o shi-harai go-nyu-kin o-azu-ke-ire お支払い ご入金 御預け入れ kin-gaku-shou-mei tsuchou kinyu tsuchou kurikosu o-furikae kin-gaku tori-keshi kakunin tei-sei 金高証明 通帳記入 通帳繰越 お振替 金額 取り消し 確認 訂正 correction confirm cancel amount transfer of funds get new bankbook update bankbook show balance money transfer deposit withdraw English Meaning 営業時間 tsucho 通帳 ■notes - shihei 紙幣 ■ coins - koka 硬貨 ■Out of Order - shiyou chūshi 使用中止 ■In Operation - o-toriatsukaichuu お取り扱い中 ■thousand (Yen) - man 千 ■ten thousand (Yen) - man 万 ■cash - genkin 現金 ■bankbook - ■Handling Fee - te-suh-ryoh 手数料 ■opening hours - ei-gyou-ji-kan ■PIN – ansho-bango 暗証番号 ★Useful Vocabulary ©Nagoya International Center 2008 - All Rights Reserved - zandaka-shokai 残高照会 お振込 o-furi-komi o-hiki-dashi お引き出し お振り込み Reading ATM Screen whizz. Please be aware that terms for common functions vary from bank to bank. cash. Use our guide to get a grip with the “other” buttons on the ATM screen and become an ATM Most smaller regional banks do not. ATMs can be used for a lot more things than just withdrawing Most large nationwide banks have an English option, but only offer a very limited choice of services. Survival Japanese - # 4 - At the ATM / Cash Machine - Survival Japanese -
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