k iU n i v e r s i t y ,N o .5 ,1 9 5 7 On a New Variety Found of Aegagropila in Lake Yoshikazu Sauteri Yamanaka OKADA o u rs p e c i e so f Aegagrotila have s of a r been reported from I n Japan,f e s i d e s2 5l o c a l i t i e si n Hokkaido and t h e northern p a r to fHonsh合 andb s p e c i e sareknown from t h e southern Kuri 1e s and S a g h a l i e n .( s e et h ekey annexedhereto) A newsmalls p e c i e so ftheg e n t i shasrecentlybeenIoundi nLakeYamanaka,i nthec e n t r a lp a r to ft h emaini s l a n do fJapan,onApri 11 6byMr .T. ,P r i n c i p a lo fYamanakaprimaryschoo1 . SUGIURA LakeYamanaka,one o ft h es o c a l l e d FiveLakeso f Mt. F u j i , "l i e s9 8 2 tt h e eastern f o o to f Mt.F u j i,andcoversan meters{abovethes e a l e v e l,a 1ometers,measuring 1 3. 5 ki 10meters i n circumferareaabout6.49squareki H , - e n c e . Themaximumdepthoft h el a k ei ssounded1 5metersandt h ebottom i sr a t h e rf l a tandshallw,composedmost 1y o fv o l c a n i csandandp e b b l e s . Thisa l g ai sknownt ogrowa t6s t a t i o n si nt h el a k e .( s e et h emap) Yamabushl Paaa ( , a L / . KE YArt l ANAKA ~~~O ~~1 ・ 2 ・) ・ 35 2弓I N . 91 府→ o 』 ・ ー ー 工 kc. F i g .1 . Map s h o w i n g Lake Yamanaka and t h es t a t i o n s where t h e new Aegag γo P i l awasf o u n d .( d e n o t e dbyd o t t e d1 in e s ) The b a l l s h a p e df r o n d sa r eo n l yf o u n da t“A" s t a t i o n ,wheret b e water t e m p e r a t u r e,i n5m e t e r sd e p t h ,was m easured 1 8 . 6 4C ., pH8 . 1 and 0 2c c / l 2 . 8 2onA u g .6 ,1 9 5 6 . h e r earesomes p r i n g sa tt h e bottom o ft h el a k e and At. t h e s es t a t i o n s,t t h ea l g ai s found i n a shape something l i k eab a l l under t h ei n f l u e n c eof r o t a t i o n caused by t h e current o ft h es p r i n g s . This b a l l s h a p e d type o f ・5m etets i n depth and r a r e ; and algai sfounda tr a t h e rs h a l l o wp l a c e s,1 mosto ft h ea l g ai sfoundi nt h etypeo fane n t a n g l e d -masso ft h ef i 1a m e l l t s 0 句 31 :and grows in the deeper places than that of the ball−shaped ones where the current of the springs has no influence. The ball−shaped type appears green colored, and the diamete’r is measur− ed 13 cm., 5cm. in maximum, and usually one pebble, rarely two, enclosed 欝繕 in the center of the frond; and this ball−shaped frond is soft, consisting of radiating and loosely interwined branched filaments. 襲一 懸 灘 醗 “藁沸写 P樗 瀞雑乃 華凌 鞭 灘 灘 Fig. 2. AegagroPila Sauteri (NEEs) KuTz. var・ ptamanakaensis OKADA. (ball−shaped fronds) As far as 1 know, this species of AegagroPila, described as follows, has rnany characteristics which have not been found in other known species of the genus, and the writer named and described it as a new variety of Aegagropila Sauteri (NESS) KOTZ・ to commemorate the first locality where it was discovered. Recently, the second locality has been discovered in Lake Kawaguchi, which also lieS at the foot of Mt. Fuji, near Lake Yamanaka, as one of the so−called “Five Lakes of Mt. Fuji”, but no precise report has been heard of before the writer wrote this report. Aega..ropila Sauteri (NEES) KVTz. var. ya:nanakaensig OKADA var. nov. Planta laetevirens, pulchra, sphaerica vel paullo irregularis; frondibus rninoribus, ellipsoideis vel fusiformibus, 1−3 cm. diam. (maximis usqua ad 5 cm.), in centro nidulantibus lapillum O.5−2 mm. diam., densissime radiatim ramosis, mollibus; cellulae rami cylindricae, 60−80 IL diam., 5−9−plo longiores quam latae; cellulae laterales elongato−cylinericae 50−70 pa diam., 6−10−plo loagiores quam latae; cellulae ramuli inferiores oppositi vel alterni, super− jores secundi, sub angulo 200−300 egressae ; ramis rhizoideis paucissimis. JaPanese name: Fuji−marimo (n. n.) 32 Local吻::Lake Yamanaka, Minami−tsuru−gun, Yamanashi Prefecture. (Discovered by T. SuGluRA, April 6, 1956; TYpe・in Herb. Yoshikazu OKA− DA, no. c!56−1., Collected .by.Yoshikazu OKADA, Sept. 9,一・1956) Habitat: Growing at a depth of, about一 1一一一一5 .meters, lying on the sandy bottom of the lake. Distribution: Endemic. Remarks: The above−mentioned variety is most closely related to AegagroPila Sauteri (NESS) KUTz. from Lake Akan in Hokkaid6 へ in the shape and measuremeht of the cell, and also the angles’ 盾?@branching but it dif− fers from the ・latter・ this variety is not so s 覇 rigid but flexible and enclosing the pebble in the center of the ball−shaped frond. N[Nl ・」・ And, moreover, the ball−shaped frond of this variety the maximum’一size i’s not so large ごead ce1ユ. rh!zo;d 一−L鰍 1 Fig・ 3・ Upper patt of a filament of Ae. Sauteri (NEEs) KuTz. var・ yamanakaensis OKADA. showing the branching mode) cells and a rhizoid. as that of AgeagroPila Sauteri (NESS) KVTz. 33 今← 憩 今← Key to the species of Ae ga gropila hitherto be known from Japan and its surrounding areas. ・ 、.1・.・ Frond ba11。shaped・…・・……………・……………………・・…………………………2 ・{F・・n⑳・t ball一・ha面∴」……轟論df鑑濫耀臨 Cells cylindrical………..・……..・_…._.._…_………… ………………・・… …・3 2{C。11,n。t。ylind。i、a1…..……………∵_……………..……_,…….1….……4 13轄::1灘鱒1鑓耀欝糠 ら Frond compact…・・…・…・・・・………………・…・…………・…・・………………・・……・5・ 4{F,。ndh。11。wゑd..…..…∴….一_..一.….………..….L…∴.………..」…….6 Cells davate……………………・………・・…Ae。 minima(OKADA)0:KADA幹. (Sakyδ一numa in N. Honshfi) 5 Cells swollen……………・・…・………………………………Ae. Kannoi TOK DA (:Lake Tδba in S. Saghalien) Frond with pebble・・…・………・・…・…・…….…・・………Ae. Km ilensis NAGA1. (Naebo・numa in S. KUriles) 6 Frond without pebble…………………Ae. S3uteri Borgeanq.NORDSTEDT (Chimikeppu i.n且okkaid6) ee This species was previously described under the name a’s fOllows, but emended here as an independent species because of the specific characters were clear− ed afterwards. syn. AegagroPila Sauteri (NEEs) KuTz・ var. ninima OKADA. in Bull・ ’Ndt Sc. Mus. 32, 99−103 (1953) ・ ε良RATA・ 1’ 堰樗 E/ A 1陣下舵 門 1琳瀞署し醜 s『、 −,・ /g. P勘夢臨,・ C!献頴摺 ・・ .む 1画面. .下カラ1年 励鵬、 ・Tab.‘1・ su照諏()u畝 隻 1落 lt P曾。o結く∴ 〈鼠廊も誌γ 鼠。礁> i!?.v∂鶉、 $縫ゆ㈱獣《’ くg〈:e “gG 〉 i(s¢金勉萬〉「 332、 下唾ヲ5. 、二〇¥鑑£二一 』1 と 5窮駆卿εψS’Sご巌ひ3ε蔽み x? ミ し 縄elつ・evrS 糖鋤M謁鴇 ・、 、『Il’ ’e’ w久陀.. ・W磁触e 、 1・ l i引郭’. ilK・9霜 ・.㍉.』K慧噛 四四 ユ 囲 』{ぐ鷺羅1.1〈騰蕊∼$ 3 1』 i9ゆ} oε羅/御1 Tκ11「}三脚1.海船ぐiV { .一 iS’ trab,1 鳳b。1 ド1, ま _ }. … g
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